So your ball has hit the green you've repaired your pitch mark and you've marked your ball everything that Tour Pros do. But what the Tour Pros do that you don't. And you should start doing from now on hi guys it's Rick shields PGA golf professional if you're new to my youtube channel welcome hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any videos hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and leave me a comment down below I'd love to hear your thoughts and also share it for your around certainly for someone who's not very good at putted I'm going to show you how you can hold more putts. And what tour pros do to help them prepare. So when you watch Tour Pros and they've got a pull from here I've put the ball back on the marker here just to demonstrate this and we go into the hole here in the middle don't just look at it from one dimension they'll circle around the hole almost doing a 360 trying to distinguish where the high point is which is pretty much where I'm right now working around to figure out where the low point is as well because that's going to give you a huge read of how this putts going to break I'm now at the lowest point. So I know high point is over there low point is down here this balls gonna slope from right to left also figuring out is it uphill. Or downhill so I'm starting to walk downhill here so I know that this is uphill port. And it's right to left that didn't take long I think that took less than 10 seconds. Or so and you can do it even faster. But you starting to realize what the pot does also if you're playing with playing partners learn from their ports if they've got a port of something similar to you you can't stand directly behind the ball when they port as soon as they put swooped in there have a look. And see how the line is going to break. So that's going to give you a massive indicator to how the balls going to break towards this hole once you've established that. And to what severity you can start aiming the golf ball on your intended target line. And this is something I see almost every Tour pro do. But often gets overlooked by amateurs the golf ball has a line on it either you can draw a line. Or you can use the actual line on the golf ball your objective is to line that golf ball up where you want the ball to start. So as I'm putting this golf ball back down where the marker is I'm lying in the line of the golf ball about two two cups to the right-hand side of this hole when I take my marker away I'll have a quick look behind to make sure that that line is aiming the direction I want the ball to start before the slope starts to take it back to the hole because that's going to give me confidence. And know where to aim the other thing Tour Pros do that you should start doing is visualizing the pot before you hit it. So when you're doing your practice puts ideally just behind the golf ball you want to be visualizing the ball rolling off the putter face taking the break that you've established and going into what part the hole I'm gonna go kind of top right edge here. And I'm I'm visualizing I'm seeing it every single time up or I'm seeing that ball dropping and dropping and suddenly my confidence is going higher. And higher once I'm established my line once I've established that visualization one of the things again you'll see Tour Pros do is they're very stable with their body. And certainly their head when they put so often they won't move their head one bit as they port and often they still almost got the head down when the balls going in especially on really short pulse. So if I line my putter up with the line on the ball now I know that's aiming in the direction I want it to go in I've known that golf ball to be going in the hole over. And over again I'm confident and I'm gonna listen to it drop rather than watch it miss and as you could see I never moved the head I never had the temptation to look too early I listen to it going rather than watch it miss. And you see Tour Pros time after time doing that so there's three main things first off is check the pullout it doesn't take long. And it's not going to hold up play just do a quick 360 around the hole establish it in where the high point is. And where the low point is on whether you are uphill. Or downhill it's gonna give you the best and simplest way to know how the putt is going to read. And how it's going to break then.

When you set up your golf ball behind the marker use the line on the golf ball. Or a black line there's there's tools where you can actually put a black line on the golf ball. Or whatever color you want and then.

Line that up to where you want the ball to start and then.

Your practice puts in routine visualize that ball going in time. And time and time again visualize it going in. And then.

Finally keep your head still when you pull make sure you listen to it drop rather than watch it miss you're gonna hold more ports and it doesn't take much so thanks watching guys hopefully enjoyed the video if you did smash that like button leave me a comment down below you need to my youtube channel hit that subscribe button a lot. For the seniors next.

Time and hopefully holding a lot more post thanks for watching I'll see you soon.