All right guys so you join us here in part three at sail golf club in manchester got some uh playing parts today.

We've currently done part one. And two you can check those out that was out in the top two corners this is sam poole general manager at sale invited us down here to do some golf. And he's been playing some good golf and all right done all right a little claw grip there to to birdie the last hole which is great also down here with pete finch who you've seen on the channel before. And also matt fry golf professional uh me and pete has currently won down mate yeah well to be fair you are playing on your own because i've played like an absolute dog. So far today.

Uh not my greatest day. So yeah matt said it's an insult to dogs anyway it's time. For me to shine so we've got three holes left to play uh we're on seventh here this is apparently a short path four uh slight douglas to the left stroke index 18. i'm just focusing on there. And uh for you guys to play some okay. So we're all got the big sticks out we're having a crack at it so it's over the over the corner of this the trees here so with a little bit of drawers just a little bit right it's going to be a long way in from there didn't get the draw there cleared the trees no i think it should be perfect yeah we've seen it it's cleared the trees you'll have a line in there it's the safe miss yes right matt also going with the big stick it's quite a draw golf course isn't it something yeah. But all the trouble's always on the left as well so you don't want to draw but not not hulk yeah no overdraws just cutting it back out of the way of the trouble that's it that's it yeah just on the edge not bad all right all right finch been driving it awesome today.

So far not always i've always done you great from that point but drove it great great birdie on the last hole again if you not check those out check them in the links down below uh right give it a rip straight over the corner straight at it got a chance to get it on there with a little bit of down breeze today.

Great shot in that one should have a great chance of getting on there yeah is it just to the right slightly right well should be right right a new day rick new dawn a lot of people this is like a this is completely new day. So the other last two days forget about we don't need to worry about them all right these are totally bit awful um right i'm saying. So you just have a smash remind me of a tee shot of it wealthy not today.

No we can't another side you can't i remember in 2001 you hit a good one um at least i actually hit it all right you got it in the air i got it above head height is that what it's not like a bit of an overdraw is it tight tight down there yeah come on mate we wait with baited second here as well he's just short-siding himself a little bit as well yeah tight pins you have to try. And throw it off a little bit those two are in good positions there rick somehow has managed to find it. So tight so tight that out of bounds try and get this one up quickly and get it stopping quickly just trickled off the back too tight no grip out of that stuff no. So rick came close but he's determined not to lose this ball this is the golf ball i got from what loman. So i really don't want to lose it oh is this the loch lomond ball is it this is the out of bounds here he's just in. But he's left himself a relatively i won't say straight forward but i personally that's the best driver that's the best shot of it all the best contact isn't it yeah i've really hit that nice. So it's a turning point um matt and sam have both mr green you're just in the bunker sure just bunker short right now i'm just gonna go 58 and kind of bump it up there it's gonna be gonna be off the left it's gonna be quicker than once it lands again isn't it i'm not not in the greatest of lies actually i can't really complain at least i found it very fast yeah just just snagged up. And i couldn't get the direction but yeah it's not it's all right there's still a day today.

We're still in a better position than those two. But yeah right. So pete's just in green side bunker he's got a little shot over to the pin see what you can do from here not easy this thing have to carry on to the green with all that there yeah you've got the green kind of starts around there. And it slopes away from you back towards the back edge of the green where matt's just finished up played it nice yeah great. For mate well played closest so far right sam's just behind me she's got a just this bank meant to negotiate london you had a tough line in from over there should have gone down that left side much safer nicely played that was really nice that's well done right matt are you chipping up oh oh what's this little nifty uh i'm gonna come over. And have a look at this and talk us through this shot matt it's not the greatest lie in the world and with it being running away quickly down there if you don't quite catch it it's just going to go miles. So i thought if you're ever in a little bit of trouble and you don't fancy a lie if you just pop one of these with a putting stroke this is your three wood yeah. So it just gives it enough loft to get it up there and it doesn't snag does it really yeah get over the initial plug. And then.

