Right guys so i thought i'd do an updated what's in the bag been swapping. And changing quite a bit over the last few months so i wanted to do an updated version of where i'm up to with with everything that's currently in my bag everything i would go out. And play with tomorrow i'm also going to start to open it up though if you want me to test the club i'm going to every time i do a course vlog open the suggestions up on facebook. And twitter to see which clubs you want to take out so which drivers which three words which wedges anything that i've got currently from a sample and you want to take out the golf course you can have your say i'm going to talk about what is currently currently in my golf bag. And what i've been hitting what i've been using start for the driver so this is the driver the ping g30 ls tech low spin tech i've got it in extra stiff shaft the tor 65 gram. And i've actually delofted it a tiny bit to 9.9 degrees of loft so i've just taken it down to 9.9 i'm going to be honest i'm hitting it well he says just before he abouts to hit a shot i've been hitting it very well i had a g30 a while ago. But always found that the spin numbers were a little bit too high. So with the ls tech the central gravity has moved further forward in the head and it's reduced the spin numbers enough for me to be getting maximum distance out of the shot which i'm really enjoying let's give it a bit of a hit the only thing is it's very loud very loud i've just been hitting it. So straight i don't think i'm i got that high enough on the face. For it to be a long one yeah i didn't quite get it high enough on the face right to be mega long. But i know it's been really straight when i've been hitting it so make sure i can get on a little bit higher on the face seems to give me just very very good spin numbers that's not because it was just off the bottom side of the club the busy day testing actually say. So this is not. So much hitting balls actually rob uh pottermore 13 handicap has been hitting some shots so that's kind of the first opening shot for a while actually and then.

I've just been enjoying hitting this driver i seem to have found you know you just find something that you quite like i'm not saying i don't swap and change i swap and change all the time i'm a nightmare for drivers but just find one at the moment that seems to give me the right combination spin launch forgiveness uh easy to look at it's just very loud i don't think that i'm actually that great to be fair it was a bit off the bottom of the face that's a slightly better one it's gonna be long just that low spin a little bit left. But it's just i'm just getting out there at the moment i feel really confident with this club 306 yards and i feel very very confident so that's the driver three wood now i've been toying with i've been using this only a few times now i must admit on a golf course i don't hit that many three woods um if i'm playing safe off a tee i'll generally hit my little driving iron don't hit three woods that often even into par fives it's normally an eye in a long iron more than the three would so i've got the taylormade r15 3 wood i've got it in 15 degrees the standard loft i can change the loft on it. And i've got the sliding weight smack bang in the middle so i've not not changed the weight i've got this in a stiff flex this is the speed of 67 shaft in stiff flex i just like it you know it just gets out there about 240 250 it's nice to look at feels good that's a bullet of a fight it feels good it's you know it's got a lot of very good strength to the to the club. And it's doing what i need it to it's filling the gap just under my throat i don't want to go too long i don't want to go massively long i didn't hit on great actually is it a better one it's off the deck that's better. So it's just it's just enough distance it's just giving me enough distance to not threaten my driving distance but to give me some stability off a t-shirt if i need it or off a really long par five if i need it so that's the three wood and then.

A toy i've had in the bag for a while inherited this when i was down at the open last year at hoy lake. And it's the adams this is a prototype this is actually a dhy prototype kind of driving hybrid i've got an 18 degrees. And it's just a lovely club black head strong finish project x 6.0 degrees a 6.0 0 shaft it's got a nice curve to the face on off-center hits i still find that i hit a lot of good shots with it find that if i'm going to play safe off the tee this would be normally the route i would go down hitting the little adams let's give this a poke down there normally about 220 odd carry. And it's very versatile i can i can use this a lot of different ways. So i can manage to shape it high low left right i can do a lot with it which is what i really like about this club 223 carry it's about where it should sit i love the flight of it it's just great i feel it feels nice. And forgiving as well and i love the headquarter that's the most important thing this is a specialized hoi lake head cover a little pom-pom effect which i think is great uh just just a very good club moving into my irons now i've got the s ping s55s ones i got fitted. For end of last year i carry from a four iron down to a nine iron in these so if i grab the let's grab the seven uh green dot so slightly upright only slightly uh stiff flex this is just the normal cfx flex uh standard grip size uh i've got my game golf i've not used it that often. Yet i probably need to start using it a bit more but i'm on game golf as well guys if you want to check me out on there rick shields i think i'm rick shields pj on there i've only got one round on there i've promised to use it a bit more this year let's see how this performs i would say a seven normally hits me about about 170 in fact let me put myself to a flag that's about 170 away. So i've moved myself to a flag actually that's 181 away but we should see the ball land in the front of the green see how it reacts got a bit left that one stay on the green oh just missed out what i like about these clubs is that they're very good-looking clubs i had the s56s before that. So the s55s are just a nice natural progression straight into the next.

