All right youtube land today.

I've got a real treat. For you a product test from the guys at procore now this is a putting training aid that's supposed to help dampen. And soften the blow we've got russ hicks here from pro cause company he's gonna talk talk us about the product we're also going to fit one to my own product i've never tested this product at all before this is completely new. And completely cold so i'm giving you a real life test and without rust being here i'll give you my honest opinion even though rust does work. For the company i'm giving my honest opinion as well um so i'll introduce like i said to russ he's going to give a little bit of a demonstration. So russ if you talk us through the actual product itself and i'd say some of these guys out here might never even have heard of the product before so feel free to to sell it give it give it your best shot all right rick so what we've got is we're dealing with damping um within the shaft okay what happens with the clutter generally is we're all trying to find the sweet spot if i just take your putter here um the sweet spot is governed by the centre of mass that effectively is a pinhead within the material um. And either side of that we've got a level of stability that goes on depends on how the distribution of weight is within the pattern okay as soon as we fire vibrations at that we are actually diminishing the amount of effectiveness of that sweet spot. So we're making the sweet spot smaller we are indeed yes. So as soon as the ball contacts the face in normal circumstances without a pro call vibrations travel up to the hands and back to the face and we've had some scientific um stats calculating up to five times before the ball's left the face right so that changes the energy those vibrations diminish the effectiveness of the sweet spot and the energy that's transferred into the ball okay. So with our product what we do is we actually dampen that shaft we reduce the vibrations that are traveling by about half right. And that's significant in the performance and effectiveness of the sweet spot so it makes the sweet spot remain the size effectively all right increase of course sweet spot but you increase the effectiveness of the smell so it's a real um physics and science piece of equipment okay david identified the issue of damping in shafts using what we know as a sample. So just on there guys david hicks is russell's dad he is one of the phenomenal putting inventors works with a few high-profile players as well. And it's david who's actually come up with this product really yeah correct. And he did that he uses what's called the sam put lab which requires a crucifix that's bolted to the front of the putter to pick up sound waves. And he noticed whilst actually developing his own putters he wanted to test them on a robot with a crucifix and he noticed as soon as he bolted that on putters improved performance right okay. And what it was doing was damping the shaft being an aerospace engineer which david is from his history you know he started life as an engineer as a young lad um he came up with a solution how to down that shaft which is what is today.

Procore fantastic really good. So the the whole idea of it came from the sam putin lab uh some putting live guides if you've not seen it before it's this uh another great piece of equipment that monitors and and tells us everything about the putting stroke when we hit it and to use that we have to actually clamp there's like almost a crucifix don't we to it and that's where david actually discovered this idea that the putter head was twisting less correct. So i'm going to hit some putts here now. And then.

We'll actually fit one of these on the putter or inside the putter should we say and the beauty of this is that it is an internal aid you can't see it uh perfectly legal yeah. So nothing fully rna approved so it's not something that's going to be dead obvious when you start holding more putts at the weekend you're going to your playing parts aren't going to notice. So much so if i first off let's hit one right out the middle this time first on the put so felt good rolled smooth and in the middle of the hole now should we go toe side yeah if you listen to the acoustics. And the sound off the face as well that's a big feel and you'll hear a difference once i've put the product in so if i go off the toe this time that was right off the toe. And that's missed missed to the right anyway then.

We're on about a six to eight six seven foot or a probably a bit long ratchet about eight foot here let's go severely off the heel and that felt awful that really did feel like awful it felt like there was no speed in the ball it was never going to really get to the hole. And we can see that from the result as well it's only finished level to the hole let's go severely off the heel. And that's going way off that left hand side. So what's happened there is that obviously the toe massively off the to the right hand side the heel massively off that left hand side. And so what we're going to do now we're going to fit a putter a pro core to this. And see the results again so i'm going to another three shots in a moment this takes about how long russell around about five minutes. So i'm going to show you russell fitting this. But i'll fast forward it so you don't have to watch all of it and then.

We'll test it again now how am i going to how are you going to determine which one's the right one. For me okay we got two different weights now weight is actually a supplementary benefit of the product um purely because we have to have an amount of material mass. So what we've come up with is some people want to increase the weight of their putters they've always said i like my putter. But i've always wanted it a little bit heavier so we've got a 50 gram option okay um. And then.

We've got another one which is aluminium. So that's a steel core okay. And that's an aluminium core which brings it down to 20 grams so i'll just take these to the camera so we've got the this is the product itself it's idea. For focus in here this is the 50 gram one it's very very thin. And this is the 20 grand one honestly if i shut my eyes you can really do feel the difference of the two can't you when you put them side by side. So which one do you think is going to be kind of best personally. For you rick i would say we want to probably go for the 20 grand okay um we tend to find that players kind of you know 18 25 handicap the heavier one because it helps actually keep alignment. And the pen whereas guys like yourself who are very dialed to their putters very good that's what he's trying to say a very good player very good players then.

We try to go. For as little change as possible okay. So that you you're really then.

