In this video i'm playing against sir nick faldo that's right six-time major champion he's won the masters three times he's won the open three times he's also been former world number one but can he beat me round here at crude. And bay this is gonna be fun right first hole here is that to a fourth hole at crude. And baits a path three but in this wind it's gonna be playing more like a par five it's 196 yards apparently but i can't see anything like a driver i can't see the green let's see oh it's a stunning hole it's gorgeous it's beautiful yeah it's stunning. But with you know blowing into a a uh what's this the wind direction just bad south it's better to be warm then.

This is the warm wind oh i'm glad i thought this is the southerly wind wow that that messed me up i had no idea i was pointing sound this is impossible you know i have not played in march in great britain probably since the 70s seriously i have seriously i haven't i mean once you once you've gone to america. And practice in florida that's where you go you don't so this is what i used to do as a kid yeah. So i've got to pretend i'm 20 years old now how many how many club win do you think this is well this is what they say is that's probably a four club win. But i've got no freaking idea what four clubs [Laughter] when it blows like this it doesn't matter what yeah now you could take i mean you could hit a driver up there. And chip it that's probably the sensible shot anything with a big face drivers might be chipping drivers why not for a laugh let's have a let's have a driver shipping championships driver par three of course oh willow they probably pay you more than they pay me for this yeah i i've got it. For the love of the game as well so there you go all right you can decide where we see from well anywhere here you you've got your honor i will have a laugh first oh great okay i need i need a good laugh to start the day i'll do my best that is a crazy win what ball are we playing. And getting in case he gets serious got a title title is two i've got a bridge stone oh wow [Music] i didn't see it darn it come on [Music] we're on the green really we're on the green that's not fair that's impressive a little low bullet that's impressive oh good ball low one similar line to mine yeah yeah just short. And i think that will run on i think it's findable very nice very nice. So what are you thinking over a put like this well i i walk it off. So i got some clue how hard to hit it i've got my own secret formula for that oh really so have you placed out yards or feet no follow those steps okay whatever they are. So like just what are your stats my yard is a perfect yard it was perfected okay we had to be didn't know we had to the old days we had to walk we used to test ourselves we actually did we we knew a hundred yards. So you'd walk and see if you could do a walk 100 dollars there's no point in you being. For out because so the good old days we had to before we had the predominance you know the wheel yeah the pedometer was called the wheel in the trade the wheel i've got a wheel. And so before we had those we had to hand walk walk golf courses and ride it down back a bunker oh my god seagull on the hill that's how you did your yardages. So um yeah i just i got my own little former. So that for me is a what i would call a 10 10 you know 10 back 10 through. And it is that almost maximum maximum no it's not max no no that's it's trying to get one into the wind. And i'm a little uphill i bet i can hit this at 12 12 in my my scale. So i'll try that is that is that speed. Or length length of strokes it doesn't matter what it is i'm guessing that something moves back 12 12 sort of things i know it's not two two yeah i know it's not 20 20. okay. So i'm guessing 10 12 12 will get me the right length. And that's okay. And then.

