Welcome to a new episode which Rick Shields takes on a new good good member and in today's episode I'm taking on Matt the man the hole in one man is that a hole in one not only on the part three on a path four on video yeah it was an insane experience if you can perform one of those today.

I'd be very happy I will not be disappointed at all yes. And on the bag you've got GM Golf himself Garrett it's gonna be exciting I feel like this is a formidable Duo yeah yeah you work well together as a team yeah you do GSR is we're always good. Or I was hyping each other up it's always pretty it's always we always play pretty decently. So yeah we're always dialed in yeah I'm feeling confident okay my guy over here today.

The match is going to be flat no shots me versus marked now the format's very simple it's nine holes it's a hybrid of some of the best holes here at JCB. And we're starting things off here on a beautiful part three surrounded by bunkers it's absolutely gorgeous let's get to it play well enjoy it me too man and please one more hole in one video let's do it we'll not do any harm all right come on baby I'm excited oh wow Garrett's taking this very serious foreign [Laughter] hey I'm not in the bunker I'm not in a trap I'm in a good spot okay I'm gonna go nine iron I'm gonna try. And we'll slip back to the back of the green here need to hit a good shot start things off well just go in the bunker oh my goodness he's good that's actually okay that's actually okay pin High left I'm putting from there all right guys give me a full one today.

Matt's a real character um he's gonna bring a lot of that ninjas this match. So I've got Scott stay stay in my zone don't get too carried away oh whoa win whoa um we could consider using the same Club here yeah they just rolled these bad boys look at them 50 are pitching much. For sure I mean what do you feel comfortable I feel comfortable with a pitching wedge personally because you have this big Ridge. And if you're gonna play it low so look at look at me here so with the pitching wedge if you carry it to right here this is money all right here we go all right just dug its teeth I feel like I hit that perfect a bit on the toe oh I didn't hit it perfect dude I thought that wasn't money you almost missed that ball yeah that's all right not not the confidence not not a confidence booster. For sure but we got to look at par okay. So I'm just off the side of the green here Matt's office to come up a little bit short there it's not the easiest though it's going to swing everything left to right once the ceiling gets on the green it's going to get fast gotta adjust the speed to perfection stay up stay up it's not too bad a couple of feet away that's good that's good. But thanks part you give it to him no well hell no that's hard just outside that zone Ricky came up what have you got on here a nice solid stroke here. And I think this is Cash okay [Music] you have the line you just punch it here that's all right though all right good good okay I mean if you make it you win the hole. So you're good good roll good very good role okay all right to win the first first up here. For Rick I'm giving him a little door opening good there it is right in the middle par 3-1 Rick Shields one up okay second hole par five sweeps to the left. And then.

