All right guys welcome back exciting video today.

I'm here at my home Golf Course Mario at Worsley Park. And today.

I'm gonna break 65 yes I am because we've got a guest to the channel Mr Grant Horvath Rick thank you. For having me how are you pal I'm feeling good I uh a little bit jet lagged from the flight. But I'm feeling ready for today.

So we've got a week's worth of content coming your way Grant's flown all the way over from Jupiter Florida and uh in tradition of you flying over here to UK your golf club didn't make it they didn't make it so we threw together a set out of your Warehouse in like 10 minutes so we got it we got some we got some uh TaylorMade clubs going on here we got a stealth drive we got a bunch I actually think we did really well yeah considering it was it was thrown together quick. So the clubs have arrived in the UK they're hopefully gonna meet Grant somewhere along the journey but we're gonna kick things off we were gonna kick things off with a little match a little Rick V grunt right. So I wanted a bit of that he wanted me I wanted you to be jet lagged I wanted you to be not fresh and ready and I wanted to hit you while I had the opportunity however. I don't think I can take you on without your real clubs yeah you're gonna beat me anyway to beat me with not your uncles would have been more embarrassing yeah. So no Rick wanted me to jump straight off the plane. And come to the T and then.

Play me without any sleep that's what he wanted but so instead we've switched the format and today.

We're going to kick things off with a nice break 65 scramble me. And Grant I feel like this could be a real partnership yeah I do I feel like we've we've had some incredible scores in the break 65 series again what is your lowest we've shot 64 a couple of times okay however. I think here today.

In my home golf course off a nice comfortable tea it's nothing crazy with the teas aren't far back today.

It's raining in typical Manchester sense I feel like I wanted to give you the most authentic version of Manchester. And this is it rainy we're going to shoot on the 65 today.

It's a past 71 okay probably off these Tuesday maybe six thousand eight hundred six thousand nine hundred yards right. So I think we're gonna kill it seven under that's all we need let's do it kick things off you go first right bud man no warm-ups here we don't I guess you guys don't warm up on the Rick Shields show do you powerful to kick things off just over 400 yards it's pretty much dead straight you want to. But left side is fine anything down the left is absolutely fine. But we want to kick things off with a birdie straight out the blocks now we are also a little bit racing against the the sunset today.

So we have to fly around hopefully the group's in front of us know the urgency of what is about to take place behind them. And they keep the pace of play nice and quick [Music] good oh that's right between the two bunkers I'll take that T I think that's okay no tears I'll get some teas right come on pal I'm relying on you to find the Fairway safe it's down the left yeah down the left it's probably gonna be taking rest talk about a weird sling there we're gonna get used to it okay. So we found grants just in the left roof I'd actually just put it in the bunker on the right which is quite rare. For me I don't normally miss it right on this hole this is normally where I am we're quite a long way in though 186. yeah I mean we both didn't hit great try oh do you want to lead us off I've gone new one eight six are you hitting seven no I got a five ground has just had a tech just litch as we're teed off to say his clubs are actually on route from Manchester Airport to here. So you never know Midway through the Midway through the video we might be swapping back to your normal clubs outfit and clubs it's going to be a center of the green right there oh that's really quick actually you take a bit off that uh pretty just a normal swing pretty full swing there okay I'm gonna go five as well all right the toe a little right very towie it's okay you're on the Dance Floor I think. Or at least very very close yep we got a part uphill okay. So we're on the green um long put though very long putt is this first hole considered easy if you find Fairway yeah yeah. But to be honest most of the time part of this hole is not the worst car in the world okay it's okay we have to make Power though right all right Rick you want to go first. And potty yeah go on I feel like because I know the Green's a little bit better okay okay very long range birdie put here we're gonna keep the flag in gonna be aggressive oh yeah oh yeah few little bounces. And holes did you see that I mean yeah that kind of that ball was catching air a little left to right yeah it didn't move loads see your objective here is to get it past the hole okay [Laughter] I gotta get used to these welcome to England right pal a little tester. For par I think every good scramble I have had a 64 in a in a break 65 Scramble With Charlie Hull after bogey in the first wow. So it's not out if we make bogey let's not talk about that right let's just make this inside right Edge nice pot there we go there we go level par through one nice little soft opening and uh it's all about birdies now Birdie's Galore all right Rick I'm gonna go first yeah I've got a few teas oh parallel present I think it's been like Christmas day. For you today.

Yeah I never have teeth never ever full sack clubs it's like a giveaway prices like a Prize winner today.

Right Par Four fairly short one there's 360. in dry conditions you can get front edge. But I think today.

Is going to be a little bit too wet a couple of bunkers down the right you want to avoid. So anything just left of the flag's good ground okay just left of the flag let's change the order you can tee off I'll do the first push you can do the first shots okay. And then.