It's we've got the wind and it's got to move three feet left to right to release so i'll try it see if we put it all together see what happens into the sand all right slow that is like a wow needed 15 15. i didn't calculate the uh 200 pound of sand on the green as well oh shoot that's not even closed okay it's gonna have. So i think you'll be really quick from that side this bit is going to be super fast oh i think it's this will be as quick as augusta national this one oh yeah i don't know if you play mind games with me there i think you should that's really delicate about 15 feet left i'm not sure i'm not sure oh yeah really i mean just touch it just touch it just get it. Or run away you watch all right come on that's not that's not fair go sit guys bite oh i wanted to get it a bit closer than that so nick fowler for par very good oh my god you weren't expecting me a missingno were you good that changed your blood pressure this plot's just got double the length okay come on just imagine you got this. For a half in the ryder cup just imagine you've got it for a half with cernic faldo could you remind the ryder cup left to right wind downhill left a lot of loft on that putter i don't know what to do with that putter go blimey you've been practicing this morning first hole two pass not expected match all square all right what we're saying here just straight as you go yeah anything uh like i guess although the green's there tucked around the is that the yellow flag yeah it's possible i like the option there where it says four slot slash five [Music] wow hold on [Music] gosh golf sharp very good it's down the left anyway very good. So where's the flag way around the corner that yellow is that the yellow flag yeah yeah holy smokes there's miles away isn't it 224 to the middle apparently. So give us a bit of a description of the shot well we could be more you got you want to hit it alone you got a mound in front of you so you got probably gonna hit try and hit some kind of draw which is all opposites with the wind that's nothing easy about i don't think you can go that way if you want any if you hit a fade it would finish way right. So you're gonna try and hit that little bunker and tip a draw something okay see it yeah see some fancy shot this if i pull this off right here we go come on keep coming there's riding in the bunker right at the bunker might stay right of it i don't know oh yeah it might be bunker really might be it was heading that way that's pretty good tough that window hard off the left this is a path four they had like 225 yards left in i've just been told my golf ball is in uh what you guys in america call the fescue it's in the deep roof proper links right this ain't easy. And i'm not i'm not big i'm not kind of over hyping this shot i'm downhill in an awkward little lie straight back into the wind i'm never gonna reach this path four in two you have to play as tactically as i can yeah you know what that's. So nick might not be impressed but i'm bloody impressed with that shot that was class now i know we've played a match. But i might need your guidance here sure this is a shot i am terrible at well it's a good start okay i agree i've never seen you play. But i i've heard you're terrible yeah this is like 90 yards straight back into the wind off a tight line yeah all i can see is a shot that goes too high okay. So i think if without any gut i'd probably go on my 46 degree wedge uh-huh back in the stance. And try and trap something in there but i can never get direction then.

Okay well you block it here block it. Or or overcome statement yeah we got a movie go you use your chest more you're still using your arms you see you go like you do it all with your arms. So one day it goes that way another way so you got to do all of your chest. So still go with the 46 that's that's no i don't think in this well i don't how far you hit it. But i did my 46 about 125 on the fall really how well how far you got here 90. yeah we really really you would you would chip this you wouldn't even touch your wedges you grab your nine-iron okay if i was really trying to help you please i was telling you to chip a nine-nine it's like a half swing nine well you really gotta if you want it to go low take less loft yeah just a little little half swing one of them okay it's just like a real giant chip shot okay let's do it back in the stance. Or not oh yeah move it. But everything anything you feel like you've got to do. But definitely move your chest get the buttons and your shirt moving through you know what i would take that that's probably the best 90 yard into the wind you've ever hit in your life off [Music] he knows what he's all about when you've won six majors you kind of know what you're doing it's one of the nicest chippy nine-nines i've ever hit it's a similar idea here same idea hit it on the keep it low so certain it's about 40. five yards from the flag i'm going to go eight times eight iron i just don't want to there's no point in getting airborne is there. So a proper chip and run ship it yeah just see it just get it over the horizon. And make it run that's what i like it keep it on the ground right now what's your favorite club in the bag that's a good question is that because there's lots of choice. Or no choice yeah i like the ease i'm you know i'm trying to work this these seven words i've got just got myself one of these seven words because you know the end thing you know these guys hit it 260 yards. Or seven but yeah i can get by about 210. Or 215 which is that's kind of nice because you you know you can't mishit it. And it's a nice club to hit yeah today.

I can't only help you on one shot per hole okay that's all right yeah you [Laughter] i have an allowance okay come on up the hill right to left right to the into the wind a lot of grain a lot of loft boy you're gonna have to do something special with that old thing oh my god what a try gee it had a look i did well to dodge that bullet didn't i had a look wow right come on to win the hole to go one up through two oh no. Or maybe not you're saying are you kidding me i blocked it miss hit it hit it on the wrong line. And hit it and it went it i mean i tried. So i tried to miss but i it you know it didn't happen what's that saying the more you practice the luckier you get you must have draw that practice back in the day so nick faldo goes one up do you know where we're going on this hole well in between the two bunkers again it goes the green's right around the corner okay any tips when hitting downwind let's just use the wind i'm trying to work out was it going that way. Or that way it's going that way. So aim at the left bunker and let it the wind blow it i guess i should that is a1 yeah oh the wind would just help it oh i think it finished on top of the bunker you gotta be careful you don't end your career too early with that super weak grip i know it is weak in it oh you're gonna hurt yourself i hate that i hate that yeah. And i hate that well because it's weak i know it is that should be right. Or center there you go right there you strengthen the left side yeah just just do the left. And then.