Back round on itself tiger line is over the trees maybe about three. Or four lines three or four trees in the longer you hit it the more left you can go try. And put a good swing oh it's off the right [Music] it doesn't be in any danger yeah you should be good over there it takes out of going it going. For two out of the equation anyway now you see the uh the furthest right tree of the left trees see what I'm saying yes I like that line because I was I was quite a bit left that. And I was good with your speed can you just go over that that furthest right tree of the left one yes I'm even I'm confused about that the furthest right tree is the luxuries yeah. So the ones right there these trees on the left furthest right three of them all right I'll get you sorry the left edge of that bunker whatever right in there stop nice so good that's really good ball Mark didn't expect the Stinger but I'm kind of liking it I don't trust me Gary neither did I all right I like that we're gonna be in the Fairway might be able to go. For it too we'll have to figure out what we're doing up there second all the tea shot's done uh I bailed out a little bit right Matt's absolutely flushed it straight down the middle of the highway I'll say it once I'll say it again these boys have got speed why I don't know get it together I haven't had any coffee either like you you coffee drinker dude no I really haven't had my fair trip I think actually I want to get this rating. But I actually think the UK coffee is better than the United States coffee oh it is I can almost guarantee that it's something about the roast it's. So pure greased coffee is also 10 times better than anything in America I drink absolutely I've never had coffee in Greece I've never been to Greece well when we go together on our honeymoon it's going to be awesome well the people watching know that's a joke. But yeah that's a joke everybody we can't be getting too comfortable Ricky dude Rick's in the rough dude you you must be down here you might be in in the in the crowd you can really get a stroke on Rick here uh yeah because he's he's definitely obviously laying up he's only 300 yards now he's laying up. So if we go for it and we give her if you give yourself an eagle butt or a really good spot okay I must admit it's been a pretty weak tea shot there I'm up on this right hand side I'm 322 yards away from the green. So guess what I'm not going. For it I'm gonna hit seven iron just over the bunk as we can see here let it run down the hill a little bit. And leave myself about 130 yards in that would be the goal that should be exactly where I wanted it he's over he's over okay he's perfect I think he's perfect yep should we spot on that nice layup how far have you got I think our case 195 7R no we're gonna 264 to the pin we're gonna hit a six nine we're gonna hit a six iron here lay it open. And Pitch it on well it's not because I think if you carry that bunker on the down slope It's Gonna Roll. So it's partially lay up but kind of maybe going. For it okay. So I guess we'll just see yeah here I see it I see the destiny that's the most experience left side of the left had a funny feeling these two are going to very much Bond. And gel they've got good chemistry together oh come on I'll be fine oh dude that was. So close you remember you told me about it yeah that's gonna be tough that's gonna be a tough shot dude I was. So close though I just needed a little bit of draw I was trying to draw it out of the oh. And get a little see this is the point of a caddy I gotta do my job that was close man I was super close on that one I think I'm gonna be all right I'm gonna be kind of in an interesting spot there's a little Valley down there it looks like depending on where your ball is if you're in the Fairway we could consider a pot okay third shot into this hole I'm 90 yards away from the PIN it's a horrible really front right pin. So you've got to pitch it up there and just get it to grab as quick as possible mats down level with the green just a little bit of rough just uh pin High effectively it would actually reach the hole so I'm gonna go hopefully just front edge get it to pull up quick and I think it's a full one of these. Or near enough get up spin oh with this spawn on you that's impressive on these greens now put a little bit of it yeah I'll teach that one one day boys all right spin back like I thought. But it doesn't matter well I mean that that put that makes our Chip Shot look a little more important you know what I'm saying yeah he's not he's definitely not in. For birdie so if we can if we can somehow squirmy this thing in there. But this is where we can really attack this way we put some pressure on Rick because I agree 25 feet. But if we put something inside of five feet which you're going to do yeah he's a little more scared of that putt I agree dude I could have went. For it was 260 yards away all right. So I know it's it's trust me because you saw what happened in that pitching wedge it's super inconsistent if you bump we almost have to expect like you land right here you can you can take a normal face shot. And yeah anywhere into this episode at most you're looking at 10 feet 15 feet back down half the pen. So that's the safe play yeah you just want to take that a square maybe a little open land it okay on the green trust it I like that youngins like that oh dang I almost went in very good okay garage like a maniac here I love the commitment okay. So two pots of dirty coming up much closer than I am I've got about kind of 20 foot up the hill right to left that's going a little bit more across the hill break no it's not hard enough good roll oh yeah that's a good record. So put to win the hole with a birdie you had that one good budding trip when you kind of open your stance up a little bit Yeah you can see the line a little better when you do that I want to see that here okay okay [Music] oh my gosh I pushed that. So hard oh dude Clark that's no that's good that's exactly what I wanted to do inside right that's all right we're good all right I just I just gave that one to Rick boys it was just a bit too outside give me range I couldn't give him that there's always a chance. So much slope on that put two holes played Rick's two up hey we're down but we're not out that's the thing no it's fine it's fine it happens that's the thing it happens it's called you hit it a little too hard it is what it is a race from the brain it's all square. And our minds we're not worried about it okay that's right we're just thinking about you want to play aggressive. Or you want to lay up um it's quite aggressive yeah I'll say driver good hole couple of options you can be brave you can go. For it on the real tiger line with driver you can go out left. And you hit anywhere from a five iron even to a driver short front of the green if you went left anyway a couple bunkers protecting a bad tee shot I'm gonna hit Three Wood I'm gonna stay a little bit more towards the left side all right that's it that should be all right honestly see this this last bunker yeah I like that right over that with your little cut oh that's. So good that's phenomenal okay didn't get a great bounce. But it was good luck yeah you feel confident with that driver today.