Set um they feel good they fly nice they're a good consistent golf club unless i've got this from four down to nine iron that's a nice shot it's big i've absolutely killed that i'm trying to compensate. For the last one i've absolutely killed it let's go one more one nine four i'm saying it's consistent i go and hit the one longer shots i've ever hit with the club let's go last one that's the light nice flag okay normally very consistent not. So much on those shots they were a bit a bit pants those ones moving into the wedges. So now i've got a 46 a 50 a 54 and a 58 at the cleveland cleveland rtx 588 rotex 2.0 wedges it's a bit of a mouthful i've got the 46 and the 15 the chrome finish and i've got the uh 4 54 and the 58 in the tour finish which is a slightly rusty version let me pull out myself away. For about say about 100 yards away with the uh sand wedge the 54. so i've got the 54 in hand i'm 97 away from this flag let's see how it reacts now i've known they are the grippiest faces ever from a wedge very very grippy faces. And you'll see this once it reacts once it lands into the green watch how quickly it stops it just stops dead the grooves just seem to just suck into the face something hard it's great great feel when you're confident you can pitch it into the green even on short shots. And you know they're going to stop pretty quickly starting again watch the spin on this just straight on the flag spin spin oh it's trying to come back let's go two more oh let's go one more anyway let's try. And pitch this one straight in get some spin on this one so like i said i've got this from 46 degree which is my pitching wedge 50 degree 54. And 58 i just feel very confident when i pitch into the green that the spin is going to be there last club in the bag probably the club that i i don't know i've swapped in the past quite frequently. But not so much recently i've been a little bit more i've been i've thick with one putter for a while but i've only just recently swapped let me get some of the golf balls that we're using as well so now i'm using this is the spider mallet the 72 it's the one with a very big handle counterbalance putter it's got a lovely big face to it i feel like a mallet putter is going to give me a bit more stability when i'm hitting i find that when i'm using the bladey putter which i've probably used. For the last three or four months i've struggled with it slightly because i find that the off-centered hits weren't as forgiving so i've gone for a bigger head to see if that gives me forgiveness and i'm also trialling at the moment the new shrixen ball the new zed star i use the the silver the gold packet which is the softer one. So it's like the pro v1 equivalent i've got to do some more ball tests in the future as well i've got the callaway supersofts. And some of the pro v1 coming i've enjoyed the hitting the taylormades as well but it just has a very nice feel off the face with the ball and certainly hitting with wedges it's very nice so i've got now quite a quite a nice set like i said i do change a lot because i do review quite a lot of golf clubs. But to have your say if you want to decide what club that i use when i go out and play on these my course vlogs you've got to go and check me out on facebook page and my twitter because you get to vote on what club i get i am going to take out with me on certain course videos. So we've got a quick rundown ping g30 ls tech r15 3 wood adams prototype driving iron four to nine iron ping s55s i've got the cleveland wedges from 46 up to 58 i've got the taylormade putter using the shrixen ball guys if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment down below what is in your bag i'd love to hear tell me everything you've got in your bag i'd love to see what the trends are. And what what's popular out there guys do subscribe as always if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up that's how you feel. And i'll see you next.

Time hopefully not changing the clubs too often can't promise too much thanks for watching guys we'll see you soon.