Right guys so top tip time this is this is a really good one this is a power lag movement how you can create more lag in your golf swing lag is in its simplest form the angle that you maintain during the downswing it helps generate club head speed. So if you can create lag you can create more clubhead speed kick the ball further. So it's in it's an important part and i'm sure many of you out there watching this will desire that extra distance. So top tip we're going to talk about how we create more lag now believe it. Or not we're not going to talk that much about the downswing today.

To help create power lag we need to talk about the backswing. And certainly the takeaway so from this front view if i go back with an awful lot of wrist hinge so lots and lots of angles set already so you can see here my glove hand is really um angled very severely once i get to the top of the golf swing i've already created lots. And lots of lag generally you would see the club uh overswung and again that makes it a little bit harder to get any consistency so i've created lots of angle already now during the downswing then.

It's more likely that i'm going to un coil that angle during the downswing. So if you create loads going back you're more likely to lose it coming back down. So you might create loads and loads of angle you might be going right i'm creating a lag i'm creating lag. But unfortunately going once you get to the top of the swing that lag starts to uncoil because you can't you can't create any more. And trying to maintain that much is very very difficult. So top tip this is how you're going to create more lag we need to reduce how much angle we use going back in the swing if we can reduce the angle going back in the swing step by the left wrist. Or if you're for a right-handed golfer we can then.

Create angle during downswing. And maintain it as we're coming to hit the shot so let's talk about that in a little bit more depth so if i go back halfway back in the swing now what you'll see from that front view there is a difference between my left arm. And the golf club there is a difference that difference simply is the angle between the left arm. And the club at address you can see that angle there it's just that turned onto its side. So i've not tried to create any more left wrist angle here i've not that's just the starting position turned on to its side now if i go back slowly you can see that i've not tried to hinge it i would like to see a position where you go halfway back. And already the club is not set to 90 degrees. Yet it's not set to 90 degrees it might be at 110 degrees 120 degrees in that position once you then.

Come down you can then..

But also this a big benefit you're not going to over swing as much as you come back down you can then.

Start to create the angle it's then.

That you want to start hinging that left wrist position. And that's where you create that power lag that's how you're going to help hit the ball much further. So you're going to go back with no wrist hinge you're going to get to the top. And then.

You're going to create lots. And lots of it now the creation of it mainly comes well it comes from two sections really it can come from the left wrist. And it can come from the right if you're right in the golfer i actually like the right wrist angle holding it there. So as you get to the top you're trying to make the difference between your forearm and your wrist very very severe so as your thought forearm points downwards you're almost trying to point your hand and your thumb upwards so you can see that angle there. So as you're pulling down with your forearm your hand is actually going in the opposite direction. And that's how you're going to create that extra bit of lag. But top tip no lag going back. And loads and loads of lag coming down you'll see on the video there i created 100 degrees going back let's say 110. And then.

Something like 65 in the 60s coming back down so i'm actually creating more angle and that's guys how you're going to create the power lag that's going to help you hit the ball a lot further guys thanks. For watching you can subscribe by clicking the link down here below if you've not checked out my other top tips check out the playlist up here in the corner uh it's my top 10 tips to help you improve your golf guys thanks. For watching i've been rich you've done down at tropical center and that's how you're going to create more power lag.