Well this is a special one today.

It's. So special this is a special one um we are just recording this after we have just done a podcast which you're about to listen to with one of the most famous golfers on the planet yes this is really really exciting we've been trying to get this podcast arranged. For a while now now you know if you're a fan of the podcast the rituals golf show podcast you'll know we mentioned this particular golfer quite a lot is our bread. And butter he asked us the views so it's a pleasure to invite him on today.

We have bryson de chambeau on the podcast the ninth best player in the world the longest player on the pga tour eight time winner out on tour. And also a youtuber i i honestly can't believe we're sitting here now it's done it's dusted it's in the can. And what an interview it was like an interview slash like getting to know bryson a bit deeper he was incredible now this was done over zoom he's in tory pines at the moment. So where we love to have guests obviously on the podcast and we'd love to have get the audio absolutely perfect this is on zoom audio. So bear with us on that me and mike me and guy are mike's. But guys on zoom but i'll be honest bryson well that man your name's guys andy charnick from now on but bryson's audio is still very good yes we talk about a lot of topics we obviously cover the topic about distance of course we obviously talk about the topic of him being our friends with tiger woods of course we talk about the fact where is distance going to lead to his strategy around saint andrews this year that was good which i thought was incredibly interesting. And insightful one thing you had to ask you know you've been known for calling out bryson for not sharing four so obviously when it came to the crunch you didn't ask him that did you i might have asked him he did ask him why he doesn't shout. For right at the end of the podcast so he couldn't leave just when i thought we'd become mates yes we're still mates me. And bryson oh yeah yeah sorry yeah were mates. So bryce messages guy you don't message me that's actually a fact but either way guys we could not do this without you. And we don't do soppy thank you. So much and all this very often but genuinely thank you for being massive fans of the podcast thank you for listening downloading rating on spotify watching the youtube videos watching the clips supporting the facebook page you know guy works incredibly hard on this i kind of just turn up and hold a mic and talk for a little bit but but collectively we're very proud of the product we've got to um number one podcast in golf and honestly your support allows things like this to happen when we reach out to bryson and talk about coming on the podcast he's like you know what yeah yeah i'll give this a chance. So a bar now maybe tiger woods we've we're talking to the second biggest name in golf right now so sit back relax and this is a deep dive into the world of bryson deshambo it is a good one enjoy. And thanks so much for listening thank you [Music] well bryson thank you for being on the rickshaws goal show podcast this is very very exciting um i feel like the podcast probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't. For you bryson i don't know about that stop there's plenty of other people that have been amazing your uh your name gets mentioned many many times so we're excited to have you on um really is a a privilege. And a pleasure um we want to kick off with nine quick fire questions and they've a little bit a little bit tailored to you as well the kind of either all questions bryson but if you want to elaborate feel free so there's actually eight right we didn't miss out on but anyway that'll do. So first one nine holes or the driving range oh driving range that was quick is that easy yeah. And is that has that always been the case. Or is it driving range now because of obviously quest. For distance etc it's always been the driving range so when i was younger i would practice probably. For about seven eight hours a day and then.

I'd go play three holes to make sure everything that i practiced that day worked well and that was kind of my process that i went through every uh i would say every saturday because that's the only time i had to do that. But then.

Every afternoon i was always on the driving range i'd always go like three. Or four holes it was never like a nine hole thing it was always does my practice work on the golf course nice. And that's not changed he's still driving range because i see you go on the range beforehand and even after rounds when you're out on tour oh yeah yeah picture all the time i love it it's uh it's my happy place i was totally the opposite of junior. And that might be where i went wrong i would much rather be hitting balls on the course than on the range i'll tell you this there's plenty of people that don't use that model and have been very successful so it's very tailored to whoever feels comfortable with it and you know if it works for them i mean that's the most important part about golf everybody's. So unique and different that there's not one way to play the game i think that's the beauty of the game of golf the thing is though it must be easy to hit balls in the range when you are flushing it like. For us hitting balls or something for me hitting balls if i was catching it fresh every time in the middle of the club i'd be really enjoying it. But when you're not and you're fighting them you're thinning them it isn't that fun it is. And that's why you bring the torture to the golf course i guess for you guys yes people can do that. And that's the tough part because everybody's always like what do you do when you hit five six seven shots in a row that are the exact same i'm like i want to hit 10 in a row i want it 15 in a row yeah because golf is a game of repeatability it's about how good are your misses right. And so everybody get that one good shot that goes in the hole i mean i've only had one hole in one my whole entire life right wow yeah by the way yeah. And that was uh i'll i'll get into that a little bit. But yeah i've only had one on one i've only had like one perfect shot right um as people would say. But my bad shots are usually a lot better than other people sometimes now with the distance in play. And and uh you know stuff that's going on there uh sometimes my bad shots can be pretty far off the line. But it's fun i enjoy it you know i'm enjoying it i enjoy it you know what i'm enjoying about this so far this is quick fire yeah on question one we've dived into. So many sub questions um let's move in let's move into that question number three number two netflix or youtube uh youtube yes that's the right answer that is the correct answer tiger. Or jack say again tiger or jack boy that's that's a tough one uh for me though it's it's got to be tiger just knowing him pretty personally it's it's great which must be pretty cool by the way yeah he's he's a great guy i mean to be honest with you everybody you know could talk about what's going on. But he's done things in his lives for certain reasons and everything he's done i i for the most part understand um from a protection perspective just because you know he was never able really to live a normal life. And um i do have a lot of respect. For for you know what he's done for the game of golf and how he's gone about doing it for the game we off it's it's pretty inspiring and something i always look up to and the fact you can call him a friend now is pretty cool it's great it's very nice. And um i respect it and you know it's not like we're best friends or anything but it's it's something that you know i can call him up i've got a question. Or something and he's always there for me so it's been awesome driving or putting it's funny um those are my two favorite categories in the game of golf i used to be iron play back in the day i still love it. But i would say right now driving just because i'm on the quest to understand you know what goes on at 200 ball speed we're getting closer for sure wow but is that is that like a 200 ball speed average because i've seen you cranking it over that 200 mark quite a few times yeah it's it's funny your body goes through swells uh. And ups and downs with how ready you are to swing the club fast um. So like yesterday i was swinging around like 190 93 mile an hour ball speed um pretty consistently uh. But then.

Two days ago i got to 216 ball speed with a long driver and so it's just like it's your body is just always fighting to try. And get comfortable with whatever it's ready for that day it's not always muscular it's a lot of neurological stuff but um like your nervous system being ready to go your cns uh and sometimes you're just not ready to go that day your body's not recovered and it may not be muscular at all it's just like how your brain's firing that day it's just not on point it's almost like a runner sometimes a runner as daft as that seems like quite a less complicated move than a golf swing yeah runners can have good days. And bad days and good runs and it's not about their muscles it's about their ability to just fire and have everything work in sync um well it's weird it's a big deal i think i saw one of your youtube videos about it's hard to feel fast. And we went to the range today.

Actually. And hit a few balls you were inspired by your ball speed rick got 164 i got 160.. So i don't want to flex too hard oh yeah i wasn't i wasn't fast today.

I was just 164 you know what what was that that's like my best of the best i need to up that speed we're trying to get there. But what was crazy we actually had rick's gc quad as well. And i was trying to hit them hard i was getting like 108 clubhead speed which i know is laughable. But then.

I said right. And him on course swing and actually aim at a target swung what felt slower 113. yeah yeah it's it's the weirdest thing. So it's not about how hard you swing it it's about i guess you could say when you swing it hard it's like because if you try and swing it hard in your backstroke you're gonna lose a lot of energy it's about when you deliver that energy and so there's a lot of times where i'm feeling like i'm delivering it the same way and i'm just not um and it's something that no human can really understand it's because it's. So complicated you can feel it. And you can train it those are the only two things you can kind of do. For the most part but sometimes the feel component of it or the sensation component of it is very difficult to line the mechanics up um just it's super random. And you know you can kind of sense. So for example my body usually starts to work really well friday saturday sunday and that's kind of how i've primed it and then.

