Hi guys my name is Rick shields down here traffic girl central Manchester. And today.

We're going to be in a head-to-head the new ping g30 is going to battle against the slightly older Jean 25. So it's not that long but it's Arnie got a new one to be fair problem out yeah. But we've got a couple little bit of differences between these two golf clubs so on paper this should be a difference there should be because of the difference in laughs and where the center of gravity is moved etc etc I've got this in 75. And 9 and so when we test in each one of them and head-to-head against the obviously the other one there's a couple little differences between the golf clubs and cosmetically not a great deal they're kind of saying that the new one's a little bit slimmer I'm struggling to see that it has definitely got a little bit more offset the new G 30 compared to G 25 that's noticeable and and the new G 30 is just got slightly darker finish again. So if I was to set these two behind the golf ball I can see that the G third is definitely the one that's got the dark ahead. So I just had to check but it has got the dark add to it now what the G 30 claiming that they've moved the center of gravity down and back you can check out me independent review of the G 30 in the window up here did that completely separate to this challenge. And so the move the central government you down and back and they've changed the loft structure slightly on the G 32 compared to G 25 so on a 7-iron there's a 1.5 degree difference in favor of the g36 this is 30.5 where the g25 is 32 degrees of loft. For the 7-iron that gets a little bit stronger with the 5 answers to degree difference the new 5 vine is 24 degrees where the old one used to be 26. But the 9 irons are completely the same loft. So they're both 40 degrees so we're going to hit some shots with real golf balls down here on GC 2. And kind of show you what which of these do golf clubs are going a little bit further if if any which one I don't think it's going to be much difference in E if it I really really don't the only thing that the g30 might just have on its side is that central gravity low. And back might just make that ball go a little bit higher but with the extra bit of the lofting they should it should be an even battle but I'm pay for the G 30 should still slightly go further so let's test that theory out I'm going to hit seven I first then.

Move on to the five then.

Move on to the nines. And a little bit of a different grip so the new grips not got the ping symbol on which I quite like apt I'll be honest with you I like the pink sin will be non it gives us a point of reference on the grip. And they've got a couple of lines on the new one but the reason why they've brought that one out is. But to sit in line with the G 30 driver because it's got an adjustable neck now they wanted a grip that then.

