[music] all right guys there's two series you absolutely love break75 thanks so much for all the support and love for that series and also golfbidder challenges well in today's video i'm going to merge those two series together i'm down here at one of my favorite golf courses stockport golf club to try. And break 75 but with a twist i'm gonna be using golf clubs second hand from golfbidder so guys if you've not checked out golfbidder it's definitely worth looking into online website where you can buy used golf clubs. And actually some brand new as well you can also trade in your old clubs if you've got a garage. Or a shed full of golf clubs and you want to get rid of them down to golfbidder dead easy to use and they'll give you money for the clubs that you trade in now i've been on the website and i've picked a set of golf clubs which are going to help me with this challenge today.

And because it's a break 75 i thought let's make it interesting i've decided to spend 750 pound on the set and that's got me this lineup driver tailor-made burner one of my favorite drivers ever used now this is an unbelievable driver. So hopefully it works great today.

We've got a cleveland mashy three wood which is really interesting because it's got the rails at the bottom very like my normal 3 wood that i use we've got a mizuno mph53 iron that club hopefully around a tight golf course like this today.

Might really pay dividends because there'll be a lot of tee shots i need to hit an accurate tee shot. For today.

Now the irons i'm a big fan of ping irons. And this i probably would have put in the bag if i wanted a little bit more forgiveness so because i want to do a break 75 today.

That's the set i've gone. For we've gone for a set it's a few years old now these are a ping eye series very simple design. And i've got them in four all the way down to pitching wedge now coming onto the wedges i've got two callaway one rusty one in 50 degrees another rusty one in 54 degrees which i actually really like the look of and i've got a cleveland 58 degree cg10 last club in the bag hopefully this does work today.

This was actually brand new buying off the website this is a cleveland huntington beach soft beautiful milled face slightly thicker grip 34 inches i'm hoping this works like magic today.

Do you know something interesting i've actually hit no shots with these clubs. Yet bar two or three shots in the net just to warm up this could be quite interesting a lot of these clubs i've tested in the past granted but it's been a while let's kick things off beautiful day break 75 stockport golf club golfbidder edition oh and we're off right down the middle of the fairway that is a good strong start. So why have i come here back to stockport well in episode number seven rate 75 i actually shot 73 round here playing with hannah and i thought if i can shoot 73 with my clubs the club i use all the time what can i shoot with a club that maybe i don't use a second handset. So that's the target obviously i'd love to try and be better than 73 but realistically anything lower than 75 today.

I'd be very happy with second shot of the day i'm just gonna hit a little five iron in there i'm not quite sure how far these clubs are gonna go i feel like if it a nice little soft five that should be the number oh get down drawn it a little bit oh kick left as well it's gonna be pin high. But it is left of the green okay decent. For length but did pull it left got a little bank to get over. So first shot with the 58 degree cleveland wedge it's beautiful playing golf this time in the morning it really is i've got to try. And fly it probably front edge of the green get it to stop fairly quick come on rick start strong travel travel travel ah shouldn't be too disappointed with that but another couple of yards on and that would have rolled much closer to the flag break oh two speedy whoa way too speedy should have maybe hit some putts before i went out and played five on the first not great but it is a tough hole okay second hole requires a good tee shot love that oh i love that [Music] that was absolute that was absolutely nailed you know what i've not got gc quad with me. But the way i've just hit that driver on the first and second absolutely crushed it now granted on the monitor launch one so might be 10 yards less than a modern driver but think about it's 2007 it's 14 years old this driver. But it goes to show when you're actually out on the golf course playing golf launch monitor numbers don't mean a great deal that's a good addition to the bag i'm very happy with this. So far middle of the fairway miles down on this hole and this whole 350 yards and i'm probably only 50 yards left into the green just goes to show doesn't it driver that's even 14 years old still performs really well but this is the important shot a little 58 degree probably just land it front edge a couple of hops get it close to the hole [Music] be good that's it sit sit that's not bad i'm happy with that nice connection. And are just a few feet away from the hole uphill put. For birdie yeah i can't grumble with that. So landing it in there ran up you know what i actually thought it was further away from the hole. But it's it's pin high up the hill slightly left to right come on let's get straight back to level par very nice back to level par stick some birdie sauce on it everything is good in the world again happy with that third hole's a lovely hole dog legs sweeping around to the left-hand side you just got to get yourself an ideal position off the team then.