And I think you just need to play it I do even when it's even when it's tight okay yeah I like that we're dialed babies okay. So t-shirt half the third hit that really nice match that was a really good Three Wood uh I think I've left myself a nice angle into this green such a tricky whole list because if you take it on we drive as you saw Matt did you've got to hit it absolutely perfect position he looked like he got a slightly unfortunate bounce which might have just kicked him into the roof just risk. And reward you can go. For it but it's it's not easy that was good that was good no no that's good. And see that's the thing with Rick he hit through it that's how you assert your dominance here okay you got assert dominance yeah that's why you play the driver okay oh my goodness I mean we might be in the tall grass. But at the end of the day that's that's how you turn it really good yeah you know okay. So it's 112 to the PIN I must have left myself a really good angle into screen pins at the front right 112 not much wind about it's obviously the nice little gap wedge stay on the grass there stay on the short stuff oh it's just a little bit too much Club I need to take a touch more off it it's a nice strike the right direction just five yards too long no we'll be working when you in Kansas City you kind of put a little more back in your stance with your wedges yeah that was the only thing I saw happen on your pitching ledge just a little more it was a little too far yeah. So if we just put a little more back make your money okay 92 we said yep I like an easy like nice 56 which is a nice controlled 56. it's nothing yeah just nice control. And also I think we're gonna aim like 10 feet left of the pin though oh yeah absolutely yeah be safe on the green. But it's this is a nice like I said it's controlled not a full swing here. So Matt you see the Red Stake there dude I literally see just inside of it put it inside that's okay sit sit of course I'm gonna join Rick dude that was actually not bad I think you get a free read on this ship though see how much more impressed that was that was good that did it was money all right I like that that's all right we can work with that this is a tough chip we're neck. And neck there's three feet in it pins just what how many one two three yards on the green one two seven yards pin onto 10 yards away but this is what's in between us. And the green that's between you and a triple Boogie honestly that's beyond that there's a water hazard yeah this is a tough chip this is going to take a little bit of finesse this feels like this will be right up Garrett's straight a shot like that yeah I like shots like this right it's literally got a land right there yeah there's one bit where it can land foreign I think you might have got Fringe boosted it might have just landed just on that I think you might have you can see how he played that I like the way you played that yeah I almost feel the same thing yeah like open it up a little more I'm not comfortable with that too far open I'm gonna just like that see that I mean those one you're comfortable with whatever you're comfortable with that's good from there that's not bad at all take that all day I'll take that all day all day will take that right we're both point. For par I've got about kind of 15 feet that's got about six or seven left to right up the hill bike wow nice part thank you I thought it was going to stay out there. But it swung again last minute get in feel for you pal oh my God I feel for you that was tough oh hard to get up. And down from there after three fortunate to say currently thrilled fourth hole getable Par Four but it's surrounded by danger stream around the right hand side that's ready to gobble the ball up everything kicked left off the bank despite about 265 270 maybe even a tiny bit longer I'm gonna go with three wood see when I hit it down that left Channel oh it's too far left don't hit the road don't hit the road don't hit the road don't hit the road oh it's actually I didn't not see a land it should be on that just left in the tea box on on the other Tee Box it landed onto the other Tee Box and it went a bit longer than that that's not bad it's gonna be a tricky one from there but I think it's okay yeah we have a little vanity don't we we do I mean yeah we actually do we've only had a thousand shots here yeah I don't need to tell you anything you know what to do that's right out there on the left side let it fit come on baby cut cut one bounce okay yeah. So okay three yards right. And that was perfect dude that's a little unlucky that was a good swing though that was perfect all right let's go make it let's go chip it in free Garrett that was. So cool we're good we'll just take it up the left side we know what to do okay. So I found mine it landed up on the t-box on the next.

Hole but then.

