Ryan guys so we are down here today.

At roading Park in Harrogate leads way that's Pierre just putting the GoPro near the hole because we're on the Repton short course here today.

And this is a lovely little practice facility as Pete just runs up here practice facility six hole golf course that are all designed with famous golf courses in mind. So this is sent Andrews you can see that from the the bridge is that nice Pete. But good little run okay I'll let you ever breathe a couple of bridges water hazard down the right-hand side. And this is part two guys if you not seen part one go. And check it out if you've not subscribed to pumpkin-peach channel Gandhian now and currently Pete's level par I'm one over this is not a great start obviously. For myself we've got three holes left to play we've got we've know we've got son Andrews here sore grasses the next.

Thing Carnoustie is the last 85 yards we've mapped this out up using we've used Bushnell. And shot saber so so 85 yards pretty much measure them both this time which was good he showed you drag off first sure okay. And do it. So we've got two missed very very optimistically put the GoPro by the behind the hole to try and catch any hole in one action and very very optimistic any green action after dasker Holly old fit I guess you did you've a lot I must I'll do which were like over he shattered right. So wait here can I look half a sandwich pretty much okay half a sandwich a little bit more than the last no just trying to get it skipping up to the pin it's like a little Ridge just before they even you've had a nice advantage going up there haven't you the pins liking a little ball warmer. So you want to be left and pin-high straight out it straight out turn and pin I well your frame what stomach left in pin I that's right yeah very nice shot with them good a little pitch in there PR. So I've got also a little bit iron intake of the advantage of the GoPro racks I don't think good of course it. For now no I don't like that ride. Or what a waste of carbohydrates noise alright I'll make you worth it okay always the optimist Pete sauce a delusional swing symmetrical swings that's the buzzword it today.

Oh that's all your lies pin I. And I right where you got a little bit twitchy I went to go out it will push it to what the water it's safe it's on the green we didn't we didn't scare the girl from there I think too far I got a little bit scared of the go probably want to smash it oh yeah. So I thought you know I've showed you a bit of money good so look at this at the 4th hole look at a detail they put into this only been open five years and UVA warden you wouldn't notice that it's a USDA greens very very well kept all the bunkers are lovely. And rake the Greens look fantastic and just what a great facility to come down and practice with so it was one two three four four. And a half yards away from a watery grave four and a half away yards of safety away yeah that's absolutely true found the green there it should nice oh-hoo-hoo-hoo. So I'm gonna go off the right up the hill down the hill yeah these you can't quite see on the on the camera here these greens are really sloppy as well. But you'll see if you stand right behind this poor but you've gotta see this low we've got the GoPro behind as well so she'll be able to see the amount on here very chance Oh after turn loads a turn good effort great weight speed now needed to be passed the other guy take it around strong pike it's not that it matters if you missed that all the way they say hey thanks feet other side right sir Pete birdie chance yeah - same as you is just a tricky slope in hot well I mean our bags are quite a bit higher than those there that gives again any indicator that it's sloping down this way obviously uh I'm not my maid. So normally October you could say could be a bit aggressive with it but on the east we just got a color but they're really nice lovely and smooth oh the speed caught you out there is soft again they're really fast okay got squeeze it not no it's not loose impediment ain't going to chip it over it's like the old sky me subtle bit of action I go throw this on it does it's in the world yeah two parts son Andrews not a lot of issue right okay right the next.

Hole is the biggie oh it's the Big Ear give you sneak preview of it I've only got one golf ball should be enough right guys. So the thief hole this is the biggie is the hot as a hole-in-one prizes charity hole-in-one prize which quite stupidly we didn't enter Pete no we make we maybe should have thought about that I've got four different teas here we're off the back teeth. Or zoom in for you so this is the 17th at Sawgrass look at that Wow how nice is our Oh this is actually oh god yeah we're not going to go down. And put the GoPro because well it would be a slight waste of energy and I'm sure we won't get a whole lot no as your left how far is it have you wrapped it no you go Bush you go first I get it as one three six one three six I'll do it next.

Year 136 they match up to the Wow oh god you see I would say to us we are proper setting our eyes down oh right they sure are on a certain level Park currently going into the hardest hole. And also the last hole just looking over the brow there that wasn't the easiest either lots of water around there what you hitting a wedge the P wedge this is this is getting on the gray hope. So anyway I love this hole this is absolutely awesome. So a little pitching wedge right boys odds of place alright this might be the closest we ever got all right let's turn up saw grass is watching. And yeah. And you think your holes better than this if you're at Sawgrass. And you're watching your hole is better than this hole well there's only way finding out you've got to invite us there. And let's play other this is a bad version Oh it's on it. Or is it a tiny bit left oh only just on oh I didn't quite catch it you could tell it was a safe swing I didn't quite catch the other oh mistake no I went off the surface it's not a lucky tee I got to be honest with you off the back on this one yeah. So crikey ours I was holding my finish to try. And act confident over that one buddies I think he's a little bit further on that lock thing he's just a nice wedge shot yeah it was a nice wedge I think I should have hit it full I think I think I should have give it a bit more full weapon okay 17th it's all grassroots shields currently worn behind it looks good crash are very good Charlotte just needed to get over just a little ridged in there I'll tell you what though to put two balls on the grease. Or grassy let's go happy with that quickly let's go so this is the this is the close-up of the green here is all a trap done. And that looks like there's more water than there is green quite comfortably more water than as green as the green down there you can just see Pete. And myself we've got a couple of chances think I've got a bit more of a chance. And on the last hole down here this runs power to it is the the Carnoustie hole lots. And lots and lots of water down there looks like the 18th at Carnoustie so yeah lots of lots of drink around me. So I'm going to whiz down there. And see if what sorry I just can't can't stop showing the hole it's gorgeous lovely hope so guys regards to the green and not only if they made one of the hardest greens to hit in golf for sure cause he's a budding I don't have made it ridiculously undulating you might not be able to fully appreciate how undulating this green is how undulate is it Pete what's the same as elephants bode on the degree well yeah elephants whales think there's some dinosaurs on there somewhere yeah it's got a bit of slope to it. So we're both on the on the short grass which is always nice it's a lot wetter you know they're not wet well this is just breaking left oh my god is that flag safe this is this is real okay good luck I think this base is actually straight okay all right thought process ah Fraser. Or are you boat just go straight he says just go straight yeah it's not just go straight phenomenal speed that was not straight straight Wow Fraser you applying to be if you're not sitting at our course folks from the Renaissance up in Scotland then.