Once we find that combination well then.

We unlocking birdie sauce everywhere let's do it. And we never change it up then.

We never change it [Music] perfect I felt good yeah it's really good okay guys A1 is that well. Or yeah pretty good pretty good I'm still it's a little wet today.

Trying to not fall over. But it's where every day I'm the king yeah I'm the king of excuses it's okay. So I feel like a few shots are gonna go it's cool though we'll find it though. So we've got a busy week lined up oh yeah I'm excited we got some good ones coming I can't wait like today.

We're friends yeah. But the second [Laughter] yeah I think we've got a nice blender content this week where it's going to be a little bit of fun videos this one. And a couple others put in some serious golf videos we got some Great Courses too we've got some great golf courses here okay that pin is just over a little knuckle you kind of want to be slightly right pin High okay left isn't your friend on the shot slightly right pin high 58 yards yeah carry this what 55 55. And it'll stop it'll stop super quick gotcha thank you yeah that's okay well I got the right yeah you got the distance control good which is probably a little bit too far right just a little bit that's not a bad spot I've got longer put than expected yeah we don't want that length all day somewhere between the flag. And the ball all right skinny sit come left it's okay ah let's make it skinny let's make any time you get a new putter in the bag there's usually that like a honeymoon phase. And I feel like today.

I'm gonna have a honeymoon phase with this guy okay just off left to right it is downhill. But it's not going to be rapid gosh that was a good roll great roll yeah it broke a lot at the end snapped right off at the end right at the last like three four okay I got the line no excuse right needed to play some more big chance Miss there a little bit from 58 yards level par no hand done next.

Hole hardest on the golf course all right. And Grant third hole par for dog leg to the left slightly into Breeze and is one of the longer holes on the golf course here 440. And I feel a breeze coming in a slightly interface just you've just got to hit one down there where where the stripe is in the Fairway it's kind of the line on the left side of that okay in between the bunker. And the and the dark side of the Fairway gotcha that's the shortcut that is the shot pretty good yeah it's good that. And especially if it's taking a nice hop off that car path that's really nice right I'll try and put one down the middle get this driver rolling oh nice swing we got options that's exactly where I meant to hit it so that's good great one straight down the middle grants might just be a little bit sure to line in because you took the shortcut which is good we just got to see one drop I'm telling you see that one putt drop s it let's change up the order right let's uh I'll go first here okay that was the order book which oh that was you're right you're right okay. So um we've got a good options there mine was in the Fairway. And actually not a bad spot to be fair ground was just in the left rough here probably just had me by about 10 yards. Or so so we've gone for out the rough yes. But 10 yards less distance so we're hoping we can get it close from here what have you got in your hand yeah I need iron yeah I'm the same I might hit a seven really with this wind uphill it's probably playing 16. well no he's playing one five three okay. So it's 150 playing one five three okay I think you'll get there easy with eight oh I went underneath it just a little bit it's gonna come up short I'm confused now what to hit I feel like I like the eight. For you yeah I feel like Seven's gonna come out I like the eight I think it's gonna jump out yeah oh okay okay I'm gonna go a tying it's like I feel like I can just trap on a little bit get one chasing back there oh yeah should be the right distance just through a little bit maybe pin High nice shot right yeah it came out a little bit hotter. So you're working I like that little pre-shot routine you're working on keeping that very it feel I've strengthened my left grip and I feel like the face is literally pointing straight down I can see that. And it's not but that's my feel right so I've always and I'm guilty of it many many many years I've always been open and closing right and I've been through spells where I've kept it square and shut right and open and I've been through pockets of golf like that and I can do it. But what as golfers we fall back into Old Habits oh yeah. And because I've not been hitting golf balls or perhapsing as much so I'm just trying to get that little feeling and if I can click it if I can get it to work it feels better it feels like my very powerful ball flight there it feels like the misses are much less sporadic right because whenever you're trying to close. Or you know it's hit and missing exactly it's all timing yeah let's see if we can steal one here I feel like the hardest hole in the golf course if we can make a birdie here we have two par fives coming up very shortly. So yeah part three next..

And two par fives Target for the front nines gotta before remember oh yeah. And then.

And we do that again on about nine it's it's easy in it easy game okay that was weak Focus. So much online then.

