So i've just been testing out this the new cleveland zip core wedge test it around the green and it feels great it spins like crazy out the bunker it's very very versatile it's a very good wedge and i was gonna do a full review video about it. But i must admit as much as i really like this wedge it's no different to any of the cleveland wedges i've tested in the past. So i thought you know what let's do a bit of a fun video i've tried this once before on facebook where i played a hole with just a pitching wedge well today.

I'm gonna play three holes with just a sand wedge i'm gonna use this cleveland zip core to do it. So you might be thinking why am i doing this video well firstly it's just a bit of fun to play golf with one club is quite novel obviously normally you get 14 clubs you get loads of options. But just taking one club on the golf course does teach you little bits like in the past i played with the seven iron on its own i played with the one iron. So i thought well why not play with the sand wedge because it can teach you how to manipulate certain shots. And that can only be a good thing. For your game but mainly let's be honest it's just a bit of fun okay here we go playing golf with just a sand wedge i'm using a 56 degree sand wedge. For this challenge as i mentioned earlier i have actually done something similar on facebook before where i made a part just using my pitching wedge on a par 5. and i was going to start with the par 5. But i thought that's ridiculous don't do anything. So stupid so i'm going to end with a par 5. i'm going to start here on the 14th hole of par 3 i'm going to then.

Play a par 4. And then.

Finish on the 18th hole and every shot i'm hitting is going to be with this just a sand wedge what i'm not going to massively do is try. And just smash the ball as hard as i can what i'm trying to do is manipulate the loft a little bit try. And actually hit professional golf shots in this fun challenge right let's go i've struck it pure get up there front edge all right we're putting we are on the green in the first hole of the challenge of just using a sand wedge. So first put on this par three birdie put i'm gonna thin it basically i'm gonna use the front edge of the club it's like a it's a shot i've played in the past not on purpose but like a bit of a belly wedge i'm gonna try and thin it slightly right to left come on let's get it close oh kind of topped it a little bit but it's done all right we've got a chance for par okay right to left come on i just need to thin it correctly get it right in the middle of the golf ball. For par par on the first hole let's go that was good. So some of you might notice i've not got a glove on it wasn't on purpose i've just left my glove in my golf bag and seen that i've just brought one club out and have to go gloveless for this challenge it's a strong first start it's a second hole i've come to a short par four it's under 300 yards and i'd normally tee up driver here and give it an absolute smash try and get close to the green if not on the green and then.

Chip around the green um it's gonna be a different story when i'm only hitting it about 100 odd yards but i think if i can get there i'm not going to tee up actually if i can get there in if i can get close in three on the green i should be able to definitely there's still a decent chance. For par i said i think the real challenge is going to come on the next.

When it's a par five back into wind there's a bunker down there. But i'm gonna stay left of that and uh no excuse. For missing the fairway on this unless i hole reach unless i don't reach oh i don't know if i've reached the fairway i went up in the air and didn't really get any distance that's made things interesting so there's a benefit of just playing with one club it's nice and light have to carry anything around negative this is an embarrassingly short t shot on this hole i would never hit it here i'm gonna hit it quick. So nobody sees me because i don't know i'm only using one club let's get it back down the fairway oh that's nice that'll set up a nice third shot into the green yeah perfect position you can't believe this at the moment the fairways at the marriott are pristine. But my second shot here i can't actually believe this let's finish there in a horrible nasty little divot that either somebody's not replaced or a bird or something's flipped over to get some worms so i am hitting from there not not ideal i was hoping. For a much better situation but i'm 90 yards away to this flag so it's going to be a full shot. And actually quite nicely timed if you need a video to help you get out of a divot like that it's actually my previous video one of them so i'll link it in the corner right let's see if i can take my own advice let's see if i can still stick it close after finding a divot oh spin hard oh it's gone big i've absolutely airmailed it i took the right connection. But i hit it too hard it's through the green i have to chip back oh i thought i was gonna be good then.

As well i press the button [Music] [Music] [Music] okay final hole par five. And just looking at the yardages here i think i'm gonna go off the yellows i think that would be fair seeing that i've limited of how far i can hit it all right guys if i par this hole you have to like this video i think that's only fair right let's see how i get on. So i did say i'm gonna play professional shots. But you know what i think it's time to actually try. And smash one i think to get on the fairway i've got a hit one about 140 yards i'm gonna try. And absolutely muscle one down there [Music] that's probably the longest one so far and i still don't think i've hit the fairway [Music]. So two things first off i cannot believe i've just hit that second shot into the roof albeit only just off the fairway i shouldn't be missing the fairway second i'm 230 yards away to the green in theory two full shots with this club will get me there. So there's still a definite chance for par let's just make sure i put myself in a good position this time [Music] so it comes down to this i'm a 115 yards to the flag so it's a nice full sound red for me this i've got to get up and down to make par pin is right at the back. So i just need to take a bit of spin off it let's hope we can get close. And set up a par chance come on it's a beautiful shot get up there [Music] stop spinning hey listen we're on the dance floor we've put in albeit with a wedge we've got an outside chance of par that's pretty decent so as i'm coming up to the last screen gotta be honest i've enjoyed this little fun challenge just playing with one club definitely makes you become more creative makes you think about the shots in hand you have to manipulate shots it's always good fun this wedge is good as i mentioned the start it's very similar to cleveland wedges in the past it's quite similar to let's say a vokey wedge certainly with the technology that they've changed with it it is good i like it. But will it help me make a power in this last hole as i mentioned if i make it you've got to like this video alright if i make it let's get 30 000 likes let's see what happens [Music].