Fraser might be a new a new name to you he was the caddy that we had there in every port he read was straight. And he turned out to be correct most of the time yeah. So eric has a well actually a pretty straightforward putting this con this gray it's pretty much straight up the hill slightly right-to-life straight it forward put you get on this hole definitely where the hole position is yeah up the hill right to left I've got box this Stern roll this in ah didn't hit it decided to come a little bit at the end. But not a million miles away I'm on here far on here never about school setup it's all good it's never terrible right feet for you par Wow yeah come on roll it it's not being a softy yes yeah nice work sir level par still won all that way otherwise to be Marte old without realize that not true anymore unfortunately we're going to shoot down the six hole which is the last hole here wrapped in short course at routing Park in Harrogate I think I think you know to just call the directors golf course because I think short course. And undermines it yeah a little girl yeah gorgeous I love playing nut if you're ever going to get down in the air you've got to come. And play this like one players hole so last hole guys this is a Carnoustie whole lot lovely water down there down the left-hand side the side Pete you trying the Bushnell there how far at 114 what was that like to use in comparison to shots over certainly a lot bigger need to hear the actual is certainly a lot bigger the the actual viewing glass if you want to call that's bit bigger it's a little bit more comes to business how far did you say 140. And I got 115 with the shot sales model which is much smaller model like this the first time I've use that one is it's quick its precise it's easy to use much lighter does what you want all the way out exactly right what you're hitting. And I've got fourteen wedge I don't want to go in that water and know the pin looks very tight to the water on the Left I've got to make bird I believe gotta make the bird to get back into any kind of contention with you make sure we're going to do a slow-mo version of the swing as well you can check out on our vine channels I'm guessing you putting on there. And Twitter and Facebook and all like walking in slow motion is ridiculous on this is growth off how to do this right yeah all right ready to go. So just get it on the green get the I'm going to go a little bit safe I'm gonna go a little bit right now pull it oh I don't think I quite got on the government either because it's a it was a bit sharp that has hit the very very very very very very very top very time of those planks they're pretty much buying online with the pit uphold it. And I paid for it ah a chance maybe I'll get one of mine a chance maybe to get back into this I was about to kill a man I'm gutted about that go on then.

Though you got a chance. And I'll take you okay I want Eric let me get this on. And up and running just pause you for a little bit long you get the pressure on okay we are open. Or not both cameras play online they alive oh what a shot they really want to go left of the Trish oh great shot though it was a bit poorly as well um he just got the oculus hi I aimed middle agreed. And it's pulled back onto the flag huh yeah well it's got to be going up. And down it got the gray up and down so get a look at the detailing of this this is a kind of trying to represent the Carnoustie. And Peaks popped it in the drink very good back in for hernia don't be doing a carnage the others just actually just hit the edge of the wooden planks there that's how close he was drop zone can't see you on just yak rights apiece found the drop area. And it search tasty talk about a lot of badness this title right oh you're looking I'm just at the back edge of the green there so I've got I've got a little bit of a chum to the bird right Pete up and down territory you've got to place quite tight as well really hi it's nice what's a well played that safe yeah I don't want to obviously want to go in the drink. So you want to go check it again so I've got a little bit safe with my flop shot over there by just if oh yeah if I went in the water again that I just ended me you're not actually as close as I thought no it'd look better from the tee they look a lot better than the tee they're from the team. So you've got Wow got 25 30 foot across the green yeah a little bit left over left to right it's looking good Oh hold hold hold hold. So sorry about by zooming skills that I was often as almost into the bird nice put those save par. So far right so finish one over on that tough little short cost yeah great clumpy hole this finish with a Gooden marks we using scorecards now. So for the par but sorry bogey after drop it in the water for bogey for four come on this is going to match it all up just it oh wow wow wow oh it the last ouch Oh. So that's painful that is painful our eyes painful peak of match up sir it'll be terrible mood. For rest you are. And I'm with you for the rest of the day now I think that was our little a course log down here at reps. And short course at running park lovely little challenging golf course as you can see there. For meeting peach scores not the easiest let's say but a good test of golf phenomenal condition for this time of year guys if you've not checked Pete on it out on his channel yet bang check out right there now if you don't give him some love after that I want you to give him some sympathy subscribe a look you know P didn't deserve that make him feel better go and subscribe to his channel non sponsor sponsor a golf coach go and subscribe we're just one click of your mouse you can make this golf pro happy again we want to thank running part. For letting us come down here today.

And do a bit of filming as well guys definitely worth coming down. And what a phenomenal facility and we finished over par but a it tells us what we've got to work on in art game first of all first time we played on encore sort of vlog for anger there months we've got more to comes loads more to come we're going off to Harrogate golf show nap. And we're going to be doing loads of filming. And we'll sign out now guys and we'll see you all soon say bye Pete bye guys oh don't click give him a lot.