So you go guys we are on uh part two sail golf club down here in glorious manchester today.

Gorgeous day this is part two guys. So if you've not seen part one you can check it out up here in the window. And we are with the team i'll introduce you to everyone this is peter finch i'm sure you've seen pete before some of the videos that i've done you can check him out on his twitter. And his tags down at the bottom we've got sam poole who is the general manager down here at sail golf club. So completely new playing off what andy cappiosa he's with the big boy stage with the pros so he's off scratch today.

Unfortunately. And we're with matt fryer who's uh another golf professional we've done some videos with him before it's sam and matt against me and pete and we're currently one up like so you can check out part one. For that and we've now gets a fourth hole quite a short par four so how far is it sam 302 off the whites. And that fence is out of bounds how far out of bounds is that uh it's about two feet left oh two two feet left now believe it. Or not i've got iron pete's been driving it well so this is a little bit of the kind of tactics here today.

Obviously you have to play t strength sometimes pete's been driving it great all day. So he's going to drive a go. For it i'm going to hit iron because i've been like a dog off the tee team. So are you going to go first sir yeah yeah give it again it's like. So this is i think you've got much room right not particularly now not with a driver okay. So fair enough then.

Straight let's do our dive that's the green there you can need to get there yeah one of the bunkers will be all right i'll take cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut caught let's hit the trees that needs a bit of look. So he's hit the tree just there just to the left of the path got some of that high five in behind us don't worry that was that was the tactics tactic how's the tactics no pressure can you hit a failure with your iron can hit a fairway with a fireman now i think i'll actually be all right there ever the optimist it's close it's close right um. So i'm gonna just hit a five iron down they should only have about 100 yards left in there okay just to left that bunker sam yeah straight at the flag really insect yeah nice shot play partner see they mocked our tactics. But when we walk off here with a bogey they'll be laughing on the other side of the face i'm more scared about hitting a wedge with the out of bounds two feet to the left yeah overjoyed overdraw that's an overdraw what do you got there sam i've got four ryan four i'm safe on this time safely. So matt's gonna knock it out bounds with me right okay yeah nice shot split in the fairway i think we should have played in that order straight down the middle they've they've gone safe then.

Aggressive we've gone aggressive then.

Safe they all work out in the end oh sorry guys i'm gonna have to have to move my position because matt thinks he's some kind of professional team up on this side of the table awkward yeah it's okay yeah can't really see just gone just there just to the right straight down to all the outbounds from there all right let's see that face how's your chipping straight into the outer bounds first um. So after rick's super safe iron off the tee just on the edge of the fairway how long we got left open the pin in there though 94 yards left 94. i can't we can't see my ball so i think it could be dead. But rick is deadly from this range this is scary i've never been scared of the suffering uh yeah i'm just gonna go straight at it my my message to the right with a wedge. So pins are the back. So i've got plenty of room there okay sam how far we got him from here i've got 75 75 yards what are you going to be going with i've got a little 52 i'm just going to play a little uh bump. And run type sure i'll land it near the front and yeah better run a bit of local knowledge here if you fly it all the way you're off the back every time just like right now yeah thanks thanks. For sharing some help thumbs up for that bit of a gamesmanship yeah yeah if you appreciate that oh look at that everything the general manager's bounce that's built very nice. So matty's just gone over there to the right hand side he's got a tricky shot to play up he's actually playing over a green over a bunker then.

Onto this screen with out of bounds straight behind the pin and it's just the tightest screen in the world and he's actually done really well from there that's a really good shot out of bounds he's literally just here on the edge of the green so not too bad there rick rick has left himself with a horror there's that big bang you can actually see the well you can see the slope there rick i think it's pitched off the top pitched down after sam tells you well no prior prior to sam telling us we can't go wrong long. So this is a i won't say any impossible up in there. But if he gets up and down from here i say it's almost impossible so he's gonna open up the blade gonna aim it high floppy no never looks like i mean sammy's just here. For his uh he's birdie after all our after all our tactical play might made a boob with this one but rick still got this for a part so it just goes to show guys you don't need a 480 yard powerful to make it tough just need 300 yards of me and rick and that's here for his birdie but what whoa i think the six might win it. So it sounds for a birdie mere formality yeah it looks good. And he's dropped it grey birdie don't mind leads into a birdie all skulls don't even count after he's one with a birdie all right so back to wall square all square how good is this hole i know how close that is the outer bounce that's the green green roof out of town narrowest here yeah literally oh well rick back to level we'll get it back though we'll both be driving next.

