All right guys so a couple of days ago i got to spend the full day with one of the world's best golfers tommy fleetwood we filmed a bunch of videos which will be coming out onto the youtube channel soon. So stay tuned for those also we filmed and recorded a brand new episode of the podcast if you don't know i release a brand new podcast every tuesday and all the podcast platforms as well as my second youtube channel which if you've never checked out make sure you do i'll put a link down below now normally the videos sit on there. But you know what this episode with tommy is. So entertaining is. So insightful it's so brilliant i wanted everybody in the world to watch it so we decided to put it on the main channel either way sit back relax and enjoy this fantastic episode with tommy fleetwood that we filmed at jcp welcome back to richard's golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy and also we've got a very special guest today.

One of the best players in the world almost need no introduction tommy fleet would you give me give me an introduction anyway oh how do we start from no i don't i don't like it let's just leave it five time europeans i was gonna go i was gonna yeah guys has to get his phone out how would you introduce yourself what'd you hi i'm tommy nice to meet you do you not even need a surname um i just wouldn't give a surname if like i don't know do people normally give us her name would you say hi to rick shields yeah would you yeah i'd say then.

He says subscribe i'd be like why's he giving me his full name just. So you really know who i am i'm not going to call your ex shields when you go to a golf course. Or you're playing a pro-am do you find yourself like you obviously politely introduce yourself to playing partners. But how many times you say oh no you are is that quite a common response um yeah i'd say. So i'd probably um i'd say you go through a mix of uh sometimes you either you take like a look that you get and then.

Think yeah i'll just say hi. Or sometimes i'll say hi tommy nice to meet you but yeah you get that a few times i guess you must presume every golfer on the planet knows who you uh i won't say on the planet i would say uh maybe in southport i might have a good chance if people uh know i know i am well today.

We are actually down here one of my favorite places jcb golf. And country club because we uh had planned to film a video today.

Which fingers crossed we still get a chance to do. But we've swapped the order of the day we were going to be out on the golf course right now doing a little challenge a fun challenge me versus tommy fleetwood however. see i call you tommy fleetwood yeah that's just weird full name however. it started snowing last night. So there's a bit of snow on the ground yeah there's uh serious dooring that needs to be here that needs to be going on right now. But i'm sure we'll get some cool stuff done anyway that'll be we could go and play ski golf down the 17th mad path rick's been running recently haven't you on a video we had a speed golf video and rick's running technique got a little bit criticism so he's changed it and you've now run a lot more um masculine but more masculine i didn't realize my running technique until you somebody films it i'm like oh god i actually run like that i need to work on that i run like um sterling um but yeah imagine if you were the person like you leave your legacy. And you got golf into the winter olympics yeah yes who knows see there's one sport that would that a guest recently trying to get into the olympics. And that is speed golf what's your fastest ever round of golf do you reckon um i played uh in tournament i played first out on a sunday at wentworth on my own one year. And um i think it was like two hours 37. But i you have to realize i was in the trees all day. So you know like if you sort of go ratio of golf shots to time it was probably decent we took a lad round sent anzold links a couple of weeks ago 18 holes he did it in 43 minutes good luck fast in it what did shoot 80s did he high 80s. And still did it he missed a lot of little anyway what's the world record. For that do you know what actually is ridiculous okay. So i thought 43 minutes is pretty fast okay 43 minutes is very first year the world record which was set in 1987 was it on a really short golf course though the golf course has to be six thousand yards okay. So i'm guessing this was six thousand six thousand yards right. And all downhill yeah he did it in 27 minutes yeah like that that's ridiculous 27 minutes is fast that is ridiculous 27 minutes doesn't say what you shot. But you've got to be playing well if you're going to play that fast well yeah you've not shot 90 have you anyway weird introduction to the podcast that's the best. And that was an introduction that's kind of it we've got a little bit of a more formal introduction. But we obviously are honored to have tommy on the podcast today.

She asked whether tommy had to throw in the fleetwood that was better all first names anyway it'll be tom by the end of this yeah me parents call me tom they've called me time all my life yeah when did tommy kick him i just entered golf tournaments as tommy did yeah like like an alias like an alias share like an alter ego really no no uh. But i did uh my parents call me tom chris. And thomas um everybody helps calls me tommy did that start from school did you reckon then.

Yeah maybe yeah i think i was a tommy at school maybe yeah my middle name's thomas just got my life story yeah a little bit tommy going forward right. So we've got some questions for you tommy we've got like nine questions just to kind of get you into the podcast but we're already flowing anyway we're gonna do them regardless. So the kind of either or answers but if you want to elaborate feel free first one nine holes or range hmm it would depend on the day uh probably if you had a choice you can only do that if i had a choice. And i can only do one uh i would nanos a lot more shots i do enjoy it in balls on a range it's it's a close one do you still enjoy we're not just playing nine holes. And just having fun like do you find that as fun stuff i almost enjoy that more yeah really i think tournaments uh golf is still like one of my favorite things if not my favorite thing to do. So if i go out and play with my kids or play with mates um i will quite happily shoot 100. And you know not be bothered and it's you know it's um always a tough combination of like you know always enjoying and living the life that you love while being ultra competitive and always trying to get better all the time and you know critiquing what you do. So it's like there's always like a fine balance but playing when there's nothing on the line and i can just enjoy it i'd love yeah i is this i believe there's some golfers out there i'm sure there's more than harry was one you'll never know much better than we do you don't actually enjoy golf out of tournament play is there some golfers there's a lot that i like that i think they just um they obviously thrive in competition. And they um they love that side of it which which i do too um. But i i've just always grown up playing the game i have so many friends that play and yeah my kids you know play the game now. And i just um i love it in goal shots i love learning new things i love trying new things and like being able to do it when a mistake isn't going to cost you something i i get i get a kick out of it i i really enjoy it. So like i'm um you know i enjoy both but there are there are people that just you know live. For the competition they love um playing in tournaments and everything and and to be fair you know when you're done you kind of like you know you can be exhausted after playing three weeks on a road like you know what you know go out. And play you think what's the point what am i going to go. And play for like just uh and i can see why people feel like out. But um no i'm you know i i love it all that's good netflix. Or youtube do you have a netflix show not. Yet it's youtube then.

Oh thanks um yeah i think netflix though. For me i guess if you're on the road a lot you've got to like you've got you must watch so many series of uh yeah netflix is like a good um i've watched less serious than a lot of people i like reading um. But netflix is great like i love you know getting into something squid game i've watched it now i haven't watched much recently. So don't like breaking don't don't judge me like right now did you watch breaking news hard one well easy. For me but might be hard if you tiger or jack tiger easy as that i've got a question i was gonna wait i know what you're gonna ask have you got tiger's phone number in your phone is it cool spending time with it oh yeah um yeah some of my uh best like sort of moments on a golf course like obviously involve him where i've played um like i played with him i got drawn with him when he returned to the masters in 2018 after a bit of time out he got to play thursday. And friday with him yeah which was um amazing. And that that year in particular was it that year. Or was it which was the year where he won at east like was it 19. Or well he won he won the masters in 19. so it's 18 when he won it east and that year in particular i got drawn quite a lot with him um especially in like throughout august we played a lot because at the time you get to the fedex playoffs and it goes in the order of what the rankings are. And we were like next.

To each other. For a few weeks in a row so then.

I ended up playing with him a lot i played with him that first round in east lake when he um won the tournament and i you know played with him on the thursday and he played amazing and like um that was where you sort of get. For us that you know weren't around playing when he was in his pump you sort of get an idea of what tiger woods is all about. And um you know talking to him down fairways and stuff i played him three times in the ryder cup that you know you're playing tiger and eradicate um and then.

The following year played with him uh well i know i know i played with him in japan because he won there as well you're a good luck charm for him basically yeah it just doesn't seem to have hired me. Yet for you know playing playing with him full time so i'll always might have a tour pro quick stuff tiger's caddy you know what's mad though i think we're like pretty much exactly the same age i grew up obviously a door in time you look older than me. So i think if i could come back to that i've not only got one um keeping out of this um. But i looked at the day i saw on twitter and it was the world ranking from the year 2000 i had like tigers like actual tournament records yeah i've seen it i've seen it i think there's 20 wins. Or 19 wins like everything was top five i was nine turning 10 in 2000. So obviously our vague i remember it to some degree i'm almost annoyed that i wasn't a bit older and i could actually imagine somebody now winning like 19. well i think 90. didn't win 19.. But that would be like i think um the one the one that always gets me is i um you know you look at guys at the moment like dustin. Or rory who are you know the you know the best of our generation really at the moment. And major winners and everything and i know rory was in vegas a few weeks ago when he won his 20th event yeah on the pga tour. And there was a big thing made out about it. And i mean rory is young he's 32. And he's an amazing talent he's going to win a lot more. But you know 20 wins was like that was like a big thing. And um there's been a few documentaries on tiger recently and we watched them all um but there was one uh i can't remember which documentary it was in. But um he's holding up a trophy say whatever it is wgc buick uspga whatever it is. And it was win number 70. And he was 30. oh my god. And then.

Like that that to me when i was watching it i was like it kind of blows your mind when you think of like rory puts it in perspective there he's you know he's the best you know arguably um right now. And he's won 20 times and there's only him dj and not even a handful of others that have won 20 times that are currently playing tiger 170 30 which is like it was 10 that season i don't know i got 24.. But that's like yeah he's up well you were close at least that's halfway there yeah um okay quick one then.

Is he the best player you've played with dracon tiger yeah yeah the um the round he played in japan in the first round uh was the best round of golf i've ever watched really bogeyed the first three holes. And then.

Shot i think he shot six under. But it was i think that you know he was leading after day one. And it was a really tough course. And he was three over through three. And um like i i tell the story loads because it you know people ask quite a lot is what is the best writer i've seen. Or he's he's the best player you've ever seen and it shot after shot that was perfect. And um you know i was playing having one of those days where i'm kind of like playing distinctly average like i'm sort of grafting away to be around par. Or one over at the end of the day taps in for his 66 nine birdies in his last 15 and cruised to it and i shook his hand and i said uh that was really good today.

Tiger when he looked at me. And he winked and he went how about that huh and uh i was like it was good. And i thought he knows he's played well there this was that must be very very good. So that was cool that's really bad i've not heard that story far it's a really cool one. And the fact he vogued the first three as well oh and i mean like he hit a drive on the second holiday that i mean like an 18 handicapper would be shocked with it like he hit this like duck hook off his second hole. And and uh finno was like he wasn't even watching i was like did you just say that. And then.

And then.

