[music] i'm here on the old course at st andrews with the one club in partnership with mastercard and with the 150th open championship coming up i'm about to do something a little bit special with somebody very special somebody let's say who's won the open five times quite simply a living legend mr tom watson [Music] [Applause] andrews this is where i think almost every great player has ever played the game has stood. And hit the opening tee shot here this has always been a goal of mine to play in reverse as they do i think once. Or twice a year here rather than play from the first tee to the first green reverse order means going from the first tee to the 17th green then.

The 18th t to the 16th green. And so on around the golf course now this was how it was played up until the 1870s until old tom morris designed the first green. And now as you know it's played anti-clockwise tom and i have decided to play the first second 17th and 18th in alternate shot format to try and break par i just need you to hit a long way because i can't hit it out of my shadow anymore well would you mind taking the first tee shot there oh no i i haven't even warmed up okay i'll take it thank you. So much and also you'll be used to this if you look over there check out whose name is at the top of the leaderboard [Laughter] the expanse of the tee shot here said man i can hit this thing anywhere right here then.

All of a sudden you get up here. And you see and all of a sudden it goes from there it goes it does it does doesn't it does doesn't it well aren't you going to say now on the t enjoyment yeah do that ladies. And gentlemen now on the t tom watson fantastic fantastic what a golf shot well this was a fantastic tee shot well perfect. For both first or 17. i hit it the bush i tried to hit it at the bush not there the bush i don't if i've ever been quite as nervous in my life right give me good vibes tom nice solid hit there man oh yeah beauty partner tom i'm done nice really nice to meet you thank you. So much what a shot what would you hear pitching wedge pitching words that's beautiful so what is unique about playing it in reverse obviously come to the swill can bridge much earlier that's right who come up the other way i mean this really is is this possibly the most iconic spot in well it's certainly uh one of the one of the ones that people think about. And i've walked across this with uh arnie yeah. And cried i've walked across this with jack nicklaus and cried what a wonderful shot you played in here thank you i will be dining out on that. For a long time man you've got better eyes than i do what do you think you've got better experience on this one well it's uphill right to left that's correct from my experience i've not played this hole many times i always feel like it breaks more than what you think all right. So i think outside the right okay maybe maybe a cup. Or a touch more oh oh man that was a lousy putt ah all right well we'll take a paw take a par if you had a decent putter on your team we would have been one under there don't be silly okay tom our second hole which we're here teen off in front of the 17th green right. And we're actually going to go around to the 16th green from here now what's quite interesting the hotel comes into play. But from a totally different angle um there's a couple of bunkers down there i want to kind of stay short all right to give you a nice shot i like your idea don't no bunkers do a tiger woods no bunkers i like that style. And i don't fancy hitting driver with the hotel down the left so i'm gonna hit i'm get a long iron and hopefully leave you in position a ready for your second shot today.

I'm ready. For it come on okay all right we're gonna have an interesting shot there yeah time i might have gone not enough club there yeah. But the good news tom we're in play and i didn't lose your ticket you didn't lose my wee tee [Laughter] that was that was more pressure then.

Something come over here you don't know what i'm doing here do you no i've got an idea all right well in 1984. And i was tied with sevy coming into this hole here i hit my t-ball a little farther right than i wanted to i didn't know whether it was in in. Or out of bounds and the ball ended up right here what made this difficult was that the severe upslope my ball was on right here wow. And we're playing into the wind and so i took a two iron because i knew i was going to hit it way up in the air if i hit it way up in the air it's going to come down short. So i took this and took the aggressive route with a two iron and got ahead of it like that and i pushed it right over the road but you know people said why did you hit two arms in such a long from short distance because right here the ball's on the up slopes. And i had wind in not got to the front edge of available green but right here he's going to go straight up in the air. So that is a tough shot. So that's that was the that's the place right there all right all right tom rick's left us in the most iconic position we are in position a to play this shot all right okay. So we can't see anything coming into this green here and the difficulty of this shot is it's all carry into the 16th screen your line here is this caution sign we've got here i see that caution. So just on the left edge of that left edge of there left edge of that okay that's the caution that should be very good that was a lie well that's going to be a little long i hit a flyer it's got to be probably a little bit long i think very good shot come on partner let's go first there you go let's go. And find it you know one of the things i love about uh the courses over here you have a lot of blind shots and i don't like too many but i do like blind shots because i always think the golfers should have that anticipation not knowing where the ball ends up. And having to walk up and not know that and not know and then.