I didn't think about distance it's quite a bit out here Grant yeah that's what I'm thinking just inside that piece of grass yeah perfect [Music] oh I mean let me let me repair your pitch mark yeah I think I damaged the car in the bucket he said get it there I got it there you really did oh God that felt good though I really I thought it was gonna slow down at the hall oh God there's not much in it. So we'll go with yours grant for par good pot Rick oh man I thought we had it I really did to be honest out of the first three holes that's the whole you're less likely to birdie. And it's the whole we had the best chance on yeah okay. So third hole par three you can go first pins right at the back you don't want to go long long isn't your friend. But we've got to attack pins ground's wet so we can throw it in there. And hopefully it sticks okay you're gonna go with a little seven little seven here little UK hole in one that would be cool this week Grant I'll be phenomenal do it oh nice I was ready to run nice we actually just uh we walked down here in the UK we're very politely just shake hands. And go well done on your holding one yeah to the green [Music] stay nice extend it get back there get there okay yeah I think that that flushed one might have got there. Or a thin seven might be better see I think we're now just getting warmed up because we missed that rain session I think by the third hole we're flying we're ready to play doesn't look like there's too much break I don't off the ground's great tea shop really nice tea shot we've got a look here to open the birdie account up the hill right to left not a lot in it I'm just gonna go on the right edge of the hole yep no that was beautiful okay wow did he did I start it further right than that. Or did it just not break it just maybe you started a hair right before you wanted to wow I thought that was a really good put I think I go just outside right well I I thought I'd gone there right. And it now it started there you might have started just a little too far I think you can just be on that right side of the hole okay it's in the same it did the same pop it in. So we've got the pan oh man I really I think it was straight I think I think we just misread it no I really do I think it did not we were right there I think there's that strike I think it was dead straight oh man right score through three holes dead straight I pulled it level par two par fives coming up though we've basically not being funny you come all the way from Jupiter. And you've done nothing yet no I know it is I gotta get used to the UK I got I gotta I gotta pick it up yeah I think. So for an eagle on one of these next.

Two holes we can get to the Green in two. And that's when we we save in our birdie puts so we can hold an eagle. But it's true all right we don't want birdies we want Eagles here we go par five 529 yards slight dug leg to the right can you see where the light side of the Fairway is Grant yep perfect there that's fine on that yeah all right let's go two part fives back to back this one Doug leg right the next.

One dog leg left Green Light Special [Applause] okay yeah that is perfect nice swing nice thing you did it there too I think those two are good yeah you really right there is that better that was good all right two driver shots got a little bit of distance back yeah level peg in I'm gonna I'm gonna let we're gonna choose grants because you know he's a guest to the UK. And all we'll go with Grant's t-shirt um and we've got prop we're going to be playing about 230 yards into the pin. But it's very getable you don't want to be you don't want to be right at that flag okay anything just left is is perfect I think you can get there with three wood could be a big one I think it's gonna be a really big one I almost want to hit like a cut driver I mean if you want to hit driver go. For it do you want me to go first. And you go driver you go first I don't think I can hit driver at the moment off the deck I think my. But I think my body right now is is too used to Florida. And the Heat so it's taking me a second I gotta you gotta get my bones loose oh stinger it's gonna work it's almost gonna get all the way there yeah it's not it's going to pull up short unfortunately oh really fancied that as well okay all right all right power line go on then.

Give it a rip with driver I'm safe okay it's a bold move here. But we're going. For it I think this is going to be perfect it's a scramble we've got to be bold yep what oh is it. So good oh it's just right that's actually gonna be fine a little chip from there that was really really close good hip pal yeah thank you something about the driver off the deck okay. So after a pretty I mean if you'd have kept online would have been putting. For Eagle right now that driver shot was really good caught the rough here this is a very simple shot though yeah not much a little bit up. And over oh that thing released it kind of I wanted it going up higher okay it kind of came out a bit too low. For some reason Ah that's annoying kind of didn't quite get the The Loft on the shot I'm gonna go a little higher with it this is all your own hole at the moment. So let's just knock this in for eagle please Grant okay that's that little pep talk coming off the path three I feel like this is exactly what's going to happen I needed it okay I need you to you don't be afraid to say what's on your mind I know it's on your mind after I'm ready. For birdies and Eagles right we got this go away go in [Laughter] nice shot that was really like Rick tap it in I've actually known bro my Potter. So I have to just tap it with my wedge I think we got that no you you have your own bed oh yeah yeah true you take your own birthday to open up the account. And to get to one on the par whoa good pot [Laughter] mud on the uh if we didn't make birdie there I would have been kicking ourselves see that's already the armoire Greg through five one on the par some good holes to come another par five where we're just going to keep making birdies now I can just feel it okay six hole another par five uh dog leg left we're just gonna rip one see where the bumps are yep kind of either fly it over there. Or just stay right of it okay nothing left of the path we're one under after yeah a bit of a slow start yeah. But you know we're just starting to get the cogs turning now [Music] it's gonna be safe but it's gonna stop us from getting on the Green in two okay. So I can go I'm gonna go a bit tighter down the left side let's get one to turn over here foreign oh yeah good swing really good that was a bomb you think we can get there from there it might be another big three with our driver okay I want to be honest I want to still be a bit more left of that. But we're fine okay after a good solid Drive we've got 239 yards into this par five yeah pins at the front this is Comfortably Three Wood I don't even think it's a full Three Wood yeah I think it's quite a nice one. And just get it to land on the Green oh okay damn it's gonna be pin High damn that wasn't far off that I just kind of get told of it a little bit it's come out low left I needed a bit of a higher flight really if you can if you can literally launch one Grant. And just pop it straight on the green okay simple as that right stay there stay there stay there stay there stay there ball catch a bit yes oh sit there right there okay we're on the green on the green we've got a pot. For eagle that first Hop was big I know these uh greens out here in the UK like concrete underneath them firm. And fast just like medalist just like Florida all right Rick this is this is what we need this is I mean we've got a nice two put here. For birdie at least it's quite a big break right to left got me to go first yep I'm feeling one of these I just feel like one of these are gonna draw do you want it out I'm actually gonna leave it in if that's all right leave it in oh yeah okay good. For Speed I can be aggressive now I gave that a lot of respect down the right. And it still ended up and it still finished left of the hole wow okay I'm gonna play this way out there needs it in oh I didn't get it there oh God I didn't get it there needed hitting right to get to 200 through six [Music] foreign if you want to just put your ball down it was just that I was thinking more about the body being 200 through six it just does four right now I gotta battle what I just felt about wow sorry it does actually come a little bit off the right you know it's gonna pay some respect to this way I was far too flippant then.

