[music] hi guys my name's rick shields down here at traffic golf center manchester apologize about the voices going a little bit croaky. But i'm with andy gorman who is putting coach unbelievable putting coach he's uh joining me today.

Because we've just been doing the manchester golf shots while my voice is gone i've been doing far too much talking. And we've done part one already if you've not seen part one go and check it out in the link just up here so go and check that out first it's really really important that you follow the steps of what we're uh displaying saying what andy's talking about it's so important you do one two. And three don't go skipping to the end thinking that you're gonna get some super secret you are. But you need to do one two you do absolutely one. And two first quick brief of what we have covered in part one we're not going to tell you how to go. And watch that one we covered the setup we covered the natural hanging of our arms absolutely the grip and grip pressure as well this time we're going to talk about why it's important to have our forearms more level. And we're going to start to talk about why putters are sometimes ill-fitting very much. So and also the difference between why men would set up and ladies would set up differently that voice is just about holding out isn't it mine's just a little bit on the croaky side. But not quite as bad obviously i wasn't talking as much rick but ultimately yeah what we're going to do today.

Is to cover um that putter fitting it seems really important we get a good putter fitting. And what causes it you know and these are my perceptions there are other ideas out there. But you know over all the years that i've been studying the putting stroke rig it's very very easy it doesn't take an hour to sort the putter fitting out it is a couple of minutes you know. And you know professors say it is about three. Or four minutes we can get this done. So it's not going to take that long on the video we can do it very quickly. But ultimately it's the lie angle of the club that's critical so let's get into the positive position that we talked about last time and get those arms nice and relaxed now the hands always always hang in front of the body so it doesn't matter what kind of human being we might be saying male or female here right young or old the arms are going to hang in the same way. So the hands and arms are always going to be in front of your shoulder line when you're hanging. Or standing up nice and tall and that's imperative we get into that position when we're in our setup now we'll notice at that point in time that the lie angle of the club here this one's a little closer to 72 degrees we've had to put a little while you know the original specification would have been close to 72 degrees and the you know plus or minus a degree or two because of movement over time and maybe the original specifications for manufacturers and we've all got our variables you know in terms of you know what may be the ultimate tweak but i want to get that lie angle nice and flat on the ground so ultimately you know we would maybe do a little bit of this. So we've adjusted the hand position that doesn't feel quite so comfortable does it. So we've got the putter nice and flat but now the hands aren't relaxed and hanging in that position so ultimately it's getting into that hanging position that there's no tension in the arms no change to the grip position here. Or the wrist position to get that putter to sit nice and flat and it's a simple adjustment we can adjust the angle of the club because it's a double bend shaft we're going to work with the shaft a little bit around there that's that is specialist. But ultimately we're not going to change the balance of the club okay by getting that balance by adjusting that club other putters which are a little bit more in this manner. Or you know a typical blade style and much much easier to adjust because the adjustment is done through here you know we can just we can make that adjustment through the head movement rather than trying to bend the shaft we can tweak the uh always tweak at the bottom of the club in this position here. But really you know when we start to bend you know we want to get the shaft to stay in the same place well it's not going to happen on all of the putters okay. So that can affect how the balance of the putter sits this way as well right that's not to worry about that the most important thing is we get the footer nice. And flat on the ground so it's it's just highlighting how crucial yeah. So working with one of my players you know through last year i noticed that the putter was a little bit on the upright side. But that's because she was a girl. And our lie angle is going to be different. For girls manufacturers make putters for men rick all right okay an audience need to be aware of that with the pink grips. And pink paint make them men's grips with pink paint okay. And you know immense butters with pink grips and pink paint so ultimately the head is the lie angle that. And that's the specific the difference between the ladies and the men's isn't about the length sometimes we've got ladies in longer putters because of this lie angle okay. So the shorter club you know we don't have to go with a shorter club it may be that that's the case you know if we're not stature-wise we're not particularly tall but if we are tall you know a man's plot is not going to do it just on length it's the lie angle that's critical. And it's down to this carrier angle in the forearm this angle here so ladies have got a higher carrier angle right so men's carrier angle is very close to 70 degrees. So the standard device i'm joking about shopping i could do. But that would get me into a lot of trouble but actually it's called the carrier angle not for shopping but for carrying the baby so guys you get away with it again so you know i'm sorry girls but the carrier angle it's he's called that because of the carrying of the baby it's to do with the tendons a little bit shorter. And tell you what's really funny and they see these beefcakes that are out on the beach. And giving it all of this the brave man would go up to them and say to them that you know you've got arms like a girl even though the muscles are this big. But actually you know as the muscle gets a little bigger then.

