Do you want to bomb your driver of course you do it's a silly question [Music] step one t-height when you're looking at hitting a long driver shot you want to position the equator line of the golf ball with the top edge of the driver that way you can optimize the strike location maximize your launch. And your spin when you come to hitting driver the grab the driver head is not on the ground it's practically floating as you come to hit it to team up just above the equator line of the head will help you maximize your distance next.

Point ball position we want to hit up on the golf ball. So making sure our ball position favors the left foot our foot that's closer to the target is really important do this little trick. For me step to the golf ball with your feet together take a tiny little step with your left foot and then.

Take a bigger step with your right that way the ball position is just inside your left heel side note just notice how i slightly flare that left foot out that again is going to free up our left hand side of the body our left hip again to maximize the speed this leads us quite nicely into step three notice the width of stance when hitting driver we want a really good stable base notice how the inside of my feet are the same width as my shoulders that's going to give me the best chance to rotate to turn. And to create that power very important the next.

Point is going to help us optimize our strike conditions. And what i mean by that when we come take driver the driver head ideally what's moving up into the back of the golf ball we want a positive angle of attack to achieve that we've got to do that with our body. So once i've got my t height my ball position my width and stance all i'm looking for here now is a slight slant in the upper body just from my belt buckle to my chest notice how there's a little bit of an angle again that's going to really help me. And optimize as i hit into the golf ball and the last point you want distance you want to bomb it of course you do we need to have width in our swing. And we need balance now what i mean by width when we take this golf club back let's make sure that we really do extend. And stretch the club away from us if we can create that width in the swing that's going to help us create that power it's going to encourage our body to twist. And to coil much more into the top of the swing likewise as we come into the shot extension on this side notice our clutch moving away from me and as i rotate into a full extended finish i'm also gonna be very conscious about holding my balance five points to help you hit your driver much further and believe me when i say if you do those five point stop checklist you will definitely maximize your distance thanks. For watching and enjoy hitting some monster drives.