Hi guys my name is Rick shields down here at traffic golf Center in Manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new ping i20 5 the progressive iron that suits is more to kind of mid handicappers. And maybe even starting to get into the single figure handicap because it is a progressive iron the longer irons are forgive me they're a bit more offset as you go into short rise to get less offset not less forgiving they're still a nice level of forgiveness to it the loft of a seven to seven I'm trying to they've got 33 degrees of loft. So it's not ridiculously strong you compare that something like a tailor made I'm thinking of the jet speed the speed blades that's thirty point five degrees of loft so it's two and a half degrees loft a difference between two 7 irons from the tailor made and this one this is kind of more of what you would classed as a standard left they've still got stronger than what they ever used to. But this is more of a standard loft the head shape is fantastic. And this is like say the progression from the i-20 this is not loads. And loads of difference cosmetically there's a slight adjustment at the back but performance wise I bet there's not a great deal of difference I've tried the r22 before and I thought it's one of the best sounds of last year so hopefully the i25 will live up to it just the same I've got gc2. So my new launch once is gonna give us really closed accurate measurements of how far this golf club is going I'm gonna hit five real golf balls we're also gonna work out the dispersion between kind of my furthest left shot. And I'll third this right shot that might be subjective to myself you do realize that. But it's the fact that how forgiving the sign is. So it's not all about distance I'm not just going to hit it hard. But kind of gonna hit seven nice a five nine seven ions see how far the average distances and also see how far left and right the golf ball has gone so let's get cracking behind the golf ball it does look as good as any any iron that thing you've ever made this is the demo version. So it's not actually got the ferrule fitted to this but normally it would have a ferrule to be a slightly tidy a finish but I've got this in just a normal standard steel shaft the CFS steel shaft which is the ping manufactured one. And now behind the ball it does look a little bit chunky the -56 is now you've seen me review the s50 fives in the past I'm only an hour. And still whether to get them remember the last time we spoke and I was almost dead cert to get them. But I've been try and look more and irons recently so I'm still I'm still with the f56 at the moment so we'll see what happens and gets put in the bag for this season whether these eyes twenty five are the clubs. For me so behind the ball it's got a nice level of forgiveness it's got a little bit of offset it's one tenth of an inch of offset on a 7-iron that gets a little bit more as you go into the longer irons let's give this a hip it felt good it launched well and it looks like it's got a fair distance 170 yards on line normal 7-iron would be about one six eight so it's got a little bit further that looking this is one degree one point two five degrees stronger than my my normal 7-iron. So it's gone a little bit further because of that great ball fight by the way all right up there forever and it's a really good it kind of penetrates and then.

Rises so it'd be interesting to see what spin figures are the spin figures looked quite high at the moment. But I don't think that feels like it's losing really distance that still gone one seven one distance Y. So a decent enough hit for the iron that hit there let's say a couple more oh that is nice that is really nice the feel off the head. And I didn't feel like a strip out on quite as well 175 total this total carry distance don't forget these guys these are all carry distances as well. So they're kind of subjective to what the conditions are out on the golf course. And but this is very close measurements the gt2 only tracks the launch. And then.

Measures very accurately what the golf ball will have done that'll be interesting that one didn't feel quite as good. So I'm going to see kind of how far that one's gone. So I didn't feel quite as good it still got 170 I actually hit that and I'll be honest with you guys out there he'll hit it a little bit heavy yet still gone 170 yards which is again further than my normal sever line that's it one more. So we've got the five it's really nice I have hit them pretty decent I must admit 169 so total carry distance there again the GC data up on screen now so if we have a look at it together my average carry distance there was one seven one. So longer than my normal 7-iron like say I reckon that's three yards longer than my normal 7-iron the ball speed is interesting that's one two three I don't know if again. For my normal seven nine or seven lines that I've tested in the past around the 120 mark is pretty good. And all the TaylorMade were getting about one two three one two four. And the ping nose got one two three average ball speeds so very very hot off the face launch angle just under 20 degrees which is ideal. So it's 19 degrees of launch angle now the interesting one is how far from my furthest left shots on my furthest right shot I realized this is subjective to myself I can't hit perfect golf shots every single time I tried to do my best on YouTube. For you guys but I can't do it every time. But though this last shot was 9.2 yards left just still hitting greens you take that I'm a third this right shot was 2.6 yards to the right. So not too bad at all really so I'm quite pleased with that dispersion what's at 11 12 almost 12 yards just under 12 yard dispersion that would still be hitting behind greens every time so guys the ping i20 5 I like it and like I did love the i-20 I thought it's one of the best ions of thing I've made last year certainly. For that market where it's kind of the mid handicapper want him to get into low handicap range and it's really pitching up against something like the Titleist a p2 or like I said before the TaylorMade a speed blade it's a great league good golf club solid golf club. And I think the speedway would probably go a bit further than this because I've done tests on that before. But generally this iron is pretty awesome guys that was a ping i20 5 using GC 2 technology down here at ruffle Golf Center in Manchester if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up comment below if you've tested these golf clubs how did you find them how did they feel. And also what I'd like to do is check me out on Facebook. And Twitter and subscribe to the channel for more subscribe to get more videos I shall be watching [Music].