16 hours later i was playing the best round of golf i've ever seen oh my god ridiculous that's. So good is it hard to concentrate on your own golf um no it's almost easier because um he's. So self-focused um that you kind of you not that you don't feel part of say his round of golf it's just that um you know if he wants to talk he'll talk but he's you know he's got that amazing focus that he's always had and you know it almost makes it easier for you to just you just play yeah that's good i'll do a couple more i'm conscious that people watching the podcast we'll say i'm not i'm on the phone loads. But now they have a laptop so i'm looking at the questions um just scrolling just scrolling yeah whatever first app you open in the morning on your phone i think it is uh probably the daily telegraph up that's a good response sign it uh the just the sports section really i just like reading the sport in the morning i don't feel like you you dead into social media no i'm not you're not just um i uh i kind of um well i i mean i like it. But i feel like when um sort of we obviously play a lot and it kind of i just feel better if i i'm not looking at it while i'm playing um [Music] again it's easy to look for what people have said about your round it's easy to look at yeah comments it's easy to when you've played great want to look at all the good stuff. And when you've played bad want to look at all the bad stuff and the reality is like you know neither end of that spectrum is probably an honest outlook. And um it just uh it's it's easier for me that way but i um i also like you know i learn a lot from social media and stuff like you know and i like reading that side of it there's so many good things about it kind of you know the kids will show me a bunch of tick tocks throughout the day anyway. So i get to see it that way but it's been like like we can make a great video. And i'll watch it and i'll read all the comments great great this video is great blah blah blah. But it only takes a couple of negatives yeah. And and they're the ones that yeah. And it's so frustrating that's just life isn't it and it's just so that's the downside of social media right you just remember some of the negatives sometimes like why am i doing that there's been so many positives i understand and i can kind of i'm almost slightly jealous to a degree. But it's my own control of people who can just go on social media i'm going to put it to the side i'm not going to intervene with it. And i suppose for you when you've got to focus so hard on playing really good golf it's just a distraction in it at the end of the day yeah like saying it i mean it's such a important part of the world these days um. And i i think it was definitely easier probably growing up even our age playing the game when it still wasn't around that much that that we were just you know we didn't have that much peer pressure on us we would just play. And try and get better in a way um but yeah it's just it's just. So easy to get distracted by i would say and um yeah i guess lucky that i can kind of switch off i like it that's one thing i'm. So happy as a junior golfer that there was no like social media because we'd go to the golf club. And show you the same all day and i was like putting comps chipping comps 36 holes chips. And orange cordial for lunch cheese and chips yeah cheesy chips get like two quid off a moment it lasts me all day like a millionaire. So i have a lot of money but go to the pros i'm gonna get a coke off my account how good were those days they were just the best weren't they oh they were brilliant um like no matter what you did you kind of got better um because because you were just you were doing daft things daft challenges you know let's chip over this bunker. But let's do it left-handed let's do this let's do that. And you don't realize at the time but you're learning different skills yeah where did you grow up playing did you move around a few courses. Or did you stick to one i mean i was i was mainly at thornby hall all the time yeah um that's where i'll spend most of my time you know. And then.

Obviously when you get to winter in this country you go to the range yeah um in the evening. So that was that was just how it was really um. But yeah i grew up there a lot i was lucky that i traveled around the country playing a bit mom. And dad had always drive me around and i'd play and play junior opens and then.

As you as you're growing up and you get into sort of the county level and the national level you you get to go different places so i was always i was always lucky that like you know i i did a lot of good things early on. And then.

Once you start getting there you get the better coaching and you start getting better yeah you start seeing better players. And and like you you progress that way so i was lucky that i had that from from an early age at what age did you realize you were going to make it i was there ever a time because you mentioned earlier just off the podcast you've been playing what you'd see as almost elite golf since you were eight year old when did it kick in. And go i'm i'm doing this this is this is going the way i want it to go probably about 26. [Music] really no it does i think you no i was i would say i was um i would say i was very confident at about 18 19 um like when i finished school i had i gave myself two years of full-time golf. And i um i did i really practiced art yeah um like uh again like i've always sort of had a really good work ethic that um to be honest comes naturally um i like working a lot you know i like practicing. And i like doing those things so i was i had two years of that. And then.

I played um like you look back and it's more like you look back and look at what you did rather than at the time because i realize what you're actually doing i mean um you know i was playing. For england i got in the walker cup team uh so i was 18 at the time that was at marion. And um i wasn't i wasn't really ready to turn pro um i didn't i kind of thought about it at that time because when you get to that point a load of the people that you're playing with turn pro it's the natural progression into it natural progression and i remember like i used to ask people about it because still 18's really really young of course um and uh i was i would always say like said if i ever met a tour pro. Or anything i would say like when you know when should i turn pro when's the right time and they would say oh you know you'll you'll know like what good's that right it's not it's not told me anything and um and then.

In in but i suppose you asking that question probably told you yeah i'm not right. And then.

When i was 19. And i'd played after the walker cup um i think i traveled to argentina that winter i traveled to australia. For two months that in january like i was doing a load of travelling with england um i was obviously one of the guys left that i played walker cup. So i was in a way i was one of the older ones i was you know playing really well uh i had amazing i had an amazing season where i didn't win a lot. But i finished second like so many times i won um and then.

Won a couple of events on the english amateur and stuff and um i sort of knew by junish that year i was like i'm gonna turn pro i'm kind of like done. And then.

It did make sense because i knew that that's what i wanted to do i was kind of. And um i finished i got to world number one amateur i won the english amateur uh we won the home internationals again with england i think we won the europeans that year. And i was just i'd done everything that you'd accomplished everything i've done everything i wanted to do as an amateur really. And um that was kind of it. And then.

I i sort of i was i was very very confident at that stage like i i turned pro should have won on challenge tour uh as an amateur. And should have won on challenge so um as i just turned pro and um played challenge saw the next.

Year and like not flew through it but you know i won the biggest event which was lucky in a way that i chose that time to play well um. And then.

You know qualified to get on tour at that time so i was pretty i was confident then..

And i was i thought i'll probably push on. And i thought i probably thought i'd do better than what i did winning the english amateur does that get you into majors no it's the british amateur that gets you in the mail yeah finished second on that one uh when i was 17. And got nothing would it have changed however. could you turn pro anyway would you still um no well the changes i don't know. But that is always a tricky one because you're like you get into these mages like. And then.

And then.

You end up waiting and it there's definitely i've probably seen you see you see both sides of it i think people turn pro too early. And then.

I think people wait too long of course. And then.

I think you know it it definitely um sort of stutters people's progress just not quite getting it right yeah i i think it has changed now i think it's cheap you know i always think it's mad when you're going like wikipedia look at the british amateur organs amateur some of the names obviously go on to be like proper elite elite golf than the sum that you just never hear of. And it always battles me how somebody can be such an elite amateur yeah. But yet going to the pro game is obviously a different ballgame just a completely different game yeah like the um especially sort of i would say the european. Or british side we play so many links courses but i mean we play the best courses like we really do. But um it's it's a completely different game when you turn pro i i think like egu. And and so the government like the governing bodies i think they do. And i think they are doing a really really good job. And i think it's definitely i was sort of at the time when i was around it was probably transitioning into where you you were getting guys ready to turn pro where i think it was always you know before my time it was you know you had guys that did stay amateur like all their lives. And i think definitely now it is you know what players you know what sort of lives they want to lead. And i think everybody kind of is working to get them ready now which is better. But it is just such a such a different game like i found the jump from challenge tour to the european saw such a a big gap um. And struggled like i really struggled my first year it's just um as the levels go up the standard of play gets higher the golf courses get tougher and um you're playing for more prize money as well yeah. And some people just ease into it and some people find it harder so the question i know probably the answers both but is it that it's. So much harder to to win or which i guess it obviously is than the challenge. So but it's also the cut becomes so much harder because the actual field are better yeah cuts are uh the cuts in some events like really like just are amazing i think i think it's um somebody like there's the both sides of it like you get you know. So you get a sort of scorable course where you have to shoot 25 under like two wins which is an obscene number. And then.

Um on top of that the cut is you know gonna be low. But then.

You get a tough course cut's still like level par under par um and like those those two things are just they are the standard of golf is. So insanely high probably doesn't get the credit sometimes like of because it's easy to so you know you probably people you don't always get better but like if you sort of struggle the standard doesn't drop with you like and yeah you know the standard keeps getting higher. And it um it's just it's just a you know a strong sport i think it's one of the hardest things to almost get across the general goal from probably people listen to this podcast how bloody good tour players are how bloody good you are as a goal. For light hopefully a video that we're going to shoot today.

Will highlight that. And really kind of i'm not sure that's one of the other questions actually put it into perspective because it is i think it's difficult unlike other sports like i can't tell what it's like to come up against the one of the best footballers in the world in that setting in that crowd because i don't get that opportunity. But weirdly in golf you do. And it's the beauty of golf i can go. And play robertdale yeah. And almost pretend i'm playing in the open you play against me like yeah. But it's not the open the rough's not as anywhere near as hard you know it's not nowhere near as hard a situation the t's aren't as far back as the guy when you play it yeah i think people don't i think the setup of golf courses that we get. And especially when you get towards a sunday i think is something people um probably the one of the only things in golf that people don't experience in a way that's like um i would say like um a bridge that people don't quite get to experience as much as like a sunday setup of an office where it's firm. And fast the pins are tucked away like it might be windy. But you know at the same time i think we probably don't. Or don't think about enough is how hard golf is. So high and and we'll play pro ams and i watch guys like hit hitting the ball like you know you can go on a range. And hit the ball and everything's great and then.

You get out there and there's bunkers there's water and i'm like is you watching them well. And i i i i think how hard golf it's such it's such a hard it's ridiculous to go on a golf course. And score if you think about what golf is you're propelling a tiny little goal hits my head with it with a metal yeah yeah. And you're swinging that yeah you've got all these obstacles around your body at speed that much difference in the face can make like miles difference in accuracy are you talking degrees well when you're going yeah when you're going to chat man. And stuff and the difference between it in a green and it in a green side trap is that some people can't get out of a millimeter i mean it's it's mad two degrees. And even like putting stuff right you're and it will be like yeah yeah the ball's not moving stationary yeah well it's like if i played any other sport i think what would my handicap be i always do that. So many sports where well i'm not even close to a 36 handicap yeah right you know 24 at badminton aren't you rick 24 about i've actually just like just slightly come down to 18. i've been docked one of the other questions i like i'll kind of touch on it briefly. But i remember when i was a junior golf i was all right like. And i played the few tournaments that you played in i remember at the time everyone's talking about tommy fleetwood you're sponsored by nike and aladdin at michael it's funny you said that because tommy was saying that just about me about you before he was like i didn't know this. But i used to play intolerance yeah he was that five handicapped used to shoot a net 89.. But there was a lot of michael who played in lancaster paul howard who i think you'll know. So he like knew you were obviously in stuff. And i remember playing um an event and this was like 12. Or 13 and everyone was like talking about you then.

