The amphitheater around the 10th green here sit back relax and enjoy I was trying to break down [Music] some good golf being played yeah that was ridiculously phenomenal oh it's money been to win it could win yeah I think it is slam dunk straight in Gold it oh it hit the hole all right guys welcome back to break 75 I'm somewhere very exciting today.

Royal Birkdale home of many open championships. And a true test of golf now in winter at the moment here in the UK there's not many golf courses that are as good as this place right now it's not just me trying to break 75 today.

We've got a couple of guests with all slightly different targets first off guy is back after having a little one yes the man is back yes he's got sleep bloodshot eyes. And uh first time you play golf in what about seven weeks I've not played golf for seven weeks but have been the range a lot and there's been some very good signs however. we're at the range this morning to practice and I was spraying it. So I don't know what to expect but my goal is not break 75 it's break 80.. So we've got break 80 we've got break 75 but we need someone this side of us and there's only one man for the job James Robinson how are you pal great thank you have you seen James from many a video whether it's trying to break the course record up pastures. Or whether it's playing with some wacky and unusual golf clubs I can find to test this x-tor Pro used to play who did play in the open. But your target say well we've set it for you yeah because we thought we'd make. For a great title and a thumbnail your task is to break 70. fingers crossed doable I think. So I think. So you're so modest if I go and shoot 62 and go that was all right. So sit back enjoy this phenomenal golf course it's a little bit shorter just because it's winter it's 6 200 yards it's bloody freezing all right it's absolutely freezing you guys got driver I've got two iron play well play well play well enjoy sit back relax and enjoy I was trying to break burnt Dale now my I might jinx myself here I've played this golf course three times. For the first time I birded this hole on the second time I burned this hill on the third time I made Birdie on this hole I think it's I feel like this hole's gonna bite me now. And say nah there you go to the wind today.

That should be all right yep yeah a bit of the left I've got an alcohol nervous safe start I want to know what to be. So while we're on open venues only right you can open Pro V1 which let's be honest I get lost probably quite soon I don't feel confident this driver off the First Tee I think last time I played this hole I got double bogey. So if I could beat that that's a good start over that bunker little baby fade oh it's money who is this one I actually become better than James Robinson at golf I don't think I feel kind of like it's early. But I actually think I'm going to beat him today.

I'd actually take that shot oh yes yeah I'll take that that's quite simply fast guy that's quite literally perfect right let's go I mean what honestly this place is. So so good there's gonna be quite a bit of Maintenance going on the golf course again start of the year a lot of courses certainly like this that gets. So much play during the summer months from not only members but also visitors from overseas they've obviously used this time to try and make some enhancements to the course um but yeah looking forward to it it's always in very very good condition super dry. And a true tester golf you know what I love James Robinson he's a nice guy killed hate him as well he's a great golfer he's good looking he's a family man he's a full package I want to be James Robinson 219 yards into the second my second chance the first hole I should have been driving like the lads this is Into The Wind as well I'm gonna try. And Rocket a four ride and Chase it up if I do continue this birdie streak on this hole well I want a pluck putting on that First Tee it's a great strike it's a bit right yeah it's gonna be hard to get it on the Green from there just left of the pin near that bunk on the left got 162. I'm gonna hit a five iron straight into oh it's a bit skinny okay this is my chance to keep the birdie room going on this hole a little shot over these two bunkers loads of green to work with hit it nice okay oh baby gave it a chance we've got a little knocking very good very nice I know I did bird. Yet it makes so much sense now it's using a yellow ball like the other three times I was using the white ball Ah that's what it is silly me we've got a little look tap in par hopefully down down soft shot from there pal get hard very tough little Lynx bump. And run hello whoa this has got to be I think it's possibly might be the hardest hole we play all day 432 yards straight back into wind. And again kind of cold temperatures not making the golf ball travel very far so I think this out of all the holes we've played today.