Thanks Graham right as I was saying two under three six nice little path. So you said we want to get to four under I think four under three nine we've got two par threes. And quite a tough part four Okay. So we've got a bit of work to do to be honest to get to four gotta get back however. on the bat nine there's two drivable power fours. And two fairly easy par fives coming up so on the back so it's not as if we complete that out of it if we don't get to four under but if we get to four on the front we are definitely breaking 65. it's one five four to the flagpar three seventh hole one of the signature holes here at the Marriott um just want to be in that right pocket okay [Music] oh keep drawing oh okay that was plenty of Club as well I kind of without takeaway I feel like it's going to draw too much. And that time I just leaked out around just pushed it annoyingly but pin high but just off the green if you do land it left it's got a chance to kicking back to the right as well okay yeah I think it's in the hull oh my gosh come on spin go in go in no you're getting one this week I can tell you're gonna get one oh come on would it would it be disappointing. Or he had a hole in one of my channel no I still would have loved it because I I think it would have been the coolest thing because I was just telling Rick I was jumping in that pond no matter what I think in the moment I would have been just freaking out. And ran right into this water you'd have really needed your clothes on yeah all right Pals um we got very excited on the tea there. And it's a great golf shot don't get me wrong Grant but we thought it was maybe a foot away oh yeah. So we've got some work now we're about six foot away okay however. it's a beautiful chance of making birdie here yep I was just telling Rick we're team koal. But it's not the greatest nickname I don't think any great Putters out there using the claw maybe there are. But not many of them you find the claw through a lot of failed yeah the clothes not the Natural Choice of Griffin I don't think anyone grabs a Putter. And goes like this you know okay. For birdie right to left yes yes three under come on bird is on the bounce I think we're cooking now I don't want to break 65 I want to break 64. because that's the lowest on the channel. And that's what we're doing I like that I like the mindset 300 through seven back on track and field we can pinch one more before the nine we are well. And truly on track because we can definitely shoot five on the back now yeah there are two drive very very getable powerfuls okay eight hole Par Four 400 yards at the cracking hole let's hit dug legs right. And from about 120 yards pretty much all the way to the green it's then.

Water uh t-sharp required we've got I'd never hit driver off this tea normally but it's a scramble we're trying to make birdies we're going to put it in that if we can get as close to the water as we can. And I think the fact it's not going to roll super far okay. So pop a nice little high fade you want up there and it'll be perfect foreign a little bit yeah he miss hit it a little bit. So should be good yeah it's actually perfect here we go yeah it's really really nice well done good ball you can be more aggressive than that. For sure yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just cut the corner of the trees off which is not the play normally. But again you're in a good spot playing Scramble yep oh it's a shame I mean it's a great it's a good drive yep it's fine yeah I just did it didn't quite trust it down that right hand side enough good mess though okay this one's great I had no idea this is driving normally I wish I was trying to almost get just slightly right of yours right oh we're perfect never mind now that downswing. And impact Rick is like tour level different in it it's unbelievable that's what I strive to get exactly where you're at trying to be like Rick. But don't be Daft one three eight one three eight it's just Attack Mode right now yep I've got I think this is a better chance of making Birdman next.


Is quite tricky little par three this is eight right this is eight. So if we can get to 400 now well then.

