The odds on getting a hole in one is 12. And a half thousand to one from getting your golf ball straight in the hole in one shot now today.

I'm gonna see if i can beat those odds now in my whole golfing career i've only ever had one hole in one. So i'm down here at mcdonald's portal golf club i'm here on the 14th all the beautiful par three a little bit of water at the front waterfalls coming from the left and the right i'm gonna see if i can bag one i've got 500 shots can i get one in can we make a hole in one. So here we go let the challenge commence i'm gonna try and land it a little bit further past and to the right and hopefully get a bit of draw backspin and try and box one now as you know unless i actually get the very very first shot in it's not a legit hole-in-one i get that i understand it but it's more trying to beat the odds can i actually beat it with 500 i'm going to be here. For a long long time so hopefully i can box one early i've got all my golf ball set out this isn't 500 this is just the batch of 120. So far i'm gonna go with pitching wedge 46 degree wedge how could it be if i got it in the first shot though that that'd be pretty epic right let's do this shot number one it's not on a bad line well we've hit the green. And that on first inspection actually looks like the right club we're off that actually looks really good second shot in spin spin spin here we go oh so far this seems to be the perfect club 46 degree pitching wedge effectively i normally fly is about 135 yards. And when it's landing pass it's just screwing back a little bit towards the flag i think we're absolutely on the number here not too far left four they're all great shots if i was playing this whole legit oh it is close that's 30 balls oh that's that is good that's it first real bad on that okay that's the first real bad one right things are heating up jumpers coming off time to get serious that could be good oh i nearly slammed in [Music] oh rick get it straight to you i'm gonna play it's like a few little different ones. But slightly lower i'll stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there spin in all right come on i really want do it under a hundred not with that shower shot hit it up the flag shot 100 go keep going keep going keep going all right okay 150 shots done i'm just going to go with a slightly different tactic i'm going to try. And flick a few nine irons in a few slightly easier swings maybe bounce it short and hop it in [Music] oh no way go back to the pitching wedge i like a 99 shot. And i can understand like running it in. But i feel like i was just dying to get it down with the wedge come on oh that is a proper thing go in the hole shot 199 oh be nice be nice be nice be nice be nice be nice be nice be nice oh rick oh that was such a good strike oh be good oh it's done the wrong way 210 shots hands are starting to hurt look at i've got a rip in my glove already my right ankle is killing me 290 shots left to go. So we can do it before that wow [Music] what 248 favourite number favourite number favourite number right last one before lunch 250 halfway point ah one hour later okay. So here we go 250 balls left to go wish me luck everyone [Laughter] that's literally got halfway that's nice spin spin go in ah yeah we got your plasters first real bad war wound oh that's got chances oh my god rick last tactic i'm gonna hit a 50 degree wedge that's actually pretty good yeah this is the club like that like that like that oh wow come on right at the looks like i'm gonna go back to my pitching wedge again oh that's staying online stay online stay online stay online spin left nowhere near okay 330 shots in i'm just going to stretch my legs have a little walk up to the green. And just try and picture what's happening up here sometimes it's hard to see off the tee right lads not been quite getting it yet uh callum and tom have been helping me by the way with all the pitch marks and the ball collecting so legends thanks for that do you think it's still like here. And roll it down i don't think this is the shot yeah pitch it in here. And spin it yeah definitely i'll keep trying lads thanks. For your help legends i'm not gonna lie to you this is getting really hard work like 400 golf balls hit 400 opportunities. For a hole in one 400 pieces of of hope as it flies through the air and 400 disappointments as it doesn't go in the hole a hundred more to go come on stay stay stay oh yeah yeah all right i have to just chip a few little nines hands are right stay there come on kick left it needs to have one one hopping. And just in off in it big hop hit the flag oh yeah yeah i started to struggle now. So far thumbs hurting hands hurting wrist hurting right shoulder hurting weirdly my middle toe is hurting on my right foot 50 left oh not there come on run out of golf balls chances chances [Music] 20 left i was optimistic before i feel like i've lost a bit of faith. But come on these could be the ones these could be the lucky twenty come on hollywood finish that's what you've all come for don't go big long hard day last ten last five two to go two little bits of hope shot 499. no rick after a gruelling day ball number 500. look at this i could see again by the way we've got permission to do this thank you very much supporter letting us come down here. And film this today.

As i mentioned before all the divots will be repaired. And all the pitch marks have been repaired as we've gone along come on little pitching wedge land it short one hop in [Music] nope nope guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video i did not beat the odds the odds well. And truly beat me see.