All right guys really exciting one today.

You guys have been asking. For it for a while this video is an old school course vlog down here at the wonderful mia it's a mega stunning day golf course looks already pristine. And it's going to be me peter finch andy carter matt fryer we're going to do a two versus two on the front nine here at the mia i think the lads have got some other videos planned. For the bat nine it's gonna be exciting we've not done a course log for a long time actually so that's gonna be good fun um i'm somewhat kind of nervous because i've not played competitively these lads for a while let's be honest they're all pretty much full-time players but i'll do my best. And i'm excited. And we're gonna have spot lunch first and we're gonna get on the golf course and play some golf sit back i think you're gonna really enjoy this with some hopefully some good golf maybe some bad golf. But lots of banter so this is it we've been waiting. For course log time peter finch there in the background matt fryer here to my side and andy carter running late he's gone so we're gonna this has a distinct feeling a very old school vlog this is well we've been scrambling around. For sd cards and tripods and monopods that worked but we've managed to get here we're down at the beautiful mia it's absolutely stunning we're gonna play front nine two on two and we've not picked teams yet so matt if you'd like to do the honours i'm going tightlist two with the black line vice type this one black line whichever two are closest the other one's playing mccarter me. And peter finch i mean the most could be a fairly easy game i think me. And pete versus just matt fryer yeah. And hopefully andy carter right let's kick it off we're going to tee off. And then.

Hopefully andy's going to come very soon it's exciting i mean if you don't turn up i mean you could just hit another shot with his clubs you still got a better chance yeah he's we've got his clubs. And everything we've got everything you want yeah you go pete come on let's sit back. And enjoy this it's good to be back the very scene that me and pete did our very first course log from that was just before his time. Or after his time it was in the wrong time right let's go par five playing just over 500 yards from this tea is a little bit of breeze going around you want to just stay left of this big tree there on the round side. And it's all gravy from there and that has gone left but it's cutting back aggressively is it cutting back enough no it's in the trees got it matt you tee off pal go might be a bit of wind uh you're not you're right now by any excuses pete give him a sore finger. So the format is going to be i say me. And pete versus matt and andy we're going to play better ball shots given okay what's up the right hand side if it stays clear that tree come on partner i feel like i've known you as a partner. For a long time i think there might be a fight at some point like you know see me aim yeah no really yeah i've been watching loads of social media beef going on all right okay oh it's all fake we're not cameras we're not here to indulge your fantasies today.

That's worth the wait here comes carter oh well we've got shot tracer nice shot down the left. And here he is what an absolute state some things just don't change go get his driver what a disgrace ripping his earpods out as he goes right has anyone i swung the club since uh the infamous night on sunday no no i'm sure you'll hear all about that on the way around [Laughter] all right lots of developments already everybody the good news me. And pete have our golf balls i'm ready to carry on with this haul so i think we should just go they're not in the best positions. But we found them i don't remember being this far left before no the slightly bad news carter. And matt seem to have uh oh he's got yours okay ma carter's all right carter's in play matt i think's lost. So this now that's the first hole we should be playing this is the seventh hole that runs adjacent peaks in the fairway bunker of the seventh i think you've got like a line through that sir just i'll just nudge you back. So second shot for pete just trying to get back into play lovely carry it carry it all carry it all heard a bit of wood gone on carter now carter is left of the fairway on seven practice hard kids if you're watching this [Applause] it's model mad life you must be all pumped up good here back towards the right side of the hole uh it's okay that's not bad no i mean rick was uh almost contemplating. For a moment playing safe there playing what i've got a titan or a three three what so 240 yards away pins like over there on the right side so basically i've got to go left left hit this massive left to right to get it somewhere back towards play you got this uh [Music] we'll see no confidence further left aim. For the left one slice it well you light up that was really unlucky actually that was a good layout it's really unlucky friar is all right he's just kind of in the thick roof well after a very adventurous start. So far absolute carnage is disgraceful it's about 120 odd jars to the front of the green pin is at the front any good give me your eyes on the green just left of the pin well if we got 60 degree 58 58 come on pal up. And down i'm in safe i'm a safe place anyway one of us will get up. And down good enough strike oh it's a good enough shot prior easy partner touch me all right up and down 65 up and down for a phenomenal birdie a lovely pitch welcome to the game what the hell what the hell this is all right this is all right might be that might be that thor's hammer you've got in your hands uh oh that was a double hit it's classic it is classic like i said carter suspect oh i could go in now i don't want to grab this please i could go oh that's not what i wanted what you meant by better if you didn't double hit yeah i don't think that'll make the edit oh i might stay actually okay. So welcome to the match guys this is the first of all down at the mia oh never mind right second hole little par four dog leg to the right you've got to hit a little 220 to 250 iron shot hybrid stroke t-shirt put in a good spot oh carter dream team it's a pleasure to watch they are right next.

