All right guys i've got some good news i've got some bad news the bad news there's no official break 75 episode this week. But next.

Week i've got a banging one coming for the final one so make sure you check that out the good news i've got a handicap now this video is taken from a podcast that i do with guy. And we talk about my new handicap which i think will surprise. And shock a lot of people it certainly shocked me filmed here in the podcast studio if you've not checked it out yet definitely do we release a new podcast every tuesday sometimes we release even bonus ones twice a week. And on the second channel the second youtube channel we've just achieved this everybody a hundred thousand subscribers jump over there make sure you subscribe i think you'll really enjoy the content right let's jump over to this clip about what my new handicap is i think you'll be very very shocked after all the break 75's we've done. So far i've put my scores into england golf and i now have been assigned a handicap and it's really surprised me okay. So a bit of a backstory when i was a junior golfer i got down to single figures probably at 16. Or so i was off single figures when i went to college as i turned probably to about 18 i probably was off about four. Or five handicap and i needed to work quite hard at 19 i turned professional i did my pga qualifications at 19. And as mentioned to become a pj pro you have to be off four or less i got my lowest amateur handicap down to three can you remember the exact handicap three point four five just in three right i then.

Turn professional. And when you turn professional you have zero handicap so i became a zero handicap player i never really felt like i was a zero handicap player like i never i wasn't a golfer that could shoot regularly under par very rare would i do that would i played in tournaments when i became a pga pro i shot four. Or five over par that was my goal. And that was quite you happy with that that was what i expected weirdly my mindset changed thinking i should overnight now start shooting level par even though that's not like overnight as soon as i turned pro i thought oh i've turned pro now that must now unlock the key to get me into level par golf. Or underpar golf not true so from 19 to current date now over that time period i've not had a handicap so that's been the third um 15 years of no i've been a golf professional. For 15 years now that's scary it's a long time in that 15 years i've played in some competitions i've um done okay-ish not really competed in a massive amount of level so right now before at the start of this year we did a video talking about what my handicap would be roughly in my head from the gulf that i play i honestly believed i'm a two to three handicapper. And that's where the premise of break 75 came from we thought if i can make a video where i can go around the golf course if i can break 75 which is typically on a par 72 it's three over par if i can break 75 i'm playing to my handy she's shooting two overpowered entertainment two over power yeah that's where the whole idea came from. And the big idea with break75 was to almost let people know that i'm not going to shoot underpower all the time i'm not a tour player somewhere around the 70s i'm happy with do you think the pj in your name people think of pj tour. And their [ __ ] league elite golfers 100 yeah there's a definite misconception there i know i'm good enough to play i turned professional as a pj pro to coach. And to make people play better had the skill the ability i could demonstrate shots if i needed to um i played a little bit but again that wasn't why i turned professional i turned professional so it gave me the license so i could coach charge money earn money make a list just a quick one then.

So when you did turn prone your handicapper kind of vanished. But it was really like it was three when you then.

Played like a scratch golfer did you feel like you were the same as them. Or do you still think they were kind of a bit better i never i never wanted to receive shots off a scratch handicapper. But in reality i never probably won so you should have done really yeah yeah because because what do i then.

Say i am because again as soon as you turn pro. And you lose your handicap there's no way of monitoring it like until now this year with the world handicap system there was no way of me putting an accurate measurement on this unless i literally tracked every single score i had in that 15-year period. And almost did it myself. And do you think full handicap is the right handicap to turn pro off. Or do you think it should be lower. Or higher or is it about right i think i think four's good if you're off scratch you don't have to do a plain ability test ah scratch. Or better you don't have to do a playing ability test from one two three. Or four you have to do a playing ability test which isn't ridiculously hard it's two rounds of golf. And you've got to shoot under 15 over so seven over each round basically gets you in sounds easy on paper but i bet if people are nervous. And you get one 82 in there yeah you're suddenly thinking it's gonna be a tough ass yeah yeah. So that's that's kind of it just showed there's a level of skill there and again as we mentioned the pga is a is a pathway into. So many different jobs like doing the pga qualification here in the uk and the uspj in the usa it allows you to be a like you mentioned a club fitter a professional golfer a head pro at a golf club a director of golf whatever it may be so you don't have to be scratch or better you just have to have an awareness so before the series i thought i was off three. So because i've been recording all my scores for the last 11 rounds i'm gonna put a little caveat on this because i've actually only been able to use ten of the rounds the jcb round that i had which weirdly my highest score convenient it didn't count because the jcb isn't affiliated with england golf so it you can't get a handicap there there's no slope right in there. So because it's a corporate membership facility okay. So they don't have memberships there so i submitted all my scores and i'm just going to run through them very quickly. So people can listen we'll just fire him on screen worsely part was the first one that i did 77 five over sent anzold links was neck one 82 12 over next.

