So it looks like cobra have finally joined the party so what am I talking about well 2019 has been the year of the hollow headed iron designed for bear players for more distance run white pxg tailor-made pink Mizuno Callaway even Titleist I've been bringing clubs out in this category and now it looks like Cobra are doing just that these are the brand new Cobra King forged. So let's see what Cobra have to say about these new irons let's read a little bit of spec the tagline is distance made. For players apparent that have been tore inspired desires to have a very much a player's shape and it's all about distance so that as a hollow heady design which like many brand that's filled with the substance and the substance they've injected is thermoplastic phone with microspheres which gives a dampening vibration. For feel Wow and that this is a great tagline this is something I really want to test on the course they claim now with this it gives the feel soft as water in such a big headed design I'll be interested to see if that is the case they're offering extra horsepower. So the reckon there's going to be a faster face with the new P WR shell face. But they're also claiming it's going to have lots of control. And accuracy with a tungsten weight down at the bottom to get it up in the air and to be able to maximize that ease of hitting now these clubs are strong lofted. And when I say about these clubs because there's actually two lineups there is the standard length. Or what they call variable length as you and me all know is the standard length as three aliens goes down to pitching wedge you get shorter. And then.

They've also brought in the Worland which is definitely a set of clubs I'm going to review in this video because I think when I tested one length in the past I had mixed doors it's been a couple of years since I've tested one land let's see if they are any better. But going off to loss the strong give you an indicator is less than 30 degrees twenty nine point five degrees that might be where they get in that distance from. And I must admit they look great as I mentioned at the top of the show they definitely look like some of the islands that have come out in the past and in my opinion they look very much like a cockpit of a tailor-made p7 90 now I'll not know the Cobras are cheaper they're coming in at retail when they first come out. And I'm sure when they're it hit stores always like the cheaper but $1,099 and 899 pound for seven ions which is at least one if not two hundred pound cheaper than the tailor-mades. So I've got one of the TaylorMade p7 nineties with me to test out on the golf course against the cobras all that being said let's get on the course. And let's test the brand-new Cobra King for 10 points okay. So now on the golf course now with the Cobra King forged tech it looks so much like the ping iron the ping I 507 hundred and have so many similarities to the P 790 the good-looking clubs but they definitely have taken some inspiration from those other brands certainly with a little bolt in the toe as well I suppose that's where they put that extra foam in I'm gonna call something out straightaway though these clubs I've never had I've literally taken them from the film studio here to the golf course and already look at the scratching on the end there that's not great I would be very frustrated if I just paid 900 pound for seven irons there's two big things I want to check on a check distance because Cobra claim there's extra horsepower let's see if that's the case and also want to see if these are buttery soft let's hit some of the seven eyes this is the standard seven on GT quad. And let's see how they feel or how far they go [Music] okay. So after hitting a few with a 7-iron shots out the middle do feel great I wouldn't say buttery soft I heard that's quite a bold shout I think the noise kind of interferes with that soon as it sounds a little bit click here it doesn't feel quite as soft one thing I did notice though. And this is definitely something to very mind anything off the bottom does not feel nice anything off that bottom edge feels really clunky that's where a lot of the tungsten is. But it just feels horrible now distance wise I was getting why I expect to see from that sort of loft 179 yards of carry which is good. For a twenty nine point five degrees 7-iron one hundred and twenty eight ball speed which is really good. And spin surprised Miss Ben was all six thousand which is great. For a strong lofted 7-iron the balls were kind of going quite flat. But I reckon they would start fairly quickly look behind the ball looks good don't think it's my favorite hollow headed iron it looks good. But it's just not quite perfect the angles for me just don't quite suit my eye brilliantly I think possibly prefer maybe the tailor made a look behind the ball. Or not no actually have the tailor made with me the pea 790 cuz I would have guessed this is where it's big this is what its competing against this has been one of the most popular irons. But as I mentioned the star the Cobra is cheaper. And also something to bear in mind the Cobra also has at the end of the grip the Cobra connects which I've I've used a cobra driver for about a year now and I must admit I don't use it as often as I should do. But it is a nice little perk right let's hit some with the TaylorMade while I'm fresh off hitting that one. And see how they feel see how the numbers compare [Music] okay that's a few hit with the TaylorMade. And my first reaction is to tell them it does feel better possibly out the middle doesn't feel quite as good as the Cobra. But overall feels better and for me looks rise behind the ball definite has a much more sleek look and more players look this is wise wasn't much in it that was pretty much carrying the same 177. And again good spin numbers between the two there's not a lot of difference it's gonna be a lot of personal preference or whether your fancy saving a bit of cash on the Cobras right one thing I wanna test now is the one length ions let's take the full set of one let's play a few holes. And let's see how the gal let's have a recap for the concepts of one length ions quite simply all the ions are the same length as a 7-iron this is a standard set as you me have probably used all our lives this is a 5-iron 7-iron. And pitching wedge as you can see the length of the club gradually gets shorter. And this is Wang LAN that's a 5-iron a 7-iron. And a pitching wedge they are all the same length as a 7-iron now the simple term is your. For iron Phil's or your 5-iron feels really sure yet your pitching wedge feels mega long but the concept behind it is to make the golf swing simpler. So you have to change the swing depending on what Club you're hitting what I found what I tested it is that a long iron to the four. Or five on just doesn't open the air go to flat because it's not enough swing speed this [ __ ] the length of the shaft is almost too sure where a pitching wedge when I test it in the past just went up into space because again the length is almost too long let's see if this new model has corrected those issues [Music] [Music]. So this will be an interesting shot to try I'm 85 yards away from the middle it's probably playing slightly shorter than that. So I'm gonna go with the gap wedge and the gap wedge is the length of the 7-iron just feels it feels massive it feels like a 3-iron what's gonna be the challenge here is I'm gonna try. And grip down it but still swing it controlled it'd be interesting to see what the outcome is because it does feel incredibly long I feel like I'm I'm gonna hit this too far. So let's see if I can control it that's not terrible it has gone it went past the flag you let over the flag. And a little bit long but not bad I think you've just got to make the right adoptions that's the biggest challenge to really grip down on that because I know it's gonna go too far if I don't this is another interesting little test I'm just off the side of the green I'm gonna go with the gut wedge again. So it's gonna be about the feel this is where I think one length starts to struggle a little bit because you've really got to be able to correct it in there be soft with it. And with a club that feels so powerful and long if the grip down it just feels feels like I've got too much Club let's see if I can execute the shot can be delicate with it I'm honest I'm not totally surprised by that it just felt like the club was always going to bottom out I'd almost feel like I'd want to grip down onto the shaft. And that doesn't feel as comfortable and that's where it really starts to struggle in the short little delicate shots as a roundup of the set and they're a solid set I think they offer what they offer speed. And power and forgiveness what I don't believe they offer is buttery soft feel I just don't see that with this set of irons I just didn't get that strike we thought yeah that's butter that's not the case. But for the price that you pay for the bang for your buck for these irons it's not terrible instead I'll spending thousands more potentially on all the manufacturers this is a decent set what I would be wary of. And it's something that I've left the scene out on the golf course even just testing today.

Before I even got to the course wear. And tear on the club is bad you know it's not great quality at wear. And tear but it's not going to affect performance. But it might be something that you may be seen as a huge negative as one length I think they've improved the one length set has definitely improved from longer to shorter irons there has been a vast change which has been fantastic still not quite I'm convinced just. Yet but if you want something maybe a bit more consistent you have to change as many variables it's worth potentially trying one one thanks for watching stay tuned that's more to come we'll see you next.