To each other gents well done that's a nice shot well played sir no pressure rick my audience isn't used to this he didn't let us down it could be in the pond i know it's shy you're shy of it you're all right stella stella goal slap bang center stripe we find a finch yeah i know i'm not using me massive hybrids i'm not sure any distances. So i'm gonna get one this is one six five which is normally an eight time this is the green with the mackenzie in it. And that looks just on the bottom tier i would say if we there it is just the flag my memory might be wrong we just don't want to go along with this question no yeah you're fine oh wow that is a trappy number. But it has worked it could go in oh indifferent strike but a great result i tried to fade it it was an eight iron low trajectory fixed down here just in the in the trees gonna go through oh oh it's actually it's come back out it's come out yeah it's disturbed an owl's natural habitat. But a little bit to the right pin i just missed right how far we got young man 140. 140. wedge a little nine interesting from what we said on that first all greens look very slick. But not like mega hard so should be able to get a bit of stuff on it nice tempo very professional shot center of the didn't green it no i got inspired by your jb hominess come on chelsea oh all right that's being fry it looks like i'll have a chance to win it right mr fryer. For his back-to-back birdies and a very strong start come on fry don't let me down go on oh it's online as well hold on mate good par you take that away right we've got a bit of teamwork going on now rick's going to show pete the line going rick stand all over his line. And then.

Get them big size 12. oh look at this hi michelle my shell's in right away you can have that it's right to left right pete. For the win come here get back to all square stay up stay up stay up and drop in boom okay third hole 168 yards playing a tiny bit longer than that actually off the tee today.

Only because the pins right at the back. So over 170 beautiful part three this you like it i've played it for ages yeah it's nice nice to see it well obviously being in the bar you get the luxury being on beautiful golf courses every day in the sunshine is this okay. For you this is more than okay okay yeah happy with that okay thanks you're welcome. So if you uh if you are aware we should have been potentially playing this match on monday. But we decided to go out in liverpool on sunday night and and we got we got larry let's be honest right [Music] come on pete nice shot into the screen stay there ball stay there ball ouch that's the full seven yeah i was just a nice smooth one i'm really good i've been looking forward to playing this hall. For how long since we found out yesterday that we were playing maybe every time you come back you'll look forward to playing the talk because i've never hit the screen okay massive i know you've still not hit it no well it bounced off. So technically i did hit it well all the way through yeah this is good [Music] carter going in with his new irons not too bad center right yeah nice that oh sit fry's gone very tour pro to then.

He looks very very very professional. And that's why though he's a striper is the boy yeah sure that's pin eye. So update pete's just rolled along which is a real shame because he had a nice shot look how close it pitched he didn't take it yeah hit it hit it someone would say hit it too far poor control carter bring the high to the right matt's pin height to the left a little bit positive things mind you i've never seen a double hit put. So not bad from there to be fair was a relatively still you mate right then.

Now mr c dog trickling him aggressive we've got some aggressive putters here trying to be aggressive okay matt. For birdie and to win the hole this was to carry on that would be three birdies would win the first three holes shut up i'd get used to it i was gonna say that can't be a standard we can stay up to yes this is a rickshaw okay drop it in then.

[music] the second to halve the hole matt then.