Might be the most demanding. But you never know 17 more to go after this yes yes it's practically it's practically a gimme to be honest you look that way second one nicely done hold the bucket okay to join the lads. And the nice part on the first yep yeah all the way easy hole easy easy level three one okay second hole par four wins off the right a couple of bunkers down the right side you want to be finishing the ball on great start to this golf course these first couple of holes are fantastic bit of wind yeah like that good ball wind yeah that'd be good oh it's. So good it's so good I'll do does it ever get boring where's the excitement James okay got 180 yards to the flag I leaked myself happy issue my t-shirt. But I leaked it a little bit to the right Ross some distance on these two they're well ahead of me so into the wind a little bit off the right it's gonna be a four iron tough golf shot this tough hole hard Golf Course need to really connect with this one Struck it really nice I don't think that's gonna be enough Club okay 160 to the PIN into a bitterly cold wind off the right I'm actually going to try. And Chip a little six it's probably normally an eight iron and I think I could muscle a six. But as soon as it starts going up I think it'd come up short. So I'm gonna try and play it safe left side of the flag a little six iron wind carry that bunker it's gonna be short in it oh actually might be all right yeah that actually might work out A-Okay 145 gonna play a little chippy seven iron what's good James travel needs to go yeah it's all right similar spot to mine I think very close hit the flow ah God that's quick a little bit racy all right James up. For birdie mine and James has finished pretty much next.


To each other a couple of feet and just managed to get closer than James so Jay's gonna go first let's crack open the birdie sauce nice and early James that'll be lovely warm things up it's not enough speed not enough speed weak come on for the first birthday go go go oh [Applause] in that account crack open the dirty sauce right okay I'm gonna try. And follow him with the parcels I got your Latin then.

Rick it's perfect yeah it's good stayed up high thinned it thin the pot yeah nice. So did that Meme of the uh darts I can't speak [Applause] okay third hole par. For wins now back off the left-hand side helping a little bit as James Wright just said we were considering what to hear. And James went into the path for we hit driver and I like that strategy good shot should be fine yeah it's good just in the semi yeah it might just be a little bit blocked out view of the green. But by the way it's like a hat Royal shirt now oh it's the worst shot I've ever seen it hit pretty bad and it's 10 yards off the Fairway goodbye yeah nice. But that should be fine so me and James are quite right a little bit in this quite thick rough. But decent lie about 70 yards the pin can't quite see the flag so it's a bit of uh bit of fluke on this bit of trust come out thin but that could be good uh just trickling away a little bit 24 72 can't see the flag so we'll have to give it a little jump still can't see it there we go hit the fairways you can see the flag's much easier feels good no idea maybe a touch right I'm guessing okay similar distance to James a little 70 yard uh 56 degree three-quarter swing yeah pin eye just a bit a bit too safe a bit too left oh wow oh that was in seemed to move really light quick across the hole slow down okay another well outside opportunity. For birdie up the hill I'm trying to learn a little bit off the Ladson they've hit it quite a bit firmer than possibly planned it's good for Speed oh had a good look man a little bit more speed the knee knocker this far away yeah well done pal would have bet my house on that what'd you bet on this [Laughter] my daughter's playoffs I'm great okay par three fourth hole um obviously normally off the bat feeds this is a a long to Mid iron it's actually a little bit shorter say 128 yards pins at the front. But right back into the teeth of this sharp cold wind okay I'm gonna chip a little a tide in three quarter eight iron stay left side of the flag [Laughter] I was disappointed yes I think if that would have gone in there would have been lack of Celebration we would have been good good like running down the hole would have been like oh that's that's nice yeah great I believe it came out it's been eight times the shot then.

I iron them on ah sorry oh stop wind yeah I shook it too well oh I'll take it needed to thin it it's not in the hole though it's a great golf shot that's a great I think that did actually go like it looked like it went in. And out I think that class is a one a one. And a half yeah strike wind oh this is in oh no it's right of it now it's a great job. So I will try it great shot great shot three fantastically struck golf shots. And three chances to burn it all right let's have a look at this I think looking at the Drone footage replay it actually slammed in. And then.

Bounced back out Oh I thought it took us the sides by the looks of it it's the ball's there it's just clean oh no damage in. And out right three opportunities for birdie let's knock all three in guy up first roll out scared I got really scared oh that's terrible go on James knock it in oh all right ball let's see if we can keep you down this time go go go go go solid path. And now I had the line perfect there I have to take it had a little wobble there oh no yeah. So fifth hole Par Four drivable even off the batsies that they're short see today.

