Hi guys my name is rick shiels i'm going to be doing a head-to-head with the ping eye irons it's a brand new on the market against the s55s which kind of bladed older brother. So the s55 range is granted it's more suited to mid to definitely lower handicap range where the eye irons more in the mid range. And if you want to as a single figure handicapper it might be one that your temps should just give you a bit more forgiveness so i wanted to test the two head to headwise using gc2 just to be able to see if there's actually that much of a difference when you're deciding which one's going to be which whether there is any good offering of forgiveness looks wise definitely i looks more forgiving with the big chunkier head chunkier compared to s55 there is a lot of difference the loft of the seven iron of the is 32 where the ping s55 is 33. And there's a tiny bit of length difference the eye iron is longer 37 inches which is now becoming more of a standard length. For a seven iron where this one the s55 is still 30 36.75 inches um should we give him a hit see which one goes does what looks wise behind the ball apart from the finish the s55 doesn't look as blade as as i was expecting it to look. So i've got a definite top thinner line but not significantly and if anything the s50 the eye iron i think just over looks wise just has it just a touch i don't know whether it's just because of the finish the iron i've got here is a bit a bit new well brand new the s55 i've had it in the bag. And played with it before um i go to 55 first 33 degrees on loft on the seven iron here we'll hit five see what it does it's going to rekindle a bit of magic with the s55s that i don't know if i ever had that actually with the s55s. But we'll see give it a go it's back it's back okay. So that's all five with the s55 and uh just reminds me again why blades potentially for players who really play a lot of golf and are very very good because apart there was a couple i absolutely hit smash bang in the middle shot shot number four certainly. But then.

A couple i didn't quite catch and i just got really punished not so much shape wise but certainly distance wise right let's go pink eye see what it does with a little bit more forgiveness one extra degree well one degree less. And a tiny bit longer let's see how this one performs so straight away whether it's it is psycho psychological. But straight where i feel more confident just because i know it's not a blade it's like it's more of a cavity that sounds daft but whether that bit of cavity at the back and that cut out but it's just the confidence because you know it's not a bladed iron blade irons are great. And they look fantastic and when you middle them they feel phenomenal i think sometimes it's just nice to have that bit of backup of cavity behind the ball let's hit five of these i think similar strike on the ping 55 with that. And i would have got punished where this one smashed out there stay tuned at four more and then.

We'll actually see the results head to head okay. So that's five with the ping eye as well the difference is. So noticeable so noticeable on slightly bad connections this is what you want in your hands let's have a look at the figures i show you the ball flights as well. So that's the ball flights we've got the s55s in red surprisingly higher and the blue in the pink eye surprising the reds have gone so much higher actually the s55s show the side view as well so we see already a bit of a difference in the length here i'm going to pull up the starts the red ones just not that one there when i just didn't quite strike it you do get punished. For distance wise i also want to just show you dispersion there as well from this front view red is a little bit tighter it says 55 over the blues. But lengthwise let's have a look let's see head to head right so comparing them side by side we've got quite quite a few differences now the first difference is the s55 i've managed to swing much faster 96 miles per hour on average with it being smaller head slightly lighter whether that helps with the club head speed even though it's shorter. And i've got this in in identical shafts cfs stiff flex both identical um shafts ball speed much faster off the ping so you would say the smash factor is much much faster off the ping eye irons both pink sorry bing eye irons like cavity that's like the bigger head that's like less loft will help with that if we look across the column spin rates on the both are about. Or actually the ping s55 is much spinnier whether the face is a little bit more grooved. And milled it probably looks actually even though the s55 is an old club that i've had. For a while anyway looking on distance 171 average carry for the s55 versus 178 carry for the ping eye ping iron you know seven yards long and there's only a degree in it and a tiny bit of length but it's the size of the head it's the forgiveness and what's really interesting on the worst s55 was 166 that was a real horrible strike not performing golf shot at all now i would say shot number three of the ping i was almost identical didn't catch it at all. And it still went 171 so i managed to get five more yards out of it on a real bad strike but it's just that it's just that added confidence when you put the club down and you notice that coveting you know there's that chunk behind the head the eye the eye for me definitely had the advantage over the s55 on that stand front then.

You add in the extra degree less loft and the slightly longer shaft i think if you're a single figure golf. And you play lots and lots and lots yes s55 is the way to go if you play lots of golf. And you're confident where you're going to strike if you're not. So confident and you don't strike middle every time should be checking with either hmt or strike tape where you're hitting every time the eye iron will definitely suit your game much better because you'll just get much better performance on bad shots as well i don't think on good shots you'll see that much difference apart from the slight difference in loft um looks wise very similar i like what they've done managed to create loads of cavity in the eye. Yet still look make the top edge look quite thin decent head to head i would definitely say if you're looking for a set for distance i if you're looking for a set that i mean they felt pretty good feel wise the eye. And forgiveness definitely are guys thanks. For watching please subscribe by clicking the link down here also check me out social media got loads more head-to-heads to come if you've not seen the ones i've done before of the g-max against the taylormade and the eye against the rsi too do check those out my channel. And we shall see you soon do some more head-to-heads. And hopefully making your decision over clubs a little bit easier thanks for watching guys.