It will impinge on that tendon a little bit. And it would just cause them to need a flatter putter definitely not pink all right so the bottom line is we want to get that putter sitting nice. And flat so you know when i'm working with my tour players i want the manufacturers to make those put us up specifically we'll go into a lot of calculations on exactly what the angles would be but it's simply top of the club sitting flat on the ground if we've got a foot of this nature there's a lot of putters i've got a curve at the base so you know how do you level that off if it's completely curved well typically you know you'll find that there's a at the top edge. So quite easy to actually work out but ultimately that putter to sit nice and flat on the ground there we can see here actually there's quite a bit of toe off the ground isn't it. So that's something simple to work off get that putter to sit nice and flat and that'll help us to keep that club face nice and square through the stroke as well same time we want to get these forearms to be nice and square to the target and they will have an effect very much on the shoulders as well. So you know that's where we you know invented the the t stroke system to actually help first of all obtain the same shaft plane with the forearms and then.

As a byproduct we ended up with a you know a piece of equipment here very simple piece of equipment that was first. And foremost going to set the lie angle with the forearms. So now we can see that the lie angle of the putter is nice. And flat on the ground the forearms and the shaft plane are matching at the same time i'm nice. And square with my forearms at this point as well we are going to do a full product review on that as well guys i've done one before on this. And that's why when andy put that alignment stick across my forearms my forearms are quite level compared to the first time we ever did it first time you know remember yeah you know rick's feedback was very commonplace to you know most golfers when they first pick up the t-story it's like oh i feel like i'm twisting the putter. And that's purely because of the grip position we have with our normal club we're a little bit more inclined to do it i've used this. For probably about yeah i think you've sent me one about a year yeah it will be about it review. And i really at first it was that very bizarre feeling now when i've put it on it doesn't feel like i'm doing anything different it feels like i'm doing it correctly now. And that that's a testament to the amount of practice that you do with it ultimately. So the more the more times you get onto it yeah the more times you get onto it the more times you're using it the easier it becomes. For you okay. So eyes will have either inside ball forearms are level there we go. So eye line inside of the golf ball hands check the previous video as to why that is all right hands. And arms nice and relaxed let's see that ball rolling nice and smooth there we go yeah that's pretty good though nice stroke oh good roll on the ball that distance away from the ball feels really nice it is. And the stroke looks so much more relaxed and you know you've got good grip pressure you've got a nice control of the club face but the arms and the body looks really good from there now once we've established the correct lie angle we can then.

Really get ourselves into a nice position in terms of body posture in a good comfortable position we don't have to bend down all that far we're just bending forward letting the arms hang we've obtained the shaft plane. And that club face is nice. And flat on the ground and stand as tall as you can to the golf ball don't worry about maybe we're going to get that cutter slightly longer by the end of the day. But ultimately we would actually get you you know into the optimum fit from the lie angle first so it's lie angle then.

We're going to get the the length of the club based on how comfortable you are in your setup position. And then.

The loft of the club you know is the final tweak that we can do. So we've got three l's there the lie angle the length of the club and then.

The loft of the club they're the primary things and then.

You know player feedback do you want one a little bit heavier a little bit lighter maybe a heavier grip. Or a lighter grip and all these things can change the balance of the photo. And that's something we can just play with you know inserts you know if you like a soft feel. Or you like a grooved face club and my opinions are that if we have a groove face club there's less material making contact with the ball. So it feels a little softer if we do that also that you know i believe that you know if we're perfectly flat here we could get a dimple deflection on occasion only on the shortest the putts it doesn't happen on the long putts. So you know it's very difficult for anybody to analyze you know why a shortcut gets missed maybe offer dimple deflection because you're just not going to be able to repeat that you know every single time you know you could hit thousands. And thousands of putts and never get one um because they happen so rarely but you know i do believe that this you know a little bit of grooving on the face you know a little knurling. Or whatever it might be you know putters manufacturers that they're all different but it's down to feel on the face i notice yours if there is that urethane insert that the odyssey putters have you know. But you know whether it's metal or insert it doesn't really make that much difference it's at the end of the day are we executing the stroke with a nice square car shortly i can't believe that shorts okay. So we've got short but so they never get in you know but i've noticed that one but the you know ultimately if we can get that ball rolling nicely end over end get a good roll on the ball. And from there we've got a fighting chance of getting that put going on guys that was part two we've covered quite a lot. So far again which is great which is really important. And putting is. So so important guys and you've got to take these bits of advice from andy very very seriously because this this guy knows what he's talking about and you can check out on twitter his name is just here you can check them out on facebook as well i'll pop that there as well we're gonna do part three while we're gonna talk about now the secret now the proper secret the stroke itself. So we're gonna start to dive into the stroke itself if you've not seen again part one and you skipped apart soon and thought what the hell has you talked about in the grip go and check that out quickly in the window just here and if not you're going to join us in part three very soon. And that should be in the window here now guys thank you so much for watching and i can't wait to figure out part three so i can get all these golf balls in next.

Time not missing anymore not anymore [Music] you.