So seventh hole royal rhythm and it's my honor so we've got par five got down the video man down the fairway ready to capture this shot got bunkers galore down here loads of all right let's not hit one par five come on see if i can get don't think i can get there in two i think it's a bit of a big ass. But give this a good rip oh that's good that is good here we go here we go it's challenge time it's a cart dog i'll try. And follow that one basically feeling the pressure side of the already so a nice little draw off down to try and get somewhere near your ball it's a big ball don't go knocking it past me now and embarrassing me in front of all my viewers oh he's nailed it he's absolutely nailed it that's a big ball again that's a big ball i'm just going to watch this one this uh i don't i think i have to watch this i think this is just a little bit shorter oh come on oh no tightness black dots well done under how many yards one two three. And a half yards longer i need to get in that gym right so we've still got bloody long way still got a long way yeah exactly i think that's saying 309 yeah it says 309 yards. So i don't think driver off the deck oh there's bunkers as well i look at the bunkers down there. So you've got bunkers positioned oh how far have you got i'm three or nine you must have been level then.

Um i don't know if i should play safe here i'm gonna play safe i'm gonna fire iron middle of the fairway there's some kind of up and down skill should we call it it's where i wanted it yeah take that. So put it to about 190 yards down there go on cart dog what are you going with i've gone really safe a few more yards yeah go is this 303 yards with the three dog it's not reaching we're trying to take out the two try. And clear the the four bunkers leave a little pitch on it's cracking all this oh he's nailed it it's really good nearly there oh good shot sir good shot sir 107 yards so i've played up quite nice actually 202 yard lay up right 107. can't see carter's ball just yet but i think it's pretty close i'm gonna go 54 degree pin at the back oh it's a bit right oh i've got the club as well bit right big divot ah no good there no good rick front edge of the green mammoth golf shot there mammoth oh i'm pin high. But i'm way right that's dreadful shot quite a tricky long hit shot really not much room behind the flag kind of sloping a little bit left to right towards the hole it's going to go the little 52 gap bridge land it around about halfway. And then.

Hope let it roll out let's see it oh oh it's not bad it's a bit short though it's a little bit shy oh look at the camera it's no give me okay. So i've got massive right to left there down up off to the left got to give it again lots of respect claw of doom is having this one i fancied this car to you know all right oh get up oh it's a it's a weak one it's a weak one all right cart dog he's got a little tester three put. For bogey to put for par just keep that match at all square never in doubt never in doubt so after seventh hole match is still all square we're gonna head over to the eighth par four next.

Enter yeah four eight tricky hole how do you feel about how do you feel about it look very disappointed i can tell you're probably i'm pretty gutted with that actually great great drive great second shot. And i've scrambled apart that's what it feels like okay. So we're on the eighth hole par four um packed out with bunkers down there a few down there ain't there there's a few covering left and right uh down the video man he's on the fairway as always now with bushnell and it's about 270 to one of the bunkers so we're both three wood yeah both hitting three wood a little bit down breeze elevated tee let's pop this one into play oh great shot should be good yep very nice left hand side of the fairway now pressure count dog no pressure no pressure no pressure it's down there where'd it finish just caught the left wasn't the best. So let's find out a little bit more about andy what have you got in the bag andy at the moment what are you playing with what we're playing with we've got the titleist 913 driver eight. And a half degree extra stiff extra sticks big boy we've got the uh they've got the 909 three wood actually but never been able to replace it beautiful club and what's on your head cover that this is my pre previous golf club the island golf club in dublin in ireland golf club try it check it out sometime oh. So i'm playing the links links expert here are really i've got a bit of experience we've also got mizuno mp3319 big favorite of mine now to be honest much prefer the one irons in the. And the two irons compared to the hybrids personally and then.

From there we've got four to pitching wedge of the titleist mbs and what what year are these ones these are the seven tens this is last this is last year's model they're up to 7 14s now the 1714s have just come out okay two models the two-year model i have to get the new ones. And then.

