Hi guys my name's rick shields down here at traffic golf centre in manchester and today.

We've got battle of the big boys again we've got the current reigning champion the pingai 25 driver one with the racing stripes really good reviews on it. So far it's going long it's going big. And it's beat off quite a bit of competition already against the taylormade a jet speed driver this is taylormade's most current driver kind of runs in parallel with the sldr. But the ping i-25 beat the jet speed's older brother last last session so it would be interesting to see if the jet the i-25 can beat the new generation the jet speed now interestingly i've got these two golf clubs set up quite differently even though these two golf clubs are in 10. And a half degrees of loft on the bottom i've got them set up quite differently because of the difference in centre of gravity i've got them in different lofts the lofts that are going to suit my game are going gonna help me hit these golf two golf clubs to their maximum distance. So interestingly i've got the the taylormade jet speed in lofts of 11 and a half degrees so i've upped it to one degree to go to 11 and a half degrees because that's how i launch it better with the forward and low center of gravity that's the loft that suits my game the best with this golf club with the ping eye 25 i've actually got this in 10 degrees of loft because i would normally use nine and a half but the 10 degrees of loft for me best suits my game in this golf club so it's quite interesting interesting now that the loft of the golf club kind of really isn't that bothered anymore it's all about obviously the launch angles and the spin rates that are going to help us hit these two golf clubs the furthest. So we've got them in standard stiff stock shafts i've got this in the matrix stiff flex i've also got this in the normal ping um pwr stiff flex so both in exactly the same spec now interestingly when we look at the two golf clubs side by side the taylormade is about half an inch longer. So it's a little bit longer in the shaft length so whether that helps us hit the ball any further we'll have to kind of wait and see whether it's going to be as accurate we're not too sure i'm hitting three real golf balls each with each golf club get it on gt2 which is really close data it doesn't matter about the conditions get speed up first like i said a lot of a lot of press about these clubs at the moment this certainly this. And the sldr about lofting up and because the central gravity is. So low and forward it does make sense to loft up i understand it a little bit more. And i had a visitor last week a spec guy from taylormade who kind of really clearly explained it to me there's gonna be some videos coming out about that soon um but i've got this in 11.5 degrees aloft and let's see how far it can go it seemed like a pretty decent start. For the taylormade it's a 272 not a bad hit so far i would say this would average about 276 so not a bad hit so far let's go ping i-25 all right so this has managed to beat pretty much everything that's been put up against so far well i've been testing it let's see how he gets on with the uh the taylormade that's a pretty decent hit not probably my best with the ping i-25 that i've ever hit 276. so even though it wasn't the best it still carried longer than the taylormade so far so it's going to be an interesting match up there. And if one of these two can both absolutely hit out the screws let's see what the distance then.

Is in then..

But so far pretty close contest that's as good as i can hit that club i've really hit that nicely 276. that felt good as well that did feel really solid 276. Or the same distance as what i felt was a bit of an off-centered strike with the ping. So two more with the ping one more with the tailor made and let's see how far let's see who is victorious come on we need a we need a couple of big ones here that could be big felt good it felt solid doesn't feel like it's spinning much 280 yards. So the ping is just put down the benchmark 280 yards good spin rates good launch angles. So giving it giving it to the taylormade okay we've got one more shot each. So to me the taylormade has got to really put one out there at about 280 odd really to put any competition down for the ping that felt good for the taylormade that felt like a really solid hit felt really good out the middle two six nine interesting i didn't quite go as far as i expected that to go looking at spin it's just spun up a little bit more so i didn't quite maximize the distance out the tail i made there what a shame right one more with the ping this could be a victory lap to be fair for the ping as long as it doesn't do anything horrendous gets it one down there at 270 i think this is a clear winner today.

Oh that felt good that could be big i felt really good out in the middle it is it is big 283. So a pretty pretty decent hit for the ping again i think looking at the data this may have just taken the match again. So if we look at the data we've got the taylormade jet speed data up first pretty fast ball speed 163 now i'm pretty confident with that i'm pretty happy with that 14 point nine point fourteen point six degree of launch angle two thousand seven hundred spin so that spun a little bit too high for a low spinning golf club like so this golf club isn't perfectly custom fit to myself you have not been absolutely custom fit so i might be able to get the spin down a little bit more on that with a bit more custom fitting certainly with the shaft but the carry distance on that was 272. So the average carry distance with the best when it hit in 276 and not for me not the furthest i've hit that club but this is this is a head-to-head you know this is consistency. And it's got to be long so if we look at the ping data now i'll throw that up on screen as well we've got faster balls we've got one six four balls we've got slightly simple similar launch to be fair launch at 14.2 and the difference to me is it spun 300 revs per minute less. So it spun at an average of 2 600 and that carry distance the average carry distance was 280. So you've seen it in previous videos get down there about 290 odd but it averaged today.

At 280. it had its best one at 283. So it was a clear winner again today.

So guys that was my head to head between the current champion. And still remaining champion the ping guy 25 and the taylormade jet speed driver guys what can beat this golf club i don't know i'm going to keep testing to see if anything can actually beat the length of this ping i-25 when i'm hitting it i like to say you i do use pink clothes this is this is a head-to-head i would use any golf club i don't care what name is on it. But today.

That was an incredible challenge again. And it's it's managed to see off the other drivers that i've tested up against the guys thanks so much for watching if you've not seen the other review other videos do check out the link just here um if that's not live that'll take you to my channel. So you can watch all my other videos do subscribe to my to my channel just here as well i would really appreciate that i'd really uh find that beneficial. And i would appreciate your support with that and also check me out on facebook and twitter thanks so much for watching please do leave comments. And that was today.

My challenge between the taylormade jetspeed. And the still remaining heavyweight champion of the long drive world the ping i-25 what can beat it what can actually get longer you.