So i've got a new set of irons to test cobra rad speed i thought you know what i'm going to put them in the bag it's supposed to be a forgiving set of irons we'll take them on the golf course play nine holes it's a nice day down here at marriott worthy park i've gotta say these irons aren't particularly aimed at me they're aimed at forgiveness maybe higher handicapper. But i'm also intrigued to give it a bit of a whirl the set that i've got in the bag is five down to gat wedge. So i can only hit five irons my longest club. So i've not brought any woods out with me and i've only got gap as my most lofty club so i might have to be creative around the green technology wise there's a new 3d printed medallion at the back so apparently cobra is saying that 3d printed medallion is going to give more stability across the face more forgiveness i think i'm going to need it today.

Also on the face milled face which is something again a little bit different on this set. And they're quite strong lofted so i'm expecting to go a long way let's give him a whirl start with five hand off this first hole and see how i play for nine holes and also to make this more interesting if i can shoot three over. Or less i'm gonna give a full set away to somebody watching this video now i was going to give this set away. But if i'm honest slightly chunkier grips and actually extra stiff shafts so i'm going to give away a set that are tailored to you the variable length. Or if you want the one length as well because this set does come in a one length all you have to do is subscribe to the channel like the video leave a comment i've got shoot three over i'll do my best right now start. For this five iron what's quite interesting with this set as i mentioned they are a power set irons. And there's they've got this top line on it's like a carbon fiber top line and that's only in the five six and seven iron and then.

After that it does just go into a standard set i'm not sure i feel about that it's a little bit it's not offensive. But it's not dead super clean anyway five iron to start things off let's hope i play well eh [Music] i'll tell you what that was a hit out the toe. But we're in the middle of fairway right i'm going to concentrate. For you now play a few holes and let's hope i can put a good score together [Music] [Music] okay through three holes i've got a lot to unpack currently i'm too overpowered it's not the great start um i should have i got robbed from a birdie there in the last hole to be honest when it hit the flag that i should have got in what i'm finding. So far with these irons they're strong like the last hole i just played i thought well instead of just trying to rip a five bags that's my longest club let's try and play a little bit more tactfully so i opted to seven iron thinking i'll leave myself about 100 yards in that didn't work out i actually carried the seven iron around about 225 yards now these irons are strong loft. And i put the lofts up here so you can see. So they are going to go a long way. But that went a ridiculously long way so it left me with a really fiddly little gap wedge into the green which i played okay. But not the way i should be playing that hole but again the distances surprised me so like i said i'm probably too over lots more golf to play i still think i can finish no more than three over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now from here that looks incredibly close it's really that was a nine iron from 150 yards. And i had to take a lot off that but what was still amazing hopefully you picked it up i pitched five. Or six yards back and spun back aggressively towards the flag that looks really close actually from here it might not be up close but it looks it from here [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay i'm six holes in i'm now two over par last three i went par on the par five birdie on the par three by the way that was super close to a hole in one that was only about a foot. And a half past the hole really impressed with that one and then.

Stupidly just vogued the last i think when i missed the green because i've not got a lot of loft in the clubs obviously it's a little bit hard to get up. And down but that was a that was a disappointing bogey back to two three holes left to play now let me give a little bit of a review of the irons what i found. So far one main thing that they are super long like they have powerful hitting irons i know that's what they're supposed to do. But like i said that seven iron that hit on hole 12. it just went miles. And every time i've needed to just adjust that when i've been playing so it's something to bear in mind the other thing i found they are forgiving i'll be honest i've not been striking it pure today.

By any stretch of the imagination. Yet the performance from the clubs have still been decent like it's got it down the hole not always perfect but pretty good i think the only then.

Disadvantage is there's not a great deal of feeling the irons. But i think again. For the consumer that wants a set of irons probably not that bothered about you know super soft feel i like forged irons i do i admit it. And they're not that kind of softness but again i don't think that's who it's catering. For i think they are forgiving i think they look quite nice like i think they're a nice looking set i don't like them actually not. For me but i think. For someone who wants a forgiving set of irons they should really look at considering these they've got three more holes to go as i mentioned i'm two over par two par fours in the par five i feel confident i can shoot under three on three over no more. But there's no guarantees i just don't need to make any silly mistakes [Music] that last shot reminded me of something i forgot to mention as well i've noticed these irons definitely have a tendency going more left now they feel slightly more upright than what i'm used to which would make that ball go refraction more left. But it's definitely something i've noticed [Music] okay last hole par five eighteenth hole it's a couple of good things first off the t's been brought forward i've not done that it's all been settled by arts it's quite short par five today.

Second bit of good news i'm currently too over again if i shoot under three over. So long ago given a set of these cobra irons away i can mention all you've got to do like the video leave a comment subscribe to the channel now the items don't come out until early 2021. So the winner will be picked then..

So let's place last hole they're a nice set of irons quite forgiving they're not particularly for me i've enjoyed the extra help they've given me today.

Right let's see if we can make par on this last hole oh it's good it's long that's actually not bad i thought he's gonna go more less than that we're on the fairway okay i'm gonna lay up here in my second shot just. So that i can leave a full shot. For my third into screen so after that i've still not left myself a full shot in i've still get too close to the green i'm only 75 yards away so i'm gonna have to get a little soft gap wedge again come down a bit oh pitched it over the back of the green well that's three shots now hmm or just chip it in so either way i nearly finished in style by chipping it in for birdie left myself this apart to finish two over guys thanks for watching someone's gonna be winning a set of these irons [Music] thanks for watching you.