All right guys so we are down here today.

At sail golf club we've got a little match on got me. And uh me and peter finch from trafford against matt fryer matt's featured on my channel before but not seen him for a while i think we were getting wet last time. But was it scent hands cold. And wet cut very cold and got over it and because we are down at sail golf club we've also got sam poole morning i do sam good thank you. So what's your position what's your title down here um general manager general manager down here so he's uh he's been kind enough to uh take us around this gorgeous golf course we're gonna have a little match i think me. And finch against uh matt and sam we've not played if we play oh yeah we did me my golf. But that wasn't very successful so we we've not we've not had a great partnership we're gonna play the front nine um another just unbelievable day here in manchester you won't believe it you know english tourist board if you want to give us a call about all the extra adverts we've been given english you're more than welcome to um right par 5 start how far is it sam 501. So the pin is all the way down there you should be able to see the zoom dead straight down um yeah nice easy opener let's go finch. So finch has not got he's got his g25 at the moment because he's not got the 30 yet even though he's he's sporting his lovely ping g30 hat this is gonna be my last round with my g20 is this right last round yeah. So this is good take. So much though well it should perform well it's like hashtag yeah it's full it could perform well. Or just like being absolute no it'll perform well it'll be a little swan song. For it it's a bit left it looks really open down there sam is it it's not too bad there yeah there is some longer stuff on the left. But i don't think yeah it's bouncing. So you can kind of smash it a bit everywhere right i better go you might can grab the camera too bad i'll open the hole up from there partner yeah i'm gonna go a bit further hopefully a bit further right than that one that'd be two. And social no not. Yet another fairway missed by rick that's an awful lot that wasn't great was it answering my earlier question they do shape then.

Yeah yeah they do shake oh that was awful right my g25 you want to borrow it yeah i think i think i need something a bit more forgiving right sam playing off what what's your handicap five okay. So we're gonna we'll play our scratch you've probably got the best part yeah some play is probably the most golf yeah definitely yeah nice hit home advantage i'm sure what you're using got a nike cover. So you got a bit of competition here today.

Finch got another exceptional swinger of the golf club beautiful sociable over there aren't we pros have gone left sam's gone right right. So head down i think i'll be next.

To play if i can even find my ball. And let's uh let's carry on down this gorgeous course got some competition today.

Pete smoot swinging fryer you weren't missing today.

So here we are in the woodland on a typical english summer's day typical rick shields drive we find richard chileus mininus offline by quite a way in his natural habitat now normally i'd be absolutely skipping down this first doll after you hit this drive. But we're partnering up today.

Get yourself together man right anyway i've got a little uh new adam's club that i'm just testing. So i'm gonna hopefully just avoid fryer bend it around the corner that the prototype we had the prototype one yeah loads of people at the open using this let's go using it. For this purpose but oh he's absolutely ripped it hook hook just a bit too far right maybe start off with the only window i really had anyway safe yeah it's all good relax today.

Got finch on my side yeah. So matt we've got um just a fairway mist but safe safe as anything um par five have you zapped it yeah two four three two four to tap pin down there. And you're gonna go with a little adams hybrid too yeah new addition this week okay oh solid hit gonna stay towards that bunker oh really yeah just that kind of that bunker it's just to the right of there not bad hit sam's uh sam's just caught himself in a little bit of conifer trouble at the moment. And finches down there so i'm going to go. And join simon's area recovers from there so sam's just in the conifer not quite the side he wants to be on he's just gonna chip it out i believe yeah he's just nudged it forward put himself in a in a bit of daylight vinci ready to go yeah if i have to come back right. So sam now is just just in the daylight there it's gonna bump it out yeah nice shot not the best start. For me and sam there but it's doubled match play so it's uh still lots to play for finch is here now five you got pete. So he's got 220 yards from where he is just in a bit of rough we've not exactly split this fairway it's quite a tight fairway actually. But we've not really given much uh much danger of getting hit i hope he might fly a bit okay. So he's going to hit longish iron pins just to the right there it's a nice hit going towards the same bunker that matt hit towards just short of that bunker. So i think matt's just sure i think i'm just over that bunker sam's in the middle of the fairway now. But he's had three and pete and uh matt are up there towards the green having a short pitching. For their third okay. So i'm sorry 203 into the green back on the fairway oh great ball flight super this is right on it great golf shot well done good recovery oh my god it's really close i think you can just about make it out on the camera you invited sam i know that shot mate well done good recovery. So rick didn't bring any sun cream today.