It's bounced and bounced and bounced and bounced down the path into a little tricky spot to be honest way off piste um I've got an impossible golf shot right now like quite literally impossible gosh I don't I don't want to dig it up or big it down but this is impossible. So if I pull this off call me Houdini that's too big is it wet you're on all right I'm actually going to say that to be honest I actually expected a bit more of a round of applause I don't think they appreciate how bad the lie was right here just trust it obviously if we're gonna air we're gonna air along. But we're not worried putting it right in there I like this a lot well how about that Garrett dude that is that's right that's good we we aired on the short not too long. But that's okay I should just freaking flopped it no I bladed it it's not the thing okay that's literally where mine landed dude I'm playing really good right now let's run all the way through should be able to get putter on it at least man yeah I'll be honest with you from that lie I'm delighted with this result I thought I expected to be in the water okay Longport up the hill it's gonna break left now as it gets to the top it's gonna probably straighten out to be honest with you sit down sit down Pacey bit fiery there once it gets above the fridge it falls left obviously it doesn't turn into time. So I wouldn't give up the whole honestly okay I mean a little bit on the right. But not yeah give it up a little bit on the right just feel it about see I see about three inches out right four inches maybe I was really close that's good we're just a millimeter that was good just in case anyone was jacking yeah take a little flare there. For Rick just down the hill slightly right to left just outside the cup it's going to be fast as hell not that far shame match days three three with five to play all right we're coming up on the next.

Hole hole number 13.. And this is kind of a doozy it's a really really long par five 630 yards um I still got to be staying aggressive because I'm still three down. So there's water all up on the right side it's really really tough to get there in two so if I can hit a nice drive I'll get there in two um I mean Rick's just playing really good right now I just gotta I just gotta play better we might be down it's not out we've had a little bit of a minor setback we're gonna have a major come back uh we're still feeling good um normally if there wasn't much of a bridge you can go through the Gap in the trees. But I think today.

With this breeze it's almost down the right hand side uh I mean the big boys some might be one of them could go through the Gap in the trees. But I think Safety First. For this one oh no that's wet maybe not I saw it bounce like six times that might be short of it yeah that we might be short of it very very basically it's the same shot as we had on two par fours ago the dog yeah same Drive that's what I wanted that's what I wanted go might be a little that's water that might be wet dude that was terrible this was absolutely unreal I was up here. For caddy and just wait till I tell you what this bounce did this thing I kid you not was coming in with some heat catches Center of whatever this fluff of stuff is. And then.

It's not too lucky because he's behind the fluff next.

To it but it caught this hopped up sat there it had enough Pace it was. For sure in the water but now he's got a chance Mac got a very lucky bounce too but yeah I hope you are enjoying this match there's still a lot of golf left to be played let's see what happens stay tuned to the end the Matt's Matt's a scrappy golfer when it comes to matches I'm up I'm up I'm in the living room you cannot there's no way yeah there's no way dude Matt skipped over a car path Fairway no yes that's actually good that is amazing come on we needed that we actually did bring me 300 yards out. But you know we'll go before we'll drive no we're not gonna do that we're let's see our layup number's like honestly it's fine like you get in a fly you want to hit a four. And what do you want yeah I'm gonna just go just just over left a little left of that little bump right there. And I'll be in the Fairway got nine nine it's gonna play a big big big big hook oh it's got a hook oh no that's in the water that's literally in the water I don't know might be wet that may be water might be wet might have gone too much I needed to like Boomerang it left. And it didn't Boomerang okay Matt second shot at 305 yards. For the pin so I'm guessing you are going. For it yeah I'm gonna go. For it with my forearm here now I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go over this hump uh it'll give me a good it'll give me a good angle into this next.

Shot yeah left is your friend yeah oh the little baby drop perfect that's money yeah that's money I'll give you that one that is mine nice Fairway yes all right okay. So it's looking like my second shot might be wet yeah because it was directly on this one I needed to hook it hook it hook it hook it. And it didn't it drew but it didn't hook so apparently shot needed I mean I hate to say it. But it's looking pretty good for me right now I'm quite a distance away from here but if I can knock it on the Green from here with the penalty shot it's not out the rounds of possibility it's gonna grab a ball okay 254 to the flag I've had one two drop from the water. For three this is. For four gotta get up and down from here really Three Wood yeah you'll probably need all the three wooded straight into the wind I think three would have a bit more thank you I think it's a full out of three wood yeah it's pretty much should be forwards three in the way okay 60. forget the water right yeah look above the water I don't see any water I don't see any water it's all dry land I don't know what you're talking about [Laughter] I'll go again I'm a tinker moment it's a scary shot I was scared because he has to hit it full like because you to get her over the water you have to smash it as hard as you can really you really do. Or just bail out left that's your only options okay second shot second option second ball go ahead all right thank you all right okay guy uh that didn't go to plan it didn't did it oh that was a daunting shot three one with all that water why are you not to go left I'm gonna go. For the green I've already taken apart yes you know my mistake I should have actually dropped in the rough a little bit of tea well you're too hot full left to go yeah win the next.

