[music] hi guys my name's rick shiels and we are down here today.

At ping europe um head to head this is the one that we've been waiting. For it's the new ping g30 with turbulator technology against loft up against taylormade sldr this is my current driver this is the taylormade sldr430 head slightly smaller head 12 degrees kylie shaft the one i got fitted down at wentworth against the one that the guys here at ping of now said is going to suit me better um this is 10. And a half degrees then.

The central gravity has gone back with the g30 if you've not checked out my g30 review you can check that in the window up here because i'll tell you a little bit about reasons why they've moved the central gravity back. But we're gonna do a head-to-head here now we're gonna do it on five shots each with real golf balls ping down here use uh strixing ad triple threes which is a pretty solid decent ball uh i'm gonna hit five with the sldr five with the ping g30 we're gonna put the numbers together on trackman. And we're going to see which of these two is going to go into the bag see which one is going to go furthest i think the ping will be more forgiving because it's a bigger head um. And like say the spin on the sldr will be less that's my predictions from the start. So it's going to be a close match up let's see how we get on hello forever oh if it beats that i'd be impressed that should be massive hello [Music] right guys. So just on the test i've hit five golf balls with each club and i'll turn it so that we wouldn't see a bias between either one so i've done five alternate shots with real ad triple three golf balls that down they have down here at pink and so we had the my current sldr 430 against the ping g30 what's the 30 scored on and we've got the trackman figures this is this is very very interesting reading. So i'm going to throw all the data up on screen. For you now the yellow although everything in yellow is the g30 everything is blue is the sldr. So we have a look at some of the data the club head speed is almost identical 110 miles per hour with both a couple of reasons why that would be the sldr has a slightly smaller head. So it does travel faster because it's the 430. Yet with the g30 it's got 460 but with the turbulators reducing less drag that's why it's probably matching up about the club head speed i would say i'll probably be a bit less than that maybe well i did it with the g25 i was less clubhead speed with the g25 ball speed almost identical 165 miles per hour 164 point whatever. So it's pretty good and spin rates this is interesting because the sld are obviously massively renowned. For low spin it is a low a more low spinning golf club than the g30 it is. But not by much a couple of hundred read for a minute that's all okay launch angles are almost identical. And carry distance this is interesting now one of them has won by two yards on carry distance. And the g30 the g30 has beat the sldr430 by two yards carry distance which isn't a lot we know that you know if i hit another 50 balls and probably that could alter either way so there's not much in that however. the one thing that is really important is the dispersion because of the bigger head the g30 hit more fairways without question it was a much tighter dispersion. So the four the sldr that i'm currently using don't forget guys it is the 430 had some slightly smaller head. But let's do a head-to-head between them both to me i'm hitting it more offline than i am the new g30. So it's going to be an interesting one now i'm going to put these put these two to the to the test over the next.

Few weeks in my golf bag when i'm playing because i reckon distance wise about the same. But the g30 is definitely a straighter hitting golf club. For me guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can subscribe by clicking the link down below. And also check out the other videos we've done down here at ping in the window next.

Door if you want to come down to this fantastic fitting center all you've got to do is contact your local ping fitter they can get you booked in there's a little bit of a wait list as you would imagine. And they'll get you fitted and hopefully get you hitting the ball further but that was my little head-to-head between the g30. And the sldr very very close match-up and g30 just just clipped it in straightness.