All right guys we are back with a brand new official episode of break75 you saw my kind of practice break 75 last week at Mia which was supposed to be a confidence booster uh didn't quite go to plan however. hopefully I feel a little bit more confident today.

I've been practicing a little bit more ready to go. And take battle here it's still on Solway 18th best golf course been voted here in England and 48th best golf course in the UK it's on the west coast of England it's over near Carlisle and to be honest with you looking out on the golf course so far it looks phenomenal however. it doesn't look easy it's a proper Lynx golf we're in nearly December the hand warmers are out the bobble hats are on. And I'm playing with guy today.

Who's been playing very well. And also playing with assistant Pro here at Silver Tom he's joining us and showing us the rooting around I think we need some help out there today.

Without further ado let's go. And do this break something five at silith on Solway how nice is this place established 1892. I mean to be honest it's in the middle of nowhere there's not much around you go through kind of quite a leafy town until you get to This Magnificent golf course. And I've heard loads about this venue but never been over here and played now this golf course has some history like from when it was laid out in 1892 it's also an influence from Dr Aleister McKenzie famous course designer he's actually made a few adaptions to the golf course. And it's hosted them even reading in the book here it's hosted Regional qualifying for the Open Championship it's hosted some big amateur events I mean it's a proper proper golf course right uh Tom was telling me normally the front line is into wind. And you've got to hold on for dear life before you get to the Batman which is a bit easier because it's downwind however. today.

The winds have changed trust me to come on that day today.

It's downwind on the front nine. And then.

Into wind on the back nine it's plenty of par five it's a par that was pulled this up I've got the score card in my pocket it's a past 72 we've been playing off the whites today.

Which is around about 6400 yards not super long how however. lent is. Or not always the biggest factor on a golf course like this exciting one today.

As Rick said one thing that's worrying me though is how cold it is it's absolutely freezing which means two things the golf ball isn't going to go as far. And secondly my hands might fall off in a thinner three iron but the good news is we've got Tom Tom assistant Pro here he's with a good player in the group I feel like Rick cat hear us right now you've watched some videos I'm guessing what are his chances today.

To be honest I have to admit the last rickshaws video I watched was The Belfry perfect the series is called Break 75. But realistically what is a good number. For him to beat today.

It very much depends what you stream nine to be honest with you it's it's kind of if he's around level par three nine he's got a very very good chance it's you just got to get started round here as long as you're still in touch early doors then.

You can make it like. So you can get a good score run quite easily the course record I believe it. Or not is actually 59 around here 59 which is safe today.

I think unless I have a real good one oh he plays Luke's golf tonight that is a throttle link shot don't know if I'm a glutton. For punishment but that's the tea Peg I'm using today.

Um don't ask me why maybe it's to remind me not to play that bad ever again anyway let's go I'm gonna go driver oh he's only coming appeared young Shield he's only come what a golf shot that's basically where the marketplace is now yeah the middle yeah that's probably what it'll be. But when you kind of got 20 yards shortly green you were quite a severe downslope okay. So if you fly at 150 you'll be probably middle of green oh really wow it's like I say it all drops in even though it's a bit green it's obviously a lynx course we're still going to bounce we had some good candy advice I've talked here I've played badge playing him obviously. But I've got about 187 to the flag but play more like 160. a nice smooth committed eight iron foreign middle of the Fairway blind shot into this first hole 105 yards I think it is gonna well the way I'm gonna play is to land it all the way on there. And go straight at the Mark at back of the green pins just to the right of that winds hurting slightly off the left so it's got left hand side nice full 56 degrees we'll have to just go a bit oh it's going miles right oh Link's wind yeah wonderful time that's a nice shot that okay. So my ball is about a yard off the green. But to be honest it could have actually gone a lot worse there's a bank then.

If it had carried on going down I could have been in real trouble one of the things that you have to switch your mind to when you're playing Links Golf like this when you're out in the element the wind just has a massive influence on the ball I knew the wind was coming off the left then..

And I thought I'd give it enough to the left but I just clearly didn't need to respect the wind right just off the green Putters out nice little two put here will be a fine way to start the round that could be good come on a bit more I honestly thought I'd hit that way too hard come on guys start with the birdie I'd love to oh it's not the power instead take that okay. For power on the first this is pretty much dead straight positive thoughts today.