Run out if you've not seen the uh what's in the bag we did with mats you can check out my channel. For that and it'll show you what club this is. But i've got a little nifty way of using it here try and judge it right yeah nicely played wow well done mate it's hard to judge the speed with the three wood from there yeah take that away good four well applied the new camilo over. So we've got doing a little bit of uh vajaygason as he reads this reads this putt uh right i'm going to give you over to matt as i've just off the side of the green i won't get back up if i tried to do that still a bit of a heated debate here as to whether rick did drop his ball. Or not he's swearing he didn't just can't cope with it it was tight. But it was safe oh. So close great effort there take it away thank you right so we've got pete now pete for back-to-back birdies to bring the match back to old square you got a good read on this you should have them down where you are yeah oh it's just gone a little right straight away unfortunately i didn't see you going right straight away all right if you're not happy with it just a bit of aggression there amongst the team. So there's no one up. For matt and sam uh we'll head over today.

Right guys. So we've got to quite a tricky little par 4 here this is a see where the bunker is just between the trees there you might just be able to make it out that's just to the right of the green however. you've got streams. And brooks and rivers and all sorts down there on the scorecard seems quite quite easy but it's definitely quite quite tricky from that's the green side bunker just there but quite tricky in um in actual real life that is on the scorecard. So sure on it guys sam's gonna go driving pete's gonna go driver matt's doing the leap the crouching dragon he's not sure quite what he's doing i'm hitting something that might hit somewhere near the golf ball um sam's gonna show you where the green is now the medal i won't normally hit driver on this no it's never been driving on the side is it a safe one. But i'm gonna kill you off on this hole now gonna let those guys go through that right yeah is that it that right in there playing some lovely gentleman tia as we uh before sam rockets this one oh wait is a rocket as well rocketed just caught that tree just up there did bounce out i just saw it did it find that it should be okay yeah you may be a little further right than that just getting some uh get some advice here let's say let's gently off our more experienced golf golf game you know guys that'll be in about i won't i want like. So many so matt's got the big stick just over these trees isn't it basically i feel very inadequate without hitting the driver at the moment i'll have to get it out in a minute it's a great hit that looks fantastic it's on the line that we've said. So i can't really see where it's going to finish that. But i'll either be on the bank just short or left side it's the one that it's the shot that you wanted shut up yeah well right here just notice we are teaming up way on the left side of the tee here because if i just take you around over to this side you can uh you just completely get blocked out of the green view. So using the full stretch of the tee rule says you can have your ball inside it you can stand outside it's not a problem at all right go on finch oh a bit more of a cut that one big high cut yeah kind of what i was going. For it quite connect though that's okay i was tipping back down that was a stream that was safe right come on mate what would you tell your lessons i was gonna say what you tell your lessons is to play with the swing that you brought to the course yeah come on. So rick so rick let's hit the tree here with a drawer he has then.

Faded it off the tree past those trees there and he's now in a perfect layer position thank you today's just one of those days just click like if you've just had one of those days it just doesn't work so here we are with rick after quite an inventive tee shot really quite a nice layup shot really yeah it's absolutely perfect got about 60 straight down the flag now just took a little bit of that oat tree out with me. So i need to remember to stay positive today.

Because i'm not in it great. But i can't not been happy on the day like this so i'm gonna stick this one nice and close it's looking good has he got the right yardage oh he has great shot alright guys just to finish off where matt was my battery's just actually gone on my camera i didn't want to miss the only good shot i've hit all day i'd have been absolutely gutted about that. So that's where i'm in two sam's just here by the side so i'm going to go over to him now. And uh so he can he can approach this green. So nice tee shots i think you just caught that tree didn't you just up there because if it would have flown that that would have a great chance of getting on the green uh matt's down near the water peaks over to the right. So um i think you're probably in the best position out of all of them. So far a little 50-yarder no less than that probably okay you can play one of your little low ones no i'm gonna give this a little bit of air actually a bit height it stopped oh it's just ran on a little bit further it looks close on the camera there. But it's actually probably just running a bit further than what what you wanted not a bad little pitch yeah. So pete's pin high here after his tee shot they're worried about you going in the brook pete no chance loads of room you only just missed the green. So um hopefully i'm close enough to make birdies so you've got a you've got a great kind of a backboard here really you can go at it a bit more it's a little pitch just over the hill down towards the top of the flag there yeah they're nice. And fast and firm these greens it's on the right distance but it's a bit left for you that pete yeah just snags in this rougher top no you're aiming straight yeah it came out a bit weird nice contact maybe just pulled across it. But you're gonna all that yeah you're safe you're safe oh. So pretty close to water yeah very close. But very close to the green also so it was that attacking play just put you in a good position. But it's uh very close to the drink so you just got what a bit of loft on this yeah let's try. And pop it off does your 58 yeah okay oh shame oh oh we nearly got a helicopter then.

