Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester. And today.

We're going to be talking about the g30 sf tech. So sf tech means straight flight technology it's the g30 for slicers basically well g30 it's the g30 for people hit it to the right and how it's designed and how it's worked a bit like some other drivers that have been out there in the past how to stop the ball going to the right i think they've used quite a clever way of doing this because from visual standpoint behind the ball you can't really tell there's any difference at all the club is not towed in it's not scuff it doesn't look hard behind the ball the thing that they've changed is this weight in the bottom of the golf club. So that normally on the normal g30 which i'll hit in a minute is smack bang behind the middle of the club face this isn't now. So the actual weight is more towards the heel. So as the club starts to come in the toe will start to speed up. And make the ball go further to the left than what we'd either want or further to the left than what you're normally hitting it to really so if you hit the ball to the right this will make the ball go slightly further to the left it will not fix slice that's lessons that swing. And everything else that'll fix slice but it'll help you not hit the ball quite as far to the right i'm going to show you that information as well i can't hit this to the right i can only hit this left even when i try i'm going to show you that in a minute. So i've got the gc2 on i've got the simulator software so you can see you've got the straight line down the middle of the fairway. And that's i'm going to aim straight down that line we'll see what the technology of this club head does to move it obviously like the normal g30 it's got the turbulators on the top they reduce drag make the club head travel faster. So if you you know the tests have proven that to be the case as well right i'm going to hitting real golf balls now like i said at start the video what i love about this. For certainly for a golfer who i don't want to see the ball i don't want to hit the ball left but it doesn't look like the ball is going to go left from this point. So that club face is exactly the same as the normal g30 club face from that location exactly the same it's only the weight at the bottom it's different right let's hit this. So i'm gonna aim to hit this dead straight see what happens it just left it's so far left it wasn't me that might have normally gone left anyway but that went left left left and again it's just that weight in the club the weight is making the club face aim further to the left i say it won't fix slice it'll just help you hit the ball less to the right let's go another one left again almost identical spot now that is a long way left granted it's an awful long way left. But for a player who draws the golf ball normally that's what's going to happen with this driver. For me that's what is going to happen that's a long way down that left-hand side not what i want to do now i'm going to test something now if i hit my normal g30. So this is the g30 with the weight in the middle of the head. So it's not towards the heel i'm going to show you what the differences are. And that's the shot i would normally hit with my g30 see that little tiny draw but look at the other shots how much further to the left they went so that's my normal golf shot like i said i do draw the golf ball. So the straight fly isn't suited to me however. if you slice it so i'm going to put a slice golf swing on my g30. So i'm going to cut across it i'm going to make the ball curve viciously to the right you can see that on the screen that is a vicious vicious curve off to the right. And that was my swing if you're a slice of the golf ball that's the swing that you would do. And that's why you take golf lessons to try and fix that shot however. if i do a slice swing with this club i'm going to do exactly exactly the same golf swing this time see the ball went straight left i didn't curve left. So the club face is aiming further to the left at contact it's projecting the golf ball further to the left i'm going to try. And slice this one again really try and carve across it straight left and the shot the same shot with my g30 would have been 100 yards to the right exaggeration but it would have been a long way to the right i almost can't hit this club to the right this is like. So this is a straight flight i'm not saying that if you hit the ball to the right it could still go to the right it'll just go with this technology less to the right. And you're one more mega slice i'm really going to try. And slice the unsliceable driver in my or the the driver that moves too far to the left right i'm going to really slice this one that's as far as i can make that ball turn that's as far as i can physically slice that golf club. And it's gone next.

To the flag that is honestly that's me trying to slice that shot now the the path into the ball is still flawed there was still error there was errors in that golf swing there was there was catastrophic errors they still need a dressing. So if you're looking at this video saying this is going to be a magic wand to fix it it's not it's gonna potentially help you hit the ball less to the right i'm gonna go one more with my normal g30 with the same swing. And look at the slice huge movement off to the right both those two goal shots off to the right on the screen there are with my conventional g30. So guys the g30 sf tech driver looking down doesn't look any different to the normal one but the technology behind it for me it works it works it stops the ball going as far to the right it'll make you hit the ball slightly further to the left than what you normally hit it to keep bearing it in mind this is not a super club this is not fixing your slice it is not. And ping aren't claiming that but they're saying that if you slice it off massive to the right this will hit slightly less to the right all right guys take that as you wish feel free to test it let us know what you think comment down below like the video. And also subscribe click the link down here right now that will give you exclusive. And first views to every video that i first put up okay gonna do that right now guys thanks. For watching and the straight flight technology is definitely not going in my bag cause i would hit this i would never even hit the golf course i'm gonna stick to the conventional one at the moment thanks. For watching guys and we'll see y'all soon.