Hi my name's Rick shields PGA golf coach here in Manchester at traffic golf Center you join me on a really nice sunny day on our outdoor putting green to test the new products from three-bay GSA I've just done a review on the swing gate so you can check that in the description below. Or on my youtube channel but today.

We're going to actually check out the new three-bay GSA pot training aid. And now this is a very very nifty piece of kit it's classed as the world's lightest putting analyzer I can see exactly why also stay tuned to the end of the video. So I'm giving one of these away me and three three-bay have teamed up and actually gonna give away one to a lucky winner so stay tuned to end the video to find out how you can win one of these. So the packet itself it's comes in a really slick clean packet when we take off the front sleeve this kind of bright green color explodes out in front of us and in inside we've got the little training aid a little putting up and this is different to the swing up there's different motion sensors in this. So and you can't use one for both and forward so you do after of each each one separately inside there as well it comes with a little neat carry case. And everything you need instructions and a charger in there as well but the only thing we really need is this gizmo now I've already paired it up to my iPad you up download the app. And it's a different up against the swings a the free ups so as soon as you turn it on a little blue light flashes up at the top and we are on. So the app shoots straight up in front of me and it's telling me we're on we're green we're all sorted it's all synced it synced by a Bluetooth so as soon as you link it in it's dead easy to connect it really is it's not complicated whatsoever now on the screen here it comes up with some really neat graphics this is one that I did earlier on that you might not see it on the camera here. But I'll do a snapshot of it. So you can see it in the in the video as well. And and you can see loads of loads of really interesting piece of information here on the way that the porter moves the way it keeps square the way that's true he's up. And down and we're gonna test it today.

With myself. And do some puts there. So if I properly I cut down on the floor there for a second it's not only iPod as well you can actually use this on your iPhone. And your Android there's a different different gizmo for the Android version as well a little spike just goes in the bottom of the golf club and all you do is you just line the the arrow up here straight with the golf tip. So everything is nice. And square so everything's in line now like himself kind of a four or five footer here and this is an ideal measurement to get the most out of this app it can do longer putts it can do shorter putt what kind of this range you get a real good good understanding of how you stroke works through the through the hitting area rail. So let's give this go so we're flashing on blue yep we're good there we're good on there so nothing's happening just yet until I hit the actual pot now what it's coming up here in our swing data's coming one new swing so on the screen here got a couple of really in front of brilliant information pieces of information here so first off I can turn it sideways as well it can give me different views on each of my swings here. So I can play through this now in in whatever speed I like I can play it in normal speed I can drag the cursor along the bottom. And the information it's giving me is very valuable in kind of not always self analysis you might need to link up with a golf coach here to tell you what your numbers are all involved in. But it's saying that kind of backswing is going back at a certain angle down swings coming through hidden up on the stroke my back swings a little bit shots. And my follow-through I can also view it from the other side. And this is really interesting from the bird's eye view. And it's saying here my path is just growing a little bit inside on the way back. And then.

Stroking through into the impact I one of the really neat pieces of information here is it's telling you exactly what club face is at impact. So my club face here is saying one point two degrees closed I've hit a little bit from the inside. And my face a little bit of time and it closed so almost of slightly pulled it in I've still managed to get the ball in the hole but I almost pulled it now it's helmet how many times you can repeat that over. And over again so I've got here that loads of different a little piece of information my attack angle and a common is is minus point naught. For my downswing speed my backswing speed my impact speeds 2.9 miles per hour when I hit the golf ball backswing and follow-through temple loads and loads of really good information that can use to improve. And and kind of link up with with either golf coach if you're perhaps in one of these it's really good then.

To be able to take it to a golf coach and say well what my numbers mean. Or if you've been working on a certain thing maybe you've been working on making sure you can face a little bit straighter. So forth you can work on that if I do a bit more of a different golf swing now if I do a really kind of rounded inside maybe even an open the face a little bit I'm probably going to miss this putt to the right. But we're gonna see what the stats come up with on the on the iPad here using the three BAE GSA putting device so if I go very inside open that face up obviously I've missed that clearly to the right just come here say in swing days to come in one new swing has been captured okay now we see a different swinging entirely. So the path is incredibly inside. And look up I can just roll this through it goes right on the inside as we saw there it pushes off to the right. And my club face at the moment of impact was seventy seven point two degrees open to the target. So we only knew that and the board went silly tough to go to the right hand side I hit a much more on the way up through the shark because as a puzzle sub went away from me it started to raise up loads are really valuable information there might a Kangol was coming into the ball that summer look almost six point two on the way up that's far too much I mean just government at the ball likewise I can do that the opposite way. So you might find a golfer let's see I'm going to try. And get this one in this time but I'm going to kind of do it in a bit of a crazy way. So I'm going to go outside. And leave the face open a touch and just see if I can almost scab this one in a little bit. Or just on the edge I went really on the outside there and kept the clubface open and it's come up with our measurements I went a little bit more outside and the clubface remained nearly four degrees open but because I was. So on the outside on the way back that's why it's just missed on that left on the side a little bit but love holds a really great information that you can receive from this this fairly unnoticeable piece of device. And the apps free you just download it you sync it up the device is a couple of hundred pound you can actually get it on the website called strike right code at UK I think it's about 190 pound on there. But it's a great piece of kit and I've really really impressed with the technology that's in this golf club and how it can measure. So much information from being such a small piece of kit now it's a win one all you've got to do is a couple of little things really kind of free things to yourself got it on our Facebook page you've got to go on the three Bay GSA Facebook page. And like that page got to go on my Facebook page and like my Facebook page and they're all there's the links in the descriptions are down below then.

I'm going to switch over to Twitter if you're on Twitter as well can follow three-bay GSA on there. And you can follow myself on there as well within the month we're going to be running the competition to give one of these away very very neat per ticket. And so impressed I've used it with so many clients putted and the improvements have been unbelievable for such a small kind of white I mean the saying it's the lightest training aid out there. And there's no no question about that there's no weight to it at all. And it can go in any putter as long as you've got the hole in the grip which I'll grip have the grips have. And don't forget guys I've done a review on the three Bay GSA pro as well so that's the swing trainning aid incredible piece of kit and you can find that in the description down below it gives you a difference that gives you a co-ed speed. And predicted carry distance but very very impressed so that's the three three Bay GSA putting analyzer thanks very much for watching and please do subscribe to the channel Oh.