That's all I'm gonna go with yep doing positive thoughts all the way around thumbs up if you like positive Shields a little reminder as well to ring that notification Bell second hole short Par Four 315 yards um Tom's advice to try. And hit it about 2 10 to 20 and you just got a little flick in so I'm gonna go four iron drill it the uh the green keepers car which is obviously too far away wind [Applause] oh wow yeah that was when the goals yeah not my best strike. But it still do oh build hands are feeling it today.

With this cold weather winter golf eh you guys over in America in L.A thanks. For art you spoiled [Applause] a bit too far back to be honest I hit it very much out the toe but we're in the Fairway 143 yards away from the flag Thomas tells us it's a green that smokes from front to back so probably need to land to about 135 downwind or slightly off the left shoulder it's going to go a little wedge. Or probably a full wedge get over that bunker should be over that I'm finding that wind off the left isn't my favorite shot at the moment I need to give it more respect I need to be able to aim more left might be on the green if not just off the side a little bit heavy but it should be good it's all right okay third shot after finding this bank after a bit of a wide second shot just in the Heather just got to land it on the green let it roll all the way down come on let's check one in keep going I thought it's gonna be a bit faster than that Rick said something to me then.

Off camera. But you're feeling here he said I'm thinking about holding this shot I feel like I'm gonna hold it now obviously didn't do which is a good shot it's a big mindset change normally he's looking. For taking it he was confident then.

Interesting slow thank you wow Foolish Boy nice little three stab okay. For par up and down off the side of the green so I pulled it it pulled into the holes pulled it right into the middle of the hole thank you very much [Applause] already stood on this third tea I understand why it's ranked so high in the rankings this golf course it's absolutely phenomenal first two holes have been interesting not too challenging I always like that with a golf course a couple of holes the easy way in and then.

You start standing on this too you can go okay now it means business apparently Dr Alistair McKenzie moved the green here to the left it used to be more on the right hand side [Music] as well as fast big bounce oh lovely little kick yeah 122 yards away from the pit pins right at the front guys ball was clinging on. For dealer yeah don't go short that's my advice I'm gonna chip a little bit green 's quite a bit downwind if we lost the left to go oh that's right it's gone. For the little skinny bouncer could get in all right bounce the wrong way all three of my wet shots today.

Have been substantially right I'm gonna chip in everyone okay clipping alert. But alerts on everywhere in the edit that's gonna chip in [Music] right after that great effort I've hit a greeting regulation pin High which is important my Direction's been a tiny bit squiffy to say the least this next.

Part's very very much downhill. But it's back into wind so it's going to neutralize the speed [Music] oh I shouldn't be disappointed if I do feel robbed there oh my goodness how's it look like it was actually ended up no I actually can't it literally got to the lip. And went things like can sting three parts there's two things I know it's after three holes while I'm loving this golf course I know it's cold. But I'm loving it two I'm level four through three I feel like I'm back baby I'm back I could have got in but what's the first record 59 or something right oh yeah you know what we'll leave we'll leave the course record we'll just go. For breaks every five right [Music] both home [Music] that was that was a sky hybrid which has got about 60 yards there's a sky bread okay luckily we've managed to find it absolutely horrendously shot I feel like even though I've got three rounds of golf back to back coming up. And I'm probably not gonna be able to change I think it might be the end of that hybrid in my bag I'm just not quite getting on with it right no idea where I'm going let's go have a look on top of the hill see how far away we are 230 yards away how do I play this yeah I think I might have to lay up right I'm contradicting myself on two things first off I said hybrid might not last I'm hitting it here now I'm just gonna go. For the green oh [Music] slap you out provisional ball just in case that one's gone [Laughter] well see what happens though okay full-on Adventure here on the fourth hole I found my first ball I'm here way way way way to the left of the flag oh not bad we're on the Green Point. For par per Adventure spin oh it's a good job drive all right down the hill right to left [Music] these greens are phenomenal this this time of year course records may be on hold [Music] um really good one wind hard off the left gotta commit to hitting one down that left-hand side ah there were two shot says guy charnick pound me this one very good ball okay son 230 yards away from the front I'm in the rough um I want to hit that hybrid. But I've not been getting on with it so I don't think I'm gonna hit it I won't get there before Ryan I'm gonna lay it up yeah play sensible seven iron a little pitch up there 200 yards to the front of the green a little bit of wind kind of width which is nice. So I'm gonna go for a very nicely struck crisp for Ryan that might like a shanked it on camera sometimes it looks like that it was a wasn't a shack wait a minute cut the first [ __ ] out no one saw that. For Ryan feeling really comfortable with this one nice little uh lie let's get an eagle foreign 56 degree in I'm gonna try and play this one a bit lower so I can play my wedges a bit too high. For this surrounding so it's definitely lower it's been hard yeah skinny okay. For birdie quite a big slope off the right it's going to come in right up here. And then.

