Right here you go guys on youtube here is a video today.

Of a very very exciting promising young lady golfer this is george's georgia coral is 13. And plays a plus one so pretty good standard of golfer she's actually spent a lot of the time in the us this winter just come back for a few months and she's going off to the us again to actually go. And play in the us lady open qualifying out in dallas uh so she's come to me today.

With a bit of a tune-up a bit of a touch-up to get her into a position where she feels like she's more confident when she's going out of play. And i want to share first off the natural talent that george has got and also what we've actually done to her golf swing today.

To help her with a consistency level helping her strike the ball better. And also looking at getting into a position where she can actually perform better when it counts under the cost under the pressure like say george only 13. So it's uh she's still got that time to learn but you know we've got girls got ambitions to aim for uh you can also check georgia out on twitter do check out her twitter name in the description below um it's only a little uh something as well if you tweet her. And uh obviously tell her how good she's done on this video i think she's done amazing her. And a family are also looking. For some potential funding because obviously going out there is expensive. So if you do contact her on twitter uh it wouldn't be a bad idea to if you are looking at sponsoring a young talented golfer um do contact her on there as well. And speak to her and a family if you can help in any way that'd be amazing. But what we've worked on today.

Is a few key things to help her with a swing plane this is georgia on the left hand side with the six iron now six sign at the moment she's hitting about 150 yards which is pretty pretty decent standards. But at the moment not hitting it consistently online enough so obviously these lines aren't here just for the sake of it what we see at the moment we've got a really good setup really good posture in our backswing we go a little bit too steep and we struggled slightly we managed to do it with pure natural talent. But we struggled to get this club consistently on plane so we hit quite a low fading golf shot to 150 yards unbelievable finish position as well really good finish position so what we've worked on today.

Is we've worked on the simple fact of getting her swing plane more online. So it repeats over and over and over again i've also used a new tool here this is my um swing plane perfector which i've been sent through from twitter to review. And this is my first outing of it. And just show you how well it's worked it's there it's not at the correct angle there at the moment it's there it's more of a guide so i've actually just put it so it's resting on the right shoulder and what we talked about today.

Was getting the club a little bit flatter on a back swing. So she wasn't as steep going back straight away we can see a massive improvement where this backswing line is much more on on plane to where the golf ball is sat instead of being quite. So upright so we can see a big difference there from there we talked about swinging it a little bit flatter on the downswing. And keeping the club underneath the swing plane line there the float that we've got hanging up in the air and the improvement on the way down was unbelievably good straight away we started to see more height we started to see a better projection of the golf balls direction you can see their shootout unbelievably straight. And still hitting the same distance as you were doing. So the consistency level is really going to improve now this is only the first stage of her development what we've worked on today.

There are other areas that we're going to work on to get her to the next.

Stage of development getting her hitting the ball even better than what she's doing at the moment. But guys like i say do check her out on twitter this twitter name is in the description below if you can help out in any way it would be massively appreciated 13 year old playing off plus one. And with the the improvements we've made to a game already just from today's session i can see a very bright future. For this young girl so guys thanks very much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to the channel. And also like say check georgia out on twitter if you can help in any way it'd be massively appreciated. And thanks so much you.