So hi guys my name is rick shields. And this is andy carter. So we're down here not at trafford golf center believe it or not we are at royal living royal lythom open venue two years ago two thousand i don't know 2012 last year two years ago where where ernie else pinched it from adam scott. And we're to have a match up today.

Uh it's going to be me against andy andy's also a professional at traffic golf center. So it's going to be a big matchup. For big no money involved. But all pride we're going to we're going to play all 18. But we're going to film nine of them get them on youtube. For you guys to see and for this first video we're going to film the first second. And third hole and hopefully i should be doing all right we've got a par 3 start it's about i think it's saying 190 on the card we'll see what the bushnell's saying 176 to the flag oh right okay i'm gonna go eight time i reckon uh no not really. So who who's honor who's it we're going first. So we've got first up andy carter what are we hitting andy we've got a seven eight we're trying to chase a little drawer in there behind the bunkers black's cut quite tight 176. one seven six seven iron big boy we've got dan cameraman mccoy down at the green. And seeing this that's on our camera man no it's turning back in nice that's a nice shot middle of the green yeah nice golf shot very nice well done i'm actually going to change club now i did originally have seven uh six. But i've gone down to uh to seven now it's ever been a hole in one on there for the open i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a woozy you've not got too many clubs in your bag oh it's too much draw just starting to drift left too much overdraw never mind i missed the green left. So the only good news is i've not hit a bunker. But apart from that we've got andy on the green position nicely i've completely short side of myself i've over drawn it pin high got this big raster space here and i've got to get it over this ridge and back down again i think andy's definitely on a i don't know i've seen him three-putt from there. So we'll do our best i'm gonna land it just short the ridge i'm actually gonna play a little nine iron bumper run shot i'm gonna land it just on the front edge run it over that little bump. And get it rolling down towards the flag oh i've just overdone it just overcooked it a touch yeah see if i can hold that one. So we've got andy you're good out no we've got a pretty straightforward that's good looks good not bad not bad no give me come out that sir all right. So really i've got to not listen um fairly straightforward slightly uphill the claw of doom is out let's see if this can be rolled in oh he's got a hit in the side door no pressure cart dog oh this is like the battle of the bad grips oh you're the claw i'm candy i always had a three written all over that one then.