Comes back. And bird is the third to half the match to go one up sorry in the match it's still monday. And hopefully i might contribute with a pass sometime soon but no promises all right fourth hole fairly short 3 30. uh really nicely framed hole here a couple of bunkers that can catch your ball out about 200. And another one down there maybe about 280 290 to catch it out could play aggressive and ca get one on matt's going the driver while andy delays again he's trying to change he's trying to roll to his club as well. So he's late to the tee alternating his club during her action so he didn't have too soft on it he didn't have a driver so he uh he's now lent him one and he's not happy with the setting so mid-round which by the way everybody is totally illegal like totally illegal well it's you versus p let's be honest just zoom as pete walks straight back in the line of that sorry folks at least we've got shot tracer okay driver two now he's manipulated it there's no excuse on this shot yeah literally zero excuse i must change it again it hits the house sends it back to hawk oh beauty that was the right right call that partner well done i had every faith in you show me dq. For the rest of the round that's nice some green keepers cuttings here rabbit dropping there's that rabbit there's a rabbit's face in that steak [Laughter] yeah it's quite a new plantation. So matt's going to take a drop okay matthew taking a penalty drop from the bush he's got this shot this will be his uh third it's only about 60 yards away. So and that is a shot of the green okay pete middle of fairway great tee shot only a little flick from here about 70 yards if that yeah 63 63. nippy that's all right perfect position here. For young andrew a little bit bold this oh i found the bunker after the tee shot it's a probably wrong choice hitting driver and you had your three wood out at the start as well like a little one of the favorite shots in golf this yeah four yard bunker shot up the face as well just to help you out just just nearly caught the green okay matt. For four left in front of the green a little bit at the edge of the bunker to get over nothing much gave it a look inside you'll have to uh pick up the slack now birdies only please ain't pointing rick pretending pretending yeah he almost looks like he knows what he's doing. And that he addresses the ball oh look at this he's got his finger out and everything [Laughter] he's one of these method actors about 40 feet air up the green away oh not bad gave it a chance okay i'll give you that one thanks nice to go on the card yeah hey welcome player hey you've been playing again with his sick putter as the kids are calling it nowadays just looks very uncomfortable very uncomfortable [Music] pots looking good though it doesn't. And it didn't right then.

Carter come on let's get it to two up in the match i'm a bit upset we're not going to fire them. For you to be honest with you car dog refill clothing oh you're kidding me oh yeah [Applause] [Laughter] 404 yards another really nicely framed hole it does require a little bit of left to right if you desire. Or dead straight right not your friend and then.

The kind of whole kind of finishes around here carter's going to go with a real old school classic here this is a tight list up as well pt yeah no wrench on that one this is pre-wrench i'm afraid. So look at that shaft okay go on matt matt's going three wood five wood five wood somebody who is confident with the driver on this t-shirt man [Laughter] that's going to be a good all right pierre not seen many people here pal sure. But that means there's an opportunity for greatness just a big low phase just hit it see what happens there thanks it's like a different tactic pete you know what i might i think that's probably going back to play i might need you as a backup still pal i know i really hope not to yeah that's good it's just going to bounce behind that tree knowingly. But that's just that it's good a little low fade a little punch cut at that side i think carter's is almost as good as fading it as rick is. So wow are you lucky lucky sod that's why you got me uh one four five which nice [Laughter] has been pacing around like a caged lion over there 150. all right looks good nice shot i'm in an old diving oh mate you have been. So unlucky on this hole someone's happy with themselves you did well to get there considering you went. So far left off the tee that far left left to right wind it's like you said mine was way far right. And it wasn't true left to right win all right come on pete what are you hitting uh it's a little ways one three five still playing yeah apparently i set a goal today.

Internally not to it double chip every time i missed the green i was gonna chip. And we've got we've got a putter there yeah. So after the first hole uh let's say dented said confidence okay. So now pete sorry rick's putting from the roof standard chipping uh technique here this is almost green do you know what you want to do put it in the back of your stance. So it like bounces up a little bit i've got this time no no no it's just a bit it's a bit downhill. But it's pretty straight maybe pete he's putting from the rough he can't control speed he's done well to be fair wow we'll give you that your worst pot is always better than your worst chip very well debatable don't forget i get a lot of practice at that that was just great course management you just got a kid you just got to play the show you're comfortable with he's already been dq from this game i don't even know what was he even here anymore i have different rules in dubai okay in. For the half well done there's a map for the birdie to win the hole two up in this one oh it's just gone on him that was close that looked good all the way then.

Did it i thought that was good it's good to put. For matt for both of you so i mean technically if you look at the stats rick's actually had a better putting performance on that green than you have. But he's still 12 over after triple or no double hitting it on the first six hole four 428 yards off the tee very different to some of the holes we've played. So far because this is more of a dog leg to the left. So it requires a bit more of a draw i've seen them in a group of faders what do we do matt. And peter quite confused looking down the ship hole coaching video you're on my team i know that is that you literally you could drive the golf buggy down there. And put a ball right next.

