Hi welcome to rick shields golf channel and today.

I've got the taylormade r1 black the limited edition brand new driver that taylormade have brought out here it is i've got my hands on it. And i'm going to test it to on flight scope um obviously it's no different to the normal white version. But now they've brought it out in black because they know that we like changes they bring the iphone out in white and black and now they bring this bad boy out in white and black and the idea of it is that it's not supposed to be quite as garish at the top it's still got the r1 design this new alignment aid on the top. But it doesn't stand out as much as the white one used to the white one was really kind of bold. And out there well this one's a little bit more subtle in fact i've just been trying to take some snaps and pics of it and you can hardly see it only in real life you can actually see the graphics on it the adjustability is exactly the same on this club you've still got the compass at the bottom where you can change the different ways that the club sits at address you've still got the adjustable loft options from eight degrees all the way up to uh 12 degrees. So you can change the loft option really easily just with the the wrench. And also you've still got the adjustability and the weights here on the side as well so absolutely huge amounts of adjustability today.

And what i'm going to do i'm going to very quickly set it up to this is brand new straight out the wrap. And never been hit before i'm going to very quickly just show you how easy it is to adjust things on this club just get the wrench as you've seen probably most clubs these days every pretty much all of them have got it it's actually universal wrench as well which is quite good. And then.

It comes out the shaft comes out that easy and it's got loads of different options of what loft that you want from upright to normal loft normal uh lie angle and i'm gonna go for nine and a half here because i find that nine and a half suits me the best i'm gonna put that back in and all is you just line it up at the back where it says the loft arrow. And just set it in nice and easily from there you've got the compass at the bottom now for myself i actually like to see it slightly set open so i'm going to whip this out again this is on neutral at the moment it gives you seven options from neutral to open one two. And three and close one two and three depend on the severity of how much you want it open and close so i'm gonna sit it open by just one degree just i like it sat that way really more than anything doesn't really have any massive direct impact on the face angle at impact it's just where you set it up and how you address it most times every time that you want it to click it will click into place if it's not clicked it's not screwed in correctly you've got the weight options here you've got the this is a neutral mount you've got the 10 on the toe. And the one in the heels that's that neutral so i like it that way as well you can set it to a bit more of a draw biased. So i'm going to hit some shots on flight scope. And see what's good and bad about it graphics design again it's all designed for making it look appealing when you set it up to the golf ball but again it's so much more subtle than the than the white headed one and that's why they've brought it out really they love the adjustability on it but a lot of people were saying i don't like the white design. So they've decided to make it black to cater for the mass market so it does sit up behind the golf ball really nicely probably better than the white one in my own opinion. But that's that's to you for you to decide i've got this in uh i'll deal a stiff shaft at the moment 55 grams let's give it a hit see what it can do sounds exactly like the r1 white one which obviously it doesn't. And i'll keep comparing it against that one it is the same driver at the end of the day. But it does sound that really solid hit off the face see some distance to it. So that's gone 289 off that first one hitting real golf balls down here in manchester today.

That was nice as well really nice give me a nice flight that nine. And a half i wouldn't adjust it from that i think that loft is perfect. For me there but again if you test it on uh test it on your range on the golf course 279 i've hit that one some good ball speed it's getting 154 ball speed oh that's just really nice really nice i must admit this is the first driver that i've thought this could potentially go in the bag it's the same kind of finishes i've got an i-15 at the moment it's the same kind of polished black finish that i've got on that. But it's got the adjustability of all the new modern drivers this is an absolute must definitely try it give it a go get it out in the driving range get on your golf course load of adjustability with the compass at the bottom all the different lofts all different weights. And now available in black and white i've been rick shields you can check me out on facebook twitter. And youtube please do subscribe to the channel down below if you enjoyed the video please do comment. And share thanks very much for watching.