I work out monday tuesday wednesday do a speed training session in between uh. And then.

You know i'm tired going into wednesday. And thursday i get better friday i feel really good saturday i'm like let's go and sunday the same thing so i'm kind of amping it up every week to make sure that i'm producing speed at the right moment in time yeah that's how you win golf tournaments. So go back to the point you've got tomorrow you can only do one thing are you doing driving all day. Or putting all day i can only do one thing tomorrow uh it'd probably be driving because we're still trying to figure out the the whole aspect of the driver it's a bit more fun driving in it it is it sets the funny part about it you know people talk about growing the game of golf. And you know we can talk about putting. And that's a very important factor but people just want to go to the driving range especially newbies and hit it far they see a lot of guys out there hitting it far and they want to be like i want to do that there's something super cave managed i guess you could say hitting uh something with a bat you know. And a club right so even at the range today.

Just quickly there's a couple of leaderboards that use top tracer. And the top trace for longest driver had many more uh participants than the than the leaderboard for closest to the pin correct because longest drive is the sexy part of it it is correct it's the fun. And sexy part for sure so this one it's an either or but there's two kind of questions so firstly which is most important. For golf and then.

Secondly which do you enjoy doing the most. And it's squat or bench press oh squatch for sure by a mile um it helps create vertical ground reaction forces it's a big deal for for the golf swing you're bench press you're not really doing that since your arms are already pretty far out yeah. And so it's not really doing much when you're gaining bench press if anything you're losing some mobility and trunk rotation sometimes uh when you're doing that just because you're locking in here and you're not used to rotating with your chest out anyway long story short squatting is a way better motion to do. And train to get up and and strength if you're trying to produce speed but bench makes you look better on the beach right oh for sure you can check it out you know what kind of like rep range you train that then.

Because like we were like this before like obviously kind of the bodybuilding split you're doing like 10 reps maybe. But are you like a one rep max. Or three reps what's the kind of key for people listen to this who want to get stronger for golf what would you recommend to kind of aim for well the first thing i would say is listen to your body i've got a trainer back in denver greg roskoff who we talk in depth quite a bit about this i also talked to chris cuomo about this you know when is the right time how much what should i be doing right. And i go about it as kind of how i feel for the most part there's some days where i'm like man i feel like i could move a lot of weight and then.

I go try and move a lot of weight and i can't it's it's it's so weird because the brain and the conscious mind says hey i can do this. But i can't uh when i physically try and do it. And so i'll adjust during the workout it's always adjusting during the workout if i feel like i'm good i can try doing a one rep max if i'm like there's no way i can get this off my chest. Or whatever i go down to more volume work and i'll go to lower weight and i'll go more more reps so it's not it's not set in stone it can vary on how you're no you can you can hurt yourself being set in stone trying to do something your body's not ready. For yeah that's the one most important thing is injuries occur when egos come about. And you've got to be careful with that in your body and you have to make sure that you're pivoting when something's not not really working the way you want it to good advice only a couple more questions now what first app you open in the morning probably snapchat snapchat really yeah yeah yeah it's just well is that because if you're on the hunt. Or no no is it's because that's how i communicate with someone. So ah yeah yeah okay getting that street rick snapchat i've got no idea yeah. And then.

I'll go to like um instagram youtube i'll check out my youtube page and and that's what kind of how it goes are you into analytics. Yet have your youtube do you look at all that stuff your views. And subscribers yeah it's addictive isn't it yeah it's awesome it is addictive. And it's a lot of fun uh trying to tailor the content to the people and what they want uh it's it's definitely a lot of fun and that's that's one of the things for me and i'm going to get into a little bit of detail here that's that's one of the reasons why i've kind of slowed down in conversations with you know people uh on the tour it's it's because i want to be able to give my side of the story as genuine as possible whereas getting someone to manipulate some some of my words. And produce their content and create clicks and likes for them which is great. But it puts me in a light that i'm like whoa that's not me man i mean i want to show you guys who i truly am. So youtube's been a great avenue for me to to connect to my fans and tell the right story so it's been awesome well if if you can give us some tips. For distance bryson yeah we'll give you a few little tips. For youtube in exchange perfect i appreciate that i need some help if you've got any questions for us let us know you can email you can email us no. But that's the thing though like genuinely you've done a really good job with it because i think one of the first videos i watched of yours was like i think it's the most viewed it was the day in the life video where you literally went about a day in the life. And like obviously it's great when you watch the pj tour the european tour when you know the athletes give an interview post round but you don't see much a character like you you can't people say oh yeah i got bogey on nine. But birdie on 10 or whatever yeah. But when you can see someone's life. And what they're actually up to it does make you feel. So much more like connected and actually like like likable not in a sense that people aren't likable but it's hard to grow towards a golfer without knowing much about them but that's what youtube obviously gives you that platform to just be yourself and tell your story a thousand percent and i wish i could do more of those i mean people keep asking me to do them. And i'm like i wish i could yeah i kind of got a little tap on the wrist because i didn't really yeah showing too much well just in case the listeners didn't know um bryson you obviously have a youtube channel it's been going what about a year. Or less than 235 000 subs last time i checked yeah not not bad i mean we're growing. And you know for me it's again this isn't where i make my money that's not this it's not what it's about one bit it's just an opportunity for me to showcase um my personality character in a different light from what people have seen on golf channel what people have seen on the pga tour it's it's it's tough to be uh it's tough to be um fully transparent in the way you want to sometimes on tour yeah. So i must i must admit i'm an avid watcher i feel like i've i've become to know you a lot more through your youtube channel your social media and i think that's really important. For for not only yourself but your obviously your whole brand i mean it's huge um people listening people watching make sure you go. And check out bryson's youtube channel we'll link it below yes um tough one. For you here it might not be a tough one when the masters or the open and by the open i mean the british open which one i would have to say the masters. For me just because i growing up um watching tiger and do what he did in 97 i mean i was only like five at the time i remember that. And then.