To it that was fairly amazing yeah thank you. So that ended up in those trees just there all right pete going through. So we can shape it a bit more right to left tiger 13th hole at the masters oh my god oh that's got that's got turn you didn't need to turn it that much could you listen i can't control that you're into the pack right that's in the trees left. And it missed my job's complete this whole before we played me and rick marcus dallas or something you might walk down we're going to lose this hole yeah the sixth are probably going to win that one seven ah yeah probably that one as well eight we might stand a chance it's an iron boy beauty [Laughter] okay. So after waiting for the green to clear see if these pilates classes have paid off nope [Laughter] okay. So pete was okay we actually thought he might be more left. But he's good yes after in three woods my bad shots are never actually that bad normally okay there you go [Music] whoa a time from 190 pin back left hard to get draw from there it's pushed up to the right hand side my massive bounce into the tree that's huge you got your flyer your back alright now is it yeah my arms out there i don't know come on car doc oh interesting [Music] they're 122 middle this is very technical just hit the thing no i don't i don't hit this 122. yeah very worried yeah like please don't get beat i hate this 110. yeah oh yeah it's a full swing [Music] now i think with all the indecision in your head it's time to hit it [Music] you said 122 a second ago if i hadn't put brand new wedges in the bag before this game i'd know what i wanted no no that's one of them thin chips [Music] nice middle of the green safe aggressive with a wedge one of the best shots ever i think it might be down to you. And me carter pete's over there somewhere matt's here going in trust shot over my head my head straight towards the flag [Music] wow okay between you. And me carter we let ourselves down on the last by not making birdie and the hole before do you want to be fair i feel like it's been too long that the ball has not been resting at the bottom of the cup would you just hit it good. For all halved here he is he's still in character pretending to aim point hello wait a minute oh just kind of just move. So when i pan this way you're not in shots yeah it just got very real very quickly i'm stopping it from going in the bunker he hit my ball. So far you've been dq twice so far you're clutching yeah finding any way to try. And stay in the match finch and shields standard and after all that he hit a hook with a potter good four well done seventh hole and certainly one of my favorites beautiful framed hole again bunkers down the left i think it's three. Or four and maybe one maybe one or two at the right so you gotta split them and just short the green is a pond which actually more recently been kind of trimmed down. So it's more noticeable let's say drive is a good shot on this oh driver's a good club. For this hole hitting the fairway is always preferable oh that's money yeah that is a nice golf shot as well good shot there thank you [Music] okay come on pete three holes to go by the way yeah coffee i'm investing you're rick what he meant to say that he's been carrying you i must admit i didn't think i'd carry it. For two hours hangover i'm not for you not for our opponents oh oh you got them i just kicked off the tree that's just kicked 90 degrees right off the tree right so rick did find the bunker finchy's just to the side of the bunker. And fry there representing team carter is just just up on the fringe. And i'm just a bit further up he's part of the team he's part of my team thanks for having me it's all right all right rick what you got wedge from how far 125. oh okay nothing that's about right just a little feely one over the pond should be a bit spinny. But slightly downwind no it's all about the strike just a nice crisp strike oh yeah i struck it is that a bit long nice shot back of the green with a bit of zippity all right you got pinchy uh a little gap as well. So what one 125 so i'm thinking just landed before winds down i should push it over i'm gonna spin much okay let's see if we can do all that that sounded great [Music] oh it does look good not too bad just towards the back edge it flew a touch right mat after avoiding trouble 100 yards 100 yards back pin that pin is literally as far back as you're gonna get it. And you can just see the the shade of the water hazard before. But i'm sure that'll be no fear. For matt or is it no it's good drop. And stop right there okay carter's hit a great tee shot here absolutely a1 position what's your number 72. 72 yards very tight pinned right at the back oh stroke hello somebody came to play look at his face look at his face look at this the boys are back in town. And probably quite fitting i'm the furthest away which probably would uh correctly evaluate my golf game in this four ball carter's closest which probably correctly evaluates his ability in this four ball i'm a flag out kind of guy to be fair yeah it's much better isn't it it looks more inviting i always feel like it's too close when it's in. And i hit it too soft that's why i've left everything short don't get too much speed up before the road break you two finished you were using one finger before is it two now the green speed changed thinks he has a bit can play come on yeah not bad you can have that good four. And the reigns over to you now you finished and completed the whole well well done that's four in a row what's it consolidated oh yeah it's actually four in a row you know what that'll get overlooked by what happened on the first hole that will be overlooked your four-part streak you are happy about that history won't remember felt good well technically it could have been a five-part streak because i could have powered the third come on pete do something off his marker hey wrong direction then..

