Hi guys so we are back down with mr. Rob Potter amid handicapped tester testing the new pink eye irons overdue sir first of all gob full without a shadow of a doubt I am it sounds like something that apples going to introduce if the other technology on it. Or an adaption to it Apple something to wait with ping LaRoque I'm just copy right there you go interesting the look of it it's got this little we got a bear in mind and Robin and fries you not picked up on this who first had I oh okay. So I I don't know if the copying I think that ping first that I yeah what do you say yeah ping first on oh yeah ping ping that I saw yeah we're not shove it out it's an apple copy you're in trouble possum with no date I mean that they did name it the I as in I ball ey e then.

They've moved into I ranges. But then.

The new I iron has just been simply I'd yeah they'd want to get rid of the number as such I've just noticed there's a little finger in the back of the club here it says e1 that's edition one. So it works out quite well so that yeah issue one I addition one iron I believe they're not really using that bit in that in the main girl I must admit. But that is what it means that II one is the addition world yeah I think I would put that in the market it they kind of trying I don't know that when I sponsor guys up in they were trying to make the marketing side of it simpler they have the S of the I that the G range. And then.

That had the big G max yeah. So they were just trying to make it a little bit simpler maybe to get rid of some numbers because you see some clubs now. And it's like the ex ever numbers letters the I mean it's a lot of you get a registration play at the end of it yeah do I want to get on that I think this I don't know we're in a weird way as much as it is the I I. And it doesn't quite flow as nice it could do it's simplified it out a fraction yes. And plot out so tomorrow we've got this in standard ly standard length standard loft this is a 7-iron which I believe off the top of my head I think it's 31 degrees I put some stats on a bit on the screen yeah. And should give it a whack yes it tested the GMAC. So if you're not seeing that on my channel go and checked out because a Rob was what was quite in love with that Golf Club oh you ready yeah let's ping I will hit five shots. And we'll see how it performs looks-wise what do you think they put swea a difference to it it's a lot less chunky this has been on a diet yeah God you absolutely without a flavor great diet this is ripped this is what is your favorite flavor slimfast yeah it's really nice looking down at it it's very much the same of what I'm currently hitting with actually with my ex lot similar icarly ions I've got very very similar. So for me it's like looking at what I've already got laser XR a razor X I relaxed or yeah. So what would be interesting would be to hit that and see what the numbers are going to be here in terms of looks because that could be a quite a good psychological effect well do. So for golfers like me so let's give it a smack so it robs normally hit in 79 well normally will I don't know where our normal sits anymore 150 79 is fantastic. For rub rubbers in a an incident few years ago well serious in some way lock a lot of energy loss to what power and really lost a lot of distances golf game that fed sucks yeah pee epidemic. So it's always trying to get back to that distance as well so let's give a smack yes I got on now looking forward to this I don't think you'll be as loud no no you'll see I hope it is oh that's not good that sorry guys that's pants well tow it out yeah parsley capital P haha that was W volt corn Dobby your eyes one Mulligan I'm sure yeah little light you have a mulligan I need several yeah the not then.

I was loud feel wise is more feel off them. And there's certainly more feel off them yeah. But that still run out 164 and form 151 well yeah I'm with the Pope yeah I'm gonna highlight like was a bit of a poly shot which will go I took further I say these lying goals aren't correct to not lie angle was like three degrees in corrects. For this to the moment we'll just want to get a feel off the head else fun starts now that's what the golf shot as I love the golf so I'll give us a fair comparison sapphires clubs traveling I just show them 150 on the carry let's have a look at the actual yardage it came up once or seven on the current that feel nice yeah it feels lovely really really nice it's nice. And soft off the middle and that was off the middle yeah. And I say it's not it's not going to go as far as a G max you got the G max that is a big lump of metal behind the ball this isn't quite going to perform in the same way. But it was still a pretty decent hit feel wise it's brilliant pushed in a little bit I thought you struck that one really well that's not far away from Target yeah yeah a tiny bit shorter tiny bit short reassess my targeting. So just over the green net yeah it's all the green net over that's that's why they're. So averaging at 147 carry distance at the moment we'll go one more shot then.