Time it's obviously the play stop it in five hours. So i'm after his very very clever birdie there very nicely played what what we got here sam bar four fifth hole uh 438 yards off the whites it dog legs around to the left and you've got the river mersey on the left there that's out of bounds all the way down the left again so the line really there's sort of three trees leaning across to the left there the one furthest left with a little bit of draw so it's a bit of a dog right to the left draw to shape with the fairways okay. So you're on a sir okay oh power draw great shot literally started that over there somewhere every now. And again i kind of think he plays here before yeah you've got to keep away from that out of bounds okay all right matt a similar shot no you're not a draw of the ball are you really no i can't stand it can't stand the draw after playing with a hook. For years oh beautiful golf shot hold on sir go on finch these boys are in the stride i'll tell you what i'm not gonna blow the ball over just play imaginary golf pete we'll draw the ball in later right. So you two split the fairway in half uh great shots from the power of you gotta be feeling the pressure now just lost that hole all right i'm gonna try and play a similar shot with that bit of draw oh hitting the driver awful hitting it awful with the big stick it definitely knows you went to gaines bro yeah it definitely knows i've been to ping it's not liking me anymore right then.

Pete gotta rely on cinching out at least it's in well it's inbounds. But pretty awful a little drop here um i'm like you i'm not really a natural drawer of it but we'll give it a go eh that's a lovely shot great flight yeah. So you're not a drawer that's just ripped i think i think i'm gonna start doing it a bit more right then.

Guys. So we actually had a little mess up here um pete forgot to press the record button so what i'm actually saying here isn't what i'm saying right now i've had to record this little voiceover after i've got currently i hit a terrible tee shot i had 230 odd yards to the target now it's a dog leg to the left and all this on the left hand side just to left that conifer is the river mersey that is all water all out of bounds. So i'm aiming this left i'm going to cut it around the conifer as you can see my feet are aiming left my club face is aiming not as far left. But still a little bit to the left and i swung across the golf ball you'll be able to see it here in a little bit more detail i've actually um i mean i'm way behind it lads you see it just starts to laugh at the kind of front turn back in um pete's little mishap there. But i suppose it's only happened the once i'm sure i can let him off. And then.

We'll join get back to the action right about now all right guys so we've met the uh the boys on the fairway i have to just apologize that i don't think the audio quite worked. For that last clip um so the best shot you've ever it was probably the best best hybrid two i know ever hit. And pete forgot to get the audio soap anyway live and learn um so we meet sam now great tee shot middle of the fairway into this hole apparently my golf balls is in that bunk on the left after going over the mersey how far have you got sam got 151 okay. So we've got nine iron it's a little nine from 151. just on that right side there it is just on the right side of the green it was trying to draw him. But didn't quite turn enough there sam nope we've got matt on the fairway just a bit further down right and fire so you've got what one five one three five left in what you're hitting so he's gonna swap to wedge from 135 out not much breeze really from the uh the trees he's gonna hit it hard oh it's just a little bit right again up next.

Door to sam whoops yeah just on the right side of the green. And then.

Finch it's a little monster down there you sure you're gonna give that g25 away well i thought that was it was hitting that g30 further. So well that was what's good when i get mounted on that. So uh i'll say while pete's waiting for his g30 to arrive his g25 he's definitely a playing game playing ball right so he's got half well he's just going to get the bushnell uh my guess is 107. 106. that's not bad is it 106. not bad at all right. So i'll pass this off the else you've hit it three three two three two four take it every day right and sir so i'm just in the bunker left matt and sam are on the green. But just at the front a little gap wedge can't stick it closer we've got a chance to get getting back up in the match oh no pete. So that's uh that's a fat golf shot that wasn't fat that was three fat loaf shots a triple fat look at the divot sorry no no there's no need to apologize you've only messed up the audio on your second shot earlier on this all it's fine at least i only messed up the tee shot good drive though great drive awesome drive one of the best i've seen you here right. So after you're after your layup um a little pitching bit of undulation off the left come on recover straight away bounce back ability that's the phrase that's the one 56 because you've got the most bounce on yeah landed it a little bit left to right right oh god yeah that's big slope off the left there stop quick stop quick stop you pitched it kind of where you wanted to be. But just overheat it touch that so me and rick have had um or we've approached this hole in different ways it's probably a kind way you're looking at it i've currently had less shots than yet i know um this was probably the greatest recovery shot i've ever hit in my life it was from right over the mersey ride around into this bunker. So downhill i'm just going to splash it out. And then.