One when the uh path path 370 255 yards through it over water okay. So as unfortunate as that is. For Rick and again believe me guys everybody watching this I have been there so many times all this and good could have we're all humans it happens it was a scary shot I am now only two down coming into I believe we're going hole number 17. which is a big part three. And I honestly I'm feeling pretty good right now um again is as bad of a shot as that was from Rick it you know 17 is a tough hole. So I really need all the all the help I can get there it feels really weird driving on this side shout out England I tell you six hole in the match current score the two up after that pathetic master we're here though on on the iconic part three here at JCB 255 yards. But a little bit shorter than that just downhill but the wind is into a little bit of Breeze what are you going with Matt um I got a little foreign here get a little far around yeah I got a little I'm gonna hit a four. But it's gonna be a little okay Garrett that's literally. So good dude I heard trees I think well the good news is even if you go in the water you can drop out of the island then.

This is someone like this is actually some of my best golf I've ever played you'll be able to drop it right I've got three Wards I don't think it's all of the three Woods well I don't I'm not getting there with three iron this is. So good I'm gonna just try and play a little fade all right get on dry land follows car path I heard car passed okay dang it I heard carpath that would have been fine without carpath it would have been fine if it didn't hit it. But I heard it clanky it hit something over there yeah dude me. And Rick unbelievable golf this is this is the best golf I think you've ever seen on this channel it might well thanks you definitely hit ground on those you definitely landed on the island somewhere. For sure no I'm actually on the Tee Box you might be in the green oh me. And Rick are literally just this is some Stellar golf you guys. So you're telling me even though you hit it this far away that's a cheat code I would aim for the water at some point so if you hit it in you just have a pretty nice drop all right okay. So it looks like we're both in the water I've pushed my three wood it's hit the path here the cart path bounce through on the 18th tee and land up in the water might end up in the water anyway so he's on the round side so no real advantage to anyone. But arguably match drop's going to be slightly easier because I think you can drop it in this little corner here right here yeah I think you can drop it there okay oh I like it are you guys gonna get my drop. But I'm dropping right here look at that Gap Garrett that's perfect yeah we've we've played this to perfection oh that landed just on too Garrett that was money perfect shot dude I'm. So good come on baby okay. So after taking a penalty drop after uh finding the water got a little shot here over the couple of bunkers oh it's one bunker but it's gonna go over twice pins just over the edge Matt's on the green this has to go on the Green oh no is that the water it's gone yeah it's in the water okay I wanted to hit it in a bunker. And I scull it across the green rig all right come on start a shot water was it foreign this is the best golf in the world definitely I would say top two players right here yeah going at it man yeah Scotty shuffler Scotty Chef learned nothing this is like yeah a little right to the left okay it's a tapping. For you okay. So I'm gonna have to take another panel to drop here so this will be my one drop. For two play for three drop for four play for five it's gonna go in oh this looks really nice look at this look at this look at this oh nice shot Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick and Morty Rick and Morty all right that's the one that I needed first time you know all right right to the left let's just dial it in my padding is literally money I just have to put this no no okay actually I like that boy the spot all right here we go this is. For uh bogey one of the water two drop hitting three three on the green putting for four Rick and Morty Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick and Morty yes I made a putt. And it was. For bogey Rick that's what we do around here it's like a little Tiger Woods. And Phil Right Here best golf in the world we're gonna hold comfortably with it right interested we're making an interesting match right now bro you need to go I'm just one okay that hole hurt me I played it nicely. So far and that was a disaster it's what 17 can do to you dude dude no no dude you said make it. And what did I do right shut your mouth. And actually you made it I made a bogey such a good golf you guys okay no that was actually a really good boat you gotta yeah I gotta admit myself I gotta admit it to myself. And all of you people watching you wonderful humans that was that was my best putt all week you know I feel like when you don't have your best day you just gotta take what you can get. And right now I'm taking it all in you're taking it all in and you're taking it all in with pride I really am good question here's the thing here's why I'm like when you're playing really bad you have a really bad day like myself and Rick are having right now if you Embrace that. And you have your the right people by you there's not there's no problems I'm literally I'm having. So much fun and when the less and less the less and less that you start thinking about your golf game and how technical it needs to be the better you actually start playing for me I'm just Matt's punching bag I'm just rock I'm here uh you know anytime he gets angry misread whatever yeah you can you can blame me. For anything and everything especially when you're not playing well you hit a shank that was my fault that's right see that didn't feed by that was my bad read you know what I'm saying that's the way to be I feel like you gotta have someone there the caddy is literally the most important. And I bet some of the PGA tour players and and DP tour players probably do the same exact thing where they they maybe blame their caddies. Or something their caddies are like give me all the heat I'll take it off you. And you just keep focusing on what you're doing and play well that's what you need that now you need you literally do especially when you're playing you know as good as I am okay you just we just made this very interesting we have I I am. So happy that I'm playing here I mean I'm honestly I'm not playing the best. But I'm having a lot of fun and that's that's that's what it's all that's what it's all about playing goodies also playing good is great. But you know whatever with that all right so we got three holes to go this is uh this is our next.

