All right guys so we are down here now with mr ropotta our mid handicap tester. And we've got in hand the ping g maxx talk us through it robo it's a little bit junky yeah i think you've described it in a nutshell there yeah it's a bit chunky just chunky we've got this in the seven iron uh 30.5 degrees of loft this is not custom fit this is standard shaft uh standard lie angle nothing's changed uh. And we want we want you to give it a hit yeah yeah apart from it being a bit chunky what else do you what else do you notice right well what i do like is the face itself it's not uh where i'm saying it's chunky in terms of the the bottom of the club is quite wide the top end top line's quite thick as well. But like some of the other manufacturers that we've tested recently they've kind of gone into that again but the face is quite shallow. For a seven iron it's more like uh like almost like a tour preferred kind of thing it's very long the blade length is less longer. And it's quite shallow and because it cuts really deep into the heel uh eliminating that heel a little bit as well which which is good. For golfers who may catch the heel on occasions that's pretty that's a nice head shape for a golfer who once looked down at a golf club and feel comfortable yeah yeah i agree completely i'd say 30.5 loft with the seven standard lie standard length standard shaft should we give it it does make me feel comfortable looking at it i'm really i'm really genuinely surprised at that i like it now i'm surprised at the moment with your club history what have you noticed on that club that's new that's new uh well. For ping they don't generally put in the ferrules which they just started to put in gold star ghost so yeah that they had it on their better players club. For a few years now the s range and even the i range but they've now brought it into the g range as well i believe it's something to do with the acoustics. But i just think i i personally think it looks tidier yeah even though it's taking a little bit of that individuality of the look of a ping away slightly have they come up with an explanation of why it looks like it's eating itself yeah lingard there's a language that's out with the line. So that chunk out the heel there is to help be able to bend the golf club more from the factory right. So they can bend that more extremely because you think of their range of chart yeah at pink range they need to bend it by 10 degrees from top to bottom. And they're ping fit in these generally exceptional enemies this is just black lie completely standard lie okay should we give it a quack we're going to hit one on camera just to show the flight. And then.

We'll hit a couple off camera but show you the rob hitting them and then.

We'll have a look at the numbers at the end you ready yeah that's all right. So normally rob is hitting a seven around the 140 40 140 mark yeah. So that's why that's average goal for the distance it really is right i've been looking to try. And get back up to like the 150 range with the seven hours like what i used to hit so this would be quite interesting serious gonna go how did that feel well i'll pull it a bit left. But it felt nice yeah sound i love the sound ping you've got the ping back you've got the ping since the ping zing drivers there you go you've got the ping back that is loud. And sick yeah now that was a pull that went one five eight. But we're not gonna we're not going to count that one no it's a bit of a pull let's hit one more straight one see it see the the true distance that's cool pulls will generally go a little bit further. So let's set a truer fly that's more like it oh you little ripper oh wow that's disgraceful that was a great character one five four carrie i'm back dobby's back that's good that i mean we've not tested clubs. For a while no. So whether i mean we've worked on technique through the last six seven months i've beef. But i've beefed wider not beefed in strength we'll compare it against other ions as well today.

When we test it yeah. But so far they were pretty impressive numbers yeah very impressive actually let's go two more. And then.

We'll have a look at the averages at the end okay if i let's just carry on that's that is such a great one four again i think it was cut these are all carry distances one five seven carry. And that that's not even on my like because this is too upright. For me yeah this is too upright i'm expecting let's hit two more. And then.

We'll see what happens and you're hitting those pretty straight now off that first pull just oh pink you like thank you genuinely yeah i i i like i'll say one thing after this well that's that's the other bad one it's okay we're going left. And right i almost took the camera so angle has been affected there quite a bit two degrees off on the angle which is fine not an issue at all just having a look at the gt2 data we're getting um let me pull up the digits i'm probably gonna just to make it fair i'll show the ball flights first there are all the ball flights up on screen i'll show you the side view as well. So we can have a quick glance at that that's the ball flight it's decent. For seven nine the one that went pulled was a bit left you can see the grouping there just kind of back edge of the green. And one that went massive left um if we look at then.

Pull up the digits on here um i think to make this really fair because that first shot that pulled let's take that one out four shots okay i'll come back over to you. So carry distance on average carry distance 153 yards of carry this that's average well i i don't think you have i've been honest i don't think you have. For a long time yeah uh total distance is a little bit of a guesstimation of how the ball reacts into the green we're hitting balls are similar to ad triple threes uh 162 total distance uh 78 miles per hour club at speed 105 ball speed spin rates because it's quite a furnished ball there's three only 3 400 the 3600 sorry um that's long kid it's a long game the only thing i when when you show this on you on your video originally um i criticized them a bit i d i'm sorry pink i criticized you because of that little corn bit there. And straight away i went taylormade because taylormade brought a set of irons with that colon technology whatever you decide to call it what name you put it out i went tailor-made with that one and i thought okay they're going backwards to try. And go forward to try and help out the middle market i'm really happy with the the shots i've had i'd love to see a ping response as to what the idea was behind the current technology. And has anything influenced it if i'm dead honest i think it's acoustics yeah well the acoustic if it's. For acoustics ah you've nailed it yeah i think i think it's mainly. For weight distribution so they've taken that weight out the back stuck it more in the toe and the heel and in the sole and i believe it's something to do with the acoustics. And you can tell that by the sound i mean it's. So loud this golf club the the solar club is wider than what the taylormade's were anyway yeah. So that's you know that eliminates that kind of effect on it so ping g max tested by rob that's rather rob's rating yeah that that's getting a nine nine straight nine just on distance alone all right i pulled it. But on the whole they were really like i said angle there wasn't that wasn't correct. For you i think after a bit of a fit there um very good start very good start. So we're going to move now on to the ping i i series irons we've got this down here then.

We're gonna do some wood testings. And some uh some more iron testing guys as always do subscribe to the channel by clicking the big link down here go check rob out on all these social media platforms thank you as always rob is a fantastic responder to comment. So if you can comment down below rob will get on sales i'm sure yeah. And also we want to just push out a little bit of a hashtag uh pray for will uh no uh get well soon will uh. For a friend of mine who's a two handicapper uh member of flixton member of sale in the manchester area and a green keeper ultra gum he's been hit off his motorcycle and he's currently fighting for his life uh in a coma yeah injuries very very similar to the ones that i've had brainwise. So i want to give all the love out to him and please golf community please get on board and hashtag that in any comments back to us please it'd be really appreciated thank you there you go guys and stay tuned and we'll get on some more testing very soon.