It's definitely drivable in fact Ricky Fowler I played with recently almost had a hole in one on here last time the open was here that like ridiculously close are you hitting driver still oh is he trying to play me I'm just playing the Mind Games it's ready to go I I don't think it's a full one of these I think it's a soft driving Cutty driver um yeah I think it's just a soft little cutty driver oh wow absolutely awesome all over the plaque there see the long go you know I think it's good it looked 247. oh a different approach slightly left Get Lucky is that [ __ ] you're going. For I I always try and draw it not got that shot like you that weak little cut okay not the best start. For me so it falls off the back here a little little cutty one little Eagle move on to the next.

Oh should be right just left that brown shed things short shot from there okay 50 yards into the flag not the best lie in this roof. But I'm glad I found it need to really kind of get a birdie here so let's get this one close oh thinned it ah I really want to break my club I'm not going to break my club. But I feel frustrated need to relax okay second shot into this hole I've actually flirted a little bit with the water I thought I was banging the line. And I didn't fade much more got a little bunker to contend with but not not an overly challenging shot just a little pitch yeah probably played it a bit too up in the sky I let the wind affect it. And I shouldn't have done should have kept it a bit lower we're gonna look at birdie though slippery downhill feed it down there oh snooker oh no I feel bad sorry mate oh that's really nicely played great shot guys from there got a nice. So I've moved mine back to where it was if you ever confused about the real James can't do anything with his unfortunately I feel uh foreign okay left to right down the hill try I know I thought yeah I kind of smashed it through the break a little bit there solid thank you oh yeah it's just enough James that was golfing God to help him out I'm kind of glad you hold that I'll be honest with you I did feel I felt bad yeah awesome Well Done big put this. For me instead of the ship with a power great up and down right James with a birdie mean guy with pars scores on the doors of James is one under I'm one under guys two over big one six hole par five not playing ridiculously long. But doesn't mean it's gonna be easy slight dug leg peeling to the right we hit him straight back into the sun which we're definitely not complaining about because we've not seen the big bright ball in the sky. For a while foreign [Laughter] I didn't see well I only saw the initial flight it was going about like a drawing it was it was it was like one o'clock starting point yeah I'll draw back that is this is howling out loud okay driver trust just the edge of that bunker that's perfect. For me is it left slightly left might run out of Fairway that on that line I didn't I didn't push it. So I think if it's in the Rock it's just running that's just right in the bunker cutting it's fine let's go sun shining quality Golf Course decent decent company. So decent tea shop for me and from Rick not ideal but decent James absolutely bummed one he knew the line he went for the tiger line he pulled it off I've got 200 yards left in he will have like 170 max bit of Breeze into again I'm gonna go. For a four iron up the right side quite tough with this bowlable feet as well so really to focus on strike and just try and connect with something half decent that was one of the best strikes of my life get up I'm not gonna lie that was. For me a 10 out of 10. Eagle Champs coming right up second insurance is power five after a bit more of a conservative tee shot the left-hand side we've got a lovely viewing this green pins play in 220 yards. But slightly back into a breeze I'm going to try. And like almost chip a two iron land on the front edge of the green let it run to the back left leg Mr bunker ah didn't catch it bunker short ah bad bad golf shot really bad shot so after taking the tiger line it's these guys didn't agree with got 174. so I'm gonna chip a five iron into that wind oh nice thin that might be really good to win oh nice shot mate one F4 Pro X topro what we still talk about our eyes thins it it's like when we fit it it still goes right down the pipe and gives them an eagle chance yeah you're gonna be a tour profile video. For the rest of your life hold on let me just take my antibiotics I've got an infection on my hip yeah we're. So tired bro still at All Pro okay third shaft to finding the bone crafter a really weak second shot um quite a big bank. And quite a big distance to go to be fair as well so I'm gonna do my best to try. And get it all the way back there now I'll be honest with you I honestly can't remember last time I hit a bunker shot it feels like it's been a while and that's not for the meat that's not meaning that I've not been in any bunkers I've only really been hitting shots at a driving range anyway let's try and get it back there yep [Laughter] it looked like it pitched the oh man [Laughter] welcome to Lynx golf ah right this actually hasn't sat particularly very nicely here either foreign actually got on the green which is good it's about Eagle chance in reality though I really wanted to put. And get a birdie that would be really good to help them score um however. there's Auto chance for a three foot path so fingers crossed it's coming off the left a big slope speak to James before again off camera he's talking so much about Pace getting the pace close just getting inside that kind of Dustbin lid as we say so a bit of line off the left we know that but just nice pace and get the two put pretty much yeah yeah other mate very Saucy nice okay put. For par after that little disaster in the bunker go go ah silly six that's a level par it was inevitable wasn't it let's be honest right the the first. Or Eagle to get Eagle sauce yeah what color is the sauce whatever color you want my friend blue. And orange blue blue sauce if it goes in the first eagle it breaks 75 20 23. sorry we'll save the sauce it should be it should be I'll get another wow I love this all yeah I'm realizing that I'm about wrong with Birkdale it's sick isn't it beautiful isn't it I knew it was good [Laughter] right after six holes the scores are on the doors I'm now about to level par after that stupid bogey on the last bit of anger in there yeah a little bit bit of a stupid one you've made birdie there see about two. And one over now so my goal what power is this it's passing me two fly candy seven over. And I'm now one after six so fingers crossed famous last words it's tracking the break 80. yeah you're on track James I need to keep going I'm too under par. But playing all right keep going past 72. So if he's too underpower shoots 70. so yeah you've got to make technically he's gotta make a birdie okay seventh hole path three 140 yards slightly elevated T pin wins off the right pins on the right there you go away James I'm hitting a nine I'm just gonna try. And hold it on the Wind maybe a little bit of drawer on it okay see if we can get slam dunk some dunks are good keep it in the hole this time I thought that might be a bit too much Club although it's perfect. For yardage back oh it's very fat travel on the Wind yeah very far quality strike going. For a ride all right sit new wow stop stop another bunker oh no okay welcome to Royal Birkdale okay nice bump. And run got a little pitchy bump and run over this bunker I've got it within a couple of feet and we'll just knock in the par and we'll move on a little bit too much spin sharp okay I found myself in the back of this bunker it landed on the green. And then.