You can chip it from there right. So still for birdie actually course you do oh it's just running a bit too far. So we've got sam just at the back of the green there we've got pete putting for birdie also this is mine just here. And then.

Match just ran on a little bit further um not too much in it now just slightly from the left i think probably gonna need it. So the claw's been working well for sam so far can it work well again oh it's a bit soft that bud bit soft take that thank you there's your par mat you can have yours. So you don't have yours mate all right right pete this is uh one of these to take it all square going down the last oh just overturned a little bit there. So rick after so rick after his wonderful layup tee shot and his actually wonderful approach got this tricky putt for birdie it's pretty much straight downhill but it's the pressure that's on it yeah nice pokemon hold on nice pup right. So birdie all square again down the last that was an interesting way making a burden doesn't understand is that the drive into the train. And down the fairway was always the uh option right. So we've got one more hole left we're all square matt's truck practicing over his chipping see but i'm smart i'm not playing well but i'm smiling i think we've got him you're gonna think we've got him now not in my head do i think they're gonna win we'll head down the night yeah just over. So we're on the ninth here match is all square we're going to love looking all to finish here dog leg around the corner right yeah line just to the right of that bunker in the middle of the screen there. So rick after that cheeky little birdie there we're confident again now i think we're going to rampage down this whole mate i really do i'm trying to fade down let's fade nice fade fades go right to left there right left hand oh look at the bar yes now look at that this is the face of someone whose look has just turned wow i don't i didn't see that bounce coming yeah that was uh where the sort bunk drawn it at the bunker. And it's just kicked to the right just nicely around the corner and all these good in the world again there's no trouble right here is it uh you've got a good carry over those trees there yeah it's all right all right i'm gonna unleash this one mate well i think you can do because it's not real trouble looking at your bounces like all the looks gonna be with us on this one as well yeah look at these two now how things change right come on pete that good sam is it yeah yeah nice shot it's big it's big it's bigger. So pete's gone sorry i should have described that pete's gone straight over the top of those trees and he reckons it's big right sam come on oh it's a low end it's actually just kicked out slightly but not what we wanted to do fryer speak. For yourself i was desperate. For him to do that yeah. But we like it oh it's this is it's all going wrong from here isn't it the t's just snapped driver's been dropped no we we're not like other channels we like to like nice fair match write them up it's great it's just drawn just a little bit stay stay that's the best i've ever seen you hit a golf ball. But it's just moved into that left corner i reckon that should be long enough through the trees reconcile it's just a fair way the other side though come on shoulders up chest chest back right so we've found sam's he's actually just kicked back out into the uh manageable range of actually getting a club onto the ball um big dog go to the right she's just going to chip out here oh sam i've got no shot. So just a little chip down at the bunker sit it well yeah good shot much more no you just put it down the fairway give him open the hole up give him a chance right sam. So after your little chip out you've got how far 87 187 quite a long way to go just into that pin back pin matt's over there just on the other i can't find him now where is he where is he can i not find that always behind the tree that's why. So he's just there behind the tree um right up against it here's come on give it some great long shots yeah it's some great long shots. So max just on this other side of the hole here he's uh he kind of aimed to fade it but just hit it dead straight down the line so he's got a shot over the trees he's about the same range as matt as sam was to the hole. So we'll see how he gets on from there i would suggest he's probably hitting something like a six iron into that flag sounded sweet let's see if we see it down if it lands anywhere near the green oh it's just about left side actually near where that next.