Um you know what he's just consecutively done that's kind of really what inspired me now i will say uh when he won was in 2006 the open was it just 61. with his irons off the tee that was really inspirational as well. So it's difficult but i mean i've always grown up the masters has kind of been the thing. For me just being an american that's kind of what they do i do honestly all every european we've asked. Or certainly guys from the uk have all said the open. And majority of the us guys say the masters and it makes sense because it's what you've grown up with like we have certainly back in the day we used to have the open on normal tv so you didn't have to pay extra for it you could watch it on normal tv and it was almost something quite nostalgic about it really. And i think when you've grown up. And certainly because again if you're from the uk you've probably been to the open etc i'm not sure about what that's like in the us because i know it's obviously a much more selected um to be a patron it's not as easy to get to as it would be fair and open but it's what people have grown up with really yeah yeah. For me it was the holy land. For me like just growing up envisioning myself being on property the masters because we couldn't get there there was no chance to get there of course it's a totally different vibe that i get. And it's like wow i want to be there i want to do it i want to win you know that's just kind of the way it works. For americans i guess i think i think green would suit as well pam i'm not going to say much more i think i think you've got i think i think you could carry that off yeah there's a room there is a room there's a special place. For something um but yeah we'll see good i am we me. And rick are our all podcast audience know we absolutely love st andrews. And we've been fortunate this last six months to go a number of times we said last time over there we cannot wait to see you around the old course yeah because i've got some questions on that is obviously in part wide open there's a lot of room to miss with your speed your distance i can't wait to see what you can do around there have you played it before the old course i have not. So this would be my first time and i'm super excited everybody tells me that. And i don't want to hype it up but people said that about caves valley as well i never played cage valley like oh this golf course is perfect. For you and went out and played pretty well there um so hopefully i have the same feelings going into saint andrews. And you know for for me it's always been an honor to play amazing golf courses and this is one i haven't played i've been to australia i've played royal melbourne. And golf courses like that but never st andrew's the home of golf and um to be able to play there play a game maybe a little differently than what has been seen there before could be fun i'm not trying to disrespect the game of golf one bit that's not my goal my intent is to get the ball on the least amount of shots into the hole. And that's always what it's been as much as people think it's a bomb. And gouge thing it's like no i still love the heritage of the game of golf it's where i wore the cap. And wear the cap as well for ben hogan paint stewart and just the heritage of the game i really appreciate that and that's what i've tried to show as much as possible through these past couple years as much as i do like hitting it hitting a far i still try. And show respect and hey you gotta pop well you gotta chip well and to win the us open in 2020 i had to putt really well and had to wedge it really well around the greens and there's no doubt about it i'm not ever gonna. For one bit say it was my driving that won me that tournament um you know. And so that's the thing that people don't realize yes it can be very beneficial when you're on those speeds you can miss it quite a bit offline. And that could be very detrimental as well if you're not holding it straight so it's a huge balance there but i love being an entertainer i love showing a different side of of myself and and i love inspiring kids that if they really want to make a difference or a change in in the world in their lives they can if they work hard enough. And that was my whole message. And changing my body changing my game delivering a different product to the game of golf and uh hopefully growing the sport in that way well that was one this is actually one we've got one more little question which we'll come to in a moment. But that was one thing i looked into because obviously everybody knows a story that you gained a hell of a lot of distance. And i pulled up some stats so i think these are correct off the pga website. But in 2019 you were tied 34th in driving distance at 302.. So you weren't sure i think sometimes people think that you were a short hitter before. But that to me isn't a short hitter like you were tired 34. um then.

In 2020 you went to first in driving distance at 322. So you gained 20 yards and that saw obviously your score average drop as well um you went down from 70.14 to 69.24 so pretty much a shot which is incredible. But the walls and this frustrated me at the time and i want to hear your opinion on this obviously but there was some kind of negativity around you gaining distance which i couldn't fathom if somebody spent a year. Or six months working on the putting and improved the putting strokes gained people would applaud them for it but yet people seem to in the media sometimes hate on you for doing that and i personally don't understand it how did that make you feel that it did it get you down. And piss you off let it motivate you even more yeah i mean there are times where it's definitely difficult to um i guess take it um that's also why i started my own youtube channel i mean down the road you know it's been a little bit right to 2021 is when i started doing that. But i tried to start producing some of my own content more um and control a bit of the narrative because it was getting out of hand it has it has gone out of hand. For no reason. And again i get this world's about clicks and likes um you know and that's where i've had i've you know doped down into this world and it's been a little interesting for me to understand you know i don't want to do click-baity material. But i also want to showcase um very intelligent ideas and thoughts deliberate to the public as much as i possibly can while producing cool fun content right. So it's this huge balance i'm trying to to have and doing this and that's a part of why you know i created along with hogan and martin borgmeyer and hudson uh molten registry we wanted to create a cool content group and what not but going back to you know all the criticism. And whatnot in regards to getting length yeah there were times where i was like look i'm just trying to play the best call if i can possibly play. And if it's me hitting it farther great if it's me not hitting it farther because i pivot down the road because i find out it doesn't work for me great it doesn't matter i don't really care what it is what the final end result is the final result is me wanting to be number one in the world like that's my full goal is to do that. And however. i get there whether it's being the farthest on tour being the shortest on tour i don't care it's whatever it is that's going to work. And i'm i'm still vetting out this process seeing if it's possible because there may come a point in time where it's like this length isn't doing as much as i thought it could and you know the technology just isn't there and we can't do anything about it. For years to come i don't think that's the case i really think that there is possibility moving forward um with the drivers that were developing to create a driver that goes straight to a mile an hour ball speed. But needless to say it was difficult in 2020. And uh one that you have to learn you really have to grow as a person to be able to stomach a lot of uh what people are saying to you. And that's just life now there's a lot of cancer culture thought out there and i understand it and it's one of those things that for me i've we all as professionals in our own right have to be conscious of it and respectful of it and continue to move in a direction that you think is positive. For yourself um you know for me and just trying to grow the game of golf yeah well i've got some follow-up questions with that because i'd love to hear it from you again because i've kind of heard it i don't know i don't think i've ever heard you particularly say it. But obviously with all criticism and things you were getting particular last year you mentioned you would look at potentially quitting like what's the truth in that explain yeah i mean this was like around fedex st due time where just people were just going yeah i mean i couldn't say a thing right there was nothing i could do right. And you know at a certain point in time you just you just look at it and you're like i'm well off i mean golf. For me isn't about money anymore i really don't care about that um i just have lost the love for playing the game of golf because there's so many people they're just going against me. And they don't wanna they like seeing me down they like knocking me down and it's like you know what i don't need that there's no reason to keep going on i can go do vc work. And be completely content yeah. And be really really well for the world there's no need to to keep going down this road. And i had a friend chris pratt i just gave him a call and he um was he's been a good great friend of mine. For a couple years and i met him at riviera a couple years ago before the pandemic and he he was awesome um the first time i met him we just kept in touch ever since. And just had a conversation with him and he was like dude like i get criticism. And hate every single day for the movies i create but the movies that i create and the characters that i am in those movies do not define me yeah what defines me is the person that i am around my family back at home yeah back you know influencing the world in a positive way when i'm back at home taking care of my own life behind closed doors that's really what matters they're going to display you as this character out there whatever way they want to. And you really can't do much to change it ever because it is what it is people have these own ideas. And mindsets of who this person is. And they're going to create it. And this is the person that he is um. And so he's he told me he's like you got to play that fictional character in the best way possible because that is a fictional character that's not really you um he says yeah you can produce your own content on youtube. And and create um what you want and show them what you want as well uh because that is you on on youtube right. But people that are writing stuff saying stuff whatever they're gonna they have a vision of who you are in your head. And that's not really gonna change unless you keep playing that game i guess in the best way possible over the course of time it's gonna take a long time for that to change but you're gonna play the fictional character and you can decide if you wanna play it if you feel like you're good enough character to play that. And the way people think you are. And kind of mold that in the way you want then.


Do it. But if you don't you aren't ready for that you don't want to do it you aren't ready to take up that task then.

Go live a family life. And call it a day it's not a big sorry go on no no. And i just thought to myself that's really great advice and you know i took it on for that last part of the year where i was playing a a bit of not that i was fake at all i mean my hive moments were really good. And i loved it i expressed great emotion but the low moments there were there were times where it was really difficult. And i had to had to play a different person than what i was actually feeling you know people always talk about you got to show your good side when you're down. And sometimes when you're really down it's tough to show a good side right yeah. And that's everybody in general and so learning to mature through that process and saying you know what i can be a different person like a good person when i'm really down was something that actually helped me my character. And my personality that will carry over into the rest of my life uh forever. And it's a lot of thanks to chris and him helping me understand that um so that was that yeah no it was a total character building thing. And not very many people at 27 go through something like that i mean you know you got top ceos that are 45 50 right. And they're just starting to go through things like that whereas you got a 27 year old and you're like whoa but are top seed ceos going through that like they're not in the public eye like like you are yeah you know true you are in the public eye i honestly think right now we've said it a few times like bar the tiger hype you are the biggest hype in golf. And as much as that's sometimes hard to take you bring the most excitement you bring the most topics and you're right you bring clicks you bring likes to videos media whatever it may be that does come with some nasty kind of words on the back back of that as well what do you feel what do you feels change then.