So he's determined to stick to the shade how far we got he's not bad about six foot i can't really see the bottom of the pin from here no. So i'm gonna hit a little uh trying to land it about a hundred i kept it quite firm because we've had some great weather yeah it's been awesome. So far this year and with it being in the roof it shouldn't grab too quickly a little bit right actually okay about right that didn't it right. And big sorry i didn't realize how big it got that came out quite a long way right there didn't it it's all right partner i got this one right so peach just here short the bunker you will see sam's ball now after his 200 yards shot into the green let's put it really close. But that is this four. So it'd be an unbelievable path to be fair yeah really good. So pete's this for his third shot match just on there on the right so it's gonna be a battle of the up and down let's pitch it on the front let it run up yeah it's going to be. So firm the greens imagine sir it's relatively flat on it yeah this looks on it oh great pitch yeah we'll take that thank you very much good shot sir i'll let you uh let you take this hole all right you can have this one bud if you insist no no i will do you have this okay. So we've got a little pitch in here for matt so he's just pin high but ever slightly off the side of the green you gotta pull some uh magic out here you are a little bit matt yeah pete stuck it in close either no i sat down a fraction you've got skills from here though matt that's what they say that's what the word on the street is go oh that you know what such a tough life from there mate just click on it now now keep that club keep that club safe yeah it's in the bag no helicopters. So after rick's rick hit toe could have a go with this guy right here one of those bumps just after the green and it kind of really shots off to the right so got an outside chance for a uh a chip in he's done it to me before this week well i was a bit unlucky nice shot just kicked a little bit off this hill right you've already got the chance yeah great shot yourself thank you really good yeah really good i'll extract mine out the equation because i think uh pete's well on top of it now okay. So skulls and dolls at the moment pete's got that for birdie sam's got up for par matt's got this for birdie so my partner's pulling us through this slightly got much in this matt no not much oh it's fast wow they are fast i probably should have had a practice spot yeah my unfortunately arrived a little bit a little bit late yeah you're having that one right sam. So this would be an unbelievable up and down from 200 yards after you did all the chipping in the trees. And then.

Come on want to see us in for five awesome shame could have been a fairy tale finish i got two for it yeah might as well roll in people actually want to see something go in the hole it's a course video yeah well done one up. For mr finch and myself well mr finch how gorgeous does this the greens look great son really good my birthday okay. So second hole matt's having a little sing-song is that a bit of will i am we have to copyright that stuff if we put singing in the video is that all right right. So pretty straight down path four here 435 yards here the whites um stroke to this so it's just is it just the length of it that's the yeah it's protection you've got to be accurate with the t-shirt if you do push it slightly you get blocked up on the right hand side uh on the right they're about 290 okay go on finch great shot great shot. So he's just on your left foot where's my specialty specialty grandma you grab that i'll just grab my driver nice shot sir got a specialty you know one of those beauties you find on around to add five yards i think you might add 10 actually with that one normally should he have before these guys behind us all right see if i can actually hit somewhere near the golf course this time gone partner it's not really locked it up is it interesting it's a fairway though to see trackman on that one the bouncing bomb i'm lucky man. So matt was saying just before that he's going to take this hole anyway. So yeah this is going to look after this one. For you i've got the speed of the greens now so i know what's going on yeah good shot great fairway splitter really good nice. So sam after your tactical layup well played it i like you thinking we've got what we've got here left in 200 260 so it's it's everything you've got with the three wood okay i reckon the way you hit it you've got a good chance of getting up there though you've got a little brook to carry about 180. And the rest is all easy running that's got a great chance get up get up get up get up get up oh greened it great shot son thank you yeah well done from there mate not bad different way of playing it. But it's on the green right sam so rick i've got 170 left in yeah perfect angle into the flag yeah it's a bit of a tactical layup like yourself like sort of back right. So the real thing you've got to contend with that upward hill but that shouldn't worry too much i'm going to hit a seven straight at it try. And fly all the way to the back probably need to lance about 160. a little right here's a nice bounce clip three three kind of gone through a little bit yeah it should be okay i'm trying to start the golf ball. And draw it back but get no draw sam up. And down from there now mate right fry's just caught the trap how far you got 160 into the pin let's say pins just tucked at the back there any tips or advice on the shot last map uh i tend to grip down a little bit and grip it as hard as you can because it's going to shorten your tendons. So you're not going to be digging down into the sun too much that great advice. So grip it tight and uh grip down on the club a touch so what how fat what you're hear going to hit i've got seven just trying to get around this branch as well the one thing you've just got to contend with as well with people watching is make sure you get a knuckle off to get it over any lip this is not a big lip. So it should be comfortable to get over that oh it's nice has it got the legs oh it's just on the front good effort in there though mate so pete is here an absolute stonker down here how far have you got pete 120 put the out uh it's good to have you to have your g30 because you'd probably put it in the bunker with the g30 green with that this bunker at 300 yards was just got in the way right. So 120 left in comfortable approaching to screen not too much to contend with it's a little bit of an uphill just before that's it are you gonna hit pete uh wedge. So it looks like it's in the back so i don't want to go beyond it no a little soft wedge into the middle of the green let it bounce on. And roll a bit to the flag oh you didn't hit that soft mate that missed green right so matt fry is just at the front of the green here he's got a little pitch up to the pin just at the back here. So he's got something a bit blotted out i'd imagine it's gonna have to stop quick oh it did bite a bit just run on a touch. So interesting after those drives sam's probably the best positioned he's just there by the side of the green after being 260 yards left in pete you have to be 120 yards is there. And myself i'm just just here as well so i've got a look we've got me and p have got little tricky pictures in here that's how uh so we're going from here great shot sam thank you favorite yard is that 260 out yeah. So me and rick little i'm very disappointed with mine i just pushed it right at it green hit this bump and kicked off now we've both got tricky up and downs yeah trickier. For downs rick here i've got maybe a little bit easier rick's off a down slope he's just got a nudge it onto the top of the bank pretty much and it should run down would you go on the bank or on the green if you could get it on the green i'd avoid the bank altogether yeah i might go that route i'm going to open the blade. And just try and land it just on the fringe as they're missing the bank is key yeah it's all going to run down to the pins. So open the blade up give it loads of loft lovely touch but it's just quick yeah just it was really very quick it was a nice shot though three. Or four foot less not been spot on i think he could have played it much better. So here's the angle from pete's shot i'd say very similar distance wise to mine but a very different shot completely so he's on a slight uphill life fluffier lie we've got a bigger bigger bump to get over yeah just same as euro 60 degree you're going to open it up i'm just going to try. And pop it up land it on the fringe and run it down we'll have a soft dish bounce hit the flag oh you've run it too far it popped out it did it did right we're up against the ropes in bud right then.