Let it run down the hill sounds good make it happen very nice contact that's a lovely shot man lovely shot give myself a chance anyway yeah i love this shot that nice touch that very soft hands there buddy okay. So matty and sam from right putting for birdie let's track it online that's looking good go go go matt's not quite at the pace of these yet you on the green mark are you on the green sunshine. So we're slowly surrounding this hole sam here also with a birdie pup paul might be good enough though after mine and rick's adventures yeah looking good it's tracking it's got if it goes bang online from there i think. So after your uh approaching it's an adventurous hole it is got this one. For par so there's three three markers being collected around this side of the hole it's all all for par also so never come party cover have a bit of a run at this okay. So we've got the five secured is it just on me. So happy to secure the fire for us ah dear all right then.

From that angle left center if anything but still you there's a long way left well two putts are you kevin i know sorry oh yeah okay i think then.

Two foots. For it for the half yeah nice pup well well played to one up ah feet not great that wasn't right not great. So we're on sixth hole yeah bunker's down there all in play. So pond down the middle sam was just saying you just see the flag there on the hill oh the pond's about 300 the further you go down okay. So it's your honor guys i'll let you play after uh completely messing that one up why are you hitting sam i've got four iron okay me. And pete was just talking about part two just might er might accidentally get corrupt it might just go from part part one to part three anyway right we've gotta come back to to have it you've won two yeah oh yeah with the four iron there you're not gonna reach any of that real trouble are you no okay the mat are you gonna go with the same tactics yeah four as well well then.

You've only got. So fine in yeah good shot that's one-handed finish. But it's it's down there some cream on it yeah we just put some some cream on. So that's not the best idea right so me and peter come on we just happen to have the same iron in our bag with it might look absolutely identical to the design that we're going to both use there in fact i might use the adams right. So pete's got the udi the two iron come on rick this is this is you hitting first come on pete coffee oh ripped it pete's saying bunker something bunker i was happy with that you're all right uh you're ripped out trying to get me yeah i'm gonna hit the other side he's trying to get me out. And i don't like it you go for the adams yeah yeah. So rick's testing out a few different two iron alternatives at the moment so we've got the adams prototype and then.

We've got that udi tailor-made one i'd say i probably prefer the tailor-made by shade but i'm in between at the moment this one seems a little bit easier yep easy enough now we say this every time but i think we should probably play irons off the team more often yeah definitely that's actually just kept turning a bit too far there. But you just run off to left side safe enough not bad bye all right mark great tee shot nicely positioned um you got a yardage 166. so this is a this is a really nice hole. So just elevated up on the hill there 166 into the pin do apologize if there's a bit of a bit of work going on here on the left there just finishing off a new tram line that's going to go through sale. So all aboard great swing match just cut it is it overdone it's just on the back edge of that bunker it's just flown just over that bunker there yeah it's safe enough what did you hit a little six it's a little cutty six right. So we found also some on the fairway great little t-shirt here uh how far have you got 158 one five eight yeah sorry if you get a bit of jcb noise right. And so let's stick this one close what are you hitting i've got eight iron okay oh it's at it that is right at it great shot yeah great shot right down the neck of it good shot sir thank you right. So we are with rick's second how far we got rick got one three seven me. And peter pretty much neck and neck where we are close that's what we like to hear sam's closer than close. So pete we've got to stick one closer i'm gonna sit a little night what are you hitting pete yeah i'm at nine um right gotta literally stick this get it looking good right on it left oh doesn't know his own strength no pressure now pete i'm not gonna second guess myself with a big iron it's looking tidy yes great shot thank god thank god oh otherwise we were we were getting battered dead jumpy right. So as we approach this green there's two golf balls very very close well one that we thought was mega close. And then.

One that's ridiculously close do we know which one's which is what using sam i've got sitelist that is a tight list. Or using peter um is that all right what's he like from that range he's incredible grab your pete they've given you mats up there. And i've actually hit mine massive i am just not feeling it today.

I'm not at all this will get heavily edited. And i look like i'm playing amazing but right well thankfully i don't have to go and play mine uh you guys have got a whole one of these matt on your first sir it's gorgeous for you from up here i was mistaken before as well sam's just informing that wasn't the tram line it's actually the river mers doing a little bit work on the embankment there just in case anyone spotted that as a bit of an error you can actually see it from up here. So might across the green let's give it a run let's give it a great run oh i just fell down on the low side turn for your par right sam after what appeared from the fairway it's been a fantastic shot just kind of got overshadowed really good it's all right it's just not the fantastic shot that the fincher in right this for uh the harbin to stay one up going into part three otherwise we get it back to all square is the claw gonna work oh he's got it with the claw birdie birdie. For the half well done mate you deserve that right so guys that was the end of part two uh down here at sail golf club gorgeous golf course on a really nice day with good company i'm playing like a dog the rest of them playing all right. And we're gonna head over to part three now guys you can check that out check that out in the window over here you can subscribe to my channel down here. And also you can like the video. And check out everyone's twitter names and everything over there we'll see you soon guys and we'll join you in part three.