One didn't have a reminder on at all and also one that would look completely different in any way that you turn it so that kind of make sense so the manufacturers have gone down that route also right so $7.99 would normally hit near to 170 so let's see what this 79 does this is the G 25 first I said I think the offset is just the only notable thing from the top you can't really see the one. And a half degree difference in lot not at all it's a definite lower ball flight consider I've just been hitting the G 30s felt nice though 174 good cloud good hit and it's actually only traveled zip less than a yard off line I like it that was nice. And definitely not not as high so the peak height of that was 42 yards up in the air. So we're going to see if this changes that this is now the G 30 even though it's got less loft because that sense gravity down. And back it should go a little bit launch it a little bit higher let's see if that theory is true it's definitely a different ball flight it's not quite as high actually. But it has gone further now there's only six yards of fly so I wield wield class that has been a relatively straight shot still it's got a hundred and eighty-one yards 181 so I'm going to take the averages of these shots anyway. But definitely g30 I'm surprised about so maybe out slightly wrong with the launch angle the launch angle is about the same in fact the g30 was a little bit lower. So we'll see that was only one shot let's test it let's hit another one it's got g25 again. So we used to tear both of these two golf clubs not as far that time interesting than 162 quite a quite a drop-off in distance and I felt like I hit that nicely as well although I've got both of these two in the stock steel stiff shafts as well so they're in exactly the same shafts right g30 gun well that was nice 181 again only a little bit off line we get elastic less than ten yards. So it's still an accurate shot 181 again big big hit right so so far the g30 is absolutely smashing the g25 out the park surprisingly it's interesting that my first predictions of the ball should be going higher than whether it's visually different it's actually not going any higher it's about the same height. So that's interesting because I would expect the bit to be a little bit of a difference in height right g25 that one was nice okay let's just come to the party 182 now whether that's just telling us that the g25 is not quite as consistently long potentially I mean I feel like I've hit all those pretty much solid only three yards of target as well right one more. For the G 30 now at the moment the summary of what that what the data is giving out there is it is very very little different in the maximum distance these two golf clubs can hit about the 180 mark which is big. For us every nine you know I'm like so normally about 170 so the only thing that's going to be separating these two is consistency of distance. So it's good G thirty one more time it's gorgeous really nice right yeah 182. So the G 30 is actually hit 181 181 182 it's big very big where the g25 definitely hit I mean longest one was 182 as well. So it matched up with the distance but it just hit a couple of scrappy ones 174 still long and the one six two just quite short so whether the consistency level on the g25 is not as good as the g 30. But in relation to high loft everything else it's very very accurate very similar which is interesting because I kind of thought they were going to be a little bit more of a difference between those two. But for consistently longer so far the G 30 is just picking that right that's the 7-9. So just remind you that was a one point five degree of difference in loft in favor of the G 30. So it's a little bit stronger right the five irons though now I've just done a test with the G 30 in a 5-iron with pretty powerful we're going to compare that against the g25 now there's a two degree difference in loft between these two about 24 about 26. So that's going to be interesting to see if there's much of a difference than between these two I'm going to go G 25 first let's see what this does I would say no about 195 iron around that mark let's see what this is G 25 does now it was interesting that wasn't middle middle middle wasn't crossed right in the center. But still travel the hundred and ninety five yards so still a good good solid connection good solid hit solid distance should we say considering that wasn't middled so for the consistency factor that's pretty good let's go G 25 ad sorry G 30 apologize mm just a little bit off the bottom 199 yards though so considering that was just a fraction off the bottom it's got a little bit wider there it's not being quite as accurate we're on the 7-iron I would say both of the g25. And G 30 was just as accurate as each other. So the G 30s currently just picking it only by four yards oh good 198 that's the G 25 hitting at 198 yards all the way guys these are all carry distances reason why I can say it. So quickly before the ball lands is because the GC 2 gives that data almost immediately it measures what the golf ball does right let's go G 30 now I know what this club is capable of doing. And that's not it that's not it that was a horrible horrible strike I was right the bottom of the Gulf cooled completely my farm gonna hit another one because of that that was better somewhere nearer to the other strikes to keep it consistent 201 yards of carry distance that's it that's an awesome hit again with the G 30 now interestingly the the high has changed slightly there's definitely a dish difference in the GT height compared to G 25. So that's interesting right one more with the g25 200 yards on the nose it's a little bit further to the right putting these little bit right and left but 100 and 200 yards bang on the nose so it's just again just highlighting the consistency factor in the ease of hit for a longer golf club certainly if you're a golfer that's maybe replace the hybrid long iron now with a hybrid it might be worth trying one of the pink clubs at the G 30 because of the advantage of high launch with the low loft you hit a 5-iron but really you're hitting a full round in theory right it's got one more with the G 30 god 201 yards of carry distance again so look at the average of those three because I think there's going to be a definite favoring of the G 30 which on paper they should be because it's got less loft again you know that makes sense. But surprised if there was much of a difference right last Club 9-iron we're going to hit kind of one. Or two of these because these are the same loft. So I don't see any difference to these two golf clubs whatsoever about part from the slight difference in the offset so this is the G 25 first at 145 150 would be my mark 144 it's pretty pretty bubble. And exactly down target line one more with the nine yeah 143. So no no difference like that this is more of a token just just to highlight that the differences in distance will come mainly from the longer golf with rather than the shorter let's go G 30 on four three exactly what I expect I talk to see any difference between these two golf clubs whatsoever apart from the number at the bottom is in the g25 orgy 30 yeah no difference over there's those at all you know could hit those all day. And it'd be no separation right. So guys if we look at some of the data and we can kind of summarize some of that information up is that. So the G 30 does hit it up a slightly more consistent basis. But is there going to be enough evidence. For to make you guys look at changing compared to G 25 I'm not too sure but I'm going to put that in your hands now it's the information I've received from this Golf Club the G 30 does go longer it's slightly more accurate. And consistent with the numbers as well but separate these two golf clubs is not a great deal even on paper I would say there'd be a little bit more guys do go. And try them yourselves I always recommend that I'm just sure I'm just trying to showcase and tell you what the products are I want you then.

To go. And test them to suit your game and that's the big thing it's not me you've got to get costal fit with ping as well it's really key you know you've got to go at the right chart and the right length and everything else so going well at every club. Or certainly with the pink stuff and you can check out my channel by clicking. And subscribing to the link down below and check out my next.

Video just here and guys out with my little head-to-head between the new G 30 against the g25 not much in it but it could change your game for the better thanks for watching guys we'll see awesome.