Drop in quite a bit downhill [Music] it's it ah never started up the hill enough all right go on time give us our first birthday of the round Tom okay [Music] yes oh please oh yes great shot Wow's this right come on right similar shot when that could actually go in the hole I don't even want a joke like this oh behind the flag did actually oh my God absolutely battered the flag oh my word I could hear it. For me absolutely bulleted the flag Mine mine's finished here but it actually rattled the flag it's hit the flag about halfway up it's pitched there and then.

It's ricocheted all the way back [Music] oh lovely great little shot okay just up the hill right to left. For birdie take the break oh [Music] I was in absolutely dead center how's that licked out oh I can't believe I honestly thought I was gonna go in [Music] right let me try. And hit a low hybrid yeah great shot this is nice lovely Golf Shop the advice from the assistant Pro who plays there all the time he's very good golf. But he's taking a two iron I'm gonna ignore angle driver yep it's not going to be huge [Music] that's quite somehow should we all right bad shot might get away with it after being pin high. But missing the green to the right I've got all these little chips again it's actually bounced back and startled nicely which is a bonus into Breeze come on Rick be confident on this Get It Roll get it down on the ground rolling oh that's powerful what was that that was absolutely awful thinned it ah I'm lucky oh magical Philip Nicholson let's drive her out okay. For a par just off the green poor chip Struck it badly and misjudged it not a lot in this just over guys marker well just swung there went there massive that was weird oh silly five bro foreign [Music] foreign. But also land it on the Green oh balls very much above my feet similar I think that could dig in quite hard not bad from there yeah no it's not an idea Susie just went up yeah you're losing. So much I find with the bulb of the feet there trying to like hit it low just wasn't really feeling it anyway we're on the green put it for birdie so on that hole where I shanked it we then.

Actually didn't find my second girl my provisional leader so unfortunately my score card today.

Has just been like destroyed uh We've ripped it up. And another accountable score so my objective today.

Is to get a few birdies this is a great chance now. And also bring the Positive Vibes and positive energy because it's a good one today.

It's a great Golf Course tough conditions. And Rich playing decent and Brake 75 he's definitely on the fridge that's my mission 30s for me and bring the Good Vibes for Rick straight back into win downhill off the left got to give this a good hit it's always low oh I can't believe it didn't break yep ah take a path so through eight holes here on the front line I'm two over par now this is a par 72. I need to power in from now to break 75. simple math right James feeling okay a couple of little errors if I come out of a decent few birdie opportunities no real clear cut challenges just. Yet I do however. know there are lots of par fives coming up certainly on the back nine I think if I can get if I can get back to pick another birdie up. Or pick our birdie up and get to one over we've got a real chance error's gonna happen along the way I'm pretty sure of it a golf course like this you cannot go completely bogey free which obviously I've not done anyway so I think the birdies are going to be required [Music] par three beautiful looking hole we are up on the on top of the sand dunes here Fuller elements is in our I don't know not even in our favorites coming off the back Edge 128 yards pin there's three bunkers protecting the front left side of the green is where the pin is from fortunately. So I'm gonna go up the pin and let the Wind Drift it back to the middle of the green fair enough a bit too safe protecting my two over far if I'm subscribing that golf shot I'd say vanilla on it right come on Rick downhill slightly off the left should be really nice to pick the birdie up on this hole [Music] that's it kind of comes back up the hill at the end power's good keep powering them [Music] oh he's absolutely delivered okay second shot into this tenth hole Tom. And luckily just caught this bunker which is very penal you might just be able to get on the green. But it's not going to be easy oh he's done incredible [Music] very good time oh my it's. So much big 75 yards I'm going to try. And play a shot that I've never played before this might be the wrong time to play it but I think it's going to be needed I'm going to try. And really chip a 50 degree wedge like a half swing and just keep it super low I'd almost try and run it up the bank oh that's it short ah need to work on those shots tell you why it's a great pot wow superb from there yeah okay very long put here. But after seeing Tom put it close that's the goal oh my goodness hold up wow went off in my hands okay. For par after racing that first one back past so silly silly Boogie [Music] that last hole annoyed me but again I've got to stay positive today.

