Foreign Shields and you've joined me on a really sunny day here in Manchester in my teaching Bay at Trafford Golf Center to test two of the kind of Premium ions of Callaway and TaylorMade I've got the Callaway X Hot Pro and I've got the TaylorMade rocket blade tour so both a set of golf clubs that kind of suit the the lower range handicapper but not out and out blade so kind of the the teens or the high single figure handicappers these these golf clubs will suit best I'm going to review them I'm going to get them on flight. So we're going to see how far they go we're going to see how they feel how they fly which one's easier to hit very similar in price about the kind of 550 Mark. For the full set of irons I'm sure you can get different shaft options exactly. But I've just got two seven irons both in very similar shafts to both the KBS stiff on the uh the tailor-made one and the pro jet sixes on the uh the Callaway so I've got the sorry the KBS on the TaylorMade and the project on the Callaway um yeah check me out on Facebook Twitter. And YouTube and do subscribe to on the channel as well if you do like the video play some comments. And share it on your social media as well that'd be great so I'm going to hit a few shots I'm going to hit real golf balls um I could do an all my review. So it gives us the fairest kind of results possible at three or four with each Club just to kind of work out the flight and how they feel and how they uh how the ball flights are like. So we're in a nice day in Manchester so we should get some decent results today.

So I'm trying to TaylorMade one first now the tailor-made rocket blades iron not the tour version the normal iron were by far the longest iron that I've ever tested I was hitting a seven iron about 200 yards which is ridiculous. So we'll see how this compares to that probably won't go as far today.

But we'll see how it goes first off look wise honestly I love the look of this golf club I really do I think it looks slick I think it looks sharp I really like the features it's got the bouncy bit at the bottom I really really like the look of it looking down on the golf ball it's just as nice as it is when you're looking it from the back it's got a very sharp Leading Edge it's got a little bit of a top Edge on it. So it doesn't look quite as bloody or as unforgiving as some of the other golf clubs that are out there on the market sits really nice I really like the look of it. So let's give it a whack let's see what happens result wise well it sounds like the rocket Blade's normal so that's flown really nice a nice little draw down there that felt really good let's set another one it's a beautiful club that is a really nice club to hit as soon as I hit off the face not not the biggest fan in the world of the sound it does sound a little bit kind of uh clunky. And I'm used to Ping Club so I'm used to a bit more of a classic sounding iron shot but I'd probably get used to it it's a really nice feel great fly it hangs up in the air nicely it's easy to hit I don't feel like I'm getting punished not hit them all perfectly middle of it and fairly middle but there are they're a nice looking Golf Club I like them. So far yeah they are nice really nice give that one a bit more of a hit. So we can get a bit more of a distance out of that. And that has flown really nicely I like that we'll get the flight scope figures up there a bit as well to show you what that's going well that total distance there was 169. For my uh for the tailor-made there so not a bad hit for the for the seven iron right so we move on to the Callaway X Hot Pro um arguably even better looking than sailor-made I really like how it's Chrome and it's it's polished and it's it's got a great finish to it a face on a dress looks in fact it looks really similar to the TaylorMade it's got that sharp edge on top I'll show you a couple of pictures of these as well so it's got a really sharp edge on top it's got more grooves on the Callaway one so when you look down at it it looks more like it's got It's got probably I'm not counting them all now but it's got a lot more grooves on the club head so that appeals to me when I set up grip feels a little bit nicer than normal Callaway grip that's got the alignment on the film made had no alignment on it at all this Callaway grips really nice because it can show you where to put your hands let's give this a bit of a hit I've just got to change these apologize just gotta set change the setting on flight scope. So it's giving it the uh the right satin which gives us a hit see what happens so it's got 169 to kind of catch up with really oh that sounds better that sounds much nicer much more classic sound of the iron fit it a bit left to Target but sounded really good it's gone longer already that is really nice seems to hang up in the air a little bit. So the Loft might not be quite as strong as the tailor-made but it seems to fly a little bit further just by hitting those golf shots there yeah 174 that's carrot. So a couple of yards further than the uh and the tailor-made one beautiful Club really nice feel so that was total distance 174 before not carry I'm gonna hit one more. So again total distance 168 so similar off so similar to the best hit in uh Taylor Made iron that I hit the best one that hit that is beautiful I'm I'm swinging towards the Callaway every time I hit it it sounds better it flies a bit better from the stats it seems to be traveling a lot further as well again total distance at 170. So it's it's keeping the tailor-made only just looks wise there's nothing that separates them there really isn't I say my own personal opinion I do prefer the Callaway Golf Club looks wise a little bit more. But there's there really isn't a great deal in it very similar price point all I can say is get out there. And try them both if you're after a set that's kind of high single figures or low teen handicapper these will suit you perfectly um they have got options on on more forgiving ones each one. So if you need a set that you don't feel if you need a set that's going to give you a bit more forgiveness maybe go. For the kind of more forgiving ranges of these two sets but beautiful golf clubs really nice I really love the colorway feel wise TaylorMade though is right up there as well. So hard to split today.

A bit of a bit of a a fair contest I would say um thanks very much. For watching hope you enjoyed the video you can check me out on Facebook Twitter. And do subscribe to me in the channel below. So that was me reviewing the Callaway x-top Pro. And the TaylorMade rocket blade tour thanks so much for watching.