Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And this is part three with andy gorman who is a putting coach fantastic putting coach if you've not seen part one. And two already go and check out if you have seen them you'll realize why my voice is. So croaky because i've been at manchester golf show and i did lots. And lots and lots of talking so it's just any kind of final legs now but i'm just travel all the way from birmingham so we had to do this filming today.

Just because i wanted to show you guys how to improve your putting better i shall now stop talking i'll actually hand it i say if you've not seen part one. And two do check them out. So important because this video is all about the secret to how we're going to hold more putts thanks. For having me rick and hi guys on the audience um yeah secret um straight back. And straight through rick is a myth no it's a myth no it can't be yeah it is a myth you know it's interesting that we think you know. And let's think logically just. For a moment if the putter moves in a straight line with the face square to the target line okay the ball should go straight yeah unfortunately it doesn't work quite like that. And there's a couple of reasons major reason being that the manufacturers are governed by the rna to place at least 10 degrees of of lie angle onto the club well actually because we reverse that that'll be an 80 degree putter. And most putters are in the 70 degree category okay. And as we've spoken about earlier you know we talk about this puts up being slightly flatter for the girls but you know there's a reason why so ultimately we've got to incline that pendulum so a perfect pendulum would be in this manner here but we don't have that choice we have to be in this position okay our body is also inside of the putter. So when i stand to the side of the putter now there is an incline. And if i was actually if i had a big wheel here you know. And we've seen nobody's training etc we noticed that the wheel actually moves a little behind us as well now the putting stroke is just a very small portion of that wheel. So when i'm moving the putter it will move inside that target line. So actually the putter can't stay on the target line to produce a straight back and straight through stroke if we do that that's creating an artificial movement. Or contrived button stroke okay that's going to create pressures it will not hold up under pressure. And just as a little bit of a sort of stab in the dark as i've noticed for my own means you know and and this is this happened to me you know i thought it was a great idea. And i've learned that method the putts tend to go off to the left and interesting will come up a little bit short as well. And the longer putt so i'm sure many of our audience today.

Will appreciate that they'll be going like yeah yeah yeah you know this is exactly where we're at with it. So bottom line is get that putter to move a little on the inside inside square. And then.

Back inside again and we'll be good to see a good rolling ball on that sounds good and you've obviously we've got a training aid here on the floor at the moment which is the putting up. So it's it's really good trainer this is all been done by andy um. And andy's kind of massively passionate about us he's selling this online at the moment yeah we are selling it online we've just gone live with it actually we introduced it to the golfing public um you know as the product we see right now at the manchester show sold a good number of them well into uh treble figures. So that's fantastic for launch product i have actually sold believe it or not 250 prototypes before that and actually those prototypes have had tall winds both on the mend and the ladies european tour quite happy with the results that we've been getting you know we polished it to give it a really nice look and uh fortunately you know seymour putting company the largest independent flooding company in the world have actually endorsed the product so you know a double whammy really yeah yeah you know formula you know terrific support from them um. But you know they recognize exactly what it's doing so if i just bring you bring it back round to the mat again and just to highlight it do you want to highlight what this is actually doing here. And sure well basically we've got a target line that's running the dotted target line is moving towards the hole itself obviously our target line can vary depending on the break on the green. And the great thing about it is that it's actually made of vinyl. So it's a waterproof material we can use it actually on the putting green. And indoors either on our living room carpet or on a putting studio but ultimately it's got a couple of holes in here with a couple of indicated golf balls right hand for the right-handed golfer left hand for the left-handed golfer let's be a little bit obvious about it all we've then.

Got an arc path the black line here and that's where the sweet spot of the putter needs to be moving so that shows us that arc and then.

We want the club face to be square to that arc line as well so as i'm moving it here i'm just holding it off to the side you can see that that will then.

Open up in the backswing. And then.

The forward swing we're going to see the reverse of that. So it will be closing down in the forward swing. So there's a couple of a couple of extra points there we would also have the hole at the back we put the t-peg in the hole at the back there that allows us to adjust it to the left and right and get our optimum set up position so we would end up doing this two peg in the back moving it to the right or the left and then.

We've got two corner pin positions there for tees just to secure it on the ground and then.

There's also a couple of holes just at the side here to be able to put some tees in so if you're outside on the green pop a couple of tees in there if we're inside we can always upturn a tee. And pop it there we've got our little gate drill so we can make that as difficult. Or as you know as easy as we need to make that to train ourselves but ultimately there's enough room there to get your golf ball to roll and you've got the follow points there as well here on the top yes four basic reference points that we've got earth position of the golf ball because the putter's moving in an arc there's actually a point of square which is fairly central to the body yeah to the back of the ball in line with the center of the body then.