It's money what are you hitting got a nine iron okay I'm gonna hit the same yeah jump a bit jump a bit tried just catch it a bit skinny um just a hair. But just kind of came off a little weak come on 99 straight down it oh that was pretty good it's hanging all right we have options not great options that was going to just turn back on itself. But it stayed dead straight so I aimed it right gotta make something happen from there pal yeah I gotta drop a long one. Or yours pal oh definitely yours definitely it's a good distance big swinging right to left this would be to get four under within four holes and really put us on track for breaking 65. big right to left tons of break oh yeah oh yeah oh no you have hit. So many good putts today.

I'm actually not sure what would have made that go in the hole better because I don't speed wouldn't have made it I think I need to take a more direct line I really do I don't think the greens are fast enough. For that line that's the line that's the line oh you gotta be kidding me we had it come on so as soon as you just missed that little bit of fluff and it went past I felt like I hit it right on the line oh we had it we had it we really did. But all right three under three eight we've got one more chance on this front nine to we're good we are really good ninth hole it's normally quite a long path through this it's made even longer today.

Where the pin is. So far at the back I don't think I've ever seen it that far back 191 yards requires a little trappy draw is what I'm envisioning. So you need to get one back there Grant oh boy nice bounce too much clog I actually don't think it is too much Club really I don't it's not on the green annoyingly. But where that pin is the green gets really Slim okay. So I actually think that's perfect Club it just needed another couple of yards of draw I'm gonna go right at it it wasn't far off that though you know okay yeah it's perfect oh stop moving right I think we're both long right again I don't think we're long we're just in that little runoff where it's just we just run out of green basically gotcha those were two great swings yeah they weren't far off were they sit. So much longer than you know you do you really do I really got you the aircraft well you definitely you hear your irons far especially when you're drawing them like that we have actually I'm reflection we have both hit Club a half a club too long yeah it was a softball. Or a hard five we actually have run over the green which I didn't think we had done. But got a little shot from the back just back edge of the green here wasn't the smartest we didn't really learn from each other I I would have told you not to change clubs though yeah because I genuinely thought we were level with the pin just a bit I thought we're in that little pocket there Yep this is a very makeable chip I mean I don't see tons a break oh okay I went aggressive you did what club was that that was a little pitching wedge gotcha yeah that came out I just went a little bit aggressive on it I was really trying to hold the line of the shot beautiful chip nice touch. For a big man yeah usually when you get tall you lose the feel in your hands. But I think we still got a little bit left here we go okay level uh sorry 300. For the front nine not bad not bad the lights we've gone with the lights we've picked up one more there on either eight or nine but we've considering we started so slow right and we've got a very very very getable back nine again two drivable par fours two variegettable par fives one long path three but that's it so Grant wants to break the record now score wise I've done two 64s I'm gonna break 65 series but they were on bar 72s. So that's eight on the par we've got it grandma wants to not only shoot under 74. we want to shoot at 63. you also want to shoot the most underpower we've had right which would be nine under right which would be a 62. not much to it Justin left of that bunker or just not one straight over that bunk on the right okay [Music] it's a really good hit. But it's gonna be no it's coming balance come I think you need to swap ball you really need to swap ball that was self-light that was a wild yeah that thing I hit a dread a little a Drew. And then.

It faded at the end you really need to switch balls because that was the weirdest light okay I'm gonna try. And just cut the corner of that bunker Just a Touch oh yeah oh a bit too much that was your most aggressive swing 100 Jaws on the nose right there after you I know yeah you're coming to get you actually uh I'm actually drafted in um some talent I just drafted in uh Scottish shuffler yeah. For the Batman then.