In this kind of last 12 months then.

Because i mean are you still experiencing the same emotions. Or or do you feel like you're over that now. Or has people's perception changed of you yeah i hope people's perception has changed me i think i've grown as a person. And i've been able to um i guess you could say sectionalize and and understand people a little bit better understand where they're coming from and go you know what even though i'm saying stuff it doesn't affect me one bit um obviously with the stuff last year uh all leading up to the match and everything uh that whole stuff was trying to to be like look this is just its own thing. And we're gonna keep moving on and and going on the best way possible. So it's a lot of character building a lot of learning for me and um it takes time to develop that man no human being can take that much scrutiny. And everybody look tiger had more scrutiny than me one thousand percent had it way more difficult and the way he handled it was his own way um i've tried to tackle it in in a way that is more hey i'm gonna be more open now yeah this is me this is actually me you know people think that you know because maybe i don't do media interviews i'm more closed off you guys can go right to my youtube channel. And see exactly who i am of course me talking to you guys you can see exactly who i am. And that's the one thing that's so so difficult sometimes is to get people to say just take a minute take it just take a few minutes. And just watch because maybe things will change. Or be a little bit different um am i a perfect person no nobody is right. And i i struggle with the daily frustrations of man this isn't working what the heck's going on yeah you know what the you know a couple curse words here. And there and that's just it just is what it is right we're all human beings. And i think that's the most important part is if people can see that um maybe they can have a little more resemblance toward that. And they can understand what's going on a little empathy. And whatnot and vice versa like they can say all day long man you're making. So much money playing golf but it's not about money for me or a lot of the top players out here it's about producing an amazing product of entertainment and trying to win just the competitive nature of winning right and so that's the tough part for people to get sometimes it's like you're making so much money and it's like okay i understand that. And i'm super grateful i'm super blessed i love every minute of that there's no issue whatsoever we're talking about that. But sometimes from an emotional state or human being state that's more important than money of course and so when people are doing that you got to realize like with the money aside talk about the human being. For just a second i think that's really important that people don't necessarily get sometimes if you could touch on where do you feel like the most unfair scrutin scrutiny is that the right word was what was based on what was like the one thing that you were experiencing you were like no that's that's not fair that's not right um are you talking about me in regards to like last year. Or just just over the last 12 months for example yeah i mean is the one thing that now with an opportunity to go you know i get this said about me. But it's not true oh i i mean um uh i would say. For the most part anything and everything that anybody said from a scrutiny perspective whether i'm hard to work with whether i'm um i don't even know what type of scrutiny people said that i am that i'm not uh other than being a demanding worker um i i personally know that i treat the people around me uh sometimes i'm pretty difficult. And the reason why i'm difficult is because i expect a lot doesn't mean that i'm disrespectful the time doesn't mean that i'm uh hard to work. For because the people that are around me are ones that want to be around me of course. And that's the thing that people don't realize it's not necessarily a money thing it's more of i want to help this kid get to number one in the world and you know you got a guy like connor who's been next.

To me for the past year and a half and we've had tough moments but this dude is stuck right next.

To me he's like dude i love you man like yeah this is not about my it's not it's it's helping you to be the best you can possibly be. And as tough as people think i can be on the people that around me sometimes it's not necessarily true i mean i i do. So many things outside of of just what you see there in public uh behind the scenes than what people realize they have no clue. And i'm not willing to disclose that either because you don't need to a lot of it's a lot of it's um financial a lot of it's putting him in places where he's able to be successful or other people are able to be successful because of more opportunities now i mean there's there's a lot behind the scenes that goes on that people don't necessarily see. Or understand and it's tough when you see a face value thing and you get frustrated so much just like you get frustrated with somebody you're working with like no i want it to be this way can we do it this way this is how it should you know it's very simple. But no no. But but you hear me out like like everybody whenever no matter who it is when you're working with somebody sometimes there are frustrating moments. And there are times where it's amazing moments right. And so how you deal with that i've learned to have better style points with it if you can say chris como brought it up it's it's he made a great point point to me a couple years ago he was like the way you go about things is very very important too. And albeit we're not all perfect to get to an end result it's really cool if you do it. But there's style points in the way you do it. And that's something that i've learned over the course of time and how i've been dealing with people uh learning how to do that better is something that that is that has uh gotten a lot better one. And two i've always cared about being mutually beneficial yeah i really want it to be mutually beneficial whenever i'm working with someone. Or somebody's working for me or vice versa and i think that's why you know you can see i've been with my agent. For so long um he's unbelievable brett is the man conor's been with me. And then.

Tim i mean i love tim to death i worked with him. For a long long time struggled to find a good caddie at first tim was unbelievable. And now brian's working for me he's unbelievable as well um you know people can say all they want in regards to the caddy situation there was a lot more going on at that point in time than i'm willing to disclose behind the scenes tonight i've said it before um i respect him we have mutual respect. For each other um i talked to him numerous times i mean i texted him the other day when he was with uh since then..

And hawaii had a chance to win i texted him like hey go get him you know right like no issues at all. And that's that's the thing that i wish people could see in the background but it's and i don't want to brag about it i'm not like trying to brag about it one bit it's just one of those one of those things i wish people understood more of a real life situation of who i am this is very very different. But like it's frustrating we when people think they know you. Or what you do. And they don't and we again very different but we sit a little bit in the content that we make people might scrutinize how rick has reviewed a golf product or whatever it might be and they don't know what has gone on behind the scenes and you know it shouldn't frustrate you but you people's opinions can get you down can't they you know i was just yeah 100 you know i was just almost comparing it to that is a relationship any relate any relationship now i've been with my wife now. For 14 years nearly 15 years and there's obviously great times there's obviously some worse times where you argue whatever it may be now you'd like to think in a private relationship those bad times happen behind closed doors nobody gets to see them um. And as the the good times nobody wants to see it nobody wants to see that but but it happens behind closed doors either way i think having any relationship in the public eye is very very difficult um right i wanna i wanna pick up a bit of an upbeat tone now i feel like we went deep there bryce. So it's nice which i think people will appreciate at the moment as guy mentioned there your distance now is 322.7 yards you are the longest player on the pga tour first question did you ever expect that when you were kind of growing up did you ever expect to be the number one longest player no i always wanted to be like uh colin morikawa i wanted to have the best strokes gained approach to green that was always my goal yeah he's pretty awesome with his irons it's unbelievable it's impressive to see one that i'm even jealous of. And then.

My next.

Question is where honestly right now let's give it let's give it a five year window where do you reckon whether it's you whether it's somebody else what distance do you think will be the number one longest driver in five years. And will it be you three forty three forty five. So it probably won't be me so another 20 yards why would it not be you what right who and who do you think it could be something that you know. Or um there's numerous guys that have my speed uh whether it's cameron champ wilko ninabar or whoever they're going to learn to have 2 000 spin on a 195 mile an hour ball speed driver. And that's a 340 drive wow so it doesn't even have to be kyle you make kyle yeah i mean kyle shoot if he gets out of here too i mean yeah he'll be the longest by long shot. And if he's out here it'll be probably 350 360. wow that'll probably be his average how is kyle berkshire. So fast obviously for those listening is he's the world long drive champion like he's obviously like six two. Or something he's like not a small guy but he's not like he doesn't look super built he's not super built either um i mean again being super strong like a bodybuilder doesn't mean you're gonna necessarily swing it fast it doesn't one bit um. So you have to train the speed to create speed this small window right here yeah you're building it up. And then.