And i mean come on if matt's not going to hold it we're in a little bit of trouble if matt's not going to hold it don't worry about me. But i'm not sure about this really this is to go this is to go dormie to what you've not seen me. For a while she's got doormeal i just remember when we used to play a lot together that's what you need to remember for birdie to win the hole that on the side of a hill what was saying i played it twice right edge sometimes take it back slow. And swerve it down oh you can oh you can see one degree can you yeah yeah i don't feel like we're getting like close. So this is one five nine downhill carter's just contemplating how close he'll actually have to hit it to get a bird all right though on the dance floor front edge that's a nice shot come on come on come on come on as well it's dropping right that's it lovely yes good three from there [Music] nice chase chase chase chase [Music] that's okay right rick it's. For the win he's going it's hot here the adrenaline is pumping to the hole this time five par streak don't wow scrap that give it a chance our street continues come on pete this is it roller in come on baby come on oh stay up stay up great right gents you one up in the match there is one hole left to play after this. And these two puts one of these is. For a half half you cared about the content what do you think pete what's the chances well we're going down the ninth hole anyway which is good that car's gonna wear cars gonna roll this one carter's gonna hold this one whoa i think he's got his uh he'll grit his teeth he's got his back. So for par and to halve the hole to stay one up in the match easy that was nice though i'll be honest with you that was nice they both knock him in right come down to this you guys adore me one [Laughter]. So this is it last whole night till just 500 yard par 5. yeah left rough we need to just if we can have this match we need to win this hole basically half the match. So that's what we need not you i think that'd be a great result. For us obviously that'd be a great result for everybody great result for everyone a great result for everyone watching meeting with keith the other day ah there we go snake you're off decent you to be fair carter should be players every day pure sunshine i play the least out of this oh come on work you know 50 hours teaching a week all right come on chop slice there's nothing left oh yeah yeah oh what happened to dq's needs a long drive oh yeah that looked fine though what's that was that regular flex that's in the trees oh he's a man with confidence thundering through his veins now he picks the tail signals to collect everything we'll get all this we're going to get everything he's off he's off okay. So about about 225 middle of the green pin looks back right right yes ideally a little fade fade into the middle of the green let it run to the back right yeah yeah that's great that's it that's it that's what he does that's what pete will do watch this you just watch this [Music] stay there baby stay there baby good shot well we always mate 210 226 to the back with a four. Or three yeah if you're going to go middle you're probably better with the full because it kind of do right there try. And fade running the question is if you missed the green in the middle of the green if you've missed the green you've got a little chip. So you're not better in which way i missed the green i put well you've got three or four three yeah just squeeze it in there keep your chest on top turn it left come on all those coaching videos you've done oh yeah hold on. So six you say so right six about 200 but a bit of a flyer strike sounded good line is awesome yeah i look good that very good we're basically going to end the vlog the same way we started it we were double hits come on mate you boxes. For eagle just hit the club okay come on rick you've got this just think about impact what it's gonna do onto the edge of the green let it roll down there's too much already. For him he's got this come on eagle chip oh it's lovely yeah sure oh look at this guy putting putting. For him off the green otherwise to finish the match in style that's gotta go that way hello quest for the open did someone say best golf ever okay if it doesn't go in it's fine because i can't continue my past streak now the attitude of a great putter well missed oh back door up. And down that's the bird thanks for watching everyone thanks for watching right then.

Peter finch for eagle with his arm bracket and to have this match the match that everybody's been waiting for come on pete confident roll the worst read i've ever seen have you got off the left well guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it that is carter matt fryer winning the match um it was a pleasure to get out with you boys again it really was. And we're going to do some more videos. For these boys channels next.

Sub to peter go subscribe to matt and go get this man over 50 000 subscribers i shall see you all very soon.