We can maybe break it okay 100 yards to the flag here the pins right at the front it's just a little 95 yard one one stop. And one hop and stop oh yeah oh yeah come on spin hard spin hard good shot all right trying not bad let's try it okay I gotta go right. For it and get it to stop there's not much green to work with no you know it's gonna be about 10 foot past the flag. So you've got you've definitely got room to get inside that what club did you hit there I tried to just keep a 50. you're going 56 56 yeah I think it's just a nice full of one of these get in the hole this much in a while we're starting our bat nine charge okay to get to four under three ten we've got a police helicopter up above. And we're about to set off the sirens yes four under through ten come on this is good this is good golf I mean after everything said. And done 400 through 10 is not bad. For a two-man scramble a lot of opportunity a lot okay 11th toe pop three up the hill played 199 yards um possibly the hole that's the hardest ability on this back nine. So if we do pick up a birdie it'd be a miracle okay just left of the flag pin high is perfect beautiful swing that got a really nice little kick that was beautiful I got a nice little kind of it was drawing. But it actually kicked a little bit right at the flag okay getting there it's better I like that a lot that was a really good committed swing I'm inspired come on mate you're hitting just straight up there's any shape no I'll just straight okay I'll come back a bit that's gotta turn left oh that that two really good shots I think that's turning right in there they are two very good shots on this difficult par three I might have a real good look at birdie here when this is the least likely hole that we're gonna bird down about nine see if we get to five under I feel now genuinely it will drop one here I agree I think we've kind of played a little slow at this point yeah on this back nine we started out already we just keep the momentum going I think it's gonna after this is the drive from power forward which is very very careful right almost a guaranteed birdie is there only one part five on the back two half bars okay the 13th. And the 18. wow we did some shots from 200 yards that's crazy they have really good shots nothing oh my goodness we would take those every day of the week sure if we got closer from uh with a picture our wet shots on number two aren't that close are they really won yeah from 58 yards we didn't get that close which one mate man you pick it I don't know whatever you've made the last couple pots whatever one suits your eye I feel like yours might be straighter this one has a lot of break I think. But do you know mine this is left to right isn't it. Or is it almost straight I think yours is almost straight I I really fancy that one yeah okay left to right up the hill there's not I'll be honest there's not many times I've made two on this hole. So I'd be delighted to make a two here right now [Music] yes this is heating up boom Rick is heating up that was nice that right 500 through 11. we got a little momentum now after those two tee shots that was crazy 12th hole par 4 drivable it's getting dark we've got to be quick however. it's governed by the golf in front of those Knuckles. But we'll do our best usually it's drivable Rick it's drivable see if the old man can still get there [Music] oh yeah oh yeah he's hot he's hot great swing I think we I think we're just not quite putting. But we're not a bad place there it's just kind of front apron I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get there I to be honest it is 315 yards off this tee the the rain is just starting to drop it's getting a bit colder excuse Excuse excuse. But it's it's going to need a real rocket to get there to answer you okay we're in a good spot there that's a nice little chipping pot. For birdie and that is that was my best drive today.

Yeah it should be on the Green oh that's a bit short too. So I think just the weather conditions just stopping us from getting there okay. So second shot here into 12 just short of the green we're gonna go with Grant's t-shirt um I say it was it was a big ass to get it on the green today.

Just gotta get it up. And down send it up give it stopping quick you go first Rick remember to go yep give me a visual because I'll get aggressive with it um I've not got much to beat that Grant I don't know what I don't know what I tried to do that go in oh nice shot I'll take it I was a little nervous after I shot him from if I'm being honest with you guys I just I just wanted to get that up there close no stress want me to go I'm not going I'm looking with the watch okay do you think yeah we're getting cocky now yeah you're getting confident. But I like this play Thunder through 12. let's go half five can we look we are honestly cooking on gas right now we are cooking on gas we're trying to beat the daylight. So that's another one yeah we want to get to nine under this is it this is the time this is a new record right now okay watch this space here we go 13th hole par five race against light we've got to get it's not only a race against the record it's race against the sunset uh we've got an hour of time left let's do it part five oh my that was the best one of the day a little Slinger that was it yeah it should be good I'll go after this one see if I can get something out there great swing keep drawing do something ball trying yeah we've got two down there okay I think we're gonna take yours okay Second Chance is par five 254 yards we're going with my t-shirt uh I've got three wood Grant's got driver there you go through it now yeah okay I backed off I think an eagle would really set the video alike I'm feeling a good one that's gonna be amazing oh my come on work oh it's just slowed down caught too much a little bit too much moisture it was it was a low bully still good though great great on the green. But it's uh it's bang on level with it's bang online with the pain maybe just 10 yards short of the green not quite getting that height with the three wood I'm gonna go with that lower shot like that I like that I'm gonna go with it more no land all the way okay I think you can just smash this. And land it straight okay I'm going all the way pulled it it's a little bit yeah okay go with mine okay Rick good spot you can do the chipping this is your hole I'll do the driving three would you can do that you can chip it in. For Eagle okay ham. And egg and uh that's what we call it in America it's here it'd be like fish and chips beans and tomatoes for breakfast okay third shot into his part five just front edge of the green let's just hit one in Grant yeah come on I'm actually gonna play a really nice chip here I want to see one why have I hit that. So hard okay why have I heard that. So hard all right Rick we got it you know what I'm not actually where the disappointed because I actually Struck it brilliant for some reason I just want to know what was I don't know what it does I lost my train of thought a little bit I just yeah be aggressive maybe hey this is my turn to come in you you've got us to this point yeah I know you're right you're right I have actually taking a break oh. So fully close that's how you chip ladies and gentlemen one day one day I'll get there thing is I'll get my chipping right. And something inevitably all fall apart but that's golfing it let's be honest right to get to Seven under par ly there we go come on let's not even think about that let's keep going just keep pushing we've played the par 3s exceptionally well we just didn't bother that first one did we 14th hole seven on the par come on we've done all right in the par three. So far by that fight missed opportunity on the third fourth hole that we played imagine if we got off to a hot start Graham hey but anyway let's see in the moment we're gonna have a hot finish oh yeah big hop oh it was funny just before we'd say I'm like I had eight in my hand. And Grant had seven I'm thinking seven might be too much power maybe go eight I've just hit that 20 yard short so I think I think eight I think seven. For Grant's good then.

