One of my most popular videos ever was filmed here at adlington where me. And hannah davis played to big foot golf holes now for two years i've had a video idea in the car and never filmed it until today.


I'm gonna play to the regulation holes. And john robbins of bad golf is going to play to the foot golf holes the big gigantic one now john currently plays off 13. now two years ago when we had this idea you were much worse golfer i was off about 22-23. And then.

I think i had a chance of beating you right now with you being off 13 i think this is going to be an incredibly close match if not i think you've got the advantage well i never thought i'd say this to you rick i think i might batter you. So the holes are this i've got the regulation holes that you have on a normal golf course. And john's going to play to the foot golf holes they are massive ginormous i'm going to play this match off scratch good luck my friend let bowel commence right first hole is 88 yards. And what's phenomenal i mean it's. So so good seeing this on this all the pins are actually quite close together i'm going. For the yellow flag which again is regulation whole johnny's going. For the white flag from here you can even see how huge it is the white flag. And i've missed the green on the first shot and i've nearly put it in the water on the first shot if i can carry on playing like that then.

This is going to be a very easy match. For john okay here we go i reckon on the green wins this hull that could go straight in the hole that could go it's been a bit well that is phenomenal what's that what a start he's put the benchmark down. And that is almost a near gimme from where he sits on the green there well done right well uh that wasn't the best start i'm not gonna lie to you i nearly found a pond here right to put any sort of pressure on john here i've got to get up. And down oh that is a good shot oh i thought i was going to come out nicer then.

As well a little bit short still no guarantee. For a three from anywhere on the green you've sort of you've got to assume it's one putt you can't be two putting these well the speed doesn't matter you can hit it as hard as you want you've just got to get the right line well even the line doesn't really matter we're going to play match play by the way as well it's nine holes here at adlington this match might be over very very quickly. For birdie on the first hole oh you are kidding me oh my god oh my god [Laughter] oh my god i feel sick that might have been one of the worst lip pouts i've ever ever seen i cannot believe i'm having to take this. So seriously i know this is i didn't expect this to be such a hard path yeah good par good part good far oh my god i feel sad right he's giving me half a chance this is still no gimme that's a terrible put. And it makes it look worse because the balls the holes so small john even though you tried to give me the hole there you have taken victory john robbins one up right my honor my pins at the front your pin is at the back yeah i reckon it's playing about 60 odd into the wind yeah i think. So do you see my ball move dead it did that's all right it's all right you're not missing from there well let me say that [Music] go a bit that's okay pin high a look. For birdie i'm taking this a bit more seriously now i've marked my ball i've lined it up john for bird i'm not even gonna watch i'm just presuming you're gonna get this one in right in the heart of the hole all i needed to hear i could just hear it drop i didn't need to look oh i know i need to hold this for a half oh what a putt what third hole probably playing about 80 odd yards for you john oh this could actually be really nice it's got the distance oh very nice almost off the back travel a little bit and then.

Go in oh what a shot oh my god i really gotta bring my a-game down i've gotta literally birdie every hole that'll look good beautiful shot thanks paul pretty straightforward yeah i've either given it too much respect. Or not enough using all the hole there john [Laughter] oh lovely putts i'm ringing it what a star i'm driving it's forcing me to make birdies you're still one up well played thanks pal i just need to get it on the green because if i'm ever on the green i've got a good chance of getting it in oh bit of wind bit of wind oh this this looks really good go in this slime straight in it is it's coming in is it in i think is it is that is that ball didn't break my heart no it's no it's not it's not it's not him oh bird poo in the hole. So toei i might hit mr green get up i still in with a chance rick oh in with a big chance so i've gone way i don't know how i've ended up here because that looked bang online so i've gone definitely going to club too much i don't know whether i trust myself to get it up with this. But i think i'll i'll give it a go [Music] oh that would have been normal now that would have been a nice shot a little bit far away from his. But to be honest anything on the green has a chance of going in with the next.

Shot [Music] ah i'll be honest that wasn't my best chip okay granted with a hole this put some real pressure on john he missed that one on the first don't forget. And he only lit one in the other hole [Music] this little puppy's on fire this little puffy's on fire that changes everything i've just got to sort of fire it straight in the middle as if i'm hitting like a putt from the fairway so to halve the hole [Music] he cleaned it well i must admit john i didn't think i was going to win a hole today.