Final path. For over water carry bunker there at 260. left of that is where you need to be ideally. And you've got a nice shot into the green yeah you good yeah driver I mean look three wood in Three Wood yeah driver may just be a little too much Club you know. So a little smooth three Woody if you're gonna find out are you kidding me that's. So good oh not sure it landed on left side of the hole with a bit of draw the bank might have just saved it how did I hit it that left you guys need to stay away from three Woods. And Water yeah yeah you're right those baby I drop drive it from now on right driver straight at the flag nice t-shirt here need to step up. And hit one no Rick do not follow what I'm doing dude me. And Rick good all right that's five balls three holes come on baby let's go drop Rick let's go make these triples well I think I need to hit from here that's a fact okay three off the T Yes Rick that is what I like to see Mr bunker stay left stay left great bounce oh why did that not come the first time get a boy in there Gary you look like a literal gerbil a little gerbil with your nose way up in there no this is I'm I'm just. So happy to be here you know it's first time ever in the UK playing golf in the UK great Scotland Yard yeah flip you're out we're taking a drop Matt I like this we have an angle actually it's up. For a second we'd be blocked out by the trees we're totally fine what's the artist here Sharp that's my job once 57. you can double check. But I think that is I like a smooth nine here rat turd let's get this out of the way because you never know no you're good okay my friend 158. that's what I mean it's definitely a smooth one yeah it's a smooth little knife yeah it's because the rough's gonna boost it just a tad you'll get rough boosted. For sure just a little bit oh okay oh what it was a little high on the face crazy he's trying to draw it in there right on you I did it died that's all right though we're still up got 134 yards it's my fourth shot really wherever I put this whenever Matt puts his we're kind of level pegging again I'm just gonna go right hand side of the flag one hop. And stop come on nice golf shirt oh what the chunking on chunk and run Rick was like I'm gonna be in the bunker. And now he's got 25 feet I didn't think I was clearing the water dude that's actually hilarious he's got mud inside of his nose either I've just over clipped. And chunked it on the last one I've done there's no other thing he's putting. For double no yeah no no no that was his fourth shot ah yeah. And we're chipping for par oh so I gotta get if I can get a nice up. And down here and he misses we'll be all square coming into the next.

Hole which is actually kind of huge I think the way you can put pressure on rigs if you put it inside of them right here from here if I put it inside a rig here absolutely gonna put some pressure on them let it just kind of come in there I'll go away with that that wasn't a good strike was it wasn't what you call a ball. And turf type of strike it was more of a Turf. And ball than a lot more Turf however. we've got this port now after the shot from Matt with level pegging on this hole we're inspecting the library now it's actually sitting up and so see that it's like sitting up a little bit there's some grass underneath so you're just gonna be aware of that okay how you feeling I'm feeling really solid actually I can put some pressure on Rick here because he's not uh he's fighting. For bogey I'm chipping for par we'll put a little pressure on if I get this close oh that was. So close to being so good they started coming back too there dang it's all right two plus for bogey here someone's got to make it let me tell you something I don't take anything for granted with these Labs spent enough time with them to know that anything could happen at any point you see that leaf out there G what do you think about that not break that much I don't remember what this does from over here I like I feel like I like that a starting point. But by the time it gets a leak it needs to be inside of it okay it's on the left side all right just just feel this one I like that a starting point oh it did break actually a little more than I thought Garrett right. For five that broke way more than I thought and so actually somehow win the hole all right this is easy this is lightweight pretty flat right to left port pretty fast. And it's not up or down Ah that's good there right in it money that's it should I give that more speed Matt to have the hole and nicely done all right whole halved in sixes oh maybe there's a golf you'd like to see holy moly I'm playing you know this is some top tier golf I'll say it again two to go I'm still just I didn't get out why not all right I believe it's it's my t-box still it is. And it's almost drywall it if you just take the driver just say whatever it to it because you've you've ripped it so well today.