Whether you knew that. Or not i don't know but everybody was. And like i'm about i'm not a long hit with a golf ball but a bit longer than rick 12 yards so longer than rick you'd agree on that twelve years arguably we played at four before once actually yes ironic yeah your place first time okay first hole right. For whatever reason i hit an okay drive up the left it's a hard first t-shirt on it. For and behold yeah i've never been keen on being right i don't like remember when euro pro was on there. And it's like one of the things where i'd go up and peg it up with my dad and just like knock it down the phone when you're a pros and i was like it's horrible whole thing the nicest t-shirt actually. So you think it's a hard hot course. For behold really hard like loads of water zombie or like off the back tees is a like proper really hard test golf course what's that path. For it's on the front line about the six there's loads of bunkers right and left or right and there's a pond in front of the ground before the dog leg so five's the dog leg the hole before that and four four's only short though but it's like if you miss if you missed don't fancy the force no it's too straight. For my eyes the third is too straight the path the power five yes i hate straight up. So you smashed your t-shirt on the first oh yeah sorry. So i i i know okay we've lost track guy steps up okay the big man crushes it 11 out his reaction over there harry also came out with us harry what did you play off where'd you run it harry. So passed me i i fit it i have a tip okay guys it's about 12 yards past me yeah harry steps up right borrowed golf club the one of the worst grips i've ever seen in my life right right a little little strong little straw drunk. And absolutely crunchy one 12 yards past him 24 yards past me so anyway i'mma then.

He shanked it out he did it. And then.

Rick beat me that's not the point anyway but i was a junior like a fur long hitter i remember being at this junior open once. And you were behind me. And i was like oh that tommy fleet was buying me. And i flushed this teacher on a par four right obviously you would never remember this and i was about 40 yards short of the green longer than lads i was playing with. So like chip darning a two-putted you with it through the green i was on the green putting you flushed one like 300 yards whatever through the degrees that was a really big you were outside yesterday i remember you being dead tall. And like stocky as a kid i i was massive as a 15 year old i remember you being like about like six foot two. Or something bad i was big yeah yesterday i i just grew early like i haven't grown since i was about 14 in height. And then.

I've lost weight since i was finished is that true yeah oh my god true i'm like two stone lighter than i was when i was 16. oh my goodness um. And like yeah my mom's i've still got shoes probably at home because my mum obviously like you know when they do they expect you to keep growing i've got like size 13 shoes at home i'm a size nine i obviously thought i was going to keep growing when i was 12.. But what i'll get onto with that though is from being a young young age you were certainly in the lancashire area known as being this like wonder kid did you feel that did that ever obviously obviously it's not hindered because you got where you are. But that never put pressure on you like no i would never like i would never sort of think about stuff that um. And you know not that i'm a wonder kid now but i still uh would never see myself as that ever do you ever feel like imposter syndrome. And stuff at all or not like do people. But people look like i always wonder like do people are like the world's best golfers ever feel like if you have a bad round. Or does it feel mad that like what you thought in the world now there's only 39 people officially like better than you even though they're not better than you because you can go. And beat them tomorrow but like does that ever feel weird like when you go to places. And stuff um no i think you um i think you concentrate on yourself a lot. And i would say like um i'm disappointed in where i'm at really really at the moment um and i would probably look at that more and sort of be wanting to know what i can do to get better. And push forward again and um and i would i would think of it more that way i think i think you just uh judge yourself on how you feel about your own situation. And go from there and remember like um for 30 odd weeks of the year you're surrounded by guys that either want to beat you or will beat you. Or um at higher rank than you um so it you know you never really um [Music] or all right i definitely don't never sort of um take stock of where i am that much or um i probably you know the majority of us don't pat ourselves on the back enough probably when you walk on a driving range though for me hall you're the best bloody golfer there like that do you ever think that driver's life i'd be terrible as a tough pro in what sense arrogant i think i'd swag. So much onto a driving range certainly if i knew i'm the bloody best here i am the best but then.

I go to a tour event and you're right you're thinking i'm not the best here now right now like such a weird feeling yeah is being a tour player everything you expect it to be um i don't think um i knew what it was gonna be in a way i think um [Music] i just probably my vision of being a tour player was just i would look at the events that i would want to play in um i don't think you necessarily think of the travel. And and stuff and what you might be doing um [Music] like on a week-to-week basis or what you'll be doing at tournaments i mean a lot of a lot of what we do is what we've we've always done go on a driving range you know you try. And get better or hit balls or warm up you're on a putting green you're on a chip in green you're on a golf course so there's so many things that um are just the same. And then.

Um [Music] you probably just get into a routine or have it like i've been i guess i've been a touring pro since i was 19.. So i've done that for a long time now and and before that i was i was traveling a lot. And you'd get to an event and you do all those things. So i don't um minus the cheesy chips everything's the same well cheesy chips could still be a nice part of my life guys when you've been a snooker table and yeah it's never very good at snooker like when when you're at an event do you have like a group of like mates like you played much more pga tour now last couple years like do you do you find yourself hanging around with the same people. Or just you are you more in your own bubble. And what's common um out on tour i think everybody's different i think when you say you walk into a place lounge. Or a locker room you go and sit with um you might end up sitting with anybody really really um there's definitely people up there groups or friends that play like practice rounds regularly together i think um of course when you're in america. Or not necessarily in in america probably wherever you are i think probably what has made a bigger. Or noticeable difference is when you've been in a ryder cup team i would say you definitely not congregate more. But you you you know you go and sit with each other more you still you're still i'd say you never lose that side of being a teammate okay um. So you end up you know hanging with those guys plenty um you know random bunch that you'll go to dinner with um a number of times like this as in like the same guys but at random times um yeah you know you get you get to know people um there's always somebody that you'll get to know a bit more. Or kind of meet for the first time and and get to know them everybody speaks for the majority of the time i sometimes feel like it like picture it more like high school and you have like the mean boys in the corner the mean voice who would be the main boys in your eyes um mickelson who would he. And i feel like that ram undercover would be a bit like throwing chips at you from the other side of the table i think dj be a jock yeah no dj's not a joke he'd be the prom king somehow yeah maybe um yeah it was it was funny really like mickelson like i think when i sort of first started getting to know him. And play with him obviously everybody talks a lot about his trash talking in that and i would say um i'd say i'm fairly good at responding in a dry sarcastic manner yeah. And then.

He definitely didn't like get my sarcasm to start with not that like there was no like animosity animosity. But it was just i think you know he would look at me with like a blank face like we'd like some of our replies. And stuff and i think you get sit down what's um with all these things going on at the moment like the match did you did you get a chance to watch any of that bryson deshambo would you entertain it if you're invited to playing one do you think it's something that you'd be keen on doing do you think it's good. For the game i yeah i don't know i think anything that um adds uh even the tiniest of wider audiences to golf i think is a good thing is a good thing. For the game and um i guess yeah just because i'm um maybe at the time at the chance. Or at the time or it's not a time when i would watch it um at home i i do think um anything that just widens the lens a little bit i i think is is good. For the game and um yeah i'm probably not going to get offered it at the moment. But uh if i ever did uh get the option i would yeah a new challenge oh i don't know i don't know maybe i'll be the one that get challenged would you take on anybody like you'd never be scared to take on a player oh yeah of course yeah i'd play any one year you'd literally pay anyone yeah you know what i'd think make it more interesting said this last last week on the podcast if you played. For your own money yeah like if you had to put in half a million yeah i wouldn't do that if you had to put it in 250 grand yeah i wouldn't do that if we if we get like if we talk about tenner well actually speaking of the match today.

We have hopefully if that ground is falling outside yeah you know maybe we can have it real okay should we tell tommy what the match is going to be. And then.

If worst case doesn't happen we'll cut out the podcast so yeah obviously you're really good at golf. And people think i'm good i'm not. So i thought it'd be really just 85 a couple of times i've played three times around here okay twice it absolutely ruined me yeah because again that's the difference i played off the blacks i never play golf course 7 500 the length is a big thing though i never play a golf course like that cause i played another course in northumberland rockcliff hall like it's the hardest golf course in the uk is it seven thousand it's nearly eight is it not all yeah it's played rock cliff yeah there's gold right there right near sunderland oh you want to play off my t's tommy you play off the front tees my teeth are right seven that like nearly eight thousand yards brutal it was hard i i just is that enjoyable. Or not enjoyable um it was enjoyable to make a video i wouldn't do it all the time you won't play golf it was like it was a it's like a combination of it's driving every hole obviously pretty much then.

You've got long either irons. Or like a three-year-old into greens you then.

Obviously missing greens then.

You're like bunkers then.

You put out you've got long pots the greens undulating it was just like it's just an ordeal everything yeah there's never a you go our par three next.

It's like three wood exactly driving into a path you got no chance yeah. So because we're on a big golf course though we run a big boy golf course here at jtv i thought the fair challenge would be i want to see his reaction to this you've got to give me 10 shots handicap you're not a professional golfer if i'm not your this is the thing with the term professional golfer yes we sit here together with many things in common great looks beards beautiful hair your beard is much better than mine i'll swap you. For your hair lots of things in common beautiful golf swings great tempos lovely families loads of wins yeah you've probably got more wins than me common stable foot back nine 2002 um yeah you are comfortably 10 shots better than me on a golf course do you think what did you turn that off before we find out what did you turn off plus six i think oh there you go i turned pro three. So nine shots i've got do you still think you're off plus six no better you got me better well i don't know i don't know the thing well the handicap systems change now as well i always remember when you'd play like an amateur event. And you get like lithium trophy and i used to have a habit of like you'd shoot one fancy shooting one good round out of four so like you'd shoot like a three or four under standard scratch was through the roof yeah you dropped it. So you drop for like the event and i always used to do that. So like you could shoot one 66 but then.

Fire in a few 77 78s and you come down like point one for the week or point two and um like yeah the handicap was it's nice because it got you in the events. And it was obviously low. But it didn't really it never meant that much to me you can get a handicap now as a pro as well well i mean let's just check out what my uh stroke averages this year i'm sure i'm not off plus six i'll tell you that if you're playing big boy golf courses playing a big boy golf course today.

