Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips today.

We're going to talk about how we can align ourselves much better on the golf course one of the very common mistakes to see is actually players not aiming straight. So then.

Wonder why they don't hit it straight first thing i'd like you to do is actually stand directly behind the golf ball in direct line with your fairway. So you're standing in line with where you want to hit the golf shot now as you can see here all i've done is i've popped a tee peg in here just. For demonstration purposes but use a broken tee peg or an old diver or a blade of grass to use as a marker so that's directly in line with my golf ball and my intended target now aim a golf ball at that you can see i've got a black line on the golf ball here. And i'm aiming that absolutely at that t-peg in front of me i'm then.

Going to line my golf club up with that black line. And then.

Take my stance parallel to that okay. So we don't want to aim our feet at the teepeg we want to keep it all parallel so i'm aiming my feet parallel to that now i've got my feet nice and wide i've got my club aiming through the ball straight at the t-peg and now i know i'm aiming straight so when i hit this straight over that t-peg i know that if i've hit it in any direction right or left it's more down to me rather than aiming incorrectly try that on the golf course next.

Time you're out perhaps on the driving range let me know you get on thanks again for watching and i'll see you again soon.