So here we are the 16th hole we've got Rick's Hills. And Andy Carter the challenge match at the moment we've done part 1 & 2 so if you've not seen them go and see them firstly it's really important because we were all square after three. Or after three and then.

What after nine I was what up afternoon gusted right we now on Adam Scott's corner. So last year when he when he was in the open he was leading. And we're on the 16 so the 16 17 18 3 quite demanding tough holes very - I'm gonna see if I can bring this deficit back. And hopefully take on the victory guys if you're not that handy before you can check him out on his Twitter page as always you can check me out on Facebook Twitter if you've enjoyed the videos please do subscribe like comment share whatever you like to do it's your AMA sir we've got done the video man down the middle of the fairway hopefully the middle 3k room hopefully we've got a marker post here. So have slightly blind tee shot so I got three hundred and fifty-one yards it's actually a stroke index sixteen so it's not ridiculously difficult Adam Scott apparently so I'm deal first going with the big stick with the driver window go the left a little bit. So gonna shape a little bit left to right oh it's good it's nice good golf shop no golf shots oh right oh one down three to play Adam Scott's corner let's do this let's bring this back. So I'm gonna aim just left that marker it's like the wind just bring it back good shot holding the window so the winds gonna grab it now that's really good I'll take that straight over the marker guys join us in a minute and we'll see what happens near the green I feel a little bit done by there I've gotten straight over the marker and I'm in the rough I can't believe it Carter went way right of it and he's in left side of the fairway gutted just in front of me again so I'm 100 yards away pins back right wins just iron to pick up if we just planted a hole we can kind of see the shot that we've got in here need to put some pressure on cart dog because we've got tools left after this I need to get it back to all square. So I'm going to go left-hand side let the wind bring it back in 100 yards it's a little 54 degree let's just hope it doesn't fly out this rough too much stay there stay there. And spin stay there and spin ha ha come on got to get it back in this much I was the cameraman there that the green gun inside that oh he actually nearly hold it I can't believe it what we gotta do to win this hey if they should ever what I gotta do to win this close whose clothes got it actually it's a bit of legs left in yours they're not dead. And buried mine's not as close why it's not as close as I thought it was right big severe right to left big swing come on this has to drop feeling nervous this has to drop come on give it a chance it's it 90 I can't believe it cannot believe I'm not it again it's downhill I got scared of the hill oh do not go in ah all right I'm gonna leave this here I've got this one little bit downhill left to right not a big break like I say certain every hole I feel nervous really try to hide it Oh it's a good job that is out dead in vero right one down two to play 17 this is dogleg big right to left a far is it 4 4 3 2 yards we probably find a little bit further forward that's about 420 what they just got doing it this way really messed up was just silly Bowl yeah it's it through the back then.

Timo get it that's what I want. So what he's gonna do. So and wind off the right I think it's the big stick over it is odd your buddy come nice big draw a shape around my corner let it run sounds good doesn't it sounds great it sounds great right come on start up the right is it drawing enough yeah oh yeah it should be alright should be okay that didn't probably draw as much you wanted it to now did it I know there's a bunker in that left corner that's the thing I'm worried about a bit. So I don't think that's terrible line up. And I got the same line as you but just draw it back a touch more just overdraw gone girl that could be good that could be good I've turned it around the corner maybe a fraction too much but if it is around the corner that is the short route one down two to play I'm gonna bring this back definitely how good is this core stuff like this is this is end of November. And this golf course is in ridiculously good condition all the room temperature would be yeah it's in awesome condition I mean we've both come out with white shoes today.

And we've still got white shoes I mean that's a good winter golf course just what take this opportunity just to thank royalism as well I mean they've been very very hospitable to us in the way that the letters come out today.

Do a little bit of filming. So please do check out their Twitter as well I'll just put the Twitter at the bottom here guys. So you can check out their Twitter not that the need any PR I've heard it's quite a decent cost I don't think me doing a video it's going to give them any more of it PR. But it's definitely guys one to put on the wish list the sputters out give me a call and you want me and we'll start the fight okay made the hole shorter I've gone the shorter route I can see the flag joke at its height again it's not Sunday people's issues today.

Winds off the right it's gonna help put into the back left in position. For 43 yards it's kind of downwind of it I'm gonna go with a wedge let it let it kind of ride the wind the torture hopefully put it quite close I'm in the middle of the green leather with no job get left pretty good where have you gone. But pin-high it's hard to tell but it's so right huh left alright left looks okay that's dead I've got I've got rough rough. And more rough I can't even see the flag I'm just pushing all of it from there it's 117 and massive wind off the right and it's buried it is well. And truly in the thick stuff great Lisa then.

Go a little bit more like I'd have been really dead done anyway come on let's think positive let's get this on the green roll the point I'm Ernie he's up them that's not disappoint history. So I'm gonna go big 54 Hicks it's all quite alright I'm worried about getting a bit of a flyer here. So I'm gonna go big 54 start it on the right and let the wind bring it back and I really hold on tight through this rough cuz it could twist I've gone for it oh that back edge that edge oh no it's not is it stayed there very close ahaha he's good thank you very much I don't see you out on the green either he could be interesting is it close yeah yeah. And I'm on the green how the hell am I got it there it's it just cleared the back it just cleared the bunker cuz the height just lovely quiet so I don't see my anyway I can't dog what you can do. For me another posture out sense it's golf don't roll it with it don't roll over they give you a range if not hold it double break yeah up. And down the slope it's not going to be easy I'm just there guys just. So you can see. So not not super close but from where I was I'm I'll take that everyday. And you're trying to learn a little bit from undies a break here as off No Oh oh my god can you believe we get there. So anyway still gonna hold this I got a pretty decent read off undies put then.

This needs to drop to put some pressure down the lot right a lot right edge got a go for it really I'm sorry can't leave it short I'll lose it up come on oh yeah I can't lose it true Christ get up get up Rick what am i used to playing on Oh No gosh the residents I mostly take it away anyway one down we want to play can you believe I left it short again I can't get over this you.