Hi welcome to rick shields youtube channel i'm here today.

To test the score golf wedges now i'm i'm really excited about this product score golf from texas america have sent me these wedges i've got five wedges to talk you through. And talking to their company really their idea of wedges it's pretty revolutionary um first things first is they're they make 21 degrees of wedges this is starting all the way to 42 all the way to the loft of 63 degrees now what they stay. And what they specify is that every single wedge is kind of designed differently. So don't just make one wedge and bend it so don't just make one wedge and move it to whatever degree you're suited because then.

The lie angle changes and everything else uh and then.

This bounce angle everything else what this is designed every single wedge has been modified. And changed and tweaked so if you want a 46 degree wedge which is more like a pitching wedge that's exactly what you're getting it's tailored. For that loft so it's massively important the other things that they do as well is that they're they're kind of milled. And forged faces like i'm just rubbing my finger across the face there i can feel the grip coming off it already i can really feel how kind of that's going to bite up with the club. And you're going to get a lot of spin. And control which is great they also do a v soul bounce angle. So they have the uh the v here section so it actually never really it doesn't have a bounce angle on it as such but what the idea for this is that doesn't really sink into the grass. Or the stand or whatever lie that you're playing off too much once it hits down it kind of pops back up again which makes things a lot easier when you're playing one other thing about this company as well is that they before you actually buy them you can buy them online i'll put the website in the description below. But you actually go through quite an intensive fitting um kind of online fitting first now what you do on that you fill out loads of information about you. And your golf about your clubs that you've currently got about your distance control and your yardage you're currently hitting from kind of your a-tine and your pitching wedge and what wedges you currently currently carry and then.

From that it gives you a four-wedge alternative and a five-wedge and the five wedge alternative actually includes a nine iron in there as well so you actually drop the 99 out of your set because these are your scoring clubs it's really important that you have a club that's going to give you loads of feel loads of great distance control. And a club that's going to be able to kind of spin. And check and everything you want it to do when it lands with a normal 99 maybe you've got a more forgiving set of your irons they can be quite tricky to chit within to control when i'm around the green now with all these these new wedges i must admit it gets takes me a minute. Or two to just figure out which one i want to use because i'm still not quite adapting i've probably had these for about uh four or five weeks now they've been testing them and trying them and getting them out on the golf course before i did this review. So they do come in a beautiful box they come with head covers. And everything else but i've whipped all them away now so i'm just using them in the back um i did have titles vocals before these i love focus i never thought i would ever go away from the titles focus. But these are absolutely stayed in the bag now there's no doubt about it the control you get from is phenomenal. So what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hit some shots. For you just to give you a bit of feedback as well well you're gonna be able to see how they sound how they fly and also i'm gonna kind of talk you a little bit more about the technology maybe hit some bunker shots as well and also just give you a little bit of tuition so stay tuned to the video i say my name is rick shields here down at trafford gold center on a nice sunny day in manchester thanks again to score goal. For sending me these wedges and i hope i'll give you the review that they deserve because they are absolutely awesome. So the first club i'm going to hit. For you is the 46. So traditional pitching wedge my normal a tine in my pingas 56 is my eight iron is 40 38 degrees. So from that they've given me four degrees for my 99 42. giving me four more degrees from my pitching wedge me four more degrees to my gap wedge so it's more consistent give me four more degrees for 54 for my sand wedge and finally four more degrees for 58 for my log wedge so my distance now are much more accurate i've got about 12 yards between each club on a full shot don't tend to hit the 58 fully normally another good feature with this on the grip there's a lampkin grip. And it feels great you have these kind of two circles here at the bottom and had great little checkpoints to be able to be able to either choke down on the golf club a little bit to gain more control normally if you grip it the kind of right thumb just sits on the top circle roughly as a guidance then.

You can pop your right thumb just on the bottom circle. And that just helps you get a bit of continuity when you're actually gripping it or choking down on the golf club it really helps so i'm gonna hit 46 here i'm going to go just over 100 banner in the middle of the range there first off behind the golf ball it sits beautifully it's such a clean tidy iron um. Or what should we say so it does sit beautiful if i hit this off this surface slightly wet wet ground conditions today.

So we'll see how that reacts after wet ground so hopefully we'll get some uh some nice results from this so reaction off the club face i mean that's flowing really nicely it's got get gets quite a nice trajectory quite high structure it helps it stop when it hits the green as well. But also what i do like about it is that you can play these clubs a lot lower hit them softer the shaft reacts quite nicely on short shots. And on the full shots as well apparently it's called the genius shaft halfway down it's quite soft and then.

Lower down it's a bit stiffer so the idea with that being that on a short shot you still gain the control and the precision that you need where on the bottom it gives you that feel for the longer shots it gives you that stretch that really nice stretchery set another one for you it does really flies. So nicely sounds great off the face feels like a wedge should feel so it feels more like you've my old vokey wedge really but has the kind of spin and the groove action it's cut through the grass beautifully it's come down and straight back up again um and with that v-sole it never feels like it's digging in too much if i go now with a 58 and also just slightly grip down on it i can't try and pop it in that net just in front of us so if i just grip down slightly that net's about 40 yards away so if i just drop it down i'm gonna hold it down to the bottom spot that we were talking about before. And just see how it reacts from here and it just cuts over that tiny bit long actually but just cuts through the grass so nicely never quite feels like you're going to be able to almost hit too much turf almost take too much depth because it bounces up. So nicely with that v-sole at the bottom seems to just pop straight back out the grass again which is great. So you take that a little bit softer hit that just over the back of that net so i'm gonna grip down to that bottom circle again slightly shorter swing this time and it just seems to fly so nicely i can't believe i missed it twice on the trot let's go one more a little kind of tip for uh for pitching from these distances as well try and know the length of swing that you're going to be doing. For each swing for each distance so if you imagine the big clock face around you 12 o'clock six o'clock three and nine they feel like you're only swinging back to certain time zones in your swing and trying to make it symmetrical on both sides helps you kind of gain control of your pitching a little bit better so the one who's just hit it longer than sure but let's let's pop it in this time just kind of goes in simply enough like that the good thing with it is i feel more confident now in my distance control i feel like i know exactly how far i'm gonna hit each wedge. And that makes a huge difference when you're up on the golf course i can't quite give these clubs as much enough raise really they are a phenomenal set of golf clubs. Or wedges and they just they just fit in so nicely once you've gone through the score fitting chart and you've gone through everything that they kind of recommend you to get you feel more confident that you've got the right set for you as well so score golf wedges texas usa they're from thanks again for sending me these guys i really do appreciate it awesome absolutely awesome they are completely. And utterly staying in my bag forever they're a phenomenal set easy to hit easy to control forged with a nice kind of design and style to them and for the rest of golf i can't see now how i could ever go back to any of the wedges after getting the score golf one so please do check them out online guys check them out facebook. And twitter as well um and hopefully give that review a bit just a bit of justice and hopefully you've enjoyed it do check me out on facebook twitter subscribe to the channel down below thanks very much. For watching i've been rick shields down at trafford golf center in manchester.