The next.

Shot plays uphill uh because there's no real wind around i mean everything is pretty still i'm gonna hit this three iron the mizuno mp h5 just gonna go straight down it little drawer would be fine let's just try. And put put it in a good spot oh stop drawing stop drawing stop drawing i'm not sure it's a tight line if it's got around the corner it's made the hole considerably shorter but the question is has it got around the corner we're going to find out it was a nice hit i like the feel of the club okay um i thought it was an ambitious line it's one of those ones where you just have to overcook it a tiny bit. And bang you're in the trees oh flag's over there like literally there's no gap to get through i can't go up can't go down. So i think. So early in the round i have to go out sideways which hurts me it's not my normal play but i think. For the safety of trying to break 75 let's stick it back out on the fairway pitch it up and still chance of making par the third shot think up. And down from here be over the moon 58 degrees it's playing 81 yards so it's not full one can't see the bottom of the flag so i've just got to trust the distance it's been hard that should be bang on for distance that felt very nice indeed that's crazy that's pitch there pin high i thought the distance was good. But whether it's a bit of early morning dew on the greens it's not spun or stopped as quick as i want it to turn turn ah i thought that was going to be very nice bogey is bad t-shirt didn't get up. And down one over par that's annoying fourth hole just over 400 yards requires another good tee shot if i'm honest i'm gonna hit driver again after those first two it's a bunker that i just need to cover and maybe stay on the right side of it would be ideal cause everything kicks left oh i love this driver i absolutely love it in theory that should be perfect that should be absolutely where i wanted to hit it i'm a big fan big fan and see what i'm also a big fan of this golf course i mean it looks incredible one of my favorite venues this. So it was in such incredible condition the day has started well apart from the two bogeys i've made obviously. And then.