This has been my downfall. And I've started to get in my own head so three over it's okay no need to panic oh he's he's come when you have to bow to the camera please yep there you go practically okay I'm 145 yards away after hitting a good tee shot to the corner on this Par Four back straight back into win now I'm just a bit worried coming home these last few holes a lot of them as much as we've got par five opportunity as Tom mentioned on the First Tee normally the wind is the other way around we've got a funny feeling we're going to be hitting hard into wind. For this back nine well let's start off with a good shot here I'm going to hit a chippy seven iron it's almost like three clubs longer than what I've normally hit from here. And just let's get it pin high and just like the left of the flag oh God I was eyeing that up. And down like I was playing a bloody video game. And the wind has hit it hard and even I expected it's come up about 20 odd yards short oh God I genuinely thought I'd had absolute worldly then.

Gotta stay positive gotta stay positive okay after coming up short thinking it was absolutely perfect I'm just on the apron got the putter out up. And over the hill we'll get it nestling nice and close sure thank you [Music] all right 200 yards I'm gonna hit a nice little little draw start it on the right side of the green little low little draw a high block okay second shot into this part three gotta land it up on the top level let it mows you on round to the flag great shot really good strike okay damage limitation now I need to know there's no more than two put from here get the flag oh great bloody great okay. For bogey down the hill not a lot of break [Music] not even close double bogey put me five over now the dream of 75 might be over that's annoying [Music] this is the par five now this is a big chance. For it to try and pull one back he needs to he's he's doing okay he's still obviously a little blip there. But there's some bird Champs which is very good three would off the T I think it's over layup hole it's a three shoter let's try. And get three birdies here that'll be delightful complete okay bird is needed all right three coming home that's all right if I have to get on how to write it how where do you hit it yeah I would strongly advise against it okay I don't like the strongly advise like it's just it's if you get it right it's a fantastic shot. But if you get it wrong you're making seven I know but we're on a charge I'm going. For it how long have you been here for Tom how many times have you played the golf course uh I've lost count quite a few this is my first time here right I know what I'm doing he's absolutely telling me not to go. For his categorically said do not go. For it yeah. And if I go for it and make a double ow give you a hundred pounds great double is my Bill Gates deal off. So over the corner of that bush of the corner of the bush that's all right I think it's just too much Club do I have to land it. Or not can I land it short right I like the chances five iron straight over the corner that's phenomenal not Valley today.

I think that's phenomenal I've hit it exactly where you told me to hit it even though you told me even though you told me not to go. For it I hit it of what the green yeah oh okay fair dudes I can understand why Tom said don't go. For it because this green is up on a plateau. And anything left anything right anything long or anything short is just gonna get punished now luckily. For me I've got a great five iron I must admit and I've run it right up to the front I was I think I was only 10 yards off from Perfection. But it stayed on this bank I can get putter out Tom's there wonderful shot onto the green he's got an eagle opportunity big bounce back needed this needs to be an up. And down for birdie some free eagle a bit Pacey come on Tom for Eagle very very rare he's gone for it I think you might hit that bit through the break oh I actually don't like putting anymore well I've never wrapped them I don't think hogging all the sauce Tom [Music] okay par five not a long one. But it's straight back into wind come on good drive needed bird is needed oh it's not the list [Music] okay second shot into this par five I found the rough. And it's uh it's a bit of a tricky little shot from here it's 250 yards away thanks Oh Sheila not too much straw that's fine now okay after a ropey layup I'm in the light Heather 95 yards away slightly into Breeze I'm actually going to chip a pitching wedge come on bird is needed we run out of holes we need to get three back can't start move on here go oh that could be good that could be good it bounces forward goal I proper nearly broke my wrist then.