Seeing that the damping benefits of what we've got and it not just being a big weight change and internally will i feel much will actually feel much difference in the putter you will absolutely because the feedback of what's happening at the face of the putter to your hands changes dramatically okay. So you will feel more connected with what's going on at contact. And that will give you much more ability to be able to judge speed read greens read distance perfect brilliantly very significantly right i'm going to leave it in your capable of hands like i said we'll fast forward this bit. And join us again in a couple of seconds and then.

I'll hit another three putts and see if i can get all three of them in this time. So so finished article we've got it back and all that's happened there we saw the process rusted i've put some pictures on there as well russ kind of just cut out the butt end of the club a little bit to the grip end of the club did some crazy stuff inside it which i didn't need to know about it he used this little instrument to pop it down post it back up did some other stuff as well. And instantly it does feel different feels a bit heavier it feels i don't know a bit more solid in a way it's. And that is that the normal reaction really it is yeah yeah again a particular guy's single handicap scratch um yeah people can feel it straight away even just pulling a ball across the floor people really i can instantly feel something's different going on yeah some something is actually very different. And this is the 20 grand one we put in 21. this is the red one there's red one normally 20. yeah. So all the all that rust then.

Put in at the end you might just be able to see it he just kind of covered it again back up i can't quite focus on the camera there but he just focused it back up he just uh filled it back in and it's not focusing but basically you can't tell there's anything there now i'll put a clearer picture of that on so we should hold all three of these now shall we about for human error but yeah in theory now this should feel a lot more solid it should feel much cleaner across the face whether you're in the off the center toe. Or the heel you should get a much better connection and it should twist less you should have less twist and the twist is partly because we've got an added piece of material in there now right okay. And you know steel's very strong in this in this direction but in a torsional direction you've got some weakness okay you know even coming out the toe you've got that that force trying to twist that i get you. So we're stiffening it up as well so if i do the same three putts this time. So i'm gonna go middle first then.

Toe then.

Heel so you saw before hold one miss one to the right this one to the left right that was a definite different feeling honestly that was really different it came off the face. So nicely that was that was good. So if i go slightly toe side or center this is where the real test is yes ross certainly is oh i've just not hit it. But it didn't twist that was my error that was my hair that i don't want to get i didn't feel like it twisted though not as much oh just in the edge if i go heel side this time now that definitely didn't twist as much i only just missed on the edge there where before it missed by about six to seven inches that you hear the difference as well yeah distinctly different if i had my eyes shut i wouldn't know where i've hit it from no it'd feel more centered where before if i had my eyes shut. And did that same put test before i would have really felt the putter twist yeah. But that way if i would have hit it from anywhere on the club face then.

With my eyes shut not knowing the result i would have predicted i would have hit more nearer to the middle there's no question about that. So a very nice little product and you you were saying before speaking to us before. And russ was saying it's actually going to suit the higher handicappers because they just don't hit the middle as much correct. So the heavier weight the less middle of strike the less consistent of sweet spot this is going to help you even better it helps everybody really through the range because you know your your low handicappers are trying to find that finite you know extra little bit yeah. And and then.

Your other guys yeah you know they don't get that chance to practice. And get consistency in their stroke very good really this this is a product. For everybody through the range um and you know people feel it even guys that you know haven't been playing for long yeah they can feel the difference straight away that that honestly felt better. And to get to nitty gritt price it's retailing at 49.99 okay. So cheating much cheaper than a brand new potter absolutely you can fit it into existing pattern no problem at all. And they also do you know trial it at the end of the day the only commitment you make is is to this cap in the end okay you know if you have it called out you try it if you like it. And you can feel that there's some benefit to you buy it if not the guys in stores will take it out oh really yeah no problem. And where can we get them from you can get them from american golf stores yeah um across the coast there's about 13 stores in the uk okay trafford here obviously trafford gold come to traffic golf center first at the american gulf here absolutely. So traffic gold center and they're a number you have to look at a website or a number of um pro shops and ag stores across countries now i'm going to leave this in my putter from now on. And guys if you ever want to come and test it come and come and give me a shout and you can always test this down at the back of the studio here. And i believe you've got test ones in store anyway haven't you yes we have yeah here at trafford they've got products here. So they've got test ones as well russ honestly that is that's going to make me much better golf you realize i'm not going to be doing videos anymore i'm going to be out on tour playing if only. So that was the pro core um what do we call it putting training aid uh it's a pro core um shaft damping system. For putters pro core shaft dampening system for putters that was my review of it i definitely felt a difference there's no question about it that felt a lot better on those last three putts guys give it a go give it a try check out russ i'll put his twitter name down at the bottom you can check out procore twitter as well thanks. So much for watching if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can check me out on facebook. And twitter do subscribe to this channel. And guys if you've got any more product that you want me to test give me a shout and i'll be happy to test it thanks so much guys thanks very much for rush for coming up all the way from bournemouth to come and see me today.

As well to this review thanks very much. For watching you.