We've got the positioning of the golf ball obviously in the first point. And then.

Third point here putter face should be square to the arc and the lines and then.

We can use the gate drill. And also a tempo drill back to point one first black second black second gray so we can get a little bit of tempo going on there. So we're matching the stroke back and forth because oftentimes i'm sure you've seen it as well students coming through and stopping a little bit quickly on the floor and those lines help to encourage that as well so that's why we change the colors rather than just making six black ones so just it makes it a little bit easier to train with so it helps you from this view to be able to really kind of see that arc that you were talking about absolutely if we just put us over it you can see we've got the sweet spot line on the putter there. And we're going to test your putting stroke out here. And your prowesses for more lessons that you've been having but ultimately let's see if we can get that put ahead the sweet spot of the putter to just follow the black line now it's a little difficult to start with putting you under a little bit of pressure there we go yeah. And forward naturally i went back okay then..

But naturally i know i wanted to push through straighter yes. And we see a lot of that and we see you know what we would call the block stroke where they put a move back on the inside and then.

Comes back a little square and we see you know some of the top players and you know trying to work with that stroke yeah invariably in that situation bad putts are going to be missed to the right hand side. So the face just doesn't square up sufficiently and there's a couple of points of reference we can work off that. But ultimately you know i'm going to keep a couple of secrets to myself yeah yeah you know. But it it really does come down to them the physical nature of the player themselves i was concentrating on that absolutely yeah. So once we get an understanding of that we can then.

Go into a point of reference in terms of you know how do i get into the same place every single time how do i understand my alignment. So the first point of reference i've chosen my line i'm going to use a line on the board. And see how well you can actually roll that golf ball now. And put you under a little bit of pressure okay. But this line you can actually see it is nice. And clear okay nice. And square set the putter up to the ball then.

Yeah the body up to the putter. And this becomes our routine so ideally we have the coin on the ground we put the ball to the marker take the marker away set the putter up to the ball now and then.

The body up to the putter and we're good to go let's keep the sweet spot on the off line good roll on that golf ball oh it wasn't bad you can blame me there because i didn't quite like we did move the mat. And i'd set it up slightly off to the itself is when i'm looking. For a player to improve once we get that role on the ball we can get that absolutely spot on. And we can really only do that from down the target line itself rick. So you know it's really important don't sort of try and do it from the side no always do it from behind always do it from behind pick the line aim square the putter up to the ball. And then.

From there it's the body up to the putter and we are good to go i'll put you under a little bit of pressure ultimately because you're using my putter. For one of my demo putters but that's a really good job that is a super roll on the ball. So we know that we're executing a very pure role on the golf ball and that's ultimately that's down to now we can decide exactly where we want to go based on our ability to roll the golf ball right the true test we're going to pull outside down okay three balls let me see if i can hold use your foot i use my footer no excuses then.

Right. So we've got club down first go down and the grip more through the hand rather than being through the fingers but not super super in the path that's right so basically getting that shaft plane to come up through the up to the elbow let's go through that manner there okay good with that hold it seven out of ten relaxed arms nice. And firmly in the arms hanging totally relaxed forearms level that's correct so we've got level here and eyes inside the body through here and your eye line absolutely perfect inside of the golf ball looking good there result 100 so far it's a little bit firmer so we didn't take the break that's there we know there's a little break off there is a little tiny break hey excellent there we go that's not bad two out threes not bad at all absolutely fantastic super guys. So i'm honestly i really appreciate you coming down here and helping me a little bit and giving the youtube audience as much information as they possibly can guys if you want to check out. And you can check them out on twitter just here. And on facebook as well um we're going gonna do some more little tips. And uh hints as well on the putting we're gonna do three. Or four more videos we're also going to do a full product review of the t-stroke uh without his input uh gonna do a little bit of challenging games you know where you can practice your putting the best of ability again if you've skipped straight to part three wrong on you. But go and see part one and two first because they're really important to go and do that. And then.

Stay tuned to my channel just here to find out what we're gonna be doing next.

To help you improve your putting do subscribe to the channel thanks. So much for watching i've been rick shields down at traffic golf center with a horrible croaky voice with andy goldman putting coach to the stars and helping me massively improve upon him with some simple simple very simple it's all about keeping it simple and they can get your map from your website can do putting coach dot co dot uk super you can get out from there as well see you soon you.