Hour that's why I didn't break 75 today.

You know because of my wrist because I've nearly broke it on the whatever 15th hole thanks I've had a great day today.

Really very Scrappy um by having like a birdie now. And if you're seeing this shot in the video it's made the cut that's because I stiffed this shot so be ready for a good shot if you see this 65 yards 58 degree wedge you can nip it in tough in bird not bad. So I'm not sure if you can see this. Or not if I hold the port you'll see this clip okay. For birdie decent length effort pretty much straight up the hill come on Shields just all that needs to happen and when you actually think about it it's fairly simple this golf ball has to go into an area about two. And a half times bigger than itself and it just drops down six inches like it's not that hard you roll it along the ground you make it go end over end and then.

Loads of fire comes out the hole is Birdy Source it's as simple as that. Or hit it absolutely horrendously I'm gonna try it and over and birdie sauce blah blah there you go very nice there was I say not as I do yes very good right. For what feels like a very important partner we've got it oh that is awful okay six over how many holes to go four holes to go [Music] [Laughter] laughs [Laughter] That was supposed to be a nice back foot skip three one somehow it went like a lot watch that was insane right that was one of the weirdest shots I've ever seen in my life saying something considering all the shots I have it right 215 yards away right back into the wind I'm going. For it big stick foreign [Music] okay. So lost my second shot I've hit it into the gauze Bush on the left and lost it taking the provisional topped it to here because this is now shot number five 71 yards need to get up. And down for double bogey thank you go a bit so it's not terrible we're on the Green [Music] ah awful [ __ ] bogey puts me at nine over par [Music] okay 16th hole par three there's three left to play I'll be honest the wind has been fully blown out of my sails frustrating really could have been a decent round today.

But left too many errors in there and uh certainly not holding off pots four iron into this hole let's sleep and finish with a bit of a flurry par three par five Par Four left to play not so heavy but it's not gonna get there [Music] okay green side bunker sat awful as well [Music] start. So badly oh it's like the sand is going the wrong way oh my God yes [Music] okay scores now racking up 10 over two to play 30 birdie finish stop laughing you guys watching don't say good shot to refins it that was such a thing okay second shot into the par five 250 yards away I don't think I'm gonna get there with three wood. But we know what happened around Rustic Drive on the last doll so I've got three would hopefully get it up there close oh topped it one of the best shots I've ever done though unless it Mr goes in that trap oh my God that is the luckiest golfer I've ever seen in the world when it's your day it's changed it it's toffee thinned it oh look it's gone to a bunker gun right this is gathering the bunker then.

Going last minute I moved I just changed the batteries in my remote control golf ball it's not been working all day. For me if you've got to break something fast today.

With that look I don't know when you will wow I think it's under the series that didn't it end of it okay third chance is part five [Music] pins at the back try. And fly it all the way gotta finish for the birdie today.

[music] I'll thin it through the groove [Music] oh yeah yeah terrible third shot thinned it through the back short-sided myself nothing's really gone. For me here if I'm honest [Music] go in Majestic better looks like the green [Music] all right guys final hole there's two things I've learned from today.

First off I've Loved syllis I mean this golf course is absolutely amazing I really want to come back here in the summer as well I think it'll be beautiful if you have nice blue skies. But obviously it's not winter and number two is uh the golf game's not quite there. Yet I've had a tough ah just scrap it my puttings have been horrendous I know that my straw game's still not there still plenty to work on oh come on that's a great job Best For Last I'm not worried about it Tom I'm just trying to remember what they feel like another good drive thank you I'm gonna hit that bird [Music] perfect Nice Shot okay second shot into the last hole I really do I don't I don't think I deserve one today.

But I do actually feel like I want a birdie I need a birdie 180 yards five iron oh that's left that is not good at all okay third shot let's grab a quick look at this what shot I've got left just probably when I didn't need a shot like this I've left myself this little delicate pitch over the bunker not a bad effort right before a par on the last guys thanks. For watching hopefully you like And subscribe thanks to Silver thanks to Tom thank you guy turn over par yeah. And they're nice up and down in front of the clubhouse guys thanks for watching stay tuned you're not supposed to come it's not the round that I wanted I expected I hope for but that's cough we'll see you next.

Week peace.