All of a sudden you accelerate it really fast because you're trying to be fast up here you lose all this energy up at the top anyway it's about timing and he's learned to add the speed at the right moment in time with his frame he is possibly the best at expressing the best exp acceleration profile. For any human being in the game of golf so what i mean by that is that he's able to accelerate the club the best in the world with his body frame he's probably maxing his body out he's close to maxing his body out where's the guy like me i'm a little bit stronger than him in certain areas he may be i think he's fractionally stronger than me in deadlift um. But i still got a lot more room to go but i have to hit it straight so i put a lot of restraints on my golf swing um so that's why i'm not always over 200 and if i want to get over 200 i can get over 200 any day of the week. But it's more of okay i got to play golf with equipment that if i hit it all over the face may not necessarily work. Yet um we're testing actually today.

Funny enough uh yesterday was the first day where i saw some light at the end of the tunnel i was like oh okay this is different i could hit a lot of different places on the face. And have it work and we're doing some more research today.

On the driving range um we've got some cool stuff in the trailer that uh not. Yet gonna be unveiled but it's helping me understand what needs to happen uh for a ball to go straight being able to be hit everywhere on the face and you know are you having quite a big quite a big say in this now moving forward again are you having quite a big say in this working with let's say cobra are you are they taking your input are you are you heavily involved in some of this production this development there's a reason there's definitely a reason why i brought oh i wanted to bring kyle on board. And cobra wanted to bring kyle on board and there's definitely a reason why i said certain things last year that i shouldn't have said um if you can read between the lines there. And but that's a positive thing like we've moved past that we're in a place where it's really solid really you know great and i don't want that to be like a bullet point by the way guys i just wanted to be like look there was a we were at a moment where we were crossroads. And we figured that out and now we're moving forward and we're in a place where next.

Year so we have the ltdx obviously came out this year which is an unbelievable driver then.

We've done a long drive drive face sports it's been very helpful. For me i'm going to be using it this week. And moving forward but i'm telling you there's something special coming next.

Year there's something like yeah we've been working on this. For a while and the bryce the bricenator it's a really cool name but i won't i can't disclose anything or anything but just know that this is this driver is a precursor to what's what's coming next.

Does that ever when an athlete like yourself has such an impact into a product which obviously you are doing do you ever kind of get a bit pissed that you can't be using it almost like next.

Week when you know how good it's going to be. Or is it almost exciting yeah yeah it's like uh you know the guy the uh ice cream handle he's scooping the ice cream out on the on the street. And he puts it on and he gives the guy the cone and back down and he's like throwing it that's around what i feel like happens here's a new driver oh you can't have it yet though yeah yeah i get that um is another question again on equipment obviously you i don't think you were the first ever. And in fact i know you weren't with one land irons there were there was players before you. But you obviously made it very popular do you think you're always going to use one length yeah. So so anybody can i personally think that it's a great way to play the game of golf doesn't mean it's. For everybody i personally think anyone can use it still. And you don't have to swing like me to be able to use one length but everybody for the longest time thought oh you got to be on the single plane thing to swing the you know one leg irons those are two completely different um you know accomplishments i guess you could say. Or or uses you can swing on a single plane with variable length gloves. And you can swing on a single plane with one length gloves. And you cannot swing on one plane with one leg clubs and and the alternative as well right everybody's swinging variable light clubs different planes so what i mean by that is it it's not mutually exclusive to have one length. And single plane but do you have one length. And swing any way you want do you still categorize yourself as a single plane swinger because your swing has changed a lot no no yeah it's definitely different now um because you know where you don't have your hands you don't have your hands anywhere near as up right now it's set up do you no it's. For speed purposes um yeah that's that's been a development of my theory in the game of golf i had a theory when i was 15 swinging on one plane would make it a lot easier. And it did help me. For a long time and i got to a place where i started to understand the biomechanics a little bit more and my eyes opened up quite a bit in relation to that that the golf swing is driven by how movable your body is. And where your wrists are aligned. And where your elbows align where your shoulders align how it's dynamically moving through impact and how to take some variables out um that are not that important. For speed but help a lot with alignment and then.

Add the speed components where i can uh. And the body motion i don't know if that makes any sense no no no it does compared to like a swing plane approach i obviously when you first hit the scenes. And you uh you were kind of called the mad scientist of golf right it was all very new you know because what's your degree in it something crazy in it your degree uh. So physics um i thought it was i thought has it got a long has it got a long description. For it is it just physics no it's just it was just a physics major yeah maybe i read something wrong um when you kind of hit the scene it felt like everything was unbelievably calculated. And it still is. For the most part well this is what i was going to ask you when you come to your driving to the untrained eye. Or maybe to them or to people who aren't in your inner circle it looks a little bit more like barbaric in in the way that you're getting speed is that the case. Or are you still unbelievably kind of scientific in your approach to actually gaining more distance from an accuracy perspective i'm always very scientific in regards to how i'm moving my body. And then.

I'm allowing certain speed factors to just go as fast as they want and sometimes that misaligned some of the body alignments but i'm it is very calculated. So when i'm thinking about it i'm definitely thinking about what but it's also about what feels good so i have a theory in my head about like what where the body should be aligned and then.

If it doesn't feel good i'm not going to keep doing that it's going to just be decorative to the process process. So i go to something that is locked in. Or whatever i do to develop it. And i try and produce as much speed off of that locked in nature would you ever would you ever sacrifice that then.

Locked in if you could unlock more speed yes. But then.

I eventually go back to locking it down and then.

Trying to get more speed again ah so it's this it's this ebb and flow of it gets a little loose and then.

I come back that like now i've got a little more in tune and then.

You know the next.

Couple weeks is probably going to go more to speed um. So it's this flowing nature of calculation it's a educated process of flow and speed accuracy what's the difference then.

Now say you're on a tight powerful and hitting driver what would your club head speed be then.

Compared to when you're kind of going all out on the on the range 15 miles an hour different. So what are you hitting on the calls at 1 30 is it 130 to 133. And then.

If i'm really going at it i can get upwards of 140 then.

If i've had enough golf balls i get to 145 one wow what is that with a 45 inch. Or no. So you have to eventually change it to go to the longer club to get even more speed but i can get a 46 inch is what i'm playing right now i get a 46 inch up to 140 one 142. if i'm going out on the range which i probably will do today.

Is that gonna be is that the limit now in tip 46 on tour. Or is it soon to be introduced away that's the limit right now yeah on the pga tour yeah you i got a sense of the little eye roll there is is i don't anything by it not at all do you think it's right the right thing. Or wrong thing to do look right. Or wrong that's i i don't think you can ever say something's right. Or wrong because it's all up for conversation right any sports rules that are made are all very arbitrary. And they just are what they are um whether i think it's positive. For the game of golf i think they're necessarily looking at golfers that are trying to get more distance. And they can't just because you know they aren't necessarily either handicapped they've got something wrong with them or they're super tall right they're seven foot tall like you're handicapping the game of golf when you set rules and limitations not really thinking of the full spectrum of things um you know i think they do have a an amendment. Or something or a small subcategory that if you are seven foot. And you do need longer clubs you can go past 46. Or 46 and so forty six point two i think is that. And that's that's on tour yeah on tour. And tour and and so you know then.

They they uh nix the green books as well or the the players next.

To green books which you know is one of those things that okay i get it. But you know at a certain point in time you start feeling like okay this is a little weird i mean face on my mechanical compass the green reading materials um length the driver i mean when they start doing what's going on they start doing flat caps yeah you know they're banned on a sunday yeah well we had phil kenyon on a podcast a few a few weeks ago. And uh obviously his take on the greensboro one was uh yeah it wasn't wasn't particularly happy. And and also he wasn't happy and also the spirit level is it something you can't use a spirit level now on the greens. So you can't use any level or anything to measure the the ground you can you can use your feet. And you can write it down in a book um you know it's been unfortunate they uh took away a process of mine that i've been developing. For 13 years and some intellectual property with it um so it's kind of tough on my end yeah just a bit. But yeah it's it's a little. And it's like look i i get it they're trying to go back to more of a look at it with your eyes and feel with your feet sort of mentality but there's a huge skill set to somebody learning how to utilize the green books to another level and you know they're trying to make it more confidence level driven like we're trying to take away confidence so you know it's a little more but then.