So i should play off my handicap which is plus six i bet it's not well anyway we'll find out because i'm not great at the moment. So 10 shots so i'm going to start 10 on the par i quite like that tagline let's go yeah basically can you catch me it's like the chase like like the golf version of the chase which chaser would have been oh that's a question i don't know they're all the names um the fleetinator the last one well i had a couple more. But rafa benitez in or out um in um i uh you know you can't just keep chopping and changing managers i think i think the club just needs um some continuity. And and yeah i get that you know performances that you know the guys are struggling. And and everything and i think in football in particular um you know like obviously the crowds. And everything had pressure everybody's got high expectations and everybody wants the club to do really really well. But um you know he's obviously a you know raph is obviously a very very good manager he's got a good pedigree um. And um the team i've got some we've got some good players i think we've got some players that are obviously lacking in confidence which is easy in sport. And life i guess but i i just think you know it if we can somehow just weather this storm at the moment. And just get start getting some kind of results um and see where we go from there but yeah i'm. So done with like you know managers getting the sack it's crazy isn't it as the local podcast football air football expert on this uh podcast i'll just explain to the listeners and viewers if you don't know what's happening because we have a lot of american viewers okay tommy's a evertonian fan everton fan yes they're not on a great streak at the moment uh well we haven't won in we were fifth in the league after four games. And we haven't won in eight or something now so guys a liverpool fan yeah we're sliding these two teams played last night it didn't go well. For thomas team unfortunately i went so i'm obviously more of them yeah tell me when i watched it in the comfort brothers house in the front room um do you want to come on to the confessions i'll tell you what a quick one yeah very quick one because i think it fits in quite nicely last question you obviously went through a period of time where you did change coach yeah you explored you had different ideas. And that you've said it before didn't particularly work out. For you and you went back to tomorrow you went back to phil you went back to finno you caddy almost do you think almost that advice that you've just given there some people need a bit of time like you you found that. Or did you have to find that out the hard way it's. So easy to look from the outside i could um i could give anybody i could probably give anybody decent advice um in golf or like i say i could i could look at like everton and say that's my opinion on what it is. Or look from the outside i think when it's you. So much harder to see clearer or you build up ideas of what you want to do i think particularly in golf it's. So easy and you see it all the time it it's so easy to go down the wrong route of course and um and probably uh one of the things that sort of people don't understand from the outside is how many golf balls we probably hear. So if we you know for instance um you know i said you know i did try. And change my swing a little bit i had i had an idea of what i thought i needed to do to become a world-class golfer um you practice it. And practice it and practice it and practice it and you keep going by the time you've hit all them balls. And you realize that it's not really like i don't think it's working you're a long way down a path here aren't you you've got to do the same amount. And more to get back and then.

Um when you sort of say you know when your game comes back your game will come back before your confidence does. And then.

You you sort of have to go out and play you have to play in front in front of thousands of people you have to play uh your livelihood playing for your livelihood and you and you know you're putting that sort of under the cost so and you've got to build your confidence up by doing that so it's like it's it's a hard it's hard process to do to come back. But it you know when when you're out there all the time and i've i've got less experience than people who've done it for 15 years or 20 years but there's always there's always people out there that are making the game look easy at one point. Or another and that are doing great. And there's always people out there that are struggling the bollocks off of course. And um you basically want to be one of the guys that's making it look easy more often than not and um but that it ebbs and flows all the time and those guys that um you know like you look at um rory's just struggled for a little bit yeah it's won twice this year yeah. And he can make the game look as easy as anybody look at dj i think before dj went on that run in the fedex um last you know last year. Or two years ago whenever it was he'd had sort of sort of iffy period you know he might be practicing he's swinging a mirror in the locker room. Or something and people think dj is this like laid back guy you know he's thinking about swinging that you want playing great. But then.

Finds it goes on this amazing run but i think people always see obviously the great stuff. And and sort of don't um there's always there's always a period for people where they um you know don't get what they want out of the game that's just how it is. But you kind of it's just just is what it is really question do tall players like again do you when you go. And practice do you out like how many is a lot of balls like what is a lot of balls being hit um are you putting a good shift on the range like you know if you if you want to i mean it's different at a tournament my good shift is 50 golf balls yeah well it's diff it's different at a tournament because you've always got other things to do of course you have to be getting ready you know it's not just about obviously there will be a point where you think don't matter if i practice my chipping. And putting i'm not gonna hit it well enough to compete so i need to go and hit balls for a couple of hours um you know if you're at home [Music] yeah yeah just keep 400 like literally that many oh yeah like just um just keep going until you until you're happy. Or you feel like you're done yeah do you know one of my biggest i don't luckily touch wood i don't have many youtube regrets. But you are part of one of them however. however. i think my biggest regret massively helped you oh no idea what this is i do i think it might in fact it transformed you what was it that's my biggest regret what do we do abu dhabi 2017 2017 wednesday the 3rd of january yeah etched in my brain that might be a bit early it's a bit late fifth. Or sixth of january okay i've been out in the program that day. And i play with danny willett current masters chat look you're looking at me like what the hell are you gonna do i remember because i remember us doing in dubai what year did we have yeah. But we've done a couple of was two years ago keep going okay you'll remember it 2017 yeah. So i played danny willie that day okay current masters champion right buzzing great video made two killer videos playing the prayer on with him had loads of challenge with him i'm done what a day the best ever right same year just time with nike okay. And one of the nike guys came over and said oh this afternoon we've got a great opportunity. For you oh great what is it going to caddy. For uh one of our athletes on the back nine all right who's that tommy fleetwood okay great thank you. For tommy fleetwood i'm not sure say who's he is it what's this what type of video is this going to be i've just played everybody the masters champion yeah i don't want to go. And carry photography i'm sure i told you to do it as well did you not do it. So walked round i thought i'll be nice i'll go on humor this thomas lad you didn't do it it's tom ladd see what he see what he's about okay came met you on the 10th tee finno pass me the bag i said i'm not carrying this bucket absolutely with like the longest strap on the planet. So anyway i decide i didn't caddy we didn't shoot a video but i actually walked quite a few holes with you you were telling me about the nike driver you had in the bag. And that you didn't have many of them and i said i've got spare driver if you ever need it. And uh it was nice. But we didn't shoot a video right we didn't shoot a video what did you go. And do that week. So it's not like a youtube regret because it didn't even exist yeah that's why it's regret i chose not to cater. For you i chose that yeah you go. And win because because of me not because because i was not because i was a chopper really i just played with the masters champion basically it's like come on. But i think it massively helped you win because if i had catted. For you and lost a bit of confidence for you maybe if you run clubs you might not have gone on to win the 2017 abu dhabi championship hsbc and the race to dubai that yeah listen i know yeah you saved me. And then.

You won it again the year after yeah. And then.

You won the french open and then.

After that you never there's no chance of ever getting hold of you again until this moment until right now at jcp do you ever ever remember event i'm sure you will i have to work. For nike and we got you to come out to um to granite's driving range and you had to wear the outfit yeah rick shorts. And tights yeah tights you pulled it off quite well. But the tights didn't sell very well i'm not sure there was the real push. For the modern golf athlete look and so she sort of picked me should have picked someone you looked good you pulled it off but they don't install in um any retail stores of like middle-aged blokes were in tights. But it was a good idea there were confessions yeah. So we started a new feature tommy a couple weeks ago where people could email in their confessions we've had they tell it they're telling you yes. And then.

What's their confusion and we can either forgive them. Or condemn them i could do i get to choose yeah yeah yeah yeah i like this game. And they're not like this game and if you condemn them you get to pick their punishment as well so it can be whatever you want golf related. But you can oh punishment's more difficult i would like to like condemn. Or forgive them okay then.

Well i'll think of the punishment maybe if they deserve one. So if you listen and want yours read out next.

Week or the week after email podcast it's a good one ready steering guy please tommy please read my confession i feel i've committed a golfing crime but not in the way you might think you don't have to keep me anonymous because owning up to your actions is the first step of forgiveness wow everyone has been anonymous. So far so robert johnson oh he's asked for it on your your head be it earlier this year i bought a new set of tailor-made irons very unbranded good good which meant i was able to sell my old irons they were a set of titleist cbs that i've had about 15 years i decided to sell them on facebook along with a decent stand bag i listed them. For collection only as i couldn't be bothered the hassle of fan in a box and send them etc here is the start of my confession i listed the irons on facebook had no response. For two weeks no nibbles nothing the price was fur. But clear nobody wanted them we need to get rid of these irons one evening i got a message from a guy asking they're still available and i replied instantly probably looking really really really keen saying of course the three of course they're available he explained he had been to the driving range twice wanted some beginner's golf club to take the nearest path free course he asked me are these suitable. For him burning man is tightly seabees i replied saying these clubs were perfect. For a beginner and if he came and picked them up i'd even give him top of the range golf balls brackets shrieks and 80 triple three i got three in a raffle he agreed and said he would meet being about two hours i have to confess i wasn't 100 truthful these irons are not great. For a beginner in actual fact they're an awful set of golf beginner in x 100 shafts if he was my mate. And he said he was going to buy these irons i'd have been telling him absolutely don't go near them don't waste money to be terrible. For you i feel really bad lying to this guy but i wanted to get them sold i'm really keen to get rick's and tommy's opinion on this um as i feel really bad about this guy and can't stop thinking about it all the best rob johnson yeah forgiven well that was quick max rob no no conscious there you're happy with rob's actions i think as a beginner i don't think the clubs are actually that important i would say like if you know. And you never know might be very good you might be able to hit these cb so and the premium golf balls being 80 triple threes not the worst not the best not the worst wow well there you go do you say um i don't like it i think he's being crafty i think he's been a bit naughty i'd like to i mean if he sold him. For like two grand you know maybe that was out of order i was used by tommy fleetwood yeah i i'm gonna condemn him. But not the biggest i've just thought of this now i've not got the biggest punishment but what i wanted to do is condemn it yeah yeah why can't that's just a bit like shady have you done it to his mate why is he doing it to a fellow golf yeah. But i think he's overthinking it you know what would be great if said person who bought the irons from rob johnson can email at podcast at that would be good see how he's hit them might have flushed him yeah i'll reserve judgment does it actually matter how he's hit them is it still like a bad thing i think he just knows it's not. So much that he that he knew all along he was doing the dirty that's what sits a little bit wrong he feels like he's doing the dirty what is he like i don't think i don't think he is doing the dirty that much i don't think the irons actually matter that much to a beginner like. So i think his conscience is affecting his judgment yeah possibly. For the sake of balance i'll condemn him [Laughter] my punishment for rob he's going to play the next.

Club comp. And back he's going to get a two. So it's all going. For the price we're obviously a two in the club comp so he's buzzing goes into the club i was got a how great finds out he gets like three pound. For his two so you've got golf balls no uh i need to get money up to get money yeah he's actually getting money count though no i've never had oh we used to get money in our account. So in fact there's nothing still getting free should have been a member at your place no i've got it gone i've got it this is a brilliant one right this is a brilliant well i don't happen at yours as well rob the next.

Comp he plays in yeah gets two twos yeah okay. So he's thinking double the money he walks in the clubhouse mr pro has anyone had a two yet today.

Nobody's had a two. Yet today.

Mm-hmm you're in it you're you've got the whole kitty this is this isn't like a real condemnation because like in order to do this he has to make two right okay last thing last thing then.

I've got it right he makes a two he doesn't he gets he then.

Triple bogey's the next.