With the spin and the wind it's finished down into the back edge of this bunker oh it's going to be tight. But oh my very nice shot laugh at that so after that not easy oh James she's a good pork great wrong that's a good pot a little bit too much paste give my birdie straight back to Birkdale all right not a lot of breaking this pretty straight Port insert meme oh I thought I was going to catch enough of it ah I'm lucky come on James out [Music] okay eighth hole. And the Robert as you'd imagine is always striving to get better therefore. there's got a little maintenance on a couple of the greens this being one of them it's actually a temporary green now to you guys in America you don't even know what those things are temporary greens quite simply it's a hole in the Fairway short of the green they use it if they've got a bit of Maintenance to work on. So that's what we're doing today.

It makes the hole shorter. But it typically makes putting a touch harder foreign [Music] that looks a decent ball are you filming now 50p golf ball oh there's one there is it okay mounting the hazards I've taken a drop third shot bite that was very hard to actually understand how far away it was it's been a winter green. But we crack on never mind right after hitting Drive I did think I was going to get there must have got snagged up in this roof on the left James in Prime position he only hit three wood. So I'm a bit confused about how I didn't get there but never mind don't need to worry about I need to worry about getting up and down now temporary greens I mentioned it's like chipping into the Fairway sometimes hard to predict how it's going to react how it's going to roll how it's going to bounce it's a little bit of luck needed here. But I've got a landing spot I'm going. For and let it roll down to the green settle down settle down sit quick thinned it a little chip and run onto the winter and get some birdies going ah it's way short get going get going get going it's done better than I thought right after a pretty horrendous chip I've got this now. For my third I'm gonna put it [Music] oh great speed doesn't it rick yeah pop up it's a good winter some greens in Manchester like this right. For a birdie okay you can break ah didn't break excuse me a bow okay I need this one to stop us yeah okay. For a little sweep up for a par hold up yeah solid yeah made it hard work. But too pop from down there should have put the second my second shot set the scene James kind of trying to work out the line we drive a straight downwind 400 yards thinking it's like over the middle of this tabletop in front of us this mound blind tee shot so off memory I think that's a good line I don't think you're wrong ninth hole back to the clubhouse that's perfect James okay I'm gonna try. And Chase the two iron down there Leave myself a slightly longer shot into the screen should be good no hold it right maybe feel grenade okay okay foreign that's on the next.

