
I'm playing golf with big balls yeah I can hear you chuckling. But let me explain [Music] so colorway brought out this bigger golf ball and it's noticeably bigger than a normal standard Pro V1 let's say now it's designed to be more consistent and easier to hit up in the air especially for slower swing speeds now granted I'm not slow swing speed I swing it quite fast but I thought I'd have a little bit of fun with this so today.

I'm going to play golf. And see how it performs I've got part three to start a drivable Par Four where there might be an eagle chance and then.

A really getable par five and then.

Finish off with one more chance with a holding one on the next.

Par three we might also chop it in half it wouldn't be a rickshaw's review if not I'm very interested to try this golf ball I'm intrigued to see how it feels how it flies how it how it kind of performs and also I want to see what it's like putting with because again you think a bigger ball is going to be harder to get in the hole is that going to be the case surprise wise a 20 pound per dozen I'm intrigued to give them a try. And to see if maybe they do work whether they do launch higher easier to hit let's find out. And let's play golf with some big balls there's a science behind it because the ball is bigger it's easier to get the club underneath the equator line of the ball therefore. it's easier to launch up in the air that's the science let's see if that's the case first though we've got is a par three slightly up the hill it is bizarre like even just holding it in my hand because I'm. So used to a normal size golf ball it does feel bigger even just a touch let's see what it looks like behind the club behind it wow now I've got you know fairly cavity backed irons I feel if I was using a real blade like a really thin blade that ball would almost look like it was too big to fit on the club face. But that is noticeably bigger right first shot let's see how this flies let's see how it performs foreign fly maybe slightly higher than normal not bad not a bad start okay first shot I actually got the distance pretty spot on. So I don't feel like that went any shorter than normal but I have found the beach I wonder if it's going to be easier out the sand you know you can almost Slide the club underneath the ball I mean treats it out he's going to land. And react and stop just interest me quite a bit of slope on this and have to go slightly left of the flag oh Rick maybe it wasn't easier to get underneath it but I'm gonna have another go at that I don't know whether it was me overthinking it thinking that this ball was. So much bigger I didn't need to do anything. Or whether it was just a bad strike. But I've got another go at that one foreign thing so far and a couple of shots I've hit softness is incredible I mean this is a Mac Supersoft. But it does feel super soft off the face all right guys you're gonna let me off with the first one right out of the bunker I'm gonna go with the one on the green the putting one that's the beauty of not recording my score on this little video right this is where it's gonna get interesting because certainly at the moment with flags needing to stay in I don't know if there's going to be enough room in the cup. For it to fit I'm sure there is. But that's how it rolls oh right on the edge feels good again just kind of look at this as well coming close like once it goes in I almost feel like it's going to get sandwiched against the flag yeah I mean look at that there is there is next.

To no room from the edge of the court to the middle of the flag I mean that is literally flush wonder if that's going to have a bit of a Havoc if you like rattle the flag I wonder if it will bounce out a bit more. Or I think there might even be more surface area that would almost topple inwards it's interesting I'm not quite sure it feels like if it's a bigger surface it might almost catch the edge a bit more all right. So this next.

Hole is normally drivable. So I'm going to hit a few from this tee. And see how many times it takes me before I hit the green then.

The next.

Hole is a very getable par five I'm gonna put a legit just with one ball. And see if I can actually make an eagle. And then.

The last hole we're going to play in this video is a par three one of my favorite path threes I've had some close opportunities. For holding ones I might just hit all 12 and see how close we can actually get see if we can box one maybe the furthest one will chop in half just to see what's inside it right let's go with this one first like I said normally I'm getting in. And around this green it's about 290 to 300 yards from this tee so I'll hit driver and see if these Max size golf balls can still fly. And help me land it on this green okay that's mad I've said it on the first. Or I didn't I'll say it again certainly with driver it's big like it looks noticeably bigger behind with the driver all right let's go for this green foreign oh that's close this can get on the Green from here definitely let's have another go. And just a quick one I didn't mention before these balls are conforming. So they are legal to use well you talk about consistency those two shots are right next.