Tee box is. So he's only probably got a little chip in i'd probably suggest that was the only line that he could actually hit from from where he was you'd have had to play a big cut from where he was. And i think pete's just walking over to mine pete's down there. So we're certainly in the driving seat at the moment got it pete so rick off the tee just skirted the edge of this bunker ran down and he's left himself with how long have we got 150 150 to that pin that bunk is actually a long way before the green that seagull there is just on the front to the right. So it's how we judge distances now our manchester city a manchester seagull you're 200 seagulls to the pin for me right so i've got a little bit of a deep roof i'm gonna hit nine nine at it and land on the front edge that's a little bit thinking i don't think i think he's just going to come out this rough right hop bad stuff put it into play just on that right bunk i think it should kick in a bit oh no okay clout just seemed to kick straight on that didn't it yeah it's not the line i wanted unlucky. So i then.

Down there so finchster tell you what i i-25 does not want to go out this bag the i-25 g25 doesn't want to go out the i-25 has never been in the bag your g25 just does not want to leave because you've hit another bomb down here only 120 left in wow that might be the last driver last drive over here at least it went out out fighting right unless we need to play a playoff hole that's true yeah i forgot i said that i still need you well no why don't you just stick this one close. And we don't need it again i'd rather that be the last drive that certainly i don't want to hit another golf shot today.

I'm done today.

A little cheesy one mine nestled in close why have you hit wedge by the way i just realized yep you have to hold back off that yeah it's just a little one oh just a really smooth sorry i've not zoomed in let me zoom past you just a bit big. And left but it's uh it's the closest so far out of all of us just kind of panicked when you'd i thought hold on don't eat wedge so as it stands got sam just off the right for a outside par oh sorry that's i'm just there for an outside pile got rick there for an outside birdie mat has found a interesting lie in the bunker not easy by any means you might just be able to see it sat on like a little shelf it's almost like the rake's been resting next.

To it and pushed it up a bit challenge another challenge but up and down salvage the half there get it running he's played it probably about as well as you could there buddy that was a good shot that really good shot rick just off to the right of the green putting rick yeah it's nice. And smooth sorry there's a plane going overhead if it's interrupting. So nice and smooth just can't see rick's ball he's just on a little little hollow it's coming up and over the edge of the green down towards the pin it's tracking and he has oh lived out but a lovely pot mate with some way to finish one of the worst rounds i've ever played that's a nice shot um should i roll it in shot right sam gotta go he's gotta drop one of yours i've gotta drop you put him well though i'll put it past you son come in come in come here come here come in just stayed right unlucky so matt i'll pass i'll grab matt's while pete preps his um okay. So mark this is also got a drop mate after a very tough bunker shot you really much into this no no straight at it it's online he's got it don't hold it pete please oh can you believe it can you believe it's waterpot well done from that light that's an epic up. And down yeah thank you right well we're gonna have to mars. And read it now yeah you have to take your time with this one now um it's got a drop mate yeah you seen anything from your side honestly not a great deal no not a great deal where's fraser when we need him yeah what phrase to say well fraser would say go straight at it. So that's what matt just did great great put them up awesome yeah absolutely stay up oh bloody hell right. So still all square i think the playoffs in order. So guys we are going to now head over to play the playoff hole um again just to get everyone's on twitter this is sam from uh sail golf club you can check him out down there matt fryer. And check out his twitter name and also peter finch twitter and his uh youtube channel guys that was a weird way of playing golf. And somehow getting a decent result there so um click like if you've ever had one those days where you just can't hit a barn door uh and you've had yeah true it's not how it's how many um yeah the scores haven't been terrible. But click like if you've had one of those days where you just can't you can't get it to click and you've had a great partner to carry you through right we're going to head down a hole um to just realized what that sounded like we're going to head down a gulf hole what's your favorite hole some. And join us in jonas in the window next.

Door to watch the play-off.