Hole I feel like it's in the middle of the next.

Hole Yeah Okay. So mine rightly so as James said wasn't the right line I thought it was going to be bang gone. But it's a bit more to the right in the rough guys out to the right he's fine safe not far at all to the flag James in A1 position of course he is he's over the Fairway just over this hill. So I've got 144 yards to go into the flag you can just see the flag in front of the wonderful Clubhouse here at Royal Birkdale I'm gonna go with a pit too much wind oh it's gone big 110 yards to the flag I'm going to put like a three-quarter 54 degrees a lot of wind behind it should help it get there really could do the at worst of power. But I'd love a birdie here I really would that big oh honestly I thought that was like in the hole. Or something it's huge so good tea shop 89 yards down off the right so I'm going to try. And nip a lob wedge and uh battered it needs to go Big Bounce run not so good on the green so mine landed just past the flag and it's clambered down into this horrible little spot guys pitched within just a couple of feet of the flag and he's had the same issue they've both come down into this little fall off area behind the back of the ninth where for the open there'd probably be a big grandstand yeah God that was difficult two little tricky shots here back up onto the plateau wind's helping us because it's back into. But oh there's the pin there's the pin don't you recognize chances are on this chip it looks like his chipping's improved a lot. So I think it's quite good into the wind uphill which needs to be aggressive [Music] without you hitting a shot you nearest oh okay. So this is there a big shot really I could really do get this up. And down I'm currently three over par to finish the front nine free over would be okay now terrible it's got to go quite downwind. So I thought it'd be rapid it is oh yeah to be honest I didn't think he was going to get there a big pot this one oh that was in oh no right. For a Bogue and to finish this front nine two over par come on she's getting a big push big push oh silly double on the ninth hole there I was pressing. For a birdie couldn't have done anything worse yeah never endowed thank you what was that. For now James minus two two on the par I'm three over I'm in a slightly uncomfortable position now where I've got to shoot on the path on the bat nine to break 75. here we go Batman battle commands looks like a good ball yep the action bigger boat good strike oh be good I've got 74. so the second shot into his part four looking at it from the T we could have actually been a lot more aggressive for the green um certainly playing off the slightly forward tees 74 yards after seeing guys it just trickle back I'm gonna try and fly it just past the flag hopefully get there the shot right so a little bit closer 64 yards I play a little gap wedge go ball oh too low such a bad pot go go go go go [Music] all right guys so while we've got time let's have a look appreciate the architecture the amphitheater around the 10th green here right left side come on Shields let's get a birdie bounce back birdie yes get that sort out very nice eleventhal path. Or slight dug leg left a few bunker scatter in the middle of the Fairway left and right to capture any slightly off-centered hits Mike from this CBL to actually carry those which back into wind just kind of in that bank oh foreign left going left that's the second worst shot I've ever seen you hit they're all coming out today.

Well we'll find out if you carry him yeah it's good yeah perfect shot sorry how rude of me I didn't uh rate. Or comment on the halfway house Cuisine I just went for a beef and tomato soup I know quite shock new man in 2023 that was mainly because they had no sausage rolls in. But it's definitely warmed me up because this chili back nine approaches get left all right very average that okay I found it. But it's not particularly nice it's on the side of this sun dude uh 101 yards straight back into wind it's going to be an awkward stance ah ah okay just go. For safety right side of the green is the plan I can either get a stamped that was ridiculously phenomenal I got James. And Guy saying oh nice they didn't understand the severity of how difficult that was okay. So after a big pull left 82 yards looks good sit down a bit maybe sit down it's good like it right James what have you got in the bag at the moment so I've got a TSR 383 driver tsr33 wood TSR three five wood and T100 irons with everyone always asks about the shafts KBS dollar taper 125 there's like an S Plus that and then.

I've got bulky wedges personalized with a little Jr a little up and down logo not getting so many up and downs today.

But we're trying Rusty ones and then.