It's got an awful lot bigger this part just got twice the length straight up hill let's play friendly yeah go threes hole halved in threes second hole straightforward par four this is where woozy chucked his club out on it i pay you. For one job i might count i might see how many he's got in i count you for one job we're a bit further forward than the actual championship too rough even though it's the red team it is the the proper men's team it is all right both the ladies all square after one good power safe pass forward tee shot pretty much nice little fade off those left bunkers plenty down there out of bounds right that railway down it's not a problem oh he's called it great old shot perfect perfect he likes that he called it i'm gonna do something very similar i'm gonna try. And hit the same shot just down that left-hand side you're staying left that should be all right yeah good yeah it's good goodbye move on it's good just skipped over the bunkers. So i found mine in the deep terrain it's not the greatest shot but i found it it's lying all right got 155 left into the flag we've got cart dog down there miles ahead actually to be fair he has not too good i obviously didn't strike mine well so faced over the bunker 155 yards where i've got an eight iron in hand big bunker on the left i'm just going to look at positioning this just to the right hand side of the flag this ball should come out a bit lower only because the ball is sloping away from my body's sloping away from me a little bit it should come out a touch lower. So i should easily get there with an eight it's quite easy luckily the grass is going with the ball it makes it a bit easier oh it's right stay there stay stay stay stay oh it's got a bad kick oh it's right at the bunker. So i need a chip and a putt again to save par to try and keep it at all square filming so we found okay. So carter in the fairway again fairway 135 to the flag honestly looks about 100 yards it does that's the that's the problem with link scoffing very undulating fairways very difficult to kind of really trust your yardage. But pin at the back yeah it looks like he's hanging on the back edge as well. So we've got a picture imagine hand try and commit to it three quarters of it should be enough well i'm not on the green so don't worry about that's true oh it's good it's good stop oh it does run over the back what a shame right absolutely bugging myself up i've massively short-sided myself i've got to get over a bunker. And stop it literally on a sixpence uh carter's at the back of the green simple up and down i'm using my 58 degree honestly 58 degrees isn't enough i need 64 degree or something so i'm going to open the club up. And go at it proper phil nicholson flop shot here got to be aggressive i've got the 5's no good because carter's making four from there. So i'm quite aggressive on it this is either gonna be amazing. Or awful let's see what happens round of applause thank you thank you thank you that's a great shot thank you chance a good chance ah just marked mine that's a great shot just on the line do all that all right i've managed to put a little bit of pressure on what you got potter. But it's not it's not the most enticing life it's wimp there's wimp's out on it go on car roll it close oh it's broke off yeah it's a good putt it's a good pot you can have that give me this all right. So i've got to hold this could be the world's greatest up and down televised on youtube live on youtube live on youtube this could be the greatest up and down ever to stay all square look straight claw of doom is on this oh no oh five one down i didn't look like it was absolutely. So after that gutting gut wrenching blip out there carter's one up par four third hole half a bit tighter than the second it is a tight one there it requires the same type of drive as the second we've got the cameraman done right in the middle of the fairway he's a good marker just aim. For dad dan's a good he won't mind nice little fade off those left bunkers again let's see if we can do two in a row it's right on down it's right undone dan should have that sorted you should see that good shot oh i feel we you know i feel wounded inside after that last hope too i've never never deserved the power. But right so similar flight let's see if we can hit dan this time i don't think he's even looking he's walking through his mind he's trying to find your ball fade a bit fade a bit fade a bit stay out that bunker should be all right just on the left hand side of the fairway we'll see uh who wins this hole. So just left hand side of the fairway 161 andy's level with me this time no maybe a few yards ahead. But pinned at the front 181 no wind i'm gonna hit easy eight iron middle of the green just stay away from the looks like hundreds of bunkers down there anyway middle of the green let's start to hit some conventional shots stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there all right looks good good job yeah it looks good i'm happy with that looks about well i don't know if it's is it just on the fringe it looks like it's just underneath the hole it doesn't look too far away that looks good good distance anyway how far are you i'm definitely less than 161 i've got 155 all right okay. But considering the last hole i'm going to try. And allow for the fact that it seems to be going further it doesn't even look the distance again. So i'm gonna hit it eight times you wouldn't think when what 28th of november date. So perfect day seems uh like the ball is traveling nice distance again today.

Oh back in the sun got an a tank dead straight nothing in the way it's the same club eye from all the way back there oh this looks good this looks good that's it big boy he's got the guns out he's hitting it too far that's gone middle to back of the green ricky shields could have a good advantage here oh this is it getting back to level too big. For my own good this is the last hole of this part guys i need to finish on level come on it's a big putt there's a long put. So much of 155 you've hit that about 170. i think the oh it's a long way this could be the best two forever let's face it out just 20 yards just 20 yards too big wow apparently i hit a time 175 now i'm just off the front edge got a good chance here johnny tended yes please if you get this close i'll be well impressed you got enough club that's not a bad effort oh they caught the slope on the side that is not a badass very good good work pace was good that was a great put from there. So after andy's very very good lag put there i've got a massive left to right here huge big swinger i'm gonna have to rain this up here somewhere and it's got loads of swing load the swing right come on let's get it back to level uphill left hand side give it plenty of respect claw of doom is coming. For you stay up oh very close give me yes is it he's got to hold this he's got to hold this to stay one up a little bit uphill left to right should be okay oh we're back to level we're back to level. So that means after three holes we've got we've gone back to level level uh match play yes vengeance has managed to come through that i've played all. For those three hours and i've managed to get through that really luckily so guys hope you've enjoyed that please do comment share like whatever you want to do you can check andy out on his twitter it's andy carter pg i'm going to put on the description below you can check myself out on facebook. And twitter do subscribe to the channel part 2 will be coming very soon we're going to continue playing a few holes. And we're going to catch you on the seventh eighth. And ninth so three really good holes again levels level yeah you.