Hole yeah okay. But he's but he's semi buzzing because he's made this two yeah one two right walks into mr pro has anyone made a two. Yet today.

Nobody's made a two right you are in it. For the full kitty yeah hundred pound is in the kitty you are gonna get it all right what's in the in the pro shop uh in the clubhouse in the bar hey guys i can always go ahead. And two guys drinks on me get the rounding fellas get the diet cokes no fanta no i'm gonna get the round in. For everybody listen guys i've just had a two i'm gonna get around him for everybody right what little does rob know there's one group left on the golf course okay. And that one group the 17th a bit like jcb here is a part three yeah. And this one fella manages to box it for a one did you get the full part. And at my club the ones got everything got all the two's money so now rob's just gone in he thought he's uh he's got 100 in his hand he thought he's got 100 paid for the round of drinks he's just put the drinks on the tab she's a long-winded kingdom he spent 50 quid on drinks for everybody because he's buzzing the guy who's got the number one takes all the two's money and doesn't go in the clubhouse to buy everyone a drink he drives off that's his punishment he should be condemned so i think the moral of this story is that rick should write a book not being confession anyway rob tommy fleetwood forgives you. So indeed do you want to do a quick dear rick as well. So another feature we have tommy's dear rick people can email him. And get advice on stuff but again this is let's call it thomas i'm jerry springer. So i detect her in a minute um craig has emailed in and said got a good question. For you myself and three mates have been saving a little bit of cash each month about 20 pound a month from when we've been 30 years old to go to our 40s fund so for the 40th birthday we're planning to go on a big golf trip when we're all 40 which would be like the summer of 2022 to next.

Year we are looking. For a week away the ultimate golf trip we think it's something like the dominican republic we've read good things with the courses there. But the question is would you recommend we um also go to the american famous courses. So like the tpc sawgrass or go to dubai what would you do what would be the best trip. For like six guys for the 40th worse to go they've got a few more places than me if they've got a bit of money let's say money's not too much of an object what's the ideal lads golf trip anywhere in the world well i i would i would say what time of year any time of year some time of year summer 2022. the perfect time for the location i'd say dubai or like you know dubai's got a ton of golf courses weather's guaranteed um [Music] i like turkey as a golf trip very good all-inclusive yeah carrier yeah montgomery yeah yeah it's i would recommend that portugal is always good um i wouldn't bother with the tpc courses probably what's an ideal tommy fleetwood lads golf trip is it boozy um is it larry well like i don't really care about how i play on a golf trip. So probably boozy could be an option i'm not very good and does boozy if it is going to be a boozy one does that affect what quality golf course you want to play. Or difficulty of golf course you want to play oh uh if if if like we want to play the 18 if we're not bothered about walking off like probably play an easier golf course then.

So he'd be this that's got vegas written all over it is that our bits textbook though yeah straight to vegas yeah 40th you're a bit mature. But still a little bit silly at 40. what's in andrew's bit of a curveball like vegas can ruin it comes back scale like vegas can take you. But like scotland though start off i like the andrews play the old go some of the quirky ones and stuff we've kind of like yeah we took scotland out of the equation didn't we we didn't even think about it i think scotland's amazing scotland uh yeah scotland would be cool get more bang. For your buck i guess even ireland weirdly yeah yeah we've yeah we went we ventured out didn't we we ventured out we weren't doing vegas explain straight away i mean yeah the weather there's a good group of lads you'll have fun probably anywhere you go do you love saint andrews it's my favorite course yeah the golf course. Or the place uh place is amazing i love the place um it's got an aura about it um. And is it your favorite golf course though it's my favorite is it really yeah because um you have always you cannot you've always got a chance to play it as in like you're not you're not going to lose your ball you're not really if you go left you're fine yeah um. So i kind of um again like as a golf course that is it can obviously be a very a very tough test. But i just mean. For everyone the fact that you can get it off the tee. And know that you can play from there i think. And then.

You know then.

The challenges come in where you know the cosplay is different every day the the undulations on the greens the way the wind is going to affect it. And and stuff and like the the tiny nuances of the golf course i think you know the old course is an amazing place to play golf do you love saint andrews anyway there's a town yeah. So couldn't it it does happen like you said it's just magical got a good yeah it's mecca it's mecca is that right at the end of the strip it's not at the end though all right we went to a chippy at the end of the street which was quite nice any jp's are good aren't they yeah that's pretty good have you played the himalayas yeah i'm probably not in order just like hammered a ball around the himalayas if you uh if you ever got a hole in one on it i don't know i wasn't really playing there's somebody in this room i didn't i didn't like hold it with that much bride there's somebody in this room five of us are golfers one of them's pretty good there's one golfer there's one person in this room that's not a girlfriend he's not the golfer he's left-handed tim i thought he wasn't a golfer he's not oh. So he's just left-handed in general he just left out in general so we went to himalayas we only had right-handed putters so you had to use right on the putter and he's the only person in this room it's not the holy one on him would you play golf left-handed or would you play golf right-handed because you lead with your left you go lefty it was ridiculous it was honestly i've never celebrated. So much in my life when he got it in it was just the best it's like a little blind little blind hole as well where it dipped over. And it like just popped over the hill and just dropped it it was like no way it's the best. And obviously you got a little boy frankie how old are you now. For have you got me into golf yet he uh yeah he he hits it now. And again obviously with the my two step kids who are 15. And 13 who are massively into the game um. And then.

There's me that is into the game um. So he just you know wants to hang around uh you know he'll come on the range we've obviously got some stuff indoors that he'll do. And put and hit drivers and stuff and it's not like he um is obsessed with it. Or anything but he'll do that he um [Music] i'll ask him to take a video on my swing now. And again he'll do that do you get any good do you get any good video footage of him it's a bit wonky. But um sounds familiar but like he's still uh but like he he sort of he likes being involved as kids do just doing the stuff that that you're all doing. And um yeah it's pretty it's probably pretty good i have like i you know no sort of kids to compare it comparing to you know like four four-year-old kids. But like is it every time like i'll bring i've got three-year-old lad i'll bring him down there you go yeah yeah we'll have a minute i'll be a better like a mini version of our man shields versus the mini match the mini match playing. For harrybo's are you stepson decent at golf yeah they're off. For two and six oh wow yeah they're in they're playing. For the county and stuff so they're doing well do you feel i don't know i don't know if it's pressure on you. Or do they feel pressure unlike they have to be good because like um i i would right like i think um one thing i did notice is that until they started playing some more junior events they almost like looked at me as the standard. And it's so hard to get it into their head you know like so you'll play you know a little shot obviously and it'll be fine but compared to you compared to mine it's not it's not gonna be as good and then.

You know get arsey about it and like you know you know sort of getting angry about it and i'm like it's a good shot and and they they always sort of look at me which is which is in a way it's good like it drives them. But at the same time you need like some realism and needing to be a bit more like positive about the game and and that and then.

As soon as they start playing with kids they sort of get a better view of the standard and of course there's kids that are better than them there's kids that are worse than them. But at least they sort of see where they sit and then.

They can um choose what they want to um improve from there. But i think um hopefully what's good. For them is that like they have you know they get to instill some good habits they see sort of how i would practice. And play they get to come out on tour and watch and then.

See you know they get opportunities that you know where the kids you know obviously don't get that much where they'll stand on a range and they'll see all these guys of course you know go and watch and play in that so um and you know they uh they like working at the game and stuff yeah they see your work ethic as well that's a big one yeah which i think you know that's that's obviously very important. And especially you get to this level now i i feel like there's so many people that like my level that work so hard as well it's very difficult to outwork you know like everyone yeah which was um it was probably always something that i felt like i could do when i was younger i felt like i can probably out out work them. And it's um it gets very difficult to do that when you're getting ir you have people that practice unbelievably hard. So like you can match a lot of people what's the maddest hard work story you've got like is there any like mad situations where like you're practicing on like christmas day. Or something is there any is there anything i play golf on christmas day you're practicing. And playing golf and i don't practice we play golf it's like a tradition that we do we play golf that's kind of cool that's cool every year yeah on that yeah is there it when you were young was there any like me personally yeah like is there any is there any like grind stories where you're you're there. And it's chucking it down a rain and the wind's coming in sideways and you're just there beating balls like that was just a standard that wasn't even yeah i kind of um i always had in my mind that that was like um like this is what my day looks like. And then.

I would do it in whatever the conditions were um. And and probably to to this day i feel comfy in like shocking conditions in a way yeah um like it doesn't really faze me when you get some like you know horrendously windy. And rainy days and i would just um yeah i i just. So i've always had in my mind that that's sort of what i'm doing and then.

The conditions are just part of it some days you're going to get wet some days you're going to get cold. And some days it's going to be great. Or you know some days you're going to be you know really really hot. And going through t-shirts. But it's just you know i just always sort of set out to do that well i must admit even when you turned up today.

I fully expect you to get out the can go i'm not i'm not i'm going off i'm going home have a quick coughing i'm back home. But you were like we'll make something work like it's it's not a nice day it's cold it's snowing i thought it was a better opportunity than just playing 18 hours to be fair i thought it would be more interesting [Laughter] me being 100 on the first tee uh well i just um you seemed just like hopefully you were excited about the day. But you just didn't seem phased well i'd imagine dustin johnson turned up here this morning going no chance rick i'm off dj probably dj will probably be all right about it i think um no i yeah i just um it's actually it's a beautiful day it's just that it's uh cold. And frosty but um yeah it's like no i'm not really you know worried too much about conditions listening right now there's a 12 year old mini tommy fleetwood listening okay yeah. Or rick shields listening or dj whatever rory yeah what would you tell them um what'd you tell them right now. And they have aspirations to being the best of the best of the best um i would say um work hard uh number one without hard work you know nothing really happens enjoy it i think um sort of um i don't know whether protecting your enjoyment is the right phrase. But like you know managing to create that sort of keep that passion and enjoyment in in that way is is massively important um [Music] i would say results are never the end of the story good. Or bad they're not um [Music] you know it's there's always that you know there's always another day where everybody starts out fresh and i think um not dwelling on results like i say good. Or bad um is very important. And i'd say surround yourself with the people that are you know the best. For you and find out who they are. So that would pretty much cover most things that i believe that's the recipe for success uh i think. So yeah. And um you know don't don't um i would say i probably uh might have thought at times that i would get to a point where i felt like i would have figured you know like you know i would have figured a lot out and and and sort of i would be on this pathway i'd figured out what i'm doing and i can be consistent in that. And work on that and um the more you sort of play the game you realize that it's kind of it's never like that it's always like you're always moving pieces of a puzzle and just accept that that's that's what the game's always always going to be um pretty much golf buddy hard gosh ghost really hard yeah no this is a hard question it is quite a generic question. But someone yesterday said to rick what's the goal. For youtube the next.