Scotty Cameron putter it's a new Port 2 that I use it's not so low and fast pathetic okay after a pretty even if I say. So myself pretty phenomenal second shot off that bank we've got a big swinging right to left Port guys gave me a bit of indication just how severe that swing that put is gonna swing oh yes really good [Music] now what I've got to miss my okay A little sweep up. For a park a great Pub thank you par three 12th beautiful little hole again a little bit of Maintenance work being done to the bunkers but it's just such a I mean it's a tiny little green it's very long. And thin how far is the PIN James one three two okay see what you can do I'll be in the maintenance oh bunker when go go go it's like 50 yard shorts that was nice stuff oh beautiful nice shot guy okay after a terribly struck wedge shot I've rolled right back down into the Little Valley I can't be the only player because there's a couple of bunkers here which are probably designed to catch a few guys out it's got a good little wedge shot up that hill okay mate commit to it that is definitely a part of my game I need to work on this year no go a bit yeah good effort good speed I should have putted the first attempt ah I'll get there it's after being very fortunate finding the guar bunker having a bit of Maintenance work dropped it here. So see if we can get up. And down a little nippy lob wedge required off isn't it not good it's catching it's contagious oh all right come on guys show us how it's done on this old pal sit sit so so back off the green huh rapid but that is what a good player does wow that was a proper orbit around the cup very nice oh damage limitation could have been a lot worse than before obviously. But oh that's a bit of a mistake come on guy [Laughter] oh my God that's a four port double bogey I've seen world number one do that. So guys thanks for watching today.

Oh it's fine I've always said this holds the Harvest oldest golf course it's 130 yard far foot probably Five Thirteen shots [Music] that's a great Drive wow some Venom in that one yeah I'll take that one 13th hole famous. For this where Spieth try to blow it away back in 2018 or 17 was it 80s 70s 17. we tried to wait smashed it off the bats he smashed it over to the right onto the tour trucks where he tried to wait smashed it off the bats he smashed it over to the right onto the tour trucks. And made an incredible team of nusty yes I know yeah the year after James played in the open he didn't know can you show everyone your ball marker actually waiting. For this this is my moment oh not hot shot it's okay that it's actually left it up little ditch in it yeah you're right next.

To me oh it came out really weird that came out. So weird okay bizarre t-shirt I've been hitting my driver really well all day. But at least this one a little bit to the left into this kind of satin scrape down the left-hand side 160 yards to the front of the green 180 pin I'm just gonna try and get it up muscle up to the front of the green I've got a Titan it's gonna be an awkward lie [Laughter] oh shoot a bit more Club tried to muscle it there with an eight did not work third shines this hole I'm having a speed on a speed moment see if we get up. And down from here 125 yards I'm gonna try and finish pin High slightly right oh no where are you going ball where are you going Ball come back put this. So far right oh having a mess having him there so after a nice drive I've got 114 yards so we're going to play a little 52. we need to get that shot back is that it is it the yardage nope it's short oh. And it's fun okay after a bad tee shot terrible second shot poor third shot I've got this across the green on top of the spine put. For a four I actually can't believe that's not broke left yeah go put my right Robbo serious player as me. And guy have been having our adventures on this hole this is. For birdie 30-footer it's a very slim chance come on it's about time you brought a bit of a golf game to this video I'll try mate all right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no instead of hate bogeys that was awesome right thank you nice all starts with positive okay 148 downwind off the right I'm gonna try. And Hammer a wedge [Music] foreign strike it better should be there certainly got the height it's on the line as well oh Beauty from the shop thank you oh that struck oh the wind's coming nice this is in spin left spin left oh yeah golf shot okay. So again found another gur on another path three with another 46 in my hands so it's not going very well that club I think they'll often line must be done on it. Or something so face with a little floppy one now over the bunker downwind off a tight lie so wish me luck release quite a nice nipped up okay birdie puts a mean guy I'm just under the hole putting uphill guys just past the hole putting downhill no look at that again not enough wind. For birdie to get back to three over par with just a handful of holes left up the hill I don't see a lot of breaking this I'm gonna put it straight go go just speed is it half of it yeah in. For three I'll save yeah we'll tied it up yeah right guys four to go current scores on the doors. And four over to break 75 I've got to shoot two on the path from this point Dames and two on the path so from this point you've got to see the birdie you've got to shoot one more birdie guy I believe I made it over if that's wrong we'll put a thing there I would also need a birdie yes. So birdies needed power fives coming up 15th par five as you can see as you can see we can't see we're absolutely straight back into the sun don't cookware biggest problem with that yeah sorry is you're almost trying to like keep an eye on it yourself [Music] yeah block cup right I've seen it down yeah it's not might be findable yeah great ball draw straight down the sun you're probably one of the one of the twin plays we've ever seen on the channel what would be some advice you'd give the amateurs about playing in wind I think with most amateurs they underestimate how much the wind will affect the shot I mean today.