That's gonna work oh my gosh it's gonna work I just don't get his teeth in good good effort really good you've been pin seeking on the par threes I missed it but it worked out all right Rick I'm just gonna go back to the cart now yeah might as well do it gets to eight under three fourteen oh just uh just a speed run it I think just a tiny bit more speed. And it would have held its line no excuse. For me I got this stay up no no man a power feels like a bogey it really does. But we got a par five coming up right now in the last hole that's not a par five no the last star is okay we've got two paraphores at a good length a short powerful which is drivable another very very getable par five okay gotcha. So we got to take advantage of these next.

Couple holes if you want to get to that that number which is nine under 15th powerful 406 yards slight dug leg left we'll get a good drive away it's only a 90 yard shot. Or so into this green [Music] not the best strike but it's down there not bad sit there yeah it's gonna take the second shot in. But um it's okay. So I got a little after that yeah you I mean that we're probably gonna be about 140 left into the flag there. So if you can go if you can Bomb It All That bunk on the left you're fine. So I can go right over that bunker the right side of that bunker is good okay yeah [Music] really really nice ball that's cool oh yeah perfect you kind of get that it's very very very straight. And you seem to get that very delayed draw yeah it's a little delayed today.

It might be because of the new setup. But well I mean it could be me start drawing at like 80 of its flight it started out straight. And then.

It turns out to this hole wow no I mean everybody you're either on. Or off and that's just but like consistently he's the best putter I've played with what is it sorry he's talking about me uh no Wesley Brian yeah I was just talking about Wes how he's probably the best wedge player in putter I've watched yeah it goes like Wesley. And then.

It goes Rick and the tiger Grant said great Drive we're just on this kind of little knuckle to the Fairway which makes the shot a little bit harder because it's probably likely to draw off this lie um pins very much of the from it's like we want to land this like a yard either just on the grid right on the on the cup between the Fairway. And the and the green oh yeah oh it's not drawn it's got to go a little bit too no way to that balance I really thought I was you know going to come out kind of low. And left right I think I almost um fought against it. So that was a 100 you said 110 yards 110. I know I think I've landed that bang on a hundred really well you need to land it probably I gotta I gotta aim just a little right it's gonna hook yeah well I thought that's what mine was going to do. But it didn't annoyingly oh it's moved sit there oh Miss Green from 110 yards this is the this is the collapse of Rick. And Grant we're just trying to add the drama oh man well that that slope severe got us you're really dead it got you but mine kind of weirdly didn't turn anyway I like your shot I think we're gonna make this I think we're gonna hold this it'd be surprised if we didn't seriously all right guy you have a chance here I'm gonna chip I feel inspired that's a bold move. But I like it I feel with you as my partner it doesn't really matter what I do to be honest. So I'll just try and Chip it in I mean to be honest I actually really fancy holding up with a Potter. But this can go in with a wedge get in it looks like a baby elephant honestly oh we should have put it we should have putted it big mistake oh man. And this isn't the PowerPoint we wanted to leave ourselves here Grant yep definitely some adversity we really should have putted that I definitely anyway you live and learn don't you Nice Part great part just like to write a bit of drama a bit of spice to the video you're really rolling that thing good I'm impressed um seven under you'd have had that anyway seven under three to go last two are very very very very very birdieable okay. So if we can pick one more up I don't want to wait till the last hole I don't want to do that yeah you know what Grant I'm going to say something bold here it's not totally out the Realms possibility to shoot something that starts with a five I agree eagles need to tap. And pretty birdie eagle birdie eagle birdie birdie eagle that's the same format eagle or birdie birdie eagle or whatever okay well that's a 59. I think. So or it might be it might be birdie eagle Eagle anyway we're trying for you we're trying to make him 59.5 we should have 59 that would be on 16th hole Par Four Dog right up the hill to the right um this is our last challenge in Hull Grant okay you want to be over the bunker on the left that's probably the challenging one nice swing wow a little fade there that's perfect Rick's got all the shots you had to draw a couple holes ago now you hit a fade the two boxes are plenty a plenty full when I'm swinging it well see what happens all right you can you that is absolutely perfect you just you can probably go a little bit more right of that. And just just let it ride gotcha yeah I really really really good really good you just made the whole lot shorter beautiful t-shirt well done mate here we go really nice good partnership come on on the left would you hit there big divot that wasn't that was it I hit that little 50 again that was a 450 almost man I think I got to hit my 52. I think it's playing a little bit uphill Rick I'll be fantastic spin yes baby. So what I'm talking about come on Rick I I really think I should go first here sure I think you're putting better than me if I can give you any information that's going to help us more I really do come on then.