Grip it right then.

I mean all right yeah that's better just just crank the left as much as you can. And then.

Go square and then.

Use the body yes i'm going to hit another one yeah joel's yo see if you're weak you have to use this hand. And so when you get strong you don't you don't use it and you hang on to it like that i just finally went between yeah right. So having a little bit of bother here i was hoping to smash one down there then..

But i pulled a touch left i think i'm sat on top of the nasty little bunker. So i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get to the green on this par five and two snake on the other hand couldn't have placed it in a better position could not have placed it perf more perfect i need to hold on to this match i need to get to the at least to the last hole right found it side of the hill not pretty no idea where i'm going 250 yards left [Laughter] the post up there wow too low well i don't know is that no good oh you got you got a head from the helicopter me off i still have no idea where the green is oh i can see a green side bunker oh wow i got thumbs up sir nick gave me the thumbs up. So i'll take that you're about 15 feet past it's very good okay take that yeah i think i'm about 80 yards playing 70 yards yeah. So i try and put some spin on it it's crazy so let's try trying to hit a spinner somehow right here we go that's right you get a little raffle of applause yeah that's a serious guess isn't it that is you don't get that in links often do you oh hit it hit it oh oh good truck oh my god yeah into par right. So nick don't don't ruin the whole video now by holding this i'm winning with one hole to go [Music] it's like your one it wants to just try doesn't that wants to just try at the end give it a little bit of a little bit of gary player [Music] oh my goodness golly blimey i should i should take this game up again 30 years late goes and just comes out here shoots one under we've got one more hole to go let's see if i can get some salvage something back that was pretty impressive he just doesn't miss he just doesn't miss right we were gonna play the final hole which was suggested the ninth. But you know what we've come up onto 90 here and this and nick have invented a new hole here at cruden bay from here normally you see going up to the left not today.

We are going to play down to that green right down there just in front of the hut which is 262 yeah it's down 12 degrees yeah. So that's only two it's playing two it's about 220 you see downwind and wind kind of this way well then.

Down with 220 downhill and then.

Down hit win it's probably only playing 200. 200 yards yeah it could be a 200 yard shot looks about well it is it's 260. okay let's do it. So do you have any do you have any car sponsors in on yours not. Yet no yeah we we say nearest to pin. For a lamborghini perfect yeah oh it's gonna be hilarious come on be hilarious the right edge of the green. And hope for all right oh come on wind it's good come on wind where is it oh nice. And just past pin high really bang got in line with the hutch where's it really do you see it yeah got it now awesome yeah that was a golf shot okay there is the pin. For a lamborghini did you say yeah you go we are yeah stay there there you go oh it's got a bit big is that well you no idea it looks rock solid down there yeah it's good how about that ah i guess that's the difference i guess that's the difference. So nick's hitted to here about kind of 25 foot back up the hill i went left i've kind of lost it so i'm going to have a put from his i'm gonna see if make a team eagle all right you wanna put my i'm gonna put with well after you okay we're gonna do a little scramble scramble watching it well i think a wind i think a foot okay i think a foot left on the left of this mark here up the hill somewhere there go on oh wow you knock it in. For birdie hopefully i get i hope i get that very good very impressive i don't believe it you're welcome that was brilliant that's a serious two we made up a golf hole. And they can only make a one to beat us exactly oh my god how about that we set a standard guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed the video make sure you like and subscribe go and check out cynic on all of his social media and we are now going to jump into the warmth. And record a podcast which will be coming soon if it's not already out i'll put a link holy smokes that was fun that was amazing see you soon.