In this box I've got some golf balls at date back to 1920 making them 100 years old I bought from eBay and they cost me 50 pound each I know I've got two of them I'm gonna test them see how they feel how they perform and I'm also towards in the video as long as I don't lose it here and a cut one open to see what's inside these golf balls from 1920 let me show you what they look like first cuz they're in their original packaging still okay check out these now they have been protected as that have been shipped to me. And what's amazing about this they're in their original packaging this is used to be called sweet packets. So they are Spalding Crowe flight dot second conform into RNA regulations because in 1922 the regulation did change. For weight and diameter of the golf balls I'm holding a piece of history they're 100 years old right let's uh let's open it don't quite know where to start this is a I don't wanna ruin the packaging too much [Music] [Music] it's in mint condition Spalding crow fight. And as you noticed the dimples are different they are square kind of grid like dimpling effect oh that is amazing right let's peel up. And give it a smash [Music] so here we go first shot a hundred-year-old golf ball that cost me fifty pound I don't want to lose it let's give it a hit see what it can do I'm only joking the real one in my pocket I'm gonna hit on the putting green first get a feel. For it tell be obvious I tricked you learned enough let's get a feel for the ball before take it on the golf course that was a bit of fun. But in all seriousness I'm intrigued to know what this feels like I'm gonna head to the putting green first and get a bit of a concept of what it puts like the design of it is square mesh pattern. And it's so different to a modern golf ball now it's a pro v1 in my hands first off look at the size difference Pro v1 is bigger obviously the colors slightly different. And I'm on the normal golf ball you've got round dimples now but really dimples started life in many different ways but this was super popular at the early nine 1900s effectively hundred years old I've only got two of them as I mentioned a ball off eBay. For fifty pound the golf ball I know crazy prices if I keep them I'm better gonna cut one in half to see what's inside it so it's good now so putting green and so it feels on the short shots before playing some holes that this is awesome of it this balls a hundred years old. And it's never felt grass there you go it's what you were designed to do right something a few putts with this one. And also it looks tiny that's the one thing when I still got a pro-v with me it looks behind the ball like a third of the well two thirds of the size even though it's not probably that different right first port with this golf ball a hundred years old imagine if it went in all right soft its got like a weird like there's nowhere just like the ball just goes and then.

The ball comes off there's no like compression I know it's only a short pause this pro v1 is a comparison field let's try it from the short range. And what's mad like going back is there's no real alignment on it I mean it's the the crow flight. And there's the Spalding really only alignment came in much later down the line I why not the crow flight and hit a funny-looking thing it's so it's so unusually patterned ashame I wanted to I wanted to go in have a few more it's the first time this ball after a hundred years over a hundred years old has it ever got in the hole right only a few ports give this golf ball a good run out oh yeah you know I'm not having much luck with this golf ball I can hardly hold anything consider it smaller. And the whole end should in theory be bigger I'm not really holds much at all feeling wise got a weird feel to it it's definitely got more of like a hollow feel to it as you hit it if there's like the ball comes off softer but it's not a soft feel it almost comes out like the ball slower coming off the face compared to a normal ball I'm so intrigued to know what's inside this let's take a couple of chip shots around the green and see what happens then.

[music] [Music] so these golf balls are designed. For modern grooves it's cut up like crazy only after a few shots and that's understandable obviously the technology of the club has changed enormously a couple of things are no it it feels lighter when hitting it. So as you hit it it feels like the balls kind of not again coming off the clubface a bit like what I found on the putter and it definitely moves slightly strange in the air almost like the wind is affecting it more than again a modern-day ball. And that would make sense for these dimples this match squared pattern as opposed to the round dimples that we know know what though I'm not for a challenge I'm gonna play a par-5 here at the Marriott was a park 18th hole it's a long one let's see where I can score with the golf ball that is this old. And then.

Fingers crossed I don't lose it because then.

