Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold centre in manchester. And this is all about home improvement thing that things that you can do to improve your golf if you cannot get out to practice. Or can't get on the golf course and i think this is a really important one because i don't believe enough people do this. And it's actually practicing while looking at yourself so we have a mirror and i'm sure you've all got a mirror at home and you can all practice while looking at one now you might not need a golf club let's say you could just use your body. And get swinging in the in the mirror if you can use a golf club do check with the responsible adult in the household that's either your parents. Or your other half just to make sure you don't break anything and we're not hitting any golf balls the golf ball does not need to be involved at all. So you can use an old club a small club whatever you want to use. And practice looking at yourself so actually practice either working on your stance your alignment your your positioning of your club your handle position your arm like keeping your arms straight the way that you turn your body you can work on. So many things actually looking at yourself doing it because if you don't how do you know you're doing it right. So you might go and have lessons but if you don't practice actually looking at yourself and practice without hitting a golf ball i think that's really really effective practice. So you can stand there. And you can address the things that you need to address in your golf swing. And you might see things in your swing that you're not a big fan of you might notice that your arm's a bit bent or you might notice your stance has got a bit narrow or wide and therefore. you can fix it you know you will sure you watch videos. And you know information about your golf swing what it should should look like bring that into your own practice you can look directly into yourself into the mirror. And work on things that are going to help improve your golf game you do it from face on you can do it from down the line. So you can check your positions of your swing you can check the angles ideally if you've got a mirror that you can even put some tape on. So maybe an old mirror where you can draw some lines put some tape on you can you can really practice the swing arc around your body you could practice maintaining your height you could put a line on top of your head you can practice loads of things by using just a dead simple mirror that i'm sure you've got at home. And you know we all get out the shower and have a few practice swings looking at yourself but make it productive actually practice something that's going to improve your game. So that is all about home improvement go. And practice watching yourself because that is the honestly one of the best ways you can practice it's not vain you other people in the household might think that's the case. But it's not it's about you improving your golf game by seeing what you actually do guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video do give it a thumbs up i want you to subscribe by clicking the link down here do check out my other home improvement golf tip videos on my channel like comment down below share the video i look forward to seeing you next.

Time hopefully uh not through a mirror you.