He had the lowest scoring of the past couple weeks it's it's like in hawaii what what are what are we doing how much is the green boost really helping in 2003 to this to the this year's stats the strokes gain we're actually worse. And there's other reasons for that but but it's like it's not helping and so by taking out certain players ability to play the game of golf in the way they learned how to play i learned this rick when i was 13 14 15 yeah. And i've grown up with this with the system that's how i play golf you know that's how a lot of kids have learned how to play golf that's a lot how a lot of kids have trained themselves to putt well that's just the way they do it. And by taking it out you're just the ability for kids to use their brain it's not like you know you take the guy that's 6 10 yes last week that played. And say hey we're going to take two inches off of you because you're too tall well that's kind of what you're doing with my brain. And my brain's ability to figure a situation out one of my greatest assets in my body is problem solving. And my brain is body soft is problem solving. And i think that by taking that away it's a little i don't want to say that word. But you know it can be sometimes it can push somebody in the wrong direction really really quickly sometimes saying nothing in that moment is powerful enough that was that was perfect well we've got a friend of ours who's the tallest golfer in the world he's seven foot seven. And a half inches oh my gosh okay he's called paul sturgis he's called tall paul okay uh that's amazing he uh believe it. Or not he is still limited to only a 48 inch driver wow. And he honestly it looks like so small it looks like a kid's club when he's when he's hitting it that's so that's so unfortunate because i feel like i i just feel like that's just not inclusive yeah um. And that's the tough part you you know you have somebody that can't control it like they can't control my brain i just developed it and this is the way i think. And this is the way i do things. And it's just they're just not being inclusive that's kind of frustrating um but i understand i i understand to some level you know that's a very very unnormal thing to have right seven but seven yeah right. And i get it but you know you you want somebody like that to play the game and you know why not yeah why not let him play something that's comfortable. For his height yeah right. And instead of him hurting their back and whatnot and all that i mean there's no harm no foul especially on the amateur level he's a professional no i mean let's have a conversation about it. And go like okay that's fair you know let's find something that's find a compromise yeah. And that's the frustrating part is that there was really no compromise in this no it wasn't uh it you know in regards to the greens books. Or length it was it was just this is what we're doing call it a day yeah it's like guys you have one of a few of the best players in the world that are going what are you doing yeah can we talk to you about it can we like try. And figure out a solution and a compromise no ah yeah that's not you need a bit of open you need a bit of dialogue there right um. For sure you totally when you're trying to make it work for everybody you touched on before how um you want to be number one golfer in the world yep as do i as a as did 11 year old ricky shields. But not anymore what what what also is on that tick list what are your career goals right now well career uh grand slam is a huge deal. For me um and then.

I want to get to 20 wins at least on eight is it yeah i'm in it. So got a ways to go but it's not terrible but it's not i mean there's a year 2018 was when i was hitting in the best of my life just dead straight you know i had my golf swing really dialed in putting was really good. And i gave myself a lot of chances to win and i did win yeah. But the next.

Year i kind of lost my golf swing a little bit and i couldn't figure it out and that's when later that year i was like you know what i'm just going to try. And hit it farther because i think it farther will give me a better opportunity. And it did i won a couple more times um you know. And i give myself a lot of chances last year as well now this year i feel like i have that speed we're getting to a place where the driver is working in a really good way uh. And then.

My putting has gotten back to its level in 2018 i figured something out at uh well this off season and so i put it pretty well kappalu i feel like um even though i didn't have any greens books or whatnot i was rolling it well. So it's going to take some time. For me to adjust and learn how to use my eyes again a little bit more um i was still using my eyes it was it was not like just to go back to that real quick you went blindfolded everybody everybody thinks i was using just all math to do putting no i mean there's spike marks there's bumps there's a bunch of different stuff on the green you gotta look. And you've got to be like ah my intuition is telling me it's not this way. And you got to go with your gut in the end at the end of the day so there's a lot of feel still in play you know and i at certain times lost a lot of confidence because of what the greens book said because the green's books aren't always right right that's where it's like it's a huge skill set you got to learn to be able to utilize that that greens book. And that's where it's frustrating when people don't use it they're like oh i should be gone well you've never tried it you've never used it you don't understand it's frailties and faults yeah. And it's it's down involved it's pitfalls and and that's kind of the the tough part for me i don't know why i went back on that rant that's just a whole another all right so so that's that's career goals what's yeah what's 2022 goals uh winning a major uh. And winning a few times on tour definitely give myself give myself plenty of opportunities on the back nine of tournaments to win a golf tournament to close it out what world ranking will bryce. And dechambeau be at the end of 2022 will i be oh man i i don't even know i hope top five. And i very much so hope number one in the world but that's gonna take a couple wins and playing really well this year you meant we touched on it slightly earlier saint andrews obviously this year um home of golf the open 150th it's going to be certainly over here in the uk i don't know of a single open that's had more buzz ever now this this one feels different i think hopefully you're going to be there as well. And just the infrastructure around andrews it's going to be amazing. And i just think at the moment when you look at the best players in the world i mean you'll know there's there's i mean any one of the top 50 anyone in the top hundred can go. And have kind of go and have a week at the open yeah. And and when you look at the top ten you look at the the field and how well everyone's been playing recently you just think oh my goodness. So i've got a question for you what's your strategy well my strategy is going to depend on the weather first off you know it's a it's a golf course where maybe a lot of irons off the tee is the play um i i don't know maybe it is hitting it really far bombing up next.

To the greens. And having a great wedge game uh there's a couple ways i could play the golf course with the length because sometimes people think about my drivers oh it gives them such an advantage what really gives me an advantage is my irons being able to hit an 8 iron 210 yards being able to hit a 995 um you know a 6-iron 240 yards. So so this is this is where you know the conversation of the strategy what is my strategy it's one gonna depend on the weather uh. And conditions of the course and what i'm comfortable with as well two is what i'm comfortable with you know given my game my current game situation. So you mentioned before you've never played the golf course yeah do you feel like you know the golf course at all much yeah i played it on pga tour uh 2004 plenty when you shoot like 50 under. For the whole tournament one of the big tips we had when we played is that miss left if you're going to miss miss left. So much room but with that with regards to the weather then.

There's a long kicker over the longest hitter do you want it hard. Or soft because i'm getting if the course is harder the shorter guys get obviously. So much more role as well so do you want it to be a little softer. Or do you want to be baked out where you can just be hitting irons off the tee. And out driving people who hit in driver or whatever probably softer and then.

Firm for the greens because you can fly in nice. And high with like a neighborhood where others are hitting five irons. Or whatever it may be yeah um that's quite that's really exciting do you will you get an opportunity before july to play at all probably not i'm probably going to play scottish before the week before um get somewhat comfortable with league style golf. And then.

Head over there i'll try and play as much as i can. But you know not much i can really do with all the restrictions it's kind of tough to go over there. And you get over there early and play and um the timing my schedule all that pretty difficult so one thing we need to do bryce if we can certainly when you're next.