What else have we got we've got some volky wedges cleveland gap wedge and a lovely little um roster ghost taylormade putter big favorite of this one big man big fan normal length normally actually cut down to 32 inches all right i've kind of messed about with the inches quite a lot buried around and i found me i found the perfect one at 32. you know what that's right i've just noticed another putter no it's a. So it's a it's a mess about foot so it's a metal outflow i won't charge him for that he declared at the start of the round so let's have a bit of a closer up while he's just hitting that so we can see the mbs the tightest mb's i think i think an upgrade might be coming soon. And there's the island head cover 1890 definitely worth a play right okay off we got here this little nugget see what happens when you miss the fairway oh this one miss fairway rick misses a family can't even get her get away with it can't even get a bounce okay. So we've got we've got 150 it's actually not a bad lie but there isn't quite a way below my feet you know me i'm going to give it a good go it's going to show rick's ball just first time without drove driven car today.

Down there just right down in the fairway prime position look at this right i'm going to get a better angle of this video man on the green are you going with andy i've gone with nine-nine 145 plenty of loft slightly downwind it's uphill. So any advice for the viewers on how you're gonna play this apart from hitting help at the moment it's very very below your feet it's a long way below the feet so you've got to really just commit to the shot fully the grass is very long as well it's wet it's going to be thick the club could get snagged up. And cause the ball to go left so i'm actually going to ignore the flag from the middle of the green right portion of the green. And hope the graph doesn't get to evolve get up get up that is oh you oh he's got he's already gotten scammed it closed he's hit that awful it's run over the bunkers it's ran over the bunkers. And to about 10 15 feet you need to look middle of fairway first time today.

And i've got to try and out-stick carter's on the middle of their ripped down the fairway lasso actually one two three give yourself some credit that's the second time second fairway that's like double the amount of normally one two two um what are we going with i'm gonna go gap wedging a 50 degree this is my score 50 degree wedges right wing just down slightly pin at the front elevated approach i've got to get inside carter i might have to sit down a bit get down it's about how it looks pin high to me yeah it looks alright just a little bit. But it's on there down to putting again and have you this time the claw is going to have you that's where the money's made. So do you want how many puts see how many yards are yeah one two three it's a really really difficult second shot nine ten eleven twelve twelve yards. But to be fair hitting the green was a massive achievement very downhill there andy thanks. For reminding me very downhill go go go go the line has a line i'll just see where mine goes first right so massively right to left uphill come on birdie time need one i've used deserve a birdie yeah i've got this i've got this yeah got this break oh i thought i had it gimmies i'll take them yeah i'm confident from this range. So on the ninth part three i had the phallus say one five eight i'll probably leave yeah one five eight this pin is really tucked into that back left corner got down the video man down there ready to capture this holding one all square in the match i'm gonna go safe i'm going to the middle of the green because that pin is proper tucks behind the middle of the green a little soft lake because it is a touchdown wind well it's middle get up a bit oh i've gone too soft i've got eight home i've gone very soft stay there stay there i went too soft yeah too easy on it right i'm gonna be a little bit more aggressive are you after me i'm gonna go. For the nine iron i'm gonna ask dan tend the flag donnie's down there at the moment oh it's good oh it's good oh it's good oh it's a bit short he's close he's closer than me definitely so part three 158 have it far too softer in eight times i should have hit i should have hit that hard i should have gone for it a bit more but never mind anyway we'll get down to the green and hopefully i can try. And escalate a bit of a harvey i look like i'm up against the ropes a bit here all right so we're miles away one two three four five six seven eight nine ten five thirty four fifteen yards away didn't look that far from the team andy carter where are you around about the same distance it looked great from the teeth it did look very good it looked maybe 10 15 feet short. So it's all about who can two put from here really if we hold one from here that'd be awesome right come on claw of doom she's going in i've hit it very hard very hard i just got at least two way too hard. So car dog two push tricky putt bunkers bunkers are in play with the slopes big left to right great effort got it you got it i was chasing it leaves it short stick a marker on it can't finish we can't finish both sets of three holes with three pups right. So i've got this for the half for the heart big putt big put just down the slope off the right gonna ease it down there stay up oh damn so one up all right we've got three holes left we're gonna play the sick well we've got a few hours left but we're gonna film the 16th 17th and 18th carter's one up at the moment i can't believe that stay tuned to see if i can get it back into play guys you can check carter out on his twitter tagline under carter pga do check him out you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel if you've not seen part one. Or obviously go and see that obviously i hope you enjoyed this one like it comment share some feedback with us tell us what we're doing right and wrong no don't really. And then.

Join us in a couple of days to get part number three where i'm gonna come back from a one down deficit for adam scott against ernie come on i'm gonna bring it back.