To each other apart from that one hitting the path. And probably went 50 yards further very similar shot again so that's three of them that have all gone the right distance but slightly pulled left what's that spot I think that's more on me three attempts three fails at the moment. But there's potential definitely and I got three more I'm gonna take Serious gotta knock one of these on the Green oh get on the flag bigger ball oh yes that's right on The Fringe I'm just gonna finish these last two just to be certain we can get one on the Green stay there ball that is oh that's landed on the green. But I actually ran through we've got one more to try and keep it on the Green oh it's to the right that's a good hit as well you know what as much as I don't think we've got one putting on the green six shots there that I'd be very pleased with in any situation two things I noticed I do think it goes a little bit higher than my normal golf ball. And also it's a little bit louder like when it comes off the head it's a bit more of a crack okay par five. And obviously I'm gonna go for an eagle here smash a drive knock it on in two and hopefully hold the port but if I don't make Eagle I'll be happy with birdie obviously as well Let's uh let's try and get a good drive away and see how it goes from there oh it's a good start yeah I've ripped that oh that's annoying I've missed the Fairway to the left. And I can't find it even though the ball is bigger I've lost it that's really frustrating. So the eagle has gone out the window just for the sake of it I'm just gonna throw one down see if I can crack one on the Green from here anyway it means that I've already got 11 balls the next.

Hole. For the next.

Challenge um sure I think. And get disappointed with him make the eagle obviously but what I want to try and do here just before going to the next.

Part three is just get a feel. For what these are like to put with as I mentioned on that first green it's Rhythm being bigger are they actually harder to get in the hole. Or do they lip in more often let's hit a few of these. And figure it out oh you've got to hit it [Music] left out [Music] feels like you've got to hit him harder but whether the ball there's more rotations or something whether it's in my head it wouldn't massively feel comfortable putting with that it does although again it's that idea because it is a bigger golf ball it just feels like it's not going to have a better chance of going in the hole it's just my take on it we've got 11 balls left. And I I must admit I think I like a round number. So before we do the hole in one challenge I'm going to chop one of these in half now one of them hit the path earlier. And got a bit damaged I think it was that one. So let's shut this one in half see what's inside it just for the fun of it I don't think I'm gonna expect much oh it only just fits in my ball cutter actually one thing about this golf ball it's got to be sad the cover is outrageously soft I think I need a new ball cutter it's. So soft when I've hit the wedges the iron shots and the putter you can really feel it inside Hey listen it's a two-piece golf ball we're not going to see a lot I didn't expect it to be a blush pink though that's that one out of the way let's go 10 holding one on this par three it's probably playing about 140 yards today.

Now granted unless it goes in on the very first shot it's not a legitimate holding while I get that. But still it'd be fun to see if we can box one on camera uh I think it's gonna be 990 wedge I've not decided just. Yet okay. So I'm gonna pitching wedge and like I say this is the one that's legit this one drops this is a legit hole in one foreign oh it's a little bit long whoa that cave out really hot higher ball flight than expected. And it's actually weirdly gone further I'm going to go one Club less now after seeing that okay Club change I'm gonna go gap wedge now [Music] it's the right Club oh I don't think I'm gonna get any closer than that well we've got a benchmark if we get inside that I think it's in that as good okay six more to go foreign [Music] I'll be good it's online oh it's a bit big [Music] a little bit thin that's still work though spit not the best. But I won't be disappointed with that one cool so bar the first one which if I'm honest I hit unexpectedly far eight of them on the green one of them is outrageously close we've got one more chance um this ball is quite different The more I've hit him The more I've kind of got used to the size. And weird they don't look as big as they did when we first started this video there might be some truth in the fact it launches higher I do definitely notice the fight the higher ball flight today.

With this golf ball there's two things I've noticed first off how soft it is there's more the cover than anything it's super outrageously soft. And two for me as I'm putting on that last green just for whatever reason just because of the size of it it does give me less confidence when putting I just couldn't imagine standing over that pot thinking it's gonna have a better chance of going in the hole that's just what I've thought as well right last one. And then.

We'll have a quick wander down to see how close that one actually is. But let's finish on a really strong one I've got my distance I know my line cut ah it's a little bit left oh trust me to miss the green on the last one let's go have a look down there anyway so as we walk up to this green I'll obviously repair all the pitch marks in a moment but this one that is close is outrageously close look at this a lot of them are pretty good though fairly scattered around. But this is the third one that I hit it is a putter just widen the putter away from the hole that's playing with big balls oh it just goes in thanks. For watching and we'll see you next.