A little right to left there's seven under a lot. But if you want to change the order now then.

Whatever do you want to go first that's fine okay we're going to switch the order Grant's instruction he wants to go first which is fine. And it's not like we're seven under or anything and you know possibly one of the best rounds of golf that YouTube has ever seen is a scrambled two-man scramble. But whatever right come on then.

What are you seeing right to left yeah down the hill where are you seeing how far out quite a bit kind of around here depends on what speed if you're going to just drop it in you can give it plenty of respect down the right come on. For your own birdian to get to eight on the par jeez e oh yeah I know I just felt it a little bit off the face there let's give me a bit of Intel because I think I would have gone exactly the same place you just went give this a little bit more right to left oh no no no oh okay two more to go we got the par five come on drywall Par Four Eagle birdie wreck here we go drive ball path. For 17th hole 290 yards it's really starting to go dark now and very very uh cold and wet Manchester's delivering on its what is wet weather yeah uh we just got a smash on the green Grant okay told me it's raining here I'm seeing it oh that was got. So close that's the best strike it was in the Fairway the driver all day see I can reach the screen it just tailed left you can reach the screen okay just at the bunker that you can see just straight at that okay not the one sorry not the one left [Music] oh no not clay I think that went a little right okay I couldn't really see it no oh oh it's rolled the off it's rolled left yeah oh man just caught a fraction thing ah all right come on. And grab got this friendly tools be friendly to really friendly to us very good well done mate that was it I forgot that one I could pitch like you grant that was a flop shot almost that was really nice a little bit higher than I expected that was perfect come on all right to get to eight under nice part right come on baby come on this is good golf you're doing the last hole. And we shoot 10. well again you wanted to you wanted to not only shoot the lowest actual number right which is well. And truly on for 63. you also want to shoot the lowest on the par and call it run eight under bird at last and you accomplish both feets okay I don't want a birdie I want an eagle all right wow last hole 18 par five as literally it's getting super dark Grant come here. For a minute we've had a good time today.

Oh it's been great it's been I think we've Blended very nice as a team yeah. And if you enjoyed the video be sure to like subscribe And subscribe to Grant's channel is getting very close to half a million subscribers let's smash it over half a million subscribers. So you're under you're flying at the moment but a little boost thank you last hell come on Fairway green one put 10 under par come on a 61. I got faith in my partner I really do oh my rip that is as good as you can edit it's nice though that's nice just another grooving down the right side of the Fairway that's good I think you can I think if you pump one you'll definitely get it past that was it it wasn't the longest shot. But it was nicely in the Fairway. So if you want to let rip okay I'm really gonna get after this be my guest you're freeing me up [Music] similar line to mine. But will be a bit longer okay good trying to go after it I think we're gonna take yours nice I really tried to feeling a little harder all right this is what you dream of as a kid about 18 with Rick Shields trying to make an eagle not win The Masters this is what you practice. For all those hours to lead up to this point right here okay 212 yards I'm gonna hit three iron just put it straight on the Green oh no okay this is it right grant I've not done much there pal yeah I'm gonna go with a four iron here full one try. And get it there it's gonna take a big one oh that's gotta go I've got a Chase it's got a chance if it kicks I've got no idea. But it was down the line of the flag. And I think it might have a chance okay very chunky if we're not putting we're just chipping from the front two very nervous swings here on the final hole here we go yeah you got it this is a chance here to get to 10 under we have to hold this two very poor approach shots. And then.

The nerves just really got to us I think they did I really do I think I think we both got a little nervous can I go first you go first I want to see a high soft one I do I do like I don't know what fills me with much confidence here. But I actually really like the look of this shot yeah just one I'm gonna land it just on the Green. And it's going to stop because it's a slight upslope it's like ah Rick okay judgment is terrible I got this ah good strike. But just hit it way too long again gonna go high with it high and soft well that stopped real quick if I had the line I know that was gonna hold up gotta make it it's big this is a line on the par as the Darkness Falls here at the Marriott Rick. And grunt break 65 is definitely accomplished. But can we set a record score it's right to left I'm going to give it a little bit more than I feel it should be I don't see this missing Grant nope I had to give it too much a little too much break ah I don't know why I decided to give it more break damn right come on then.

Pal all the way from the USA flew inside of Jupiter yesterday. For this moment these are the moments Rick to shoot nine on the par a 62 come on to set a new record in lowest under par. And lowest actual growth score from a two-man scramble oh guys thanks for watching hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to smash that like subscribe subscribe to grant that was an eight under par 63.. So a new record actual growth score yeah not a new record on the par oh man I can't I think I damaged the cup again there. But that felt like a great putt thank you for having me on the channel that was fun thanks. For watching loads of content coming soon with me and Grant Hall of that peace.