I don't think i ever believed i'd get to this position. So quickly i always had dreams of getting here and i always believed that i would i think i got to world number one when i was 22. you know i thought at 22 i would you know i'd be you know a good tour player. And i'd i'd sort of you know i'd be making a nice living and i'd be you know a solid player maybe hopefully have one or win one or two wins on tour but uh i didn't didn't think that i'd get to i didn't think i'd get to that point. So quickly but it just shows if you work hard and you do believe in yourself. And you have dedication that you know you can achieve you can achieve great things. But yeah you know. And then.

You know going on the age of 25 to want four majors as well i mean i i never again you know you dream of it. And you believe that someday you will do it. But you don't quite know when it's going to happen i had a you know i had issues with my back i wasn't feeling too good. And you know it it didn't allow me to practice the way i wanted to um you didn't allow me to hit more than maybe 15 or 20 drivers in a range session so i knew i needed to make a change and that's when i started to work with steve mcgregor um and and we we you know decided to put a plan in place where i was to get stronger. And to get a little fitter and you know it was it was mostly just to do with you know trying to make me a better player that i could practice more that i could like that i could go 18 holes. And then.

Go on the range afterwards and practice if i needed to um so that was the long term plan. And then.

Once we started to get into it more i started to enjoy it more how i drive the ball it gives me a big advantage you know i'm i'm not afraid to pull driver out in certain holes and get it down there and leave myself a wedge into the green where maybe certain guys are um you know hitting six. Or seven iron into the green so so that makes it that makes a big difference uh and i think mentally i've just been. So much better over the last couple of years i mean i i do a few certain drills. And putting and i stick to those i think if you if you can keep it as simple as you possibly can. And then.

That helps i i use the eye line mirror just to check that um and i use a chalk line just to make sure that i'm starting online uh and really that's all i did i mean uh dave noticed something that my left hand on my left shoulder was sort of pulling up through impact. So he just wanted me to you know my left hand and left shoulder sort of stayed on through through the stroke and that was really it. So he got me to hit some putts in my left hand only so i'm going to incorporate that into my routine. But literally it was a a change that i made in in two minutes. And it made a nice difference i always believe that natural talent can can take you. So far but i think you need to have the work ethic. And the drive to to achieve your potential um i mean i'd say you know my natural talent you know probably brought me 50 of the way um. But then.

After that it was all it was all down to the work that i've done. And the volume of work that i've done over the you know the last 15 years you know when i really started to take golf seriously and you know thought about you know making this a career he's so determined he's so he's such a competitor um we're very different in that way you know he he would want to beat you at anything that he did um he was born with a natural talent you know everyone saw it from such an early age when he was you know you know on talk shows. And then.

Winning u.s junior amateurs i mean you know it takes you. So far but the work ethic and the and the you know the dedication that he showed throughout his his career you know that's that that's a big thing and and even you're not just tiger but being able to interact with a lot of different athletes uh through you know my my connection with mikey that's the big common denominator that you find is that the best people are the ones that work the hardest i i've always been a fan of nike because i've always associated it with the best you know they've always had the best athletes you look over the course of history some of the athletes that they've had um you're starting with michael jordan. And then.

You know going on to you know roger federer tiger woods you know i can name. So many others but uh you know that's something that really appealed to me you know being in a sort of fraternity of of sports greats and it's sort of it it allows you to get outside of the golf arena and sort of let you experience other other parts of the sports world you.