It's like it's almost overpowering the slopes if that makes sense. So it's the main thing that you're thinking of certainly into the wind I mean like 150 yards I'd normally be hitting like a 99 where today.

I've hit like up to six iron to try. And hit that shot so I'm not necessarily trying to think of it as a new yardage. So say 150 into the wind I'm trying to play is like 190. But I'm more thinking of the trajectory that I'm trying to play keeping the flight down and just trying to create a shot and even if it's like a 50 60 swing I'm just trying to create that flight that uh balls through the wind and gets me on the green like I'm not trying to force the ball too low I'm generally just one of those guys that clubs up a little bit and tries to smooth it a lot of guys try to force like a pitching wedge too low where it's just easier to get an eight iron and just put a really smooth shorter swing on it just slow that clubhead speed down so it takes the spin off the ball and then.

It just cuts through the wind much easier for seven iron to try and get it somewhat back into there Golf Course okay second shot into this part five after tugging my tee shot to the left it's very difficult to see now the sun's dropping fast bunkers down there are plenty I'm about 280 yards away from the green. So I'm just gonna my ideal Miss is kind of down that left hand side I'm gonna try. And just draw it from the middle of the Fairway down the left Leave myself a full shot in yeah that's pretty alright that 208 to the flag I'm gonna hit a three iron it's going slightly into off the right come in needs to get left quick strike at all nope shocking a little bit short right 116 yards from the flag pitching wedge three-quarter pitching wedge I'd love to get this one closed I could really do that birdie this is my time this is my chance. But that's worst case let's get the power come on be enough Club yeah that shot not bad okay 100 yards little gap wedge just keep it pin high right is the goal come on Rick good shot in Sisk green oh don't go left where are you going it's got massive left ah. So after a poor Korean cup I'm gonna try and play a chip and run pitching wedge here quite a lot of right to left on this we need a birdie release great shot okay fourth shot into this green really need to make something happen here. And that ain't it that is not it drop yes it goes in months finally finally get that sauce a big sauce up that's a proper speed pick that one out the hole great. For par much needed we'll go get in get in yes [Laughter] go get that oh scruffy five book keeps me in the hunter breaking 75 with two par fives left to go come on James yeah well done I guess the three under okay hole number 16 we've got a par four then.

Two par fives we're all gonna make path birdie eagle. So should be good to watch till the end great drive very nice yeah win just bring it back a little bit more that's good. And now it's perfect yeah wow yeah delayed draw all right four over three to play Knee two birdies slightly off to the right in my t-shirt. But not a bad approach into this green 128 yards slightly back into Breeze um I actually lose a bit of control out this roof gotta factor that in a couple of bunkers short right oh God the safe place to miss left but I've kind of got to force of Birdie I'm gonna go out the pin if the wind brings it right to the left it should be absolutely fine oh it's gone off off the face travel a lot ball we're on the green but it kind of sat up a bit too nice on that roof the outside it's okay pin eye right okay I've got 96 yards uphill a little bit into off the right I'm gonna use my 46 which have been absolute demon with today.

When they're safe yeah next.