I'm gonna chop it up let's see what's inside this bad boy come on let's go up on the 18th okay change of plan the 18th hole was busying because it's that to go dark. And I want to miss the opportunity to play with this ball I've come to the 2nd hole she's still quite a tough par 4 I'm so conscious about losing this I really don't want to lose it it's a bit wet in parts I've got it a good one now what's mad about this obviously I'm using modern equipment I've got a modern driver with the ball it just looks tiny by the way all this excess was from that Silvia joke golf ball I hit before. So well let's give this the hit first drive a shot again it feels like if I put myself in the brain of the golf ball it was designed to play golf that designed tape with the driver grunted not a driver from this era. But still a driver never wanted to hit golf balls straight in my life because very demanded a 50 quid for this come on let's see what it can do it's unbelievably small behind the ball come on hit a good one it's alright the bit off the left you know what was interesting it sounded different to I expected I felt like I was gonna hear a sound that's a little bit more hollow. But it sounded almost like them send to us I know it's not made out of metal it sounded much more pinky flight wise super low didn't really get up in the air at any point and I felt like I hit that well I swung it well let's get down there fingers crossed I didn't lose it cuz I saw it bounce come on ok found it now just what it's a clear simple when I said on the T before it's wedding parts I meant the golf course obviously we're in the winter have a lot of rain I didn't want that ball to plug. And disappear into the ground now according to my calculations I think that grand total of 210 yards which wasn't too bad. And what's crazy imagine using technology like this back in the day 150 yards it's in the middle of the green now up for me normally is probably a hard line maybe an 8-iron I want to kind of hit a little 7 yeah I think that's right because think about in nineteen twenties. And it was even TVs around must have been probably about that time right YouTube. And Facebook weren't around that's for sure a little 7-iron see if we land on the green it's not sat great but let's give it a hit Oh didn't catch it well that's more on me than the ball that's a shame just on that slight downslope left myself with a horrible little pitch now that's a shame go a bit a bit oh it's just it's definitely harder to judge distances just click you don't quite know it's gonna come off the face but on the green puttin putting four paths I do get this comment a lot. And yes I do always repair difference I just don't always do it on camera. But they go so one thing I do notice is how much more mud gets into those kind of square mesh patterns this calls getting battered with those modern grooms right I've got the outside chance of par. And it is an outside chance oh oh banging on line as well there's not quite quite getting used to that gonna feel obviously because it is. So much lighter than a modern ball which just surprised me it was around this time 1920s when they did have a rule put in about weight. And diameter I think it's my twin one of the first balls that came after that now let's be a traditionalist let's go flag out that's what the ball would have wanted. For bogey come on don't think I could hold much with this just. Yet but this is the time I shouldn't be celebrating a bogey brought I will take that every time. So before I do cut this golf ball open I think it will be sacrilege if I didn't give it a chance to do what it was made. For time a chance of making a hole-in-one I'm gonna play a par 3 before finally cutting it open to see what's it aside come on I think it's what this golf ball deserves. So here we go before the Sun Goes Down this is its chance the Spalding crow flight from 1920 par 3 down the hill playing just under 150 yards I'm gonna hard 8-iron well normally I probably hit 9 I mean this would be quite incredible if if it's actually where did it spend a hundred years in a wrapper. For this moment come on look I've got a lot of pressure on this shot oh it's a bit thin and it's not gonna get there Oh miles sure that's sure in the bunker just a reference if I was to hear Pro v1 coz that's enough pub to get there there's definitely a difference in distance by na tied on the green now with the pro v1 I might even hit it too far down the flag. And just draw in a little bit and yeah it's actually go through the green the difference there is probably 20 yards between the ball from 1920 in the pro v1 right I'll say hopefully we're not lost it let's cut it in half. And see what's inside the iconic ball sorry ball I didn't get you a hole-in-one so you know what the Spaulding Crowe fight didn't do bad it hit the bunker here just short. But it probably traveled about 140 yards now in contrast that Pro v1 is along through the back of the green it's probably 25 yards difference between nose to 160 our jobs which I'd normally hit my 8-iron. And now the time has come let's go get that ball and find out what's inside so I feel a bit sorry that I didn't give it a chance to get I gave it can't forget all in one what just didn't do great give it a quick clean before can't leave I'm chopping a 58 50-pound golf ball open. But look up see what's inside it right okay. So that's bigger just hoping it's not gonna be liquid filled wow it's super soft as it goes through I'm imagining some elasticated materials I just move out of the way it's getting stuck it's a bit harder than expected come on get through ready here we go here we go oh it's quite clean cut which I'm happy about inside the golf ball from 1920 look ah that golf balls have come on a long way but there's some similarities it's got a core wrapped in elastic 100 year old golf ball thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come make sure you subscribe to channel I'm going to treasure this forever. And serve the one I've still got in the back we'll see you next.
