In this video i'm gonna play exactly the same hole 18 times in a row it's a par three it's one of my favorite holes am i gonna get better am i gonna get worse and more importantly i'm gonna get a hole in one all right guys so it's super early in the morning because we need to get out early before all the golfers start teeing off on the first we're gonna go around to the 14th holes of par three still dark out but i can give it 10 15 minutes it's going to be light coffee ready everything prepped let's go all right guys. So here we are 14th hole here at the marriott one of my favorite par 3's ever actually it's still not fully light. Yet but i think we're going gonna start the challenge off now you'd like to think i'm gonna get better you'd like to think my score's gonna get lower as we progress not sure if that's gonna be the case. Or not and i've been a little bit cheeky spoke to the green keepers and asked for a middle left pin to suit my draw hopefully that gives us the best chance maybe a hole in one let's find out okay first hole effectively it's uh 10 past seven in the morning let's hope we can start strong i'm actually weirdly nervous okay come on start strong oh that's a lovely start i tell you what i can't i'll be honest with you i can't see where that is. But it was tracking exactly online to the flag oh my god oh my god that's crazy looking at the drone footage here i mean that looks like that's like a foot away oh my imagine that imagine that. For a start i mean technically if i finish the whole come back. And play it again every attempt it's gotta be a legit attempt at holding one right that would have been one hell of a start oh my goodness getting down here now it is literally one foot away from the hole it pitch right up there i'll get the pitch mark in a minute. And then.

Zipped back to a foot away from the hole let's start off with a nice little birdie okay hole number two that was quite nice as well [Music] yeah not bad two under through two this is how i should play golf all the time okay that is a dream start. But is it gonna continue i'm not too sure oh it's a bit skinny add a little look in. But it is the first part of the day okay. So that's three holes complete so far no bogeys on the scorecard i think i've got two missions to continue to make no bogies. And let's try and finish six on the par for the 18 holes i'm currently two in the par okay hold four get down oh that is weak miles away oh simmer down simmer just a minute ago i was saying making no bogies i've now got a test in par put [Applause] you absolute idiot first bogey of the day back to one on the path [Applause] [Music] oh no that's gonna miss the green oh no first green mist in the bunker oh no it's getting worse oh no oh spinned it through the back i think i might be in another bunker oh dear all right this is actually a harder bunker shot than the first one what are you doing rick come on go in go in oh my goodness that would have been the greatest car ever wow that was super close all right come on salvage your boogie [Laughter] i didn't think today.

I would be making a double bogey on this whole nightmare nightmare right i'm going to change club a tie-in even though this morning the very first shot was perfect i feel like i'm needing to take too much speed off it i'm gonna go a full nine-nine i'm a bit warm i think it's slightly down breeze as well i think a 99 is the right club yeah you know it's a big mistake it's never nine iron what am i doing i need to go back to eight iron on the next.

Hole go on start breaking go go go ah [Music] i nearly missed that one okay it's time to start peppering this flag i've gone back to eight iron [Music] oh that was right over the flag i am a bit in between clubs i felt the a when i hit it well goes a bit long. And the nine just doesn't get there i'm not the type of golfer to be able to get a soft little light [Music] right whoa [Music] it's okay silly billy ow oops damn. So that's ten holes done i'm too over par now how has this happened it's died off so strong things were. So promising this morning all right i need to make some birdies [Music] oh very disappointing [Music] oh it just faded a little bit [Music] that's well sure oh what an idiot i have my 99 out the bag because i didn't put the nine iron back in the bag and i left it out and then.

I was chatting. And i just grabbed the club up stupid silly mistake back to the eight iron like it should have been [Music] then.

Wind just kick it back and then.

Just go straight in the hole spin okay let's go let's get some birdies let's get back on track let's go. And knock this bad boy in yes yes it's been a long wait. But we're back on the dirty hunts one over par we're back [Music] oh that's terrible [Music] not back in the bunker no no ah i thought i was in the bunker i'm not i'm honestly i'm not sure if that's a good thing. Or a bad thing [Music] break baby break baby nice up and down sir oops not smooth bloody miles away right three holes left to go i'm currently one over par and i desperately want to get under par so i need to make two birdies with three holes left to go not a bunker again oh no i should know every bloody inch of this green i should know every break should be no excuses that this doesn't go in [Music] to keep the dream alive two holes to go two birdies needed oh no rick the last few shots have been awful don't go in that bunker again it's a good bad one [Music] it's low it's low. And long ah weak effort ouch ouch ouch all right you know what this has been a fun challenge today.

17 holes played. So far one more to go i'm currently too over par did i want to do better yes certainly after birdie birdie start. But it's not to be the case you know what be really interesting if someone wants to work out all my stats leave it in the comments down below love to know that one hole to go if you want to see me do a par 4 let's get this video to 50 000 likes. And i'll do par 4 coming up next.

To shoot level par i've got to get a hole in one well let's finish this video in style oh go on then.

I have to sit down get down spin hard [Music] two over par.