Sam you're in the uh in the driving seat you've had the lee shots um big slope off the left i would imagine i'm gonna roll it up there greens are rolling great no oh a great effort i'll tell you what you can have that you can have that just. For the 260 r3 wood that you hit yeah grab an awesome birdie right. So i'm gonna pass over the camera to sam while marseille myself and pete have got a whole one matt you're you're all clear you don't have to do anything right left to right uphill left to right yeah uphill left to right he's not giving you any more than that. So that's all i'm getting that's also telling you one of these gotta drop the good effort okay this has to go that's the drop to create the half got it he's got it right in the middle save half i personally never had any doubt. So all right we both scratched each other's back now so we're all square again you and me we're going to go third hole what's the third door sam that old long path three okay it's less than one yard. So we are still one up me. And pete we're gonna head over to the third so we're on a lovely looking third hole here zoom in so we've got water in front bunkers either side and 187 into the pin where you going. For it i'm gonna hit six it ever so slightly downhill so i'm gonna have to batter it to be fair but it's nice and warm so it should get there okay i need to start hitting them online if it holds that line are you going six here as well yeah kind of just the whole very inviting. For a little drawdown it's right in the middle of the green yeah safe enough it's safe struck you well yeah pin eye. But just a little bit just on the right side of the green there are you going with sam i've got six as well. And what irons are we using at the moment taylormade racs oh antiques click like everyone's had a set of them click like if you had a set of them everyone in the world got some other yeah almost next.

To pete's ball there just on the right side of the green a mat is it six as well yeah you got some new irons yeah oh he's got some s55s a look i think i think i might be getting some of these too very nice aren't they got fitted. For a set up ping so uh i didn't know you had some things oh why is the uh the wilson contract now expired okay you've done that one's coming through pretty soon yeah. And then.

I think my max flyer as well okay okay let's see what these can do oh it's just a fraction to the left yeah it's on there just in that left corner. So we're all on the green we'll get down there so you uh so you can take the spoils right. So we've reached the third green um big undulating green actually this on this part three we've got i think sam's just to play first is it sam that's just off the green finches here i'm just up nearer to the hole just past the pin um yeah that's hole's just up there. And just see it make it out around your shoulder actually and there it is there you add the line bud yeah you're fine you can have that go three right hey buddy notice there as well. So i'm using a bit of claw action oh yes you said you saw a video. And started using the cloth i don't i don't quite know why it doesn't i don't exactly shows how damaging youtube can be inside i don't exactly sell the club i'm not the best walking advertisement board. For it right um pete so across the greens this isn't as uphill it's just a big kind of slope to the left um hit the hole's just in line with the flag there so it's just you've probably got it's downhill yours but i think you've got a more straightforward push yeah you can have a run at this yeah i'll just try. And try and land it day around the hall big swing i'm fast god these greens are fast sam yeah aren't they they don't look i mean they look smooth. But they're uh they're absolutely rapid okay matt. For birdie on the third now all this is quite a bit downhill this one yeah this is quick seeing all yours going down here yeah just stay there i'll put my putter here. For you i'd say line is probably your main priority yeah they're all good he's like sure oh i thought i thought i didn't think it was going to turn quite far all right three hold on hold half guys right. So end the part one guys down here at cell golf club in manchester we're gonna now get on to the next.

Tee uh you can check out in the window here. For the part two if it's not active just yet it will be very soon um we wanna again thanks sale. For coming down here thanks sam for inviting us down playing some golf and don't forget to check out finch on his channel you can click his face you can check out matt on his channel even though he's not got much on there just. Yet he will have soon. And you can subscribe to mine down here below as well. And we'll see you in part two very soon.