One i did was mia 70 one on the par next.

One is was presprit 73 2 over par next.

One did was celtic manor 77 5 over par stockport 73 2 over par hillside 76 that's not 76 i actually shot 77. i wonder if the triple bogey turns into it will do yeah it does does yeah i just looked. And so hillside i've got on this app now i'm on england golf app it's down as a 76 but i actually shot seven years that's why triple bogies don't ne it's net double bogey is it the worst you can have. So the seven turned into a six so that was four over uh kings barnes i shot 72 level par old course. And andrew shot 73 one over par and robert dale shot 77 five over par so you now have a handicap after all those rounds in my head after watching and you watching all my golf yeah. And me playing after all the rounds of golf what would you say muhammad i don't know what yours is are you not sure i was not sure what my handicap is i would honestly say between two. And four so i go go two you're a long way off and that surprised me higher or lower a lot lower my handicap my my handicap now after those ten rounds of golf drum roll please is plus 1.2 i am i am a plus handicapper let me explain. So with the new world handicap system all the things like slope rating course index everything else has been factored into these measurements so even though let's say i had a 73 around sent andrew's old course because of the difficulty of the golf course that actually played as a plus 1.8 almost 200 par gross so for example this is really interesting when i had my 70 yeah around mia. So one on the par because of the difficulty level of the golf course etc etc it actually came out as 2.4 under par so you're one undergrowth so essentially two and a half undergrowth ah now this is where it's interesting even though i had some bad rounds i had this eighty-two at centum's old links. And i had a couple of high 70s the way that the new handicap system works with my 10 handicaps the three best scores count okay. And it's an average from those best three so you've got mia 70 at may which played 2.4 under par i had a 72 at king's barns which played a 1.1 on the par right and i had a 73 at the old course which plays 0.1 under par so blitz plus yeah. So they've taken those scores into consideration they take an average of those three and the average of those three is 1.2 handicap plus a bit of a cliche. But i think it is true people always say you should place your handicap when you're playing well i've i've always said a handicap is a snapshot of you on a good day. And that's to be fair you are of course certainly now we know about the actual how the essentially the power changes as well yeah you are on a good day about between level. And one under i'm not going shooting five on the par. So i'm not off plus five i can squeeze a one on the powering every now. And again as we've seen so that's kind of that's me on a good day and what would you say was your worst score how many over the worst score on the on the system because the jcb one didn't count was 12 over at centin's old links. So do you think that might give listeners some faith that if a plus one handicapped golfer can shoot 12 over on a bad day what would an 18 handicapper shoot on a bad day this is really interesting something i've just seen that 12 over par at cent android links because of the conditions everything else the measurements of the day it actually came out as only four point eight over par oh my dear. So they have the condition on the day on that yeah. So they've got history of like competitions that have taken place that day or all the scores that have taken place that day oh my word so even though i was 12 over gross. And we saw the conditions it was horrendous it was also sorry very quick one um some of my scores around were quite big at central links they got knocked down down a little bit as well how does it feel to be a plus one handicapped golfer it's pretty nice bit of flex like say after looking at the evidence i can't argue with it because that's kind of what i'm saying it does make sense it's me on a good day. And every now and again i can shoot a one on the par what it's made me consider is if i'm a plus 1.2 handicapper okay. Or i'm a less than scratch handicapper honestly now if you did handicap measurements of the best players in the world of dustin johnson around the golf courses that he plays at in those conditions what is someone like dustin johnson's handicap literally plus 12 plus 30 because they can shoot 10 on the par on a solid course seven. And a half thousand yards so that's massive 10 on the par could easily turn into a 13 under power because of the conditions and again if it's a snapshot of you on a good day an average of your best rounds i honestly believe and this is why we see tour players at their local golf courses having plus nine handicaps etc it just shows the levels. And if anybody for one second is thinking that oh rick you're not that good i'm just going to put this into perspective if i'm off plus 1.2 okay. And someone like a dj is off plus 10 yeah if we played four rounds of golf he would be 40 shots minimum better than me.