Five years in terms of like subscribers or views or whatever it might be like milestones one billion subscribers yeah well. For you like do you do because i always remember hearing about target on true this is we had like all the the numbers of like jack nicklaus on his wall. And stuff i want to get more majors and more you know pj tour victories whatever do you kind of have those numbers in your head i want to win a major this many majors this many tournaments. Or did you kind of take year by year yeah i mean uh like lifetime goals i've i've always uh you know. For my life i'll dream of winning the open that's like my um sort of one event that like is the one that i'll always that i'll always want i think that just comes from me growing up in where i grew up um. And the open feeling very sort of close to my heart i think that's always going to be the one tournament that i strive. For if you know out of everything um of course i would love to be you know made a major winner um i want to reach my potential really i always said i would love to be even if it was. For a day or a week i would love to be the best player in the world like i would i would love to feel like i can reach that point um. But whether the whether my potential is um fifth in the world. Or third or whatever i i i don't actually know but i would love to feel um i think you look towards the end of your career. And just feel like um like i'll be sort of feel a sense of satisfaction that i gave it my all and i like got very close or reached what my um potential is. But yeah definitely you know you look at biggest events i want to be i want to be a major champion multiple major champion um i want to be at the top of the game. And and um and keep doing that really that's well the good news is you come on the rickshaws golf show podcast well this is this is a a goal in itself well it's actually a stepping stone to to i don't like to see this as a stepping stone i feel like you know that. But this is that doesn't do this justice good luck charm i'll tell you what i've just asked one quick question obviously winning the open would be an amazing you've obviously got the ability to do it. And wish you all the best and i think you can obviously. But what would if you could have one other which would depict win it's an andrews or at burt dale where obviously i'd imagine birthday you're gonna get a lot of home support like i did last time i uh like right off the top of my head i would say bert dale which um i say andrews is obviously the most unbelievably special place you can win a major. So it sounds daft that i would say like somewhere else but almost bertdale is like you know massively full circle of what i would feel like my golfing life would have been. So i just think it you know being able to do it at home. And stuff it it's kind of you know it doesn't really get more special than that for me like um you'd have all your friends your family i hope so yeah all three of my friends. And you know my family well if you need anybody else for the after party he's not looking convinced rick [Laughter] the word game sounds like i'm playing with frankie now who's full yeah ready. For this okay i want you to describe what what you think of said words like elaborate on them okay yeah this will make more sense don't worry i'm not running past guys she's looking like what the hell ryder cup uh i would say europe off the top of my head would be like the next.

Thing that comes into my mind if i think about the ryder cup i think about um what it's like being part of team europe um being in that team room um coming together with your teammates. And the back room staff and the captain and the vice captains and the wives and um you know caddy's like all of everything to do with team europe is like amazing. And like i i said it this time being in like uh team europe you know that room is arguably the best place i've ever been in you love it oh yeah everybody does it's um such an amazing atmosphere. And you come together so much as a team and um yeah like i've been on a winning team in a ryder cup. And a losing team and that actual team atmosphere doesn't you know doesn't change at all it's amazing on that on that captain what shame what you thought about um what have you thought about um what what would you rather be one oh like um i i think it would be an amazing thing to do in your career yeah i hope i get to a point where i've earned um the respect as a player. And a person that the captains that have that have gone before have um already like i would i would love that like i've been part of two teams and had two amazing captains and watched what they do i guess yeah i'm see a long way from that um. But i would love to feel like i've sort of earned that in my career that would be an amazing thing to do i feel like the word games that work why i thought you said elaborate on what i'm saying no you are. But i feel like words that was good i thought it might get a bit repetitive i was going to ask you about like the masters. For example um masters uh two words green jacket i think um augusta is uh like a definitely a different experience special experience there um what's the word i'm looking. For so it's so unique i think everybody obviously watches it yeah every year. So you you feel like when you get there you know it so well um definitely on hollow turf it's so difficult to get in my my first master's in 2017 i remember i took tomo time i was you know 70 yeah i've been in golf it's been a professional golf since i was 16. And you know he got there and he's practically in tears because he's like made it to augusta yeah. And i think um yeah i think that there's not many places that give people that not at all that feeling. And um yeah i think it's a place that you never i'm certainly still not um you're not fully comfortable you know like walking in the clubhouse oh really um like just like it probably takes a while i think i've heard rory maybe say that as well like you never um you almost feel like you're never fully like accented well you know like you walk into a clubhouse with like trainers on. And yeah yeah. And like you can actually you can you can actually do that. But you always feel like there's something else you should be doing or there's like am i am i getting everything right am i doing like is there a rule that i'm breaking somewhere like the green coats are looking at you like yeah that like it does have that about it. But that is all part of um augusta do you think your game suits the masters in augusta um i i think you know my game. Or what i expect my game to be i think it um suits every golf course really like that's that that's how i um would strive to be as a golfer really i would say you know my game suits there's certain courses that you would probably say are set up. For a more left to right player and i would say they're the ones that likely um that i don't do as well on. And and the thing is about you know you play 30 events a year there's definitely events where 20th is going to be a really good result. For you and you have to know that but there's certain courses you go to and you feel like you've got a really good chance of winning and that's just part of life on tour yeah it'd be. So good um wasn't the one i was going to ask i had like three words um just where i was going with this story next.

Can't remember i was i was lost in you'd talk about masters then.

Well the good news it looks like it's throwing outside a little bit does it the green does it does it matter am i making this up. Or look a bit better still pretty well still pretty white we'll just stay talking for a while it's going to be like the longest podcast in history we've got i think what's the world record. For the longest podcast though i don't know what the world record is we've done we're on while we're 20. So we're going to wrap it shortly um i'll tell you what i do want to ask you actually is there a course you've not played. Yet you'd love to play i feel like all the ones that you would want to play um have you ever played pine valley yeah is it because it's like the number one rated golf course in america aren't it yeah it was cool yeah yeah it was great uh we went there. For like a walker cup like uh the team went there as like a treat and like a bit of a warm-up thing um probably when you say panda i'd like to play pine nuts i'd like to see what that's like i've never played there right um there's probably it's probably a bunch of courses that if you sort of mention them i'd go oh yeah i'd quite like to play it. But the thing is i'd like have you heard that anyway i want to play that part three course the posters uh not part three course the short course in try. And break one over yeah exactly see like i'd like to do something like that there's like um i've got to do that are you i know a few people tell me i can make it yeah um we can get you on i am i like golf i would like to play some you know amazingly obscure like golf courses in different parts of the world i would love to i would love to travel. And do that every one day you ever heard of cape kidnappers in new zealand yeah no been to new zealand that is i mean it's on the front this book this is literally a book on the table here golf courses of the world photographed by david cannon that's cape kidnappers yeah. So yeah that looks like somewhere i would enjoy. But yeah like i would i would love to i would love to do that um you know travel. And play golf courses for fun and see different parts of the world like that kind of thing i just don't have that much time on my hands of course he's like it's been an hour and a half during the podcast i could have played two differently i said i wanted to carry on talking i know it's great that's all we get caught no no i'm not told i'm not cutting you off um do you think isn't it because it's a hot topic at the moment i'm not gonna push you on it heavily because it's not time. And place do you think tour golf is missing something there's lots of talk. And rumors about breakaway leagues different things going on. And you have to tie your allegiance to a flight well i think um i think you don't know until like you know i i find i find it hard when um obviously people get a buzz out of watching the best players play yeah. And um i guess what's being talked about at the moment is they want the best players to be playing together more more often um it's very difficult one without like um knowing more about it. Or having anything tried and tested in a way i think as um as touring pros you know i i am amongst when i'm playing european tour pros pj tour pros um everybody just wants to play they wanna um they want to play. And compete they want um you know stability in in what they're doing and when you say stability is that financial stability direction um i think having uh. So i'd say having a schedule that is known here which has not been the case. For the last two years with covid and everything so i think um you know it's not like you get a email in may where it says you know we've got two new events on which is great news. But actually we don't know that they're coming so guys are waiting to see if we've got about okay. So it's nice to have like a a schedule straight ahead of you where you know okay i've got a year where i know i'm going to be playing. And i can i can map this out which i think is really important um financial stability obviously is um we you know we play uh we're obviously pretty much i would say 99.9 percent it was if not 100 are playing because we're following our dreams as a as a kid yeah um. But also you know it's also our job now so we have to we have to make money from it um and i've always thought of the game as um you know you want to play where you feel like you are still challenging yourself that where you can still get better yeah also where you're happy really where you you know you sort of feel like you're enjoying yourself. So um i find it hard to think that golf is missing something. But other sports you know come up with different you know new innovative ideas and formats um so we'll see i think um again it's good that you know what whatever is being talked about i think it's good that golf is being talked about i i just always think that any kind of press that is good. For the game and um if somebody that's never played golf before reads an article on golf you might go on it balls because of it then.

It's great i love people getting involved in the game so i think um any sort of topic of conversation is good. And um you know the truth is nobody no one has any idea what is going to happen. Or where golf's going to go. But it's in it's in a strong spot as it is at the moment do you feel like it's also forced organizations like the pga to pull the socks up because they've certainly unlocked only last week unlocked a ridiculous amount of new money coming into from sponsorship deals tv rights they're obviously being i'd correctly sell past more onto the players yeah the funds are going up the this pip thing's going up the fedex is going up yeah tiger woods has probably just won the pick i think. So um yeah obviously um you know pj tour of um you know mentioned some new things recently i think europe uh it's not the european. So it's dp welter now um obviously um increased sort of the sort of main um purses of their events which everybody was made up about. So um if you you know if you're gonna go out i don't think it matters where you play um at the moment if you go out. And you play well you're gonna do very well financially if you um if you don't play well then.

You're not um. So like you know it's it's easy to see all these like dollar signs and everything and money and the fact is if you don't hit the ball on the fairway. And all the putts then.

Um you know you're going to make just the same as you made the year before by not by not doing that. So um uh you know obviously it's going to be great. For you know the guys that play well the only thing that i sort of thought of as soon as i saw those pay increases going up. And the prize money going up is. And again you're in a different boat now i'm obviously you're paying for that i'm playing for that money i'm not so i'm looking at it from a slightly different angle it feels almost a bit like the neglecting other aspects that golf could benefit from growing the game i know they've they settled foundations and things like that but i feel like when they're talking about that much money being in increased like the fedex going up 15 million. And whatever it was like imagine taking 5 million of that. And what you could potentially do in privileged areas. And how you could grow the game there's just a part of it that sits and goes it's probably different i'm sure um i'm sure i'm sure a lot of people are like that i you know i i. For one am you know a massive you know i have a massive interest in going the game i have the academy. And everything and i want i want that to grow i i don't know obviously like as a player you're never going to look at increased persons. And go oh yeah you should give that somewhere else. But yeah yeah i i definitely um get your point i i guess um you know we play. And again if we play well you you get paid incredibly handsomely and like you don't um you know you're not going to sort of think any other way. And then.