And you can actually hit it right everything on the right is super thin. So you're gonna find it hey Phil powerful Drive will powerful. But that's about a lot of bunkers and the whole crew is turned on yeah why would everybody be in here I'm not sure five extra caddies. So this is it they come. For the high quality golf mat dude they have and they have gotten it baby all right nice little driver here gotta be smooth with it gotta make it oh dude look at that are you kidding me unbelievable. And I got a great kick that's what golf's about I thought you're doing all right to be honest you see it that was doing all right. For you that I wasn't going to hit driver. But I'd be excited to see that I still am I think it's gonna be a nice duck hook because I feel like anything it's harder to lay up let's get in that Fairway it's quite a hard shot I'm gonna try. And run it just in that little Gap just right that bunker in the middle of the Fairway okay somebody just made a hole in one on Par Four go go go go go go go go go go go go go go that's gonna be just left the green dang that is a good shot I think that's all right that's exactly what I wanted to do without saying actually nice thanks bro okay you're fine there that one's your fault all right good honestly if I think about it you're right oh it's right there yeah you're fine here that's literally perfect I've never seen a better shot in my life that's unbelievably like the best position he's gonna be in the bunker he's gonna have a tough shot in dude I mean that's. So good dude I look like a rabbit he's got 96 I like a 60 in the back of your stance you got it you got all right no way trust because you have to land this soft yeah. And your carry number is 92 which we had already. And we decided that was a 60 right right in the back of your stance trust it look at that all right look at that okay golf's unbelievable I scooped it still good that's on you that's your fault that was my fault seriously let's go play it. So almost almost very good it's going to come off the back of that bunker. And actually finishing green side bunker the pin just there not a lot of green to work with so it's going to require a little bit of finesse Matt's there just at the front of the Green in two I mean that's like the perfect spot to land it okay let's do it open the face splash the sand let's try. And get this one close oh this thing that's actually pretty good from there good shot there right yeah that's a tough line I could have been a bit cuter. But I didn't really want to risk it we'll take that from there all right I got a I gotta chip this in you know what I'm saying well right to left brakes got a little 56 degree here I kind of like where I'm at I like to play foreign love that though oh that was. So clean yet really good give it a chance it's all gone very it's all gone very quiet tension is in the air I've got this put. For birdie that's putting for power if I know what they're saying I win the whole win the match oh yeah okay. So it's pretty straight however. it is downhill just got to get the ball at the right speed don't want it running away dead weight front of the cup that's the plan [Music] oh no Ricky that's a little little work left there too soft Matt. For par all right I gotta make this because if we tie this hole I'm gonna be one down going to the next.

One which is our last hole I think I'm gonna make this ah oh look at that Garrett look at that that's literally. So good it's good all right that pot was literally. So win the match you know if you hit that like a foot further and six inches more to the left okay downhill just off the left side yeah I suck that's fine now if I suck it's okay absolutely I'm terrible to go off oh we've Rams it in the back Robin then.

Thank you Mark that was a pleasure good Puck man I wouldn't say the best golf yeah I mean it's actually the best best goal the best you know what you know why it's the best golf because it's entertaining golf that's right. And that's what we're here for guys hope you enjoyed it make sure you do like. And subscribe Garrett jump over here my friend I'm here these guys The Good Good Fellas are bossing it make sure you jump over to our YouTube channel you do want to make sure you check them out because these guys are absolutely going to the Moon you're not going to want to miss it they're getting close to a million subscribers make sure you get them there we'll see you next.

Time peace.