So far on the channel i've tested kirkland golf balls i've probably given a seven out of ten i've also tested the kirkland k sig putter which again i'll probably give that maybe slightly better than eight out of ten well in this box i've been i'm a good friend of mine danny over in the usa the kirkland wedges there's three of them in this box let's get them out let's give them a test and see if they're any gun so i would say kirkland golf clubs which you can only get from costco are probably the most requested clubs. For me to test on my channel like except on the ball of putter now the wedges be interesting to see if they come out with a iron liner for a wood lineup but it wouldn't surprise me let's open this up [Music] now you think after all the amount of clubs i've unboxed i'd be better at this that was surrender sir thanks a guy giving a bit giving me a bit of a hand right here we have the clubs. So as you can see nice little presentation pack there's three wedges. So there's a gap wedge 52 degree sand wedge 56 degree lobe wedge 60. it's quite good because they're the lofts that i use and they're the clubs i'll get them out in a second what else are we noticing from the box you just got on the back a little bit of weight work i quite like the simplicity of it like it's not saying it's going to spin more. Or go closer to the hole or do anything special it's just simple kirkland signature grip a true temper shaft carbon steel milled micro grooves a little bit more data. And information on there right handed and the club spec there's a little bit of data down here okay. So it's quite simple though conform to rules of growth milled face technology for high spin carbon steel for better feel and again just distributed by costco wholesale there's no sign of who's made. And because i had an inkling from the putter that maybe obviously were involved in the putter. But on this i don't get any inkling at all now price wise these aren't actually available in the uk yet that's why i told them shipped over from the us uh i said danny thanks. For that 160 for that like three wedges for a hundred and sixty dollars now that's not bad like if that's what sixty dollars a wedge pretty much be interesting to see what price to come out as they're over here in the uk but even if they were let's say they were 200 pounds which actually work out let's say the same price let's say it was 160 pounds again like 50 odd quid a wedge isn't it too bad considering you're normally paying 100 pounds of wedge now let's get the last of the wrapper off. And let's get hitting them so the wrappers are off. And we can have a proper good look at these wedges now. For me there's three things i want to look for in this review first off is looks looks just in general looks behind the ball then.

I really want to dive into feel. And then.

The last thing is spin very important. For me when looking into wedges now looks wise first they tick all the boxes for me they're very nice i like how kind of clean they are there's not too much going on i'd probably again just personally probably shrink that logo down. But it's not offensive behind the golf ball on the ground they are gorgeous looking wedges i mean really are a couple of things to note there's very little offset the leading edge is fairly straight which might not suit everyone's eye. But again it's just a very very nice shaping the grip feels really good as well it looks premium doesn't look like i mean it just says kirkland's signature. But that again just looks like a golf pride grip to some degree i need to talk a little bit about this low going on the grip now it doesn't look like it's on straight from first inspection. But actually where it's lined up to is right in between the word kirkland. And signature now it could play to a player's advantage if they lined it up with kirkland because it would open the face if they want to get more elevation they're just something maybe to get used to either way not bad let's hit some shots figure out feel and then.

We definitely need to test it for some spin [Music] okay. So i spent some time testing these kirkland signature wedges around the greens and i've got to say wow i'm really impressed with the feel and the performance i'm not the greatest short player in the world but these wedges gave me a decent level of confidence i felt like they were reacting just like a premium wedge like when i asked. Or wanted the ball to spin these clubs made the ball spin and also what really surprised me is the feel like they feel really good they're not forged where it's not not claiming that they've used super soft material. But feel wise again feel a bit like a bulky wedge which just shocks me and surprised me so for me looks of these wedges yes big tick feel. For these wedgies you get big tick i've got to test out some full shots next.

Which i'll do. And see how much they spin as well now comparing these wedges and i mentioned before i've tested the kirkland ball i've tested the putter for me so far these wedges that they brought out probably top the performance i'm giving these so far a nine out of ten very very impressed now you might think nine out of ten is being quite generous. And possibly yes. But considering the price of these wedges like i've got to take that into consideration for the price of these wedges that's where i marked them a 9 out of 10. [Music] now in not ideal conditions there those wedges have done okay this one landed at the front. But it's quite wet down there so it stops pretty much in its ball mark we had the one that picked off the green and like spun like crazy that one did really well. And then.

These two one short one a little bit longer did okay. For spin again considering a bit downwind it's quite where they did what i would expect to see from a wedge right after reviewing these wedges i've got to say i'm impressed i thought they were pretty good. For again for the price they performed just as good as a premium wedge which came as a shock there's a few downsides one being you can't get custom fit from so you can't particularly get loads of different shaft options in fact you can't get any you can't get them custom made the shorter longer thicker grip lie angle bounce grind none of that is particularly optional even different loft options isn't isn't available um that's the downside obviously another downside you can't basically try before you go out. And play which to be fair a lot of wedges you can't these days even if you go into a into a shop often you have to go to a custom fitting facility to actually try the wedges now going back to the price as i mentioned 160 i think these came out as retail at costco in the usa are you more beneficial to go. For a set like this where it's brand new out of a box never been used before or would picking up a secondhand set of vokey wedges probably again for the same price to be more valuable to you i think depends comes down to probably bran snobbery to a degree whether you'd want to have kirkland's signature in your bag. Or not now i had a bit of a inkling about the the putter maybe being made by odyssey i don't know if i was writing that. But that's kind of the the perception it gave me i have no idea who have potentially made these wedges. For costco no idea if you have any thoughts down below i'd love to hear them leave a comment because they don't look like any other wedges to me i'm excited about a couple of things i'm excited about what's going to come next.

From costco. And kirkland's signature my guess would be a set of irons that'd be interesting to review or maybe some woods we're going to see a kirkland signature driver as long as it comes with a hot dog. And a free drink i'm all in guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