It's it's your choice what what um you do with that i don't know i don't know whether i guess yeah like it definitely without grassroots. And that bottom end and people getting into golf um you don't get the players that will then.

Go on. And um sort of either play for that or it actually interests the kids that will start at grassroots. So it's all i think i think it is it's all um it's all a huge cycle. And every bit of it is just as important. And you know that you know the shoes purses go to such a tiny percentage of the um of the golf world but um i guess it's it's so difficult i've actually never been asked about that and it's kind of difficult sort of figuring it out in your head when you're like one of the players that well that's it a lot of the time i i read articles on it but they're not sat in front of the people that are paying the money. For it and i understand yeah yeah i understand if i was playing flat money i'd be like yeah okay every day he's having texting all the boys in the what's that group i'm i'm getting my does that happen by the way no no no 50 million yeah pounds probably in the in those articles you know it very rarely um there's going to be a winner of that tournament there's going to be one winner yeah yeah he's going to get you know that prize one that people are going to write about. And say he's one so-and-so but there's going to be 60 people that week that spent 10 grand on the week. And missed cut yeah you know. And they'll play the next.

Week and missed the court on the play the next.

Week in mr and um like you know for more than plenty more than a handful obviously you know they they do amazingly well out of it. And um that's what we'll get written about but there's you know plenty that make losses and like you kind of um people probably can't get the red around the expenses that golfers will actually of course pay. For a week but um yeah money's getting you know bigger. And bigger i think i think there's i don't i don't you know i don't know what the amount is. But i think there's definitely a um [Music] sports sports people um you know definitely sort of earn like you know not not necessarily what they deserve. But for the you know playing in front of thousands for you know always being answerable to everything um you look at footballers footballers get paid a ridiculous amount of money they get pelters every week at them you know they put their bodies through the mill and everything so there's definitely you know certain sort of amount that's like worth it but yeah the thing is money you know there's a lot of money knocking around. For guys that do incredibly well. And i don't know what the answer is really except. For those guys that do it they're going to be very happy what i've always liked about golf to a degree though compared to other sports you go out. And earn your money yeah whatever that money is yeah yeah you're you have to go. And earn that where football you just have to turn up that's the thing if you have a bad game as a footballer and you're drinking it to wear this shirt they're playing horrendous but they're on like 80 grand a week the golfer has to be putting in the practice and playing well too if football gets injured he's still rocking i mean do they even get a pay cut if they get injured i don't unless it's long term i don't think do a podcast with one of them. And ask them i will do like they just chill out netflix like feet up whatever. And they're still getting paid like that was happening with golfers doesn't it yeah yeah you're injured like i don't know it's less likely you're going to get injured you'd like to think. But you know well injuries still happen yeah like what's the there's no back there's almost no backup is there no i know i guess um it's counteracted with like sort of i guess the expected longevity of a um ever golfer's career in a way having said that um who knows the way that you know you look at like you say you're talking about the pj tour prize money now well golfers all of a sudden start retiring a bit earlier yeah you know you see the guys i don't know i don't know whether guys ever lose that competitive spirit. Or or one or love of playing the game so um well also once once you made ridiculous amounts of money not paying for money are you really no i know yeah yeah past a certain point. So like retirement probably still wouldn't come down massively because certainly if you've done well in your career yeah you're like well i'm just playing. For trophies now i'm playing for whatever it may be i never imagined i mean i don't know this. For a fact obviously but when you look at the top 50 in the world and the top top guys if they a lot of them aren't playing for money sure they're playing for the the pga tour wins the records the like world ranking points is that like wanted to be number one must be more important than the money to most guys yeah i think um looking at your earnings kind of never goes away you get you get a text you know at the end of the week telling you what you've earned. So you never kind of missed it right yeah it literally just comes off on your phone as a text yeah because because you get a text you know the tour texture with your tea times. And everything and you know if there's ever a suspension or things like that so um you get a text at the end of it saying you finished you know first and and and is that net. Or gross that get text well that's just that's your earnings but then.

You have to take all the tax and stuff off it oh yeah yeah. But like what you said yeah probably on the pj tour website i guess. Or european tour it'd be like sometimes it would first they take a slice anyway or not let's say first place million dollars yeah right you win yeah you literally get a text on your phone saying yeah that's that's your money that then.

Would get just one million dollars just on your phone just there yeah yeah it's like when like billy horsel won the fedex he gets like 15 million on his phone. Or whatever uh maybe not at the bonus the bone you don't get the bonus pull on your phone but he'll get his you probably you actually probably would now because it's one event isn't it so you probably would get a text that says do you know one thing though. And this is i don't know whether they do this. For the prize money it doesn't make me want to watch more because they're paying for more money i don't think like like whether the fedex was a million 10 million 15 million i don't know whether that's because you've always been in the game. Or not because i would say that i would say i don't really you know watch it for the purse like you don't watch the us open because no you're interested in the purse. Or not but i don't know whether like somebody would tune in because the fedex cup is advertised as what do you get. For the first cup is it 15 15 um you know they say advertised. And it's like you know 15 million to the winner and like it's coming down to the last nine holes i don't know whether people to tune in because they would see that i guess very difficult to answer when you're just interested in the game and you're gonna and you're gonna watch it isn't it so i would be interested i don't know what the numbers would be on that or whether it has enticed people to watch or not i genuinely think. And i said it before about this match i think genuinely if i saw a two goal. For professional golfers putting their own money in if phil was playing against tiger. And they both put 10 million of their own money in i feel like i would watch it do you think do you think either of them would like miss 10 million do you think they'd like well that's it they'd be like i don't know what number scares them i've no idea i feel like. But even then.

It wouldn't be real because all the advertising ready to get in from that they're still it's not out their own bank is it they're still going to make 10 million no we film it we're gonna put on the youtube channel. So let's get nothing nothing and we have two briefcases 10 million each and at the end of it shakespeare wait i could with a better format this would never happen but rather than money right bryson and brooks play each other like they've done but the loser can't play the next.

Year's majors she's putting that on the line and then.

You never forget what are you gaining out of it they're gaining that there's something on the line because whoever loses count. For the majors next.

Year what's the winner getting yeah what's the win again the fact that's right you can't play the next.

Four majors because i beat you one less competitor they're getting the fact that there's not as much what the winners gain. And what the losers lose in so it's like if you're that bothered about beating each other because it's made up for telly it's not it's just made up isn't it but if you're not actually bothered about beating each other or you think you're going to beat him. So much we'll put your next.

Four mages on the line then.

It's a good brainstorm so we've bought we said i'm a feeling that's not going to happen no it's never going first you can push it i quite like i said i'm a casual boxing fan because when you get two undefeated fighters you almost can't comprehend that one's gonna lose it's like one of you has to lose yeah someone's always got to go you're always here at the end somebody loses like when obviously the first uh someone's always got to go no. But then.

Obviously someone likes like so much down the line but we're two random golfers right two golfers playing randomly for 12 holes it's like it doesn't mean anything like no one's bothered bryson's got a world ranking. And brooks have got more majors so at the end of it they still both got bragging rights it doesn't matter yeah. But if you're saying you count to the next.

Four majors next.

Year you're like i don't want to lose this match yeah i agree i'm not sure like how bothered either of them were about like winning a 12-hole match. But have you played with bryce so much a bit yeah when he was since he had been like an absolute bomber have you played with him yeah played him in the match play this year uh played him in the ryder cup okay of course he's just mad is he interested in what sense like i'm asking that i like him i think what i see he's got obviously i i really like it i think he's i think he's um i think he's good i think he's good. For the game i think obviously um you know attracts different attention as well um in terms of like people being interested in what he's doing um again like an incredibly hard worker um. And an amazing passion for the game a great player on top of it um you know and yeah it's a very long way like how far past you roughly um yeah like a good you know he's you know easily probably on average 30 probably is that uncomfortable um i really know can't cut it past him. So there's no point trying. So um you just sort of you just you just play your game um and the other thing is you know you know he's hitting it miles he's an incredible putter i think you know that probably gets missed in his game um. But also like you know he's hitting it that far past everyone um it it's easy to think because he does that like it it's very hard to beat him. But he doesn't win every week of course not like so you know it still you have to sort of sort of leave that part of your mind to say just play your game you know and if you and it's the same with everybody everybody's got different strengths you know you play with guys that don't miss puts um that that's equally as you know when when a guy doesn't miss a putt from inside 10 feet you know one of the best putters in the world that's that's equally as like you know the other end of the spectrum in that is like you're watching them just missed me third five foot in a row um like. So so everybody's got different strengths these guys that get an iron in the hand and you know that it's gonna be a good shot on that and you just have to play your game and get your score out of it and some weeks it's good enough and some weeks it's not that's the thing there's so many parts to golf obviously from driving shipping i am playing whatever it might be but exactly but driving's the one that sells on instagram and gets people non-golfers excited it's amazing to watch yeah. So that's why it gets so much like he said his golf swing's got better because of it as well yeah better than ever now i must admit like i do get excited to watch him hit a drive like it's just i can't comprehend i was gonna hit the middle of the face. And most often hits it fairly straight it's just crazy yeah like stuff like you know it's very rare that you get um you remember at bayel this year. And like everybody's just wanted him to get to the fifth sixth so that's the sixth team but you very rarely get that like in golf people are like literally waiting. For one guy to get on the team to see what he's gonna do. So um he's obviously adding another element to golf and he's and he's doing he's doing great at that are there any guy obviously there's you guys all flush it clearly at that level you hear people say about when you see tigers if it's like it's sometimes different sound is there any guys that you've played. Or been around that do have that word like you all flush it. But they're just sometimes for whatever is a different level. Or is it just a kind of once you get that top 50 in the world wherever everyone just kills it on a on a consistent basis um you know it's it's hard to get it's probably hard. For one person to stand out in sound like in terms of strike um when you get to a level where there's so many that strike the ball really really well i do think on a consistent level sergio's ball striking. And his driving is like off the charts like how good he is um. But you know there's there's a lot of guys that are obviously. So good at um so many aspects i do think you know seeing see bryson's ball come off the driver. And seeing how that goes is amazingly impressive if you get the chance to watch rory hit a driver um just as impressive like you know an incredible driver of the golf ball i just have to bring that marker down a bit closer tommy sorry it's getting further. And further away i apologize so i started relaxing i started getting high and relaxing but yeah rory um you know like if you're watching me driver like. And the speed that he creates amazing but yeah i think you know sergio. For the ability that he has to just stand up you know he could walk out this room now and plunk his three hand down off the path stripe and it and he'd flush it and i i just think like. And you know swings never changed yeah you know he doesn't need to practice it loads um like you know. For that like you know he impresses me so much swings really not changed has it much no fluid fluidity yeah yeah yeah he's an amazing athlete um you know. So good at a lot of other sports and again like just you know stands up in the way hits a golf ball um yeah it's good um we've got some quick fire questions haven't we yeah we haven't got them ready. And then.