To guys good job okay very very very long third shot into this pin I don't quite know why I'm lining it up it's all about distance control here up the hill slightly right to left great pace simmer it's a very good Port oh nice yeah great pot be in yeah Robinson very very good well done thank you thank you. For the life come mate well I don't miss that's a back because it's so fast it's quite hard to gauge isn't it two par fives to finish four under par Three Wood off the table safety and there's already rattling guys finish strong beautiful ball step one Mega we'll take that I am seven overpassed if I par these last two holes that'll be a 79 which will break 80. that was the goal uh a bird in a power would be phenomenal a bird in the birdie would be sensational oh it's a bit leaky bit leaky right. So I need Eagle Eagle no not quite well I'm far over par my mission says to shoot 75. So under 75 so that means I do actually need two birdies on these final two par fives uh. So I'm just gonna go for it oh it's a bit leaky right yeah it's fine good A bit leaky yeah pretty good it misses all the traps yep should be good go stay left as well bunkerish okay second insurance is part five famously when Padre Harrington won here he was further back granted. But off the bat tease as well hit like a five wood to about two foot and not to him for Eagle on his way to Victory we've got a bit shorter internet I've got 106 75 yards I'm gonna try and smash a seven iron but I'll tell you what I would would not mind a little Eagle here now come on it's fine Target really good golf shot oh get there get there get there straight up there lovely shop oh 10 yards short of perfection it's on the green we're putting for Eagle but that could have got very very very close probably should have faxed it in a little bit colder weather as we're finishing up we are racing against the time of light a little bit here as well meant to do that I'm really a brilliant thing to win yeah okay. So tricky bunker shot now we have to get very very cute here try and land it right on the top and let it release down or running away from me no green it's a wide open Club face great shout stay s cuter not a bad shot okay an eagle opportunity here on 17. up the hill. So I'm gonna fall to the left come on I feel like I've been putting quite nicely all day let's see if we can knock one in. And then.

Break hard whoa that was a bit of a misread. But you go left in it yep yes boom work yes oh James Robinson ridiculous lap of Honor ridiculous right I best join you lad yeah come on Rick that's in the evening. For my score I don't think it's a lot in this just slightly falling off the left downhill oh yours lips in yours lips in mine lips out hey how is that fair how is that fair oh I need to Eagle the last now five under one to play about five you can hit you pretty good. So let's try and get one in play wind's housing off the left oh so good you redeemed all those terrible shots you've hit today.

With that one James though over that a little cut I'm going to use the wind whereas James Stewart into it I'm going to kind of fade it with the Wind a little bit too much right I need to make eagle it's about 75 par five though we've got better chance than most Smash It Down the left Let It Go I'm not here even though I've hit the driver okay today.

I've not hit a single Fairway. So let's try and finish with a fairway shot stay in the far away stay in the Fairway I don't I don't know if it as you know still this is what I mean all day long I've hit driver okay I'm like one two three four five yards off the Fairly anyway we're gonna make Eagle that's our job 200 yards back to the pin here wins off the left hand side helping a tiny bit um all right between clubs adrenaline's pumping though. So I'm gonna go one less and try and crush it there birdie gets me in at 75 eagle gets me in at 74 obviously simple maths there's five Windows there just left of the flag I'm gonna go on the furthest left window and let the wind bring it back come on Rick finishing Style if it's there it's good if it's there it's good go go go front edge the front edge just shy a little bit gotta pull at it got about 201 yards or so to the flag but 185 to the front so I mean the five iron wins off the left let's try. And get up onto the green or it's not on the Green close and then.

We can get up. And down for birdie oh no it's well right oh no 183 window into off the left. So try and rip a six iron trying to finish with an eagle oh be God straight at it be good be the number oh great shot James right quite a bit shorter than I hope to be on this final hole and I'm in that horrible yardage for me in front of the clubhouse Clubhouse looks busy so I'll be able to commit a meeting I'm sure as they're watching or eating the food they're watching this video being made thinking oh Rick's going to flick a little little lob wedge under here. And just nip it in grab it next.

To the pin and knock it in for birdie that's what you think wouldn't you right I. So wish I could play that shot uh I think I have to put it oh baby be good. For 74 . go in go in oh what a great effort great great put the clubhouse they all stand up and applaud The Marvelous shot ah so I wish I could chip it one day great oh yeah all right. For an eagle and to finish seven under par oh he's got too far right it's a push week for a six under absolutely phenomenal exhibition thank you very much guys right for a birdie and to shoot 75 on the nose pretty straight not a lot in it again floor over okay this is. For a this is a birdie putt this is. For uh five over 77. so hopefully I've broke my eight teeth yeah I think this is. For the 77 let's knock it in yeah walking up. And down nice but those burgers on the last two for you guys did well yes thank you that was great enjoyed it yeah great exhibition goals thanks. So much thank you very much guys thanks for watching hopefully enjoy the video make sure you like And subscribe good luck to James's brand new role at being head coach at St Ann's old links you want coach and go and check out James Robinson there right thanks Robert there we'll see you soon and uh that was 76 77 66 I'm not used to saying 60s guys thanks. For watching and we'll see you next.

Time peace.