We'll have a look at the actual overall figures nailed it lovely flight well done just drew off target line just drew off target line and that's it yeah. So it's feels lovely you can see the ball fights there we did take out at first pull we like rub off on one more look good I'm sure yeah my bad look at the air the ball fight from the side. For you so Gord kind of rainbow in effect the high launch one just finish up a little bit short to slightly load Rory one finish off just a little bit longer you can see though also the looks from the above view does your dispersion ones are slightly right. And as it went more left it accessed arts go along which is understandable. But let's have a look at the figures when they're up on screen so we've got more club head speed funnily enough more common speed in this there is a bit of rogue one in there second shot down which is producing a lot of combat space that might not be the perfect measurement 105 miles per hour ball speed spin rates 4400 a little bit more than the G max yeah member correctly yeah I suppose it looks like the deeper face like more club head speed will create that. And a little bit more loft on this compared to the G max as well which create a bit more spin carry distance one four eight which is still very healthy mm-hm. And if you tested this B first over the G max you might I thought that was pretty impressive years yeah definitely told this is one five seven. But I start predicting of a roll of a surface that is a kind of simulated very nice very very nice indeed accent the feel of it going from the a slightly higher mid handicap level with the the G Series the rate on that I think was true the written on this one because it's a slightly better person's Club you can ship things around you can move things like oh I prove that can do it through miss it. But it's definitely but it's definitely club you can work the ball with that 's it's picked out Iran that's distance this is a bit more workable yes it we've still got distance with it hmm fit. For the likes of me you know I'm still it's not supercharged though it you know it's not supercharged like the G max no it's not steroids. But it doesn't need to be no it's not what it's there. For but it still it's got that little bit of umph to it as well which is what I've been looking. For yeah in a Players Club yeah which is good to have. So if you were to give you to give some sort of handicap range obviously as an amateur yourself mid handicap amateur who would just think the G max handicap range would suit best right I'd save. For that one I'd say from a 12 is kind like this is an oval up scenario okay yeah I'd said run about a 12 handicap up to 20 what the gr then.

Cheating the G max G Maki Matt okay yep 12 to up to about a 20 even higher because it's got that much offset on it it gives you confidence okay your hands are ahead of the ball. So you're going to get that I've got to say it's gotta go higher yeah. And it's going to go higher as was in higher it's got to go higher handicap yeah I want to go from 20 to 28 20 28 that's get much bigger than that no idea really - I think I think you probably right about 12 yes I think 12 handicappers can still use that Club yes all the way up to the top rail as its are always it are certainly what do you think this one this one again this is gonna I'm gonna say scratch players I'm going to agree scratchers are gonna want to go. For the Ben Hogan kind of Blade II Blade II clubs but even these I could still say you could go from scratch up to what a 13 handicap 1400 great maybe even 15 I think Westwood Jesus those yeah just to give you an idea. So Westwood was using ping Zing's it's pinging tunes. For many if it's 10 15 years he's actually just moved to these now weather's still in the bag I'm not sure I did a what's in the bag with him. And they were in the bag when they first came out yeah. But he's a bit of is quite prone to going back to old gear oh yeah. So yeah I think definitely a low scratch handicap. Or - or what handicap range it's a 15 got you'd feel comfortable playing with there's certainly surely because my directors I've got the Mormon say they're very simple to look at me they're identical they are. But I'm getting better numbers off it yeah. So it just proves again where technology has moved forward I've got weaker too as we move forward I'm hitting ball further with this than I am with them so tight cave mother I'm hitting ball further oh yeah it is perfectly really it is very lucky me exactly that run. So on the ping Iron III watch you watch your Rob's rating on this I was right on this one okay on a personal side of things I got a little bit shorter distance with that little bit that one with the max yeah the max bolts I got more distance on getting out of my Callaway RAZR X toys yeah. So I'm doing this as a generalized thing for a shop shaper who's in the market nine point two nine point three okay because there's good work ability to it I think you'd race it more than the G max. But well very bit I'm doing it too if you can do the rating on a personal ring. For me and myself it's prob trading yeah alright look at other people as well you know the G max because the disc sitting goes is brilliant. For me yeah this one will be read probably on the same level because I can there's more feel to this than what was on that one um. But the distance is the G max beats it okay. But better golfers aren't always looking for that distance out so for the ship and shop bitter shape ability this is going to be slightly higher naturally. And that's how I'm going to play with that one. So what do we say nine point two nine five where we go. So guys as always we really want to thank Rob for coming down here and do the testing we've got loads more lined up do subscribe our channel by clicking the link here also check Rob out on his social media. And this kind of video testing that we've been doing Ralphie going through a bit of a tough time with a good mate of his it was in a coma at the moment William passed. And Sir William Barrington yeah a serious motorbike accident. And we're trying to get a lots of love and support in the golf community by hashtagging get well soon get real soon will yeah. So hashtag that down in the description below give our love to will. And hopefully gets back is to handicap. For wanting to turn pro very soon I really would kind of just we're trying to get a lot of love spread film as well so please as always do comment below Robert fantastic responder yeah amazing require boy much better than what about wartime. And we're going to get on some more testing very soon stay tuned we'll see Orton.