Fight then.

Apparently then.

The ball appears i like that part of golf yeah well tom you've played a magnificent shot pin high just off the green now the shot. For me i'm always using putter from here i'd be using putter every time 100 of the time well i'm very happy with that now we've got still a tricky put we're coming off obviously the apron there up this kind of valley and then.

We think it's swinging to the left i think it's swinging to the left through here okay yes i do all right when it gets up to the top i think it's going to be uh it's going to be fairly straight up at the top once we get up over that top right there okay i like it it's all about speed it's all about speed here oh look at this that's it oh man you're good partner you are good you're bringing the best out i'm not gonna lie to you wow that was excellent certainly the sensible shot fantastic two holes played a level par par. And now we head back into the town what do you actually love most about links golf well i hated link's golf when i first played it not right i did not like it at all because my game was played through the air when i first played it in the in the 70s i hit the ball really high. And i truly embraced it it's easy to walk in the bunk road here you just keep on walking like this and i'm like whoa and the whole object of playing golf is to hit it the right distance hit it at the right distance. And it's very tough in link's golf you have to have a feel for it and and depend on the luck of the bounce next.

Challenge this is the 17th hole in the reverse routing we are here on the third tee. And we're gonna go back to the first green and now there is a little bit of an obstacle in the way because they've actually already built one of the grandstands here we can handle that. So we might have to flip it over the top of the ground another blind shot another blind shot okay a man-made one similar to the laptop right it's your tee shot that is an absolute beauty absolute beauty you can drop that in a better spot get lucky again amazing well done song now tom one thing you have done you've not made this a blind shot because you've put it in position a plus. And actually we can i told you i get lucky every now. And then.

It's not look cannot look it's judgment so i might have to hit it a little bit over the grandstand just because of the win well you do have to hit over the grand stand that should be fine come on wind [Laughter] what's your favorite ever shot you've hit in the open well my favorite shot i've ever hit uh turnberry i hit it like this in 77 with the seven iron uh to bury the last hole. And jack made the birdie make me make that putt when you've gotta pull it out that's when you yeah you delivered exactly go over the mound here all right all right come on tom give it a little kid [Music] come on yeah nice port very good well done yeah needed to hit it a little bit farther left that's. For sure yeah all right here we go one to go one to go level power level pawn the final hole here from the back of the second tee to the 18th green i know we've actually formed quite a crowd here at the moment we do we have quite a crowd they've obviously come to watch you. And your magic you know if you really hit this hard you can drive it on the green you know okay if you really turn it loose i'll set it to try myself i want you to turn this thing loose you want to give the driver a go i want you yeah you want to hit driver. And you want to hit it you know to the right edge of the of the big red building there perfect and just turn it loose man i love it let's go away let's do it driver finishing come on let's get up close it's a very different angle from here it is that's the one oh get him back i love it get through the valley of sin big bounce baby come on big bounce get through the valley of sin well i did my best time that was really i did my best really good i did my best there's not many opportunities. So i think why not let's take a leisurely walk back over this wilkin bridge that's a pretty nice idea there's no rule saying you can't do it twice in a day 18th i've put you quite a bit short actually the green yeah hoping it'd be a bit closer up there yeah i'm glad you're hitting it i'm not gonna lie. But we've got a chance here an up and down potentially to finish one under our names are still rightly. So at the top of the leaderboard yes they are do you know what my club choice would be what putter you'd be the putter this wouldn't be my favorite shot. But i'm happy but it is. For you all right i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to putt this okay just yes in your honor okay. And your honor okay i like it i like the shot all right all right let's see how let's see let's see if we can two put this all right oh very good very good well a little bit harder a little bit harder. But you called it right it went left when it got up there okay i always feel you worse pot will never be as bad as your worst chip that's right. So i'm happy with that all right i'm happy with that yeah i'll keep this just in case all right let's see if you can make this pulled it a little bit good speed oh that was a shame good speed all right well the mission was level our mission was level par here we are tom that was a true pleasure thank you it really was that was fun it really was thank you. So much what an incredible opportunity um thank you to mastercard thank you to the open to the one club yeah real honor that was trash in reverse that was uh that was quite especially the the winter the 16th green that was uh it was quite a quite a hole i get it's an iconic place it's named the home of golf. For a reason that's right thank you tom that was a pleasure i really enjoyed that thank you again thank you amazing.