We'll start to wrap it no worries who's the best chris christmas wrapping who's the best putter then.

You've played with you mentioned it um who's the guys that stand out i think um obviously uh jordan spieth. Or um i think matt fitzpatrick um i played with um danny mccarthy he like leads to putting stats lords on the pga tour doesn't mean he's um he's a mega putter yeah really he put it lovely like definitely um some of those guys that i think they're speed controlling the way they roll the ball like at the hole like an even you know you don't hold every putt. But um what you know they hit some in soft they some in like firm putts that miss just like burn the edge and go like perfect pace and like seeing those guys hit puts is um you know again equally as impressive just in a different way can you almost see like a better role can you almost appreciate it. Or is it hard to kind of see no i think you can you can definitely determine like a better role to the guys that don't roll it that's good. For sure um but yeah some guys just um get on agree. And they look so comfy they get so into the putt they read the green so well and then.

You know being able to uh i see speed all the time where he like hits a six footer that dies in the front edge all right and then.

You know we'll get next.

All five footer rattles and rattle it in and stuff like that if you to build by you obviously but build me the perfect golfer driving oh just tiger woods that's it everyone every category yeah take tiger out of it um i would i would say um. So nothing to do with tiger well would you genuinely have can i have some aspects of titan would you genuinely put him in every category um no i would have rory driving the golf ball over tiger yeah okay i am play tiger i'm gonna go wedges. But not chipping like the jars okay yeah yeah that's a good one um i would uh probably like any period of any golfer no let's go let's go yeah um still target with designs um um probably it would either be i think jordan is an amazing wedge player i like the way it's his wedges zach johnson obviously is one of the people that's really impressed with his wedges his ball flight control. And everything so um yeah maybe him dj. Or dj is great dj's great at this wednesday one of them um i would say. So yeah like yeah if i was out of interest who would you have put in from yesteryear then.

In that i would have added thomas bjorn from about like when he was in his primary yeah yeah. So then.

Short game around the green excluding bunkers um nicholson yeah yeah just. For every cat for every shot that you can play uh yeah on a on a yeah i would have a lot of trust in mickelson getting up. And down for me yeah bunkers um green side yeah phil justin rose i'd thrown myself in there jason day used to get a lot of good people say he's bunker place to be really good a couple years ago yeah quite a lot. But you like bunkers um yeah i feel comfortable in a bunker yeah if you're hitting into a par four. And you missed the green would you rather be a bunker than not not in the bunker from 20 yards uh yeah you would um putting um i'm gonna ask it two category okay yeah give me a guy. For just general best putter and then.

I want somebody for like clutch i think i probably know the answer. For clutch but like for the tiger for club scotty tiger for clutch yeah um i think if you literally now walked out probably not on the screen right now because they're still frosty. But if you had to literally give somebody a putter to hold a six-foot port to save your bully life you're surely giving it to tiger there yeah unless would you do it yourself over tiger i might like my life to be in my own hands. But um besides misses it sorry fitzpatrick would be very high up in my choices clutch or just general putting now both but i'll go obviously it's hard to not not pick tiger of course in a clutch situation um obviously jack nicklaus looked unbelievable in clutch puts as well uh if you go in yesteryears but i'd say tiger um for clut yeah clutch um hulk spieth you know spieth um he's hold his fair share he's hold his first show when he needed to um fitzpatrick amazing putter nice. So the quickfire questions have been a success but not so we put out we have a facebook group right with like 60 000 members in the post that you are coming on has absolutely killed it. So 131 comments in like a couple of hours there you go it's funny you know when you talk about like golfers when you have to pick categories it's like john ram is like the best golfer in the world at the moment clearly. And then.

Like you just sort of pick players and like i haven't put him in a category um and you're like can't believe i've not put john romney i'm not put dj in a category it's weird but everyone you mentioned also is not i think the only one there that would maybe surprise people is maybe fitzpatrick with putting yeah if they watch him put it wouldn't like he's uh in what way just a phenomenal player. But as in like i feel like people like we spoke obviously we had phil on the podcast a few weeks ago and he was praising matt's putting as well as yours. But like i feel like the general golf viewer would never really get a chance to see how good matt is at yeah yeah yeah maybe maybe because he showed the americans at the top of the leaderboard. But as in like well and i i also think i don't know sometimes it comes on to put in. And unless you're all in a bunch of 20 footers i think people just expect you to make it if he puts a 30 foot with loads of slope. And grain that we can't really see and get it to like tap in distance that's not a sexy shot for the television yeah. But also you know like six seven footers holding those like people you know on tv you don't really think that's true much of it like you just think it's just. But he just holds it for days yeah it's just such a you know very solid yeah. But john ram like say in every categories he's having a normal goal for the best golfer in the world cali markawa i mean to be fair like you know if it's not tiger i've heard this he's pretty that's where he's like the comparables are really yeah yeah. So so like you know that there's obviously howard if you said you know not tiger i'm i'm biased towards target because having seen him play at his best as well like it's hard you know you don't did you uh did you happen to have some sneaky time with some of these players recently by the way oh yeah potentially up close. And personal was was tw no i wasn't present oh okay that's what it's enough well that's the face the facebook questions we had a lot good news. And bad news we've actually covered a lot of them within this there was a lot of people saying i'm not got a question. For tommy about to tell him i absolutely love him which was really nice. And then.

A lot of people this was kind of like from your mum quite good banter. But it got quite there was a lot of banter got a bit stale after like the tenth time people said love is her what shampoo does he use literally the amount of people have asked you must really annoy that question he's like ridiculous. So yeah. And people don't believe me anyway when i answer well let's say the answer then.

Just uh i don't even want to just choose any she's any yeah it does look really good um. But one question one question that we kind of had on here which how much would you cut it for would you cut it oh yeah what's the number uh we would have to talk about it. And negotiate for charity parts of the video of course um one of the questions we had was what's your favorite club in the bag right now. And obviously when was it you moved to taylormade was it last year before uh last year was my first full year with taylormade being a yeah an ambassador you were a full nike player obviously. For years then.

You kind of went mixed bag and then.

You went to obviously all one brand again so kind of two questions what's your favorite club in the bag right now and how have you found that transition from kind of a free agent if you like using bits and bats then.

Go into all one brand favorite club in the bag seven wood nice beautiful club or seven wood um was it a sim two yeah yeah just yeah it's been great club um like like the game slightly changed i always used to have four wedges um. And i had uh i had that blue nike five that was uh yeah you had that one time uh even tiger told me it was a really good club. So i was keeping the blue firewood um eventually it cracked. So that was that was gone. But i had a really playable firewood and then.

Um i was never that good at chipping. So i had four wedges just to make it easier but then.

Um as time went on courses obviously got a bit longer and stuff and i ended up having i always had like 230 240 into a part five and you like either got a massive cut with a five would depend on what the misses or hooker four and it was just ended up taking a wedge out because i was getting you know much much much better short game much much better wedge player. And putting a seven wooden and it's been a great club um the transition um so many positives about it i you know for such a long time you kind of forget what it's like having a team of people around you that actually are there. For your clubs um that are constantly looking at the numbers constantly watching you hit them constantly thinking what's best. For you um how they can tweak things. And it's like um you know and and obviously can't do enough. For you the guys are amazing at what they do. And i i massively have enjoyed that and it's been um a great addition to sort of my life out on tour and everything very very um you you do you know those fill you know the content that you do with taylormade. So getting to hang out with the guys that you get to hang out with motivational inspirational and amazing bunch of players that they have um on the books and you know you get to be one of them and um yeah i guess it's just um again like a it's a constant there that's you know i your clubs are kind of settled you're not sort of trying all kinds of different manufacturers which i absolutely massively enjoy i would do that i would do that. For a living i would just try clubs like i like it in golf clubs that's what i get to do you know i i enjoy that. But definitely taylormade have been phenomenal and sort of love having that partnership and you get to be on the christmas card you get to be on the christmas card as well it's good to give a christmas card to millions of people yes i must admit you know you've just said something there i've we had this chat last week when brooks kept co-signing with rickson. And where this chat about is it good. For a player to be free agent or signed with a manufacturer and to be honest you've just said something in that first sentence that i've never thought of a team that are looking at your numbers all the time. And uh and almost they're coming up with suggestions potentially aren't yeah yeah i've honestly never thought about that i've never once even because i'm guessing you work with adrian yeah i've never once thought that almost you have like a mechanic there well absolutely always be looking at your tire pressure that you've got the right oil yeah they're always checking your clubs they're always making sure the right right lofts. And lies um shafts grips um you know the waiting in your driver they're looking at stats that you produce at week in week out they have your swing speeds they have your club speeds the other ball speeds um they're looking at everything and it's like i mean you think about a lot of them things yourself as a golfer. Or what you do more is you feel how you're hitting it you see the shots. And you say i don't know whether it's my swing or or this but they they have all that right there and they um they are constantly there um ready to talk to you about it give you suggestions tweak something if it needs tweaking um checkups. And that so it's um you know it's a it's a massive help since you just said that it's something well i i didn't even think about it to be honest until it was happening you know yeah i've actually been very pro free agent to be honest yeah because i don't believe personally that one brand can do every single category perfect. For that player it's just a very hard task but absolutely yeah what you've just said there. And that's why a lot of contracts are 14 clubs yeah oh sorry 12 clubs sorry yeah because you can have the option of having well there's always somebody that loves that you know i love the lob wedge. Or they have a five wood that they don't want to you know get rid of or whatever but that first line just made me think god yeah that that yeah unbelievable that makes a lot of sense that i hadn't even thought about you've got like say you've almost got a club mechanic there all the time that's just making sure everything in that bag is perfect. For you to go and do your job i think we will genuinely start to wrap it because if the golf course is open which i hope it is willing to team off very soon thank you tommy that was really good thank you yeah yeah yeah let me know let me know how it goes let me know if people are you you were welcome did you like it did you enjoy it i liked it i like talking about the game yeah i do i uh you know i enjoy the game i love the game um. And yeah i'll talk about golf whenever you want no worries just down that camera if you just say you love the rickshaws golf show podcast no i'm not going to say that well thanks tom that was pleasure see how close we've got after an hour. And twenty minutes two hours we got two did we yep nobody's gonna listen. For two hours you'll have to cut it somebody's listening right now somebody's made it to the end of this podcast what should what should they tweet you then.

It's been a very long journey go and tweet or put a comment on uh tommy's instagram yeah thanks tom this gets traction right thanks everyone thanks guys thanks team behind thanks jcb. And hopefully we'll get on the golf course [Music].