In europe is we did a video recently where rick played with tommy fleetwood. And it was a course called jcb which is amazing obviously stroke play tommy fleetwood would destroy destroy me. So rick had a handicap of 10. so rick started 10 under par tommy started level part obviously and the match went right down to the wire and on hole 18 they actually finished level and and this is on a golf course again over here in the uk we don't get many golf courses upwards of seven. And a half thousand yards it's a beast this play is about 7 700.. So i think on a on a on a normal golf course around the uk 10 probably be too many sharks not easily yeah. But on a proper championship golf course so so i would love to get some guarantee next.

Time you're over in the uk or or our schedules collide me versus you i start 10 under yes. And you start level par for sure that'd be fun do you think you'll beat me still yes i would hope. So i would hope so because even if because on that particular day it was very very cold very wet very windy it was it was a tough it was in december here in the uk. So it wasn't particularly nice weather but i was even thinking if it's in the summer you're going to go around in probably six under 500 around a kind of golf course normal golf course. For me around the golf course it's that long i'm not getting that close to par you know you're happy with five over i'd be shooting four or five over so that's why i think it's such an interesting match um i'd say on a slightly shorter course even at someone like i said andrews i think it'd be much tighter. And i think tend to be too many. But on a proper long golf course i think that's that's one we've got a plan. For sure for sure definitely one thing you touched on then.

That interests me as well we mentioned this kind of myself and rick when we were playing the podcast was that you've gained. So much distance with your driver but you almost forget you've gained iron as well like you said before is that what you've honestly found almost the the best gain then.

Words you might have been hitting seven iron before you're now hitting nine. For example is that we've really found it's helped yeah. For example 11 out here i was playing yesterday it was 219 yards to the pen. And i had an eight iron and i landed on the front edge and just rolled it up all right it was pretty calm conditions. And yeah i mean that that's the thing you know you got tiger. And all the back in the day had five iron four irons right into it and i'm just sitting in this okay just a nice later it's mad do you yeah it's hard to say this. But do you recommend. For amateurs they kind of look at the distance root or do you think it's just too hard. For amateur golfers to really try and and gain distance and speed and keep it underneath i would say be cautious with it because it can really mess up the golf swing if you're not careful. And thoughtful about it there's a reason why there's really only been one person make this sort of change and all of uh in a long time um i don't i think maybe ever. And i'm not trying to hype myself myself up at one bit it's just it's it's not easy and i'll tell you that the reason why it's so difficult is because it's because one you gotta learn how to get stronger without getting injured two you gotta learn how to swing it faster without getting injured three you gotta learn how to i would say play golf without getting injured right yeah. And and then.

Four you'll learn how to well i guess it's three you gonna learn to hit okay i messed up hold up one get stronger without getting injured two learn how to swing it faster three learn how to hit straighter without all without getting injured that's a big deal uh even on three training straight. And then.

Four learn how to play golf there's four things you got to do in order to do it. And sometimes each one is its own could be year-long process um. So it's it's not easy one bit and i've expedited it through having intelligent people like chris como by my side greg roskoff m8 and denver getting stronger and then.

Having a caddy and a support group behind me it's it's not been just this oh let's go ahead farther and let's see what happens no one another this has been very very calculated very difficult to do here is a quick question. And i'm just just going off from what we've talked about in the top topic. So far on the podcast do you get bored of talking about distance like is it is it annoying because i'm guessing that's what a lot of people ask you. And i feel conscious we've asked you a few times about it today.

No no not at all the moment that i'll start getting uh bored about distance. And golf is the moment where i'm either one the best in the world. And nobody can can beat me which is not ever gonna happen um in regards to distance i'm talking about. So like beating kyle um or two i just don't have a love for the game anymore those so i'll never get bored about it do you ever feel like with that world of spending time with kyle. And martin and really into the kind of long drive does that ever become a little bit like we almost think i'm getting too into this i can see myself getting too bothered about long drive. And actually the sport of long drive or can you happily the reason i asked that it's a silly analogy. But like over here rugby is a big sport. And there's been problems before i i did about this when i was at university where like athletes have been injured. So they've trained in the gym more to get fit and then.

Suddenly they almost like the look of how they start to look which actually isn't always beneficial to the sport aesthetic doesn't really matter in some sports too much and i just wonder did you ever find that you get almost too excited about the long drive. Or are you okay to kind of get involved. And then.

Step back out again i can prioritize. And sectionalize it in its own in its own right very well yeah i've learned how to do that there are times where like i was like whoa okay i'm getting too off of the act cause it's always a balance of power. And accuracy and i go between the two i'm like okay i'm going too much power right now. And i go but i got to go back to accuracy because i got a tournament coming up in a week so i'll hone it in and dial it all in as much as i can. And so it's just bounced back and forth between the two even the whole i watched that video on your channel at one it was like um not like a garage. But that guy had that huge facility we had a long drive competition as well i can't remember um the osps uh a few weeks before the world long drive i think it was yeah yeah. And like the community feel and the fact that you all seem to get on really well i can imagine that being like a nice place to be a nice environment as well it's it's one of the most comfortable places. And the most inclusive places that i've ever ever been a part of from from my perspective um you know a lot of people initially thought that i was going to try. And you know make it a show and a freak show whatever it no i wanted to grow it because it has the opportunity to grow the game of golf in a really cool way. And so when i went there everybody was super amazing with me there was no like um oh my gosh he's going in there what does he think he's doing it was more of like no it brought me under their wing. And said we want to help you get as far fast as you can because it's a super close tight-knit community 20 10 15 years ago it was not it was about it was it was egos like i'm way faster than you. And now it's more of how can we all be the fastest we can possibly be like martin. And kyle going against each other even justin james. And josh koch we're all trying to spur each other on to hit it as far as possible because we know together we're stronger than apart but they almost as much as you're probably picking their brains about how to get speed they're probably picking your brains because you can find the middle of the club face like they can't always do that you know. So i think they've probably learned a lot from you as well um because we've kept you super underwrapped about being a guest on the podcast we have put on our facebook chat some quick fire questions if you don't mind from our audience yeah these are not vetted just now. So you are going to get some random ones here okay very quickly uh collab has asked mcdonald's. Or kfc mcdonald's easy um another one again not vetting massively when was the last time you went. For a beer with brooks never um how long does he think he can keep up 200 miles per hour ball speed before it takes a toll on his body um i i feel like i can do it. For quite a few years there's uh a senior division that the woodlawn drive plda produces excuse me the pld produces and each year it's the masters division and jeff gavin i believe is his name i might have got it wrong please i need it i need to double check that. But there the guy who won i had 215 mile an hour ball speed wow at 55 or something like that oh my gosh so you can do it. For you can do it. For a long time that is absolutely crazy um i've got another one here who is your favorite player to be paired with out on tour who uh i i i like personally pat perez it's a lot of fun he just seems super like cool relaxed he doesn't care he just goes. And has fun and and kills it another question how many golf clubs do you own oh my gosh own. Or have been given to me you own them now i guess i mean a lot of them are with cobra pro. But probably hundreds hundreds and hundreds of thousands and what particular what do you think you've got the most of has to be drivers surely um i have the most driver heads. For sure i feel like a lot of people like putters are a big collector's item as well yeah i'm a driver collector question here from david spencer what degree lofts are your clubs i'm guessing you know every degree of every club yeah it's a bit weird everybody talks about me like loft jacking my clubs. And the problem with that is that when you start gaining a lot of speed you start spinning the ball a lot. And so like with an 8 iron if i spun my 800 to 8 000 rpms it wouldn't go farther than 180 to 90 yards uh because of the height and apex of it so when i start swinging harder the spin rate starts going up. So like now when i'm swinging it close to 108 miles an hour and uh with my irons uh it goes upwards of like 9 500 rpm so it doesn't go any farther just because there's more spin so i have to take the loft down in order to get the proper distance gapping necessary for me um so my 50 so so it goes 58 52 uh 46 41 pitching wedge is 41. that's super low i think it goes 37 nine iron 30 i think two. And a half eight iron seven irons like 28 six irons 24 or 23. uh five irons uh 19 and then.