My trolley stopping well the hole is 400 yards i'm 100 yards left away. So if anyone's mass at 300 yards i fit this t-shirt um let's now see if we can make it work that's one of the best tee shots i've ever hit on this hole let's make it worthwhile let's stick this one close because i'm not that used to this loft settle because i've got 50 54 58 i'm only an hour in what to play normally it's probably not far away from a full 56 maybe i'll take a little bit off if i've got to take a lot off my 54. Or hit my 58 quite full let's go 58 quite full oh no i've thinned it i'm annoyed myself because really i should be better at trying to play that softer 54 degree shot there's always going to be a little bit of imperfection on strike when you're trying to hit it full my bad long birdie put here now big slope right to left downhill ah i didn't read that very well at all i gave out way too much respect from left to right par it is could have been better. But take it on that very difficult hole you know what four holes in and i feel like i've made some really good choices with these clubs loving the driver i'm a fan of the putter i like the irons there's a couple of wedges i've not tried yet the 50 or the 54 but all in all i think i made a really good choice with this set fifo beautiful part three pins tucked front right 146 yards to the flag. For me here i think it's just a nice nine iron requires me to hold it a little bit on that right hand side bunker's left bunker's right bunker short. But the green's absolutely massive kick just a little bit left off that bank take the slope oh oh that was close it's pin high just on the fringe of the green on the right another little hop to the left. And that could have really gathered close to the flag not disappointed with that i think the distance control is absolutely bang on i said i wasn't particularly going off this bank. But if it had just taken one slightly firmer hop it could have gathered close distance control along though cannot fault it this is a good look at birdie here come on drop it in the front door oh that was a premature celebration. For sure i thought i had that oh i absolutely thought i had that gutted fifth hole and a very getable par five i'm gonna try and leave that lip out on the last behind me and try and come back strong on this hole just requires a little tiny fade off the tee to avoid the bunkers on the left the way i'm hitting this driver i might as well just put it straight in the middle of the fairway or in the trees up the right oh that was me getting all cocky thinking i was in this driver. So good as i mentioned it's quite short par five it's quite gettable 200 yards to the front playing no wind is again uh yeah four. Or three i'm gonna commit to the four commit to the four run it down that right hand side let's try and get front edge let's try and get put in for eagle and get back to level power at least where's that gun so that didn't go to plan that's going up the right hand side. And to be honest it's kind of flirting with the trees on the right there i don't think it's out of bounds. But it's it's not ideal okay that wasn't my best second shot at all i was hoping to be more attacking the green instead we're still quite a bit away 30 yards from the trees got my 58 degree if i can just land it short of the green hop it up come on this is a hole we've got to be making birdie on travel kick hop skip ah yeah terrible strike annoying i'm. Yet to hit the 50 or 54 seem to keep wanting to pull out 58 out of the bag got this for birdie now oh hit that any harder please rick oh my goodness that is absolutely horrendous shot okay see if i can salvage your par don't feel like i've hit a single good shot on this hole. Yet oh that was cruel right across the face of it oh bogey on that hole oh i feel like i might come back to haunt me later in the round because that was such an easy par five frustrating kind of quite short par four here. So i'm gonna three iron just for safety it's definitely not driver fill the last two holes even though i'm only one over for those last two i feel like i could have been a lot lot better but you got to forget about it leave it behind you and absolutely crush one down this hole oh it's left left hit the trees and kick out oh we hit the trees and kick out have you seen that it's not often you can say hit the trees. And kick out and it actually does what you ask it to do we got away with that one 135 to the pin. And it's just a nice pitching wedge i've got to fly it all the way there the flag's just in the shaded area makes it a little bit harder to really see the bottom of the flag but we need to knock this one in close get up there get up there get up there get up there that's not too bad uphill put for birdie coming up go in you are kidding me i'm actually in shock how that didn't go in because even the flag i left the flag in on that one i've not been doing more recently the flag is. So thin at the bottom and there's a lot of tests that have happened about whether flagging or flag out but i honestly think if the flag out was was happening then.

That ball would have gone in the hole oh that hurts in. For par oh what could have been on these last three holes eh stay at two over okay eighth hole par three playing back 185 i don't feel like i've got the soft five in me. So i'm gonna hit a hard six start it on that right hand side of the green just draw it back into the flag stop drawing straighten up straight up straight up that is pretty good from there i'm happy with that slightly over cooked it. But we'll take that we're putting for birdie not particularly getting the speed spot on yet they're faster than i think i'm giving them credit. For this one's downhill as well quite a bit right to left get it on its way and let's see one drop come on start to break start to break oh you're joking that looks so good these greens are pure oh giving them a chance. But they're not dropping just yet so through eight holes i'm currently two over i have some good chances of birdies but they've not dropped and i've thrown in a few too many bogeys coming up next.

To par five a very getable one which i actually nearly eagled last time i'm on track for breaking 75. there's no guarantees to make any big mistakes i'm putting a big number the task is gonna get much harder let's see if we can finish on this hole strong. And then.

Come back for part two which will be released in the next.

Couple of days. Or if you're watching from the future it'll already be live and we'll pin it in the comments below let's go par five let's get back to one over par that's too much hmm lost the magic of this driver second time i found the trees off the tee annoying uh i was hoping to try to give this a crack onto the green. For two you have to wedge it out or chip out and then.

Wedge it onto the green oh that's a shame [Music] oh [Music] nice okay front nine done two over par join us monday 9th of august to watch me battle the bat nine it might not be easy i've got a bit of a challenge on my hands. But let's see if we can break 75 see you monday.