The march is back to all square. So what's really interesting obviously i talked about the start of the video two years ago we had this idea because you and alex run a channel bad golf yep but you have dramatically improved recently yeah i think. So basically have a lockdown i was playing golf a lot alex obviously has kids. So he wasn't able to play so my handicap's come down about six or seven shots in the last six months we've got a system whereby the alex starts with a shot if i he wins the hole he loses it okay if i win the hole he keeps it this is like this floating shot. For alex but um as you can see my handicap has come down because i've been playing my local course again. And again and again put me in an unusual situation i still have the potential to be very bad at golf right onto the fifth hole 81 yards and i have got the honor [Music] that's a great shot thanks sir that's okay oh come round carry the bunker oh it has i got a lovely little kick okay i've got a chip in at some point today.

You really do yeah i think i'm gonna hit a little seven iron here just to guarantee it gets to the hole this should go in can we tend it yeah if you could can you turn the flashlight on the flag oh just very good okay. So this is. For the half this really does again been holding some good ports. But there's another one that needs to go in i thought i had that oh i thought i had that that moved naughty little wiggle oh it hurts missing those right you win the hole yep one up you're back to one up so i think on this hole because it's it's about 50 odd yards. And my partial wedges aren't that great i'm also i think the size of the hole means if you get it running on the green you're in with a quite a decent chance of a hole in one. So i'm going to try. And just sort of run this on with a sort of a half pitching wedge like a chip sort of shot i don't know it'll probably go wrong how's it going the legs though it's not got any legs at all it's the right idea wrong club should have hit a seven iron should have a seven iron on your 56 yard oh oh i might be nearer to your hole oh it's massive it's off the back what's happened there that's massive where's my bug [Music] oh good. For distance terrible for line okay. For birding to win the hole john and to go two up oh john that's not centimeter jump to be honest if the hole was regular sized it's not unthinkable that i would miss it by that much from that distance yeah should i just give you that well done [Music] very well played tell you what this is. So nicely maintained such a great place to practice your short game but i was thinking if you had a kid five six seven eight years old just getting into golf with these big holes what a perfect way to introduce them right this hole both flags are very very close to each other yep. And what about 80 yards yeah probably going to play about 82 83 yards it's a nice golf shot it's going closer to mine [Music] oh a little bit of dancing on the green as well yeah it's all right nice shot thank you oh that's good might go in your hole what happens oh no well it's a hole in one i win the hole no it's it's a hole in one that doesn't win the hole has that ever happened before in the history of golf i've made a hole in one playing off scratch. And i don't win the hole my next.

Shot's going to be quite a challenge oh my goodness is this your first ever hole-in-one it's not no. But it's pitched there it's hopped over and it's screwed in made a hole in one and do not win the hole how crazy is that yeah yeah it's fine [Music] now you know the last time we played i was looking at the hole. And you said i'm not sure about that yeah i think it might not be a bad tactic go. For it go for it [Music] ah it just jumped across no it wasn't yeah i didn't get a good roll on that right you two up with two holes to go dummy two okay this is the signature hole here eighth hole stroking that's one plateaued green your pins right my pins left you've got to hit a good shot onto the green here yeah because anything off he's running down those banks oh he's gonna travel a bit it's gotta travel a bit oh it has that's all right oh spinning back nearer to the other hole that's all right let's take that out right well oh no i'm actually blocked out come on look at this i've snooked myself the big hole is in the way. So i've got i would have normally played that land it here and then.

Roll it all the way that choice has been taken out my hands today.

So i need to go over that big hole to get nearer to mine uh a little bit too aggressive all right john this is the whole this is to win the match in fact you've got two from here even if i chip in. For par you still win take the serious though let's finish with the bird it's finishing style yeah what's that about 35 feet yeah across the green are you going right edge i was going left edge no way left of the hole yeah no that's absolutely wrong i cannot read greens it's right edge downhill come on i want you to hold this. For the win for the win for the win [Music] told you it was right edge well done john that was class thank you.