416 because that's the lowest iron we can produce right now they're trying to work on getting a 15 14 degree loft before i suppose it makes sense though because people know when you get a driver fit that someone who swings it really fast wouldn't typically like a 12 degree driver obviously they'd be down like an eight. Or nine so it's no different with your irons i guess you know what i've got a four. And a half degree driver pretty much is that what's in the bag like tournament weeks yeah that's what i use because it's it's expensive 20 to 2500. four. And a half degrees that's what you're playing with right now yeah oh nice that's like a putter you know you know i'm actually quite surprised with those those loft that you're mentioning i honestly expected like 41.23 degrees when you start i was like it was 1.5 i think in there 32.5 i think there was i would. But the machines only go to really tense an accuracy of a tenth so um i've got a question i think this would be a sick video. For you okay this is from grant how far can you hit a putter that one that's good yeah just driving really at the four degrees sure how far direction you could you couldn't you couldn't hit that let's say a normal 35-inch putter okay i think you've got to do one get get an oh if i hit one good it'll probably get over 300. oh my god that's gotta be a youtube show get that get it low spin um yep amazing right i've got one final thing i feel like we've got on really well today.

Do you absolutely do you think we've gone really well good yeah that might ruin it oh oh oh boy i'm i'm used to it you could throw anything at me i don't think bryson i'm your mate. So if rick ruins it now we're cool okay i don't think i could live it down by my listeners. And viewers if i didn't ask you a certain question okay i know what this is gonna be i'm gonna drink some vodka look at my hand my hand's shaking bryson's about to press end call any second now. So hey guys to be honest with you like you guys are you guys have been awesome i really don't care oh thank you you're not the only player okay. But you seem to get the biggest the most stick for it the four four-letter word the four though which one the four wait i'm confused oh this could be a great clip you might just summarized it i'm saying you're not the only player to get accused of this but sometimes maybe not always shouting for when they maybe should be shouting forward if a golf ball is going towards someone four. Or four okay f-o-r-e gotcha no no no you're fine yeah no people people okay that's one of the other ones they don't even think about it i think i've been guilty of this i've definitely called you out on this a few times. But i'd love to only because of what i see on social media a little clip so please have have you say so the big one was uh i think fedex saint jude classic i think when i hit it right it didn't hit anybody. But it went through go past the bunkers and went in kind of into the crowd and went in the ground or just sort of short of the car path and the trouble with that is that the wind was off the right end of the wind. And i hit a shot that i flared it up to the right and i didn't think at all it would get there. And so most of time when we hit shots if we don't think it's going to get there there's really no reason to say anything. And most guys don't on tour now you could because of how far i'm hitting it every single shot say four i could be like four or four every single shot and sometimes that's actually potentially more harmful because people scatter and move and they they walk into the direction of the golf ball when i see a ball and it's close but i don't think it's going to get to somewhere. Or what not that's what i'm like okay that one two they can't hear me they can't hear me because it's into the wind i can yell as loud as i possibly wanted to yell. And they would not be able to hear me that's another thing now it doesn't look as good people think that i'm not being respectful at all i don't care about patrons. Or people on the side that's the farthest thing from the case i've hit people before and it's been the worst possible feeling in the world so don't ever think that one i don't care about fans. Or whatnot scottie scheffler at the ryder cup hit one into someone uh the left of six uh at the ryder cup and like i was sitting there helping the guy was bleeding. And everything it's just awful situation um you know brooks hit someone in the eye at the the uh pirates cup and someone's yeah in paris i mean this happens it's a part of the sport. And don't think. For one bit that we don't feel terrible for it i hit one i hit somebody back in 2017 and louisiana over on the left sometimes it's impossible to do anything the one time though that looks like i should be yelling four. And a dozen is sometimes the one where i get the most slack. For it and most of the time it's because one i don't think it's gonna get there. And two if i'm yelling four every single time it's not a good situation that to other players that are on other holes there's a lot of things going on in those moments as well um. But but the biggest thing for me that that really is uh i think hopefully eye-opening to people is that when it's into the wind you can't yell out enough it's impossible the the people they wouldn't heal yeah they wouldn't it's not quick enough. And if anything if they scatter more because of it yeah that's a problem too now if i miss it. So far right that it's never gonna hit anybody there's really no there's nothing you can really do on that end either now if it's going. For someone i see it's going. For some people i i always yell for i mean people clearly hear me all the time. But unfortunately the broadcast television media people that see it they don't necessarily understand the situation so the one was fedex st jude i did not think it was getting there yeah. Nor did it actually get there landed before them. And rolled into the crowd yeah that was one of the other another one i can't even remember off the top of my head it please enlighten me because i can explain the situation if i remember the situation because. For me it's like that's so irrational that i don't even remember it yeah. For me in my in my head if there's a moment where it's like oh i messed up i will 100 own up to it. And i'm not afraid of doing that um i just i can't come off the top of my head and remember one of them so it's almost more isolated isolated incidences where you've explained it because if we've ever talked about it a lot of people say yeah. But nobody can hear it when he's when it's 350 yards away where i would say they could hear it. But as you you're explaining if you're into wind yeah you might not hear it possibly get that. And yeah that makes sense downwind 100 they can hear it. So shouting it yeah i think it's just. For me as growing up and it's almost one of the first things we get taught as a girlfriend like it's one of the first things same here and i just think certainly from a few incidences which have probably been blown up on social media it sometimes worries me about what that portrays to the younger golfer like i would hate. For a 12 year old who is just your biggest fan it kind of flicks on social media. And goes yeah well dad bryson doesn't shout it do you know. And i think that's my that's my only thing i've got three young children. And you know i'd like to think i'm bringing them up. And if they play golf you'll teach them the right mannerisms which by the way you carry yourself so well on the golf course it's just those little isolated uh incidences which you know what i'm glad of ashton i'm glad you answered it so um well you know i didn't i didn't know what to expect from that yeah. And i would love to have another incident because i honestly don't remember because my brain was like that's. So illogical uh if anybody asked me i could easily explain the situation i just that was the only one where i missed it right. And it blew up and that was a that's a memory of mine at fedex st jude when i hit it just barely over those bunkers to the right because i'm going 50 yards left of that. And so when i flirt right it's in the one off the right i'm just like it's not going to get there. And it flies that far for whatever reason because it's high off the face it doesn't hit anyone it actually lands short and goes in and people are like oh he didn't yell four again it's just like okay this thing dog legs 90 degrees left yeah. And like i flared it right it's no it's not going to get there. And i couldn't even yell four to make people aware of that situation so that was one i would love to explain another one i don't know what do you have i don't know i probably have i don't know the exact single tee times uh tee shots i've got i've got an idea. For you though i can kill two birds with one stone okay next.

Time you think it's even in doubt shout. For and subscribe it's actually pretty funny they're just like 400 oh and subscribe to my youtube channel four because i think then.

You've covered your bag that would be all over the place that would go viral you've covered your back. So if anything bad did happen. Or if it hit somebody you're teaching kids how you should be and then.

Also and you're getting some subscribers i like the idea i love it so send andrews i want to see four and subscribe or unsubscribe to my youtube channel please thank you sorry if i hit you um well bryson you've been a pleasure thank you very much um hopefully we're not taking up too much of your time i know you've got to go and bomb some drivers now i feel like we've covered every question oh that was amazing genuinely would love to collaborate with you make some cool videos uh a hundred percent um i think the ten shot challenge would be really cool. And anytime you get over let let's uh let's make it happen deal let's do it thanks thanks guys thanks. So much you're